Abstract |
一、 檢測站檢測
二、 稽查檢測
(一) 路邊攔檢
(二) 目測稽查
(三) 車牌辨識
(四) 油品抽檢作業
排煙檢測站到檢車輛油品進行抽檢共6,891件,檢驗硫含量25件;路邊攔檢進行抽檢共1,008件,檢驗硫含量12件,其送驗結果均符合標準(柴油車含硫量管制標準10 mg/kg)。
三、 檢測站操作與管理
(一) 計畫品保品管作業
(二) 稽核作業
1. 107年3月22日邀請顧復中及王明文委員至本站實施稽核作業,以「107年度相關性測試結果」、「改善本站周遭代檢業疑似擅調作為」為主題,協助稽核本站品管數據、矯正改善措施與檢測作業。
2. 107年5月24日辦理內部稽查,邀請同儕實驗室領有稽查証書之同仁辦理,共計發現有2項不符缺失,已全部改善完成。
3. 107年7月26日邀請顧復中及王傳賢委員,就「107年度相關性測試複測結果」提供意見及建議
四、 設備更新改善作業
五、 專案管制
(一) 車隊自主管理
(二) 保養廠能力比對
(三) 柴油車疑似擅調管制
(四) 特定區域稽查
1. 台北港管制
(1) 已執行19場次路邊攔檢稽查完成攔檢224輛次,其第一段(不光率)不合格74輛次,不合格率為32.3%;其中選用第二段加測(濾紙反射式)73輛次,不合格11輛,不合格率15.1%。
(2) 台北港目測判煙共通知1,285輛有污染之虞車輛到檢,其中以一、二期車所佔比例最高,約69.6%。
(3) 透過車牌辨識資料分析,通行車輛主動到檢比例整體較去年相較成長1.5%。
2. 廢清車輛管制
(1) 搭配環保署汰舊政策,輔導一、二期大型柴油車汰換補助5萬-40萬,三期大型車加裝濾煙器等策略。
(2) 結合本市事廢科及焚化廠共同管制,已共同確認未來管制期程日期之訂定,並開始輔導。
六、 教育訓練
(一) 依年度規劃辦理檢測站檢測作業教育訓練計有40場次,已辦理42場次,皆順利完成辦理。
(二) 107年5月23日已辦理機關人員教育訓練暨外縣市檢測站優缺點分析研討教育訓練,並邀請永德福汽車公司台灣分公司技師講授「柴油車介紹及點檢注意事項」、中醫師陳運瑩講授「工作常見的職業傷害」及本計畫經理胡欣講授「外縣市檢測站優缺點分析研討」。
(三) 針對計畫人員陸續派送參加柴油車管制作業所需教育訓練課程,並取得合格證照計有6人。
七、 環保小局長活動
配合新北市環境保護局辦理「新北市環保小局長12堂課」活動,本次規劃以「環保小柯南」為主題,學習主軸分別為「空氣品質監測」及「環保科學辦案」,活動已於107年3月完成,參與單位計有新北市環境保護局、低碳中心、衛宇檢驗科技股份有限公司、瑩諮科技股份有限公司及學生、家長共143人。" |
EngAbstract |
"Mobile pollution sources are a cause of air quality deterioration in metropolitan areas. One of the focal points of the authorities for environmental protection and transportation has been reinforcing control mechanisms for these sources, of which black smoke from diesel vehicles is the most publicly denounced. This project’s objectives are to control diesel emissions, with particular attention given to high-polluting vehicles rather than old diesel vehicles. Car owners can be given a proper approach to maintenance and inspection through obtaining, by inspection, a “diesel vehicle self-management mark,” a well as through project controls and educational promotion. The intent of such efforts is to upgrade and improve high-polluting vehicles and reduce their pollution emissions. The plan was implemented from October 24, 2017 to October 23, 2018, for a total of 12 months. The relevant details of implementation are as follows:
I. Testing at inspection stations
Testing software certified by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan was used at inspection stations to perform testing in accordance with the Testing Methods and Procedures for Smoke Emissions from Diesel Motor Vehicles and Testing Methods and Procedures for Smoke Emission Opacity in Diesel Motor Vehicles announced by the EPA. All testing tasks were computerized. A total of 6,891 diesel motor vehicles had been tested as of October 23, 2018. Primary reasons for inspection were visual smoke inspection (39.6%) and self-management (39.2%). A total of 56 vehicles failed inspection, representing a failure rate of 0.8%; a total of 342 vehicles were declined inspection due to insufficient horsepower, which accounted for a decline rate of 4.6%.
II. Inspection and testing
(I) Roadside testing
Vehicles subjected to roadside testing were determined through a preliminary selection based on accelerator testing and a visual check. All
phase 1-2 vehicles were tested when stopped; phase 3-4 vehicles were first screened by personnel certified for visual inspection who stood behind the vehicle as other testing personnel held down the accelerator to visually determine the density of smoke from the vehicle''s tailpipe; those vehicles emitting large amounts of smoke and suspected of being highly polluting were subjected to testing. As of October 23, 2018, roadside testing had been performed on 85 occasions at 13 inspection locations. A total of 1,038 vehicles had been reported (including 30 vehicles requiring license plate identification). Of these vehicles, 1,008 had been stopped and tested, of which 658 met inspection standards and 350 did not meet standards (according to stage-1 opacity testing statistics). The failure rate was 34.7%.
(II) Visual inspection
As of October 23, 2018, a total of 6,999 diesel vehicle had been subjected to visual smoke inspection, and 3,462 vehicles were issued standard-compliance documentation after re-screening. Of these vehicles, phase-2 and 3 vehicles had the highest pass rates, 40.6% and 25.6%, respectively.
(III) License plate identification
As of October 23, 2018, diesel vehicle license plate identification had been performed on 66,998 vehicles, and license plate numbers had been acquired for 37,179 vehicles. Of these vehicles, phase-1 vehicles accounted for 6.1%, phase-2 for 15.6%, phase-3 for 27.1%, phase-4 for 21.6%, and phase-5 for 29.7%.
(IV) Random oil sample inspection tasks
Oil samples from vehicles visiting smoke emissions inspection stations for testing were inspected in a total of 6,891 cases and tested for sulfur content in 25 cases. Roadside testing was performed in a total of 1,008 cases, and testing for sulfur content was performed in 12 cases; all samples sent for testing met standards (the regulatory standard for sulfur content in diesel vehicles is 10 mg/kg).
III. Operation and management of inspection stat..." |