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欄位說明 : 貨品號列;中文貨名;英文貨名;輸入規定

貨品號列 中文貨名 英文貨名 輸入規定
0101.21.00.00-3 馬,純種繁殖用 Live horses, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0101.29.00.00-5 其他馬 Other live horses B01
0101.30.00.00-2 Live asses B01
0101.90.00.00-9 騾及駃騠 live mules and hinnies B01
0102.21.00.00-2 牛,純種繁殖用 Live cattle, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0102.31.00.00-0 水牛,純種繁殖用 Live buffalo, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0102.90.10.00-6 其他牛,純種繁殖用 Other live bovine animals, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0103.10.00.00-4 豬,純種繁殖用 Live swine, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0104.10.00.00-3 綿羊 Live sheep B01
0104.20.00.10-9 山羊,純種繁殖用 Live goats, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0105.11.10.00-9 雞,純種繁殖用,重量185公克及以下者 Live fowls, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185g 401 B01
0105.12.10.00-8 火雞,純種繁殖用,重量185公克及以下者 Live turkeys, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185 g 401 B01
0105.12.20.00-6 火雞,純種繁殖用除外,重量185公克及以下者 Live turkeys, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185 g B01
0105.13.10.00-7 鴨,純種繁殖用,重量185公克及以下者 Live ducks, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185 g 401 B01
0105.14.10.00-6 鵝,純種繁殖用,重量185公克及以下者 Live geese, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185 g 401 B01
0105.15.10.00-5 珍珠雞,純種繁殖用,重量185公克及以下者 Live guinea fowls, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing not more than 185 g 401 B01
0105.94.10.00-9 飼養之雞,純種繁殖用,重量185公克以上者 Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing more than 185 g 401 B01
0105.99.10.00-4 鴨、鵝、火雞、珍珠雞,純種繁殖用,重量185公克以上者 Live ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, pure-bred breeding animals, weighing more than 185g 401 B01
0106.11.00.00-0 靈長目之哺乳類動物 Mammals of the order Primates B01
0106.12.10.00-7 鯨、海豚及鼠海豚(鯨目之哺乳類動物);海牛及儒艮(海牛目之哺乳類動物)
0106.12.20.00-5 海豹、海獅及海象(鰭腳亞目之哺乳類動物) Seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinn ipedia)
0106.13.00.00-8 駱駝及其他駱駝科動物 Live camels and other camelids (Camelidae) B01
0106.14.10.00-5 家兔及野兔(食用) Live rabbits and hares (used for human food) B01
0106.14.90.00-8 其他家兔及野兔 Other live rabbits and hares B01
0106.19.10.21-5 鹿,純種繁殖用 Deer, pure-bred breeding animals 401 B01
0106.19.10.22-4 鹿,純種繁殖用除外 Deer, other than pure-bred breeding animals B01
0106.19.10.90-1 其他飼養活畜(食用) Other livestock (used for human food) B01
0106.19.30.00-6 其他水產活動物 Other aquatic animals, live
0106.19.40.11-1 老虎 Tigers, live B01

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