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資料來源:本署健康危害行為監測調查。 備註:1. 百分比經加權調整。 2. 依自述身高及體重計算BMI值,並依衛生福利部的BMI標準區分過重與肥胖。 Source:Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Note:1. All percentage were weighted. 2. Overweight or obesity were determined by reference to the Body Mass Index greater than or equal to 24.

欄位說明 : 依年齡別分by age;有效樣本數Sample Size;男Male (%);女Female (%);不分性別Both (%)

依年齡別分by age 有效樣本數Sample Size 男Male (%) 女Female (%) 不分性別Both (%)
18-24 1,305 27.03 12.35 20.08
24-34 2,545 44.37 21.15 32.87
35-44 4,306 56.8 23.63 40
45-54 5,713 56.63 35.04 45.7
55-64 5,174 56.04 42.84 49.43
above 65 ages 3,536 48.78 49.35 49.06

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