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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1010025559"
Title "101年度離島工業區空氣污染管制資訊整合計畫"
Abstract "本年度「離島工業區空氣污染物資訊整合計畫」自101年4月2日起開始執行,本年度主要工作項目包含針對離島工業區揮發性有機廢氣(含有害空氣污染物)進行調查並將結果建置指紋資料庫,對於已建置之環境監控系統持續更新維護並擴充其功能,運用緊急應變系統模擬演練,達到試系統功能及反應,並建立各單位溝通聯繫管道。最後將彙整離島工業區內各公司空氣污染防制自主管理相關減量計畫或承諾辦理等事項之執行進度追蹤及改善成果,並提供雲林縣環保局針對離島工業區空氣污染物相關稽查管制計畫提供教育訓練與技術訓練。本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下:一、建置島工業區環境監測資訊連線(一)在建置離島工業區環境資訊連線上,經由即時資料轉換擷取系統建置,本年度計完成:1.環保署四座空品測站(連線測項包括二氧化硫、一氧化碳、臭氧、懸浮微粒、二氧化氮)。2.六輕工業區自設三座空氣品質測站(連線測項包括二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氮氧化物、一氧化氮、一氧化碳、臭氧、非甲烷、碳氫化物、甲烷、PM10、TSP、風速、風向、溫度、濕度、大氣壓力、雨量)。3.環保局自設五座氣象測站及兩輛空氣品質監測車((連線測項包括風速、風向、二氧化碳)即時測值連線,並即時連線數據儲存至中央監控資料倉儲內,進行加值運用。(二)在CCTV即時影像連線作業上,為讓環保局能即時監控離島工業區內管道排放現況,本計畫亦完成CCTV即時影像建置作業。CCTV分別架設於六輕工業區南端K棟宿舍(樓高11層)及北端H棟宿舍(樓高5層),在傳輸線路上,則分別採用8M ADSL 線路及50M光纖線路搭配37倍可變焦式防爆攝影機及遠端DVR監控系統進行影像傳輸。在局端影像資料儲存上則透過2T硬碟進行歷史影像資料保存,目前設定採用高畫質影像儲存(解析度720X480),約可保存1個月歷史影像資料。(三)在提供使用者遠端讀取影像功能上,已經由兩種途徑進行遠端及時查看,分別為1.電腦端網頁瀏覽功能、2.手機或平板電腦瀏覽功能,使用者可以遠端透過裝置進行即時影像調閱、攝影機遠端控制(變焦及360度移動)、歷史影像調閱及畫面擷取及儲存功能。(四)在提供便民資訊上,本計畫運用與六輕工業區連線至各項監測資料,建置離島工業區環境監測網站,提供一般民眾查詢離島工業區各項相關環境監測資料及環保相關訊息。網站並整合至中央連線監控伺服器,並定期進行更新維護。網站主要架構分為四大功能,分別為環境及時監測數據查詢、CCTV影像即時資訊、環保相關資訊、相關網站。此外結合智慧型手機,開發完成離島工業區空氣品質查詢系統,提供民眾可經由智慧型手機,何時何地都能及時查閱離島工業區空氣品質現況。二、建置緊急應變行動資料庫系統及熟稔緊急應變作業流程(一)為防範當發生意外災害事故時,環保局人員能迅速瞭解事發環境現況、縮短時間的掌握及適當的應變。本年度計畫亦完成建置可攜式平板電腦緊急應變行動資料庫系統開發,透過該系統運用,當意外災害事件發生時,可經由應變系統及應變諮詢平台,協助災後除污與原因調查工作。整體緊急應變系統,主要整合原離島工業區環境監控系統資料庫,包含固定污染源資料庫、CEMS連續自動監測資料庫、空氣品質監測站監測資料(包含環保署、六輕及環保局架設測站)、陳情案件資料庫、污染指紋資料庫、MSDS資料庫(GHS資料庫)、CCTV即時影像相關資訊,並提供多維度緊急應變複合查詢功能。(二)在圖資數化作業中,本計畫亦將過去六輕各列管廠區所提供之廠區配置圖、毒性化學物質存放位置圖等,經由數化過程為統一繪製成AUTOCAD格式,並套疊於GIS圖資中,以利供緊急應變時可快速瞭解地圖上的資訊,目前已完成離島工業區內列管21廠圖資數化作業。(三)除緊急應變系統功能外,為讓緊急事故發生時,現場人員可透過現況回報功能將現場情況及座標透過平板電腦回傳到系統中,本計畫亦完成建置緊急應變現況回報功能,使用者可經由緊急應變系統內的緊急應變現況回報按鈕,使用現況回報功能。使用者在進行事件回報資料時,系統會自動抓取目前位置座標,一併將所抓取的位置座標傳回系統資料庫中。緊急應變小組便可利用此回報資料做為參考資料,系統會以Google Map方式展示地理位置及回報資料以供局內緊急應變小組參考現場情況及事故相關地理資訊。(四)環保局空噪科空氣污染事件緊急應變組織架構、應變小組任務分工及處理流程皆已規劃完成,並且配合緊急應變查詢系統順利完成一場緊急應變室內模擬演練,透過本次演練已確立各個應變流程的作業模式及各應變小組成員的任務分工,對於未來空氣污染事件的緊急應變處理方式,將依本次演練結果辦理。三、更新維護離島工業區中央監控資料倉儲整合系統(一)為確保資料倉儲內資料庫能與實際現況資料庫達到一致性,因此本計畫亦定期針對在各資料來源近進資料同步更新作業。因倉儲內大部分外來資料庫分散於各地,如環保署、委辦公司、離島工業區監測中心、外點測站等等。也因各類資料庫更新頻率不同而訂定不同更新時程及更新方式,包括1.網路資料庫直接連線、2. FTP 定期資料庫上傳、3. 手動資料庫更新、4. 線上系統輸入等。 (二)在擴充及更新維護中央監控系統功能上,依據環保局需求客製畫開發完成計13項環境監控系統功能擴充包括1.廢水處理廠及油水分離池資料、2.裝載場資料、3.儲槽資料、4.污染源設備資料、5.固定源許可首次頁附件電子化建置及查詢、6.CEMS資料查詢、7.六輕自設之空氣品質及氣象測站即時監測值、8.擴充原環保局設置之氣象站資料查詢、9.許可排放量(整廠與許可證)統計、10.特徵污染物查詢、11.六輕固定源稽巡查記錄建檔功能及每月呈核表單、12.六輕Cems稽巡查記錄查詢(含建檔功能及每月呈核表單)、13.六輕Voc稽巡查記錄查詢(含建檔功能及每月呈核表單)。在舊功能擴充部份,則修正氣象測站的查詢條件,由固定每日資料查詢更改為可自行定義查詢時間區段,另外加入了兩輛監測車的氣象資料及風花圖繪製功能,在污染指紋查詢的部份,則新增特徵污染物完整名稱查詢與模糊查詢功能。並將功能整合於中央監控系統,讓系統查詢功能更為完善。(三)本年度在硬體設備擴充上,則購置乙部遠端備份伺服器,透過既有兩部伺服器進行異機備份及乙部遠端異地備份伺服器異地備份構成完整的備份機制。在系統資訊安全防護上,則運用實體防火牆、入侵偵測系統及嚴謹的稽核原則定義,進行網路不當入侵行為的防範,並委託專業資訊安全維護廠商,針對本網路系統進行安訊安全測試,經由測試結果進行更嚴謹的資安漏洞修補,以確保資訊安全無虞。四、空氣中揮發性性有機化合物(含有害空氣污染物)調查(一)本年度空氣中揮發性有機化合物調查分為四次採樣共檢測68點,總計分析出183種揮發性有機化合物,其中有害及有毒空氣污染物種有59種,佔總物種數32%,另由總物種次來看計有311種次,其中有害及有毒空氣污染物種數有114種次佔總物種次數37%,從各次檢測物種數來看以第四次採樣檢出92種最多,而第四次採樣區域位於海豐區,其次為第二次採樣83種其採樣點分佈於台塑MMA、AN、C4、AE、塑化OL-1、台化AROMA-1、PTA、PS、HAC,而各次採樣有害及有毒空氣污染物種數檢出最多的則是第二次採樣有41種佔當次檢出物種比例49%,其次為第一次採樣26種。從檢測濃度分析,各點均符合管制標準,但於1,4-丁二醇廠#8及鹼廠#10分別檢出1,2,4-三甲基苯及苯乙烯超過臭味閾值,另於AROM3#11亦出現甲苯及1,2,4-三甲基苯超過臭味閥值,由各區域採樣所分析出之主要流佈物種雖然同質性很高,但依區域性不同仍有其主要特徵物種,如第一次採樣出現丙烷、2-甲基戊烷、丁烷,第二次採樣出現一氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、氯甲烷、氯甲苯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯,第三次採樣出現氯乙烯、正己烷,第四次採樣出現異戊烷、壬醛,而六輕主要原料乙烯共檢測46點,檢出36點且最高濃度686ppb。(二)在指紋資料庫建置上,本年度計畫針對指紋資料庫來源主要來至於兩大部分,包括工廠自行煙道檢測資料,一共建置7989筆及各廠特徵污染物資料一共建置785筆,並將建置之指紋資料庫整合於中央監控系統及緊急應變系統內,提供使用者進行逆向查詢功能,使用者可以透過輸入物種名稱經由系統篩出污染物可能來至於那些公場管道排放出,便於事件發生時能快速掌握污染排放來源。(三)離島工業區廠商自行檢測的污染指紋資料,目前已建置99年至101年的污染指紋檢測資料,共計232根410筆,建置率為98%,其中A級有58根佔25%,B級有62根佔27%,C級112根佔48%。 五、彙整六輕四大公司空氣污染改善自主管理辦理情形 台塑工業園區內各公司空氣污染防制自主管理相關減量計畫或承諾辦理等事項,已借由4月10日、7月13日、10月30日共三場次之六輕工業區污染管制檢討會中,請六輕針對100年度三次檢討會委員意見暨會議結論辦理情形做總結說明,並對101年度預期改善目標與新修正法規辦理情形做專案報告,會中諮詢委員所提意見已經由第三次污染管制檢討會請六輕說明辦理情形,環保局各相關業務單位也針對本年度所查核之管制缺失提出說明,未來仍透過本項會議持續追蹤檢討污染減量及缺失改善情形。六、提供本局現有離島工業區空氣污染物相關稽查管制計畫之諮詢訓練與技術轉移本計畫第一次教育訓練已於101年6月2..."
Keyword "資訊整合、揮發性有機化合物、緊急應變"
EngTitle "Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park"
EngAbstract "The project “Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park” has been executed since April, 2nd, 2012. The annual project contains several tasks, including investigation of volatile organic gas/VOCs (includes hazardous air pollutant) in the air at Outlying Islands Industrial Park; building up fingerprint database for the investigated results; maintaining and expanding the functions of existent environmental monitoring system; rehearsing the emergency response system; fulfilling the functions of the system and establishing the communication channels among different units. And finally organizing the relevant reduction plans about air pollution control self-management of different companies in Formosa Industrial Park or to follow up the schedule and improve the results of committed affairs. It is to provide the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County with educational trainings and technical trainings to help them administer the relevant project of air pollution inspection and control in coastal industrial park.The results of the project execution are as follows: I. Establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring information connection.I) In setting up the environmental information network of the coastal industrial park via the establishment of real-time data conversion capture system, the results are as follows:1. Four air quality monitoring stations of Environmental Protection Agency (The connection measured items including SO2、CO、O3、PM10、NO2).2. Three air quality monitoring station in Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park (The connection measured items including SO2, NO2. Nox, NO, CO, O3, NMHC, CxHy, Methane、PM10、TSP、wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall).3. The instant measure connection of five meteorological stations and two air quality monitoring stations set up by Environmental Protection Bureau (The connection measured items including wind speed, wind direction and CO2). Storage the instant connection data in a central monitoring data warehouse for value-added use.II) As for CCTV live video connection operation, we have completed CCTV live video establishment work in order to promptly monitor the current status of coastal industrial zone pipe emissions. CCTVs were erected at the southern port of Accommodation K (11-storey) and H (5-storey) of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park. As for the transmission line, we applied 8M ADSL line and 50M fiber optic lines with 37 times zoom anti-explosion camera and remote DVR surveillance systems for image transmission. As for office image data storage, the historical image data were saved in 2T hard disk. We applied high-definition image storage method currently (resolution 720x480). It can have one-month storage amount.III) As referred to remote image function for users, it provides two ways to check remotely and promptly, including 1) PC web browser function, 2) mobile phone or tablet browsing capabilities. Users can do real-time video access, camera remote control (zoom and 360-degree mobile), historical image access and screen capture and storage functions by using the device remotely.IV) As for service information, we provide link between monitoring data and the data of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring sites, and assist the general public to enquire the environmental monitoring data and environmental messages of coastal industrial park. Website is integrated into the central connection monitoring server, and be updated and maintained regularly. The main structure of website is divided into four functions, including timely environmental monitoring data queries, CCTV video real-time information, environmental information and related websites. In addition, we combined functions of smartphone, developed the air qual..."
EngKeyword "information integration, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) ,"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "YLEPB-101-021"
ProjectYear 101
ProjectBudget "7770"
ProjectStartDate 2012-04-02
ProjectEndDate 2012-12-31
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "郭子衛"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "王玠斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1030376593"
Title "103年度臺東縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫"
Abstract "摘要本計畫自103年3月24日簽約執行至103年12月31日止,各項工作階段執行成果摘要說明如下:一、臺東縣環境保護極短片徵選及發表本年度臺東縣環境保護極短片計有20件作品參賽,經組成兩組(學校及社會組)各4委員之評審團後,於6月4日進行作品評選。評審委員包含臺東縣環保局環境衛生管理科吳淑姬小姐、臺東縣萬安國小何錦尚校長、臺東縣休閒旅遊協會歐業偉副總幹事及大愛電視台導演王俊凱先生等,評選結果選出第1~第5名及5名優選。得獎作品已於6月13日公開進行頒獎及發表活動,共有207人參加。其中前5名作品並置於臺東縣環境教育資訊網供大眾點播欣賞。活動共計刊登4則電子媒體及1則平面媒體。二、環境場域參訪活動1.東部海岸國家風景區管理中心為配合4月22日世界地球日,本計畫特別選在4月22日於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區舉辦環境教育場域參訪活動,計有民眾、機關人員及國中小學師生共124人參與。本次活動目的主要在於培養民眾對自然萬物的尊重,建立與環境的和諧關係,觸發環境行動力,成為有環境素養的公民。 2.國立台灣史前文化博物館為響應世界環境日,本計畫特於6月13日舉辦「台灣史前文化博物館環境場域參訪活動」,計有學校師生共114人參加,希望能讓參加的國小學童們對於台東之自然生態、史前文化及原住民文化之豐富和多樣性有更多的認識,啟發其對自然萬物的尊重,能夠更珍惜、尊重這片土地綿延不斷的自然與文化生命。3.知本自然教育中心及富源社區本次金秋環境季活動成功吸引共241位台東縣內的機關人員、一般民眾、教師及學童參加,知本自然教育中心三梯次共165人,富源社區共76人。參訪過程中主要希望透過親身參與知本自然教育中心及富源社區,經戶外教學過程,培養學童及民眾的環保意識,提昇主動關心環境教育事務的意願,並影響家人、朋友,以達到人與自然和諧相處的目標,也在學習中獲得環境保護與自然的奧妙的知識。三、環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導相關作業暨環境講習1.協助辦理環境教育講習計畫執行期間,每月1日由環保局所提供之講習名單,規劃講習課程及講座邀請,並於當月底開課。總計5~10月份共辦理8場,通知講習人數438人,完成講習203人,在扣除請假、異地申請、未送達等人數不計之下,整體出席率為73%。2.辦理環境教育說明會10場10場環境教育說明會總辦理時數40小時,其中32小時為環境教育人員授課,總出席人數457人。四、環境教育志工培訓及創意教學工作坊1.環境教育志工培訓本年度志工招募訓練共辦理3場次,分別為「環境教育志工特殊訓練」、「綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練」及「志工基礎訓練」。完成1.環境教育志工特殊訓練人數39人;2.綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練人數39人;及3.志工基礎訓練人數45人。2.創意教學工作坊創意教學工作坊於7月14及15日舉辦,本次活動共有36位教師參加,活動共兩天一夜。本年度環境創意教學工作坊主要參訪屏東縣恆春生態農場、屏東縣高樹鄉田子國小以及屏東縣九如鄉後庄國小。經由學校之間能相互觀摩相互學習,及經驗分享交流,創意教學工作坊使與會學員建立積極正面的價值及態度,以引導學生產生環境行動力。 五、相關輔導作業1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導環境教育設施場所認證說明會已於103年5月9日辦理,本次說明會邀請臺東縣取得環境教育設施場所認證之永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享「環境教育設施場所認證經驗」,會中藉由環境教育設施場所輔導問卷調查表,初步瞭解各場所申請狀況符合情形及其申請意願,並選出2個場所本身條件及意願較高之單位,分別為「台東農場」及「東河休閒農莊」進行後續輔導。2.社區改造及環保小學堂計畫輔導為協助協助臺東縣轄內各社區瞭解104年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂計畫,本計畫於103年9月30日辦理1場說明會,而由進一步輔導鼓勵,目前計有4社區(多良、溫泉、竹湖及下賓朗社區)申請社區環境改造計畫;另有1社區(富源社區)申請環保小學堂推廣計畫。六、協助各項環境教育競賽作業1.第3屆國家環境教育獎本年度已於103年5月7日辦理1場次國家環境教育獎參選說明會,會議當日共有13個單位共襄盛舉,包含機關、企業、社區等單位。此次說明會很榮幸邀請到第一屆國家環境教育獎個人組獲獎代表-臺東縣池上鄉萬安國民小學何錦尚校長及第一屆國家環境教育獎社區組獲獎代表-永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享環境教育獎參賽經驗。經環保局及本計畫之努力徵件,至7月15日報名截止日前,本縣計有3類3件參與本年度國家教育獎,分別為個人類:洪婉莉小姐;學校類:台東縣廣原國民小學;以及機關(構)類:行政院農業委員會林務局臺東林區管理處知本自然教育中心。經組成各類參選項目之評審團後,於9月26日召開初審作業說明會,會中交付各參選者申請文件,並確認於10月1日~10月2日辦理現地勘查。實地現勘過程中,審查委員依據書面文件資料及現場勘查討論結果,給予參賽者建議事項,並由参賽者進行參賽文件補件作業。参賽者修正後參賽文件,最終於103年10月20日召開初審成績議決會議。由於各參賽類別均只有1件參賽者,因此最後議決個人類(洪婉莉)、學校類(廣原國小)參及機關(構)類(知本自然教育中心)參賽者給予特優獎勵,並代表臺東縣角逐第3屆國家環境教育獎。2.環保志(義)工環境知識競賽環保志(義)工環境知識競賽主要目的乃以寓教於樂之方式,讓環保志(義)工學習環境相關知識。活動分兩階段進行,首先縣內初賽共有6支隊伍,約120人組隊報名參加,活動當天由環保局陳炳伸科長揭開序幕後,隨即進行暖身操練與各項競賽。透過地方初賽的辦理結果,本縣集結約83名優良之環保志(義)工組隊參加103年8月23日由行政院環境保護署舉辦的「全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」活動,與全台各縣市的環保志(義)工們一較高下。最後在「環保精神啦啦隊」比賽中,以台東著名的特色活動「炸寒單爺」為主題,並奪得第4名的佳績,展現出台東縣的創意、活力、熱情及無比的運動家精神。3.臺東縣環保知識挑戰擂台賽為了讓臺灣全國國民在不受年齡、性別、職業、教育程度等限制,能全方位拓展對環保知識認知,環保署於民國99年4月起規劃建置「環境E學院」,做為環保知識的資料庫,並藉此於100年起每年舉辦「全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽」,集結全國各縣市初賽表現優異的參賽者進行總決賽,而各地方政府環保局亦每年配合舉辦初賽活動,遴選出各組前五名代表地方參加全國總決賽。本年度臺東初賽活動分兩階段進行,首先由各校進行校內初賽,並由校內初賽結果擇優參加縣內初賽。「台東縣環保智慧王挑戰擂台賽」於10月26日(星期日),在台東市新生國小禮堂舉行,共分為國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組等四組個別競賽,參賽人數國小組為168人、國中組為91人、高中職組為10人及社會組為20人,共計289人。七、臺東縣環境教育行動方案本計畫已於執行之初即依環保署編製環境教育白皮書之需求,提送地方環境保護機關環境教育成果調查表,並製作「102 年臺東縣環境教育行動方案執行成果報告」(初稿),且於103年6月9日協助召開臺東縣環境教育審議委員會審議,初稿經審議後,依委員意見進行修正,並於103年6月13日完成所有委員之確認後,作成定稿提送環保署。八、推廣綠色生活本計畫已完成(1)增加綠色商店30家、(2)新增民間企業採購會員 32 家、(3)提報環保標章或第二類環境保護產品違規情形27件、(4)輔導轄內村里辦公室進行綠色消費或環保標章之宣傳18處、(5)綠色生活資訊網公布活動訊息則數46則、(6)文宣製作及媒體運用17則、(7)綠色商店輔導家數62家、(8)民間、團體及社區綠色採購申報家數22家、(9)辦理環保標章說明會並邀請轄內相關業者參與2場、(10)輔導綠色婚禮產業鏈相關業者35家。"
Keyword "環境教育、社區改造"
EngTitle "103 Taitung County Environmental Education to promote the implementation of the annual work plan"
EngAbstract "103 years of this project since March 24 and ending 103 years of contract execution on December 31, the Executive Summary of the results of the work phases are described below:First, Taitung County Environmental Protection released a very short films for selection and Taitung County Environmental very short films this year there are 20 entries from the count, the composition of the two groups (schools and community groups) all four members of the jury after, on June 4 were selected works. Taitung County jury contains EPA Environmental Health Management Branch, Miss Wu Shu Ji, Taitung County Primary Ho Kam Wan An , Taitung County Association of European leisure travel industry Wei, Deputy Director General and Director Mr. Wang Junkai love television so the selection results of the first to be elected The first five and five famous election. The winning entries were published in public events and awards June 13, a total of 207 participants. Of which the first five works and placed Taitung County Environmental Education News Demand for public appreciation. Activities totaled four electronic media and published a print media.Second, the environmental field visit activities 1. East Coast National Scenic Area Administration Center In line with the April 22 Earth Day, this project special election held environmental education activities in the field visit on April 22 at the East Coast National Scenic Area in Taitung County, namely people, office workers and 124 primary and secondary school teachers and students people involved. The main purpose of this activity is to develop respect for the natural world and the people, to establish a harmonious relationship with the environment, trigger environmental action, and become an environmental literacy of citizens.2. The National Taiwan Museum of Prehistory In response to the World Environment Day, this project is organizing on June 13 Taiwan Museum of Prehistory environmental field visit activities, namely, a total of 114 people attended the school teachers and students, hoping that children who participate in the national school for Taitung the natural environment, cultural richness and diversity of prehistoric Aboriginal culture and know more, inspired by their respect for the natural world, can cherish and respect this land endless stretches of natural and cultural life.3. Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan Community The environment autumn season activities attracted a total of 241 office workers within Taitung County, the general public, teachers and students to participate in three-echelon Chihpen Nature Education Center 165 people, a total of 76 people Fuyuan community. Visit the main process is hoped to personally participate in Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan community through outdoor teaching, training students and people''s environmental awareness, willingness to take the initiative to enhance environmental education matters and affects family, friends, to meet people and natural harmony of the goal, but also get to learn the subtleties of environmental protection and nature of knowledge.Third, the Environmental Education Law Article 19 related to the implementation of effective remedial work environment workshop cum 1. assist with environmental education workshops During the execution plan, the 1st month of the list of workshops offered by the Environmental Protection Agency, curriculum planning workshops and seminars invitation, and in the end when commenced. Total handled a total of 5 to October 8 games, the number of notifications class 438, 203 people completed the workshop, under the number of deductions leave, remote applications, such as excluding non-delivery, overall attendance rate of 73%.2. For Environmental Education Seminar 10 games 10 Description field of environmental education will always apply a few 40 hours, includi..."
EngKeyword "Environmental Education, TAITUNG, Community transformation"
GovCategory "環境教育"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "4150"
ProjectStartDate 2014-03-24
ProjectEndDate 2014-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "吳淑姬"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張智泳"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1017016932"
Title "101年度逸散源管制及空氣品質淨化區維護管理計畫"
Abstract "「101年度逸散源管制及空氣品質淨化區維護管理計畫」於101年3月1日開始執行,其工作內容主要為加強稽(巡)查管制逸散性粒狀污染物排放源10大行業別業者(砂石採取處理、建築用陶土或黏土製造、水泥製造、瀝青拌合、鋼鐵冶煉、鋼鐵鑄造、採礦、石灰製造及港區等,以下簡稱逸散性粒狀污染物排放源10大行業別業者),並輔導業者符合「固定污染源逸散性污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」與場(廠)區綠化施作、推動本縣空氣品質淨化區維護管理考核作業及提升空氣品質淨化區維護管理效能。本計畫之執行成果,主要如下:1.加強稽(巡)查逸散性粒狀污染物排放源10大行業別場所374處次,其法規符合度為70%;完成53家許可查核共計73條製程。2.逸散性粒狀污染物排放源10大行業別業者,洗掃道路總認養長度3,910公尺。3.更新68處空氣品質淨化區之相關資料與掌握各基地現況。4.辦理空氣品質淨化區維護管理及申請設置說明會1場次;縣外觀摩會1場次。本計畫未來工作重點包括:依據「固定污染源逸散性污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」相關規定,持續加強稽(巡)查逸散性粒狀污染物排放源10大行業別並落實防制措施正常操作,並推動場(廠)區綠化施作,進而提升逸散性粒狀污染物排放源整體環境形象。另外,為有效提升各空氣品質淨化區維護管理成效與妥善率,持續協助空氣品質淨化區考核作業,並針對其缺失做持續性追蹤管理與提出改善方法。"
Keyword "空氣品質淨化區;逸散性粒狀物;砂石場"
EngTitle "The project of fugitive emission sources control and maintenance management of clean air zones in 2012"
EngAbstract " “The project of fugitive emission sources control and maintenance management of clean air zones in 2012”, was implemented on March 1, 2012. In order to improve the air quality as well as to enhance the quality of living environment and space. The main objectives were to provide inventory and set up inspections of fugitive emission sources, including deal with sand, clay or clay used in construction manufacturing, cement manufacturing, asphalt mixing, steel smelting, steel casting, mining, manufacturing and port lime. Providing them Counseling to comply with regulations to reinforce fugitive emission sources control and works for clean air zones.So far, we strengthen the patrol to check the top 10 fugitive emission sources for 374 times and the regulations satisfaction was 70%, and finished checking 73 processes of 53 permitted company, counseling roads clean adoption length for 3,910 m, constructed and upgraded the database about 68 clean air zones, the data including area, position, plot, arbor inventory, arbor growing situation etc, we handled a clean air zone maintenance and management seninar and to observe outside county’s clean air zones. By the “Stationary sources of fugitive particulate pollutants, air pollution control facilities management legislation”. Our further work will keep requesting fugitive emission sources to carry out air control measurement, field green and tracking improvement measures well of air quality zones and fugitive emission sources ."
EngKeyword "Clean air zones;Fugitive particulate emissions;Rock Crushing plant"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 101
ProjectBudget "8697.5"
ProjectStartDate 2012-03-01
ProjectEndDate 2013-02-28
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "甘尚玉"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "林冠亨"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1017623378"
Title "101年度嘉義縣固定污染源許可稽查管制計畫期末報告"
Abstract "101年度嘉義縣「固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制計畫」自101年1月4日起主要工作項目包含許可審查、核發、查核及定檢報告審查、監督檢測、固定污染源資料更新與擴充作業、法規符合度查核作業、稽查抽測作業、戴奧辛查核管制作業、確認及比對固定源資料庫、稽查處份資料建檔、資訊系統規劃與維護、排放量網路申報及公告定檢網路申報輔導與審查作業、協助辦理說明會、相關會議及其他固定污染源管理相關業務等。茲將執行統計至101年11月30日之各項作業說明如後:嘉義縣列管公私場所為543家,其中納入許可管制之公私場所共計225家,列管341條製程,為落實許可管制作業,本計畫針對公告1~8批應申請設置、變更及操作許可證之固定污染源進行審查及巡查等作業,目前已核發公私場所共計190件,除針對文書部分進行審查外,於核發許可證前會至現場進行現勘,以降低核發與現況不符的情形,在秉持「服務、效率、滿意」的精神下,不失審核及發證的品質下,許可審查日數維持在第一類19日及第二類19日。101年持續執行推動3級防制區提升至2級防制區之管制方案,本年度除配合異動或展延時要求業者重新檢討許可排放量外,並持續追蹤100年召開2場次容許量減量協談會議之成果,已有11家公私場所(19製程)已完成審核並核發操作許可證,許可排放量削減為粒狀污染物為66.78噸、硫氧化物為71.61噸、氮氧化物為40.08噸及揮發性有機物為120.08噸。列管公私場所中,共計88家需排放量申報,其中第一、二批分別為36家及52家,本計畫亦針對排放量進行78家次現場查核,正確率為76%,需修正部分也請廠方進行修正;配合定期頻率銜接無落差,提醒廠商定檢期限,現階段定檢申報符合率為100%;應設置空氣污染防制專責單位或人員條件者共計106家,本計畫亦執行現場確認作業,現場設置級別及人員皆確認無誤。針對許可證核發情形,本年度執行許可現場查核151條製程,正確比例為97%,顯見在持續宣導及巡查管制作業下,廠商已瞭解應遵循之相關法規,另輔以工廠登記證異動時的主動通知,基本資料不一致件數已經減少,99~101年已無基本資料不一致情形。另針對高風險製程及屢遭陳情工廠,安排學者專家進行現場輔導,共計5場次。因應環保法規的日新月異,本計畫除積極參與環保署召開會議外,會後並將最新環保規定回饋至許可審查作業中,為避免環保政策與業者認知的落差,本計畫透過固定污染源電子報(目前發行67期,發行量230家/期)及召開說明會(3場次)等方式,對相關業者宣導環保法規,以落實相關管制作業。本計畫藉由勤查方式以確認空氣污染防制是否有落實執行,602家次巡查作業中,其中逸散源管理辦法巡查方面,相關逸散管辦符合率從45%提升至95%,其不符合記點原則之缺失點數均在10點以內,均在期限內改善完成。另針對近年陳情案件日益增多,除配合環保局陳情計畫外,配合屢次陳情案件妥處規畫方案,配合加強巡查、稽查檢測及執行輔導改善20廠場,期望能降低屢次陳情件數。本計畫藉由宣導及勤查等方式,配合污染者付費之原則,冀望公私場所均能符合相關規定,創造環保及經濟雙贏的局面,此外,本計畫亦積極配合與其他各計畫聯合管制與建立相互通報網絡系統,以掌握污染排放情形,防杜因操作不當或失控等情形。"
Keyword "固定污染源"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 101
ProjectBudget "9419"
ProjectStartDate 2012-01-04
ProjectEndDate 2013-01-03
SponsorOrg "嘉義縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "蘇義雄"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "賴宏志"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1081844439"
Title "108年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫(後續擴充)"
Abstract "本擴充計畫主要進行已核定施灌之成效追蹤,在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成104點次地下水豐、枯水期監測(包含複測20點次、不包含環保署監測站及扣除共用地下水監測井重複之點次)及129點次土壤監測作業,其監測結果土壤均未超過土壤污染監測標準,而在地下水監測方面,枯水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有4點次(2點次為上游,2點次為下游);豐水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有8點次(1點次為上游,6點次為下游,1點次為區域監測井),經探討監測井位於施灌範圍上游,應非為本案施灌沼液所造成,而下游超標之畜牧場,經檢視施灌紀錄後,實際施灌量皆未達核定施灌量之50 %,故推測下游氨氮超標亦應非為施灌沼液、沼渣所造成,可能是受到地理位置或鄰近農地施灑化學肥料所致,後續仍將持續監測,以釐清氨氮測值是否有明顯上升。另於每三個月追蹤施灌情形,及已協助43場場家提出施灌評析報告。為獎勵已申請核定之畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分使用之畜牧場,特規劃雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分使用優良畜牧場選拔競賽,並針對得獎之畜牧場進行公開表揚。並已於11月27日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化成果發表記者會,說明目前畜牧糞尿資源化推展成效,並結合雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣優良畜牧場選拔頒獎,讓大家能清楚了解雲林縣的推動情形。另於9月23日及9月24日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化觀摩活動,當天參與人數達20人,此次觀摩會中使畜牧業者瞭解如何以槽車運送進行農田施灌,同時更可透過實地參訪與業者進行交流,減少畜牧戶之疑慮。"
Keyword "沼液沼渣、畜牧業、示範場"
EngTitle "2019 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County(the subsequent extension)"
EngAbstract "This extended plan mainly carries out the effectiveness tracking of approved irrigation, promotes the utilization of animal husbandry and urine resources, and sets up a fleet of irrigation and transportation vehicles. Regarding the effectiveness tracking of livestock farms that have been approved for application of biogas fermentation residue, there are 104 times of groundwater monitoring for high and low water level periods (including 20 times of retest, excluding EPA monitoring station and shared groundwater monitoring well) and 129 times of soil monitoring operations which have been completed. The monitoring results have not exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards. Regarding the groundwater monitoring, there are 4 times (2 times for the upstream and 2 times for the downstream) after the retesting in the low water level period. The overtake number after the retest in the high water level period is 8 times (1 for the upstream and 6 for the downstream and 1 for the area monitoring well). It is because the monitoring well is located in the upstream of the irrigation area, and it should not be caused by the application of the biogas fermentation residue in this case. In addition, the livestock farms that exceeded the standard in the downstream, after examining the records of irrigation, in the case of an unapplied behavior, the actual application rate did not reach 50% of the approved application rate. Therefore, it is speculated that the excessive ammonia nitrogen downstream should not be caused by the application of biogas slurry and biogas residue, which may be caused by the geographical location or the application of chemical fertilizers to adjacent agricultural land. Monitoring will continue to clarify whether the ammonia nitrogen measurement has significantly increased. Moreover, the irrigation condition was tracked every three months, and there are 43 field experts submit the evaluation report.In order to reward the livestock farms that have applied for the application of biogas fermentation, a selection contest for the use of excellent livestock farms for livestock manure, manure slurry, biogas residues, and farmland fertilization, and public praise for the award-winning livestock farms. On November 27, the press conference on the results of livestock manure and urine resource utilization was published to explain the current effectiveness of the promotion of animal manure and urine resource utilization. In conjunction with the selection of excellent livestock pastures from Yunlin County''s animal manure, urine, biogas, and biogas residues, we can clearly understand Yunlin driving situation. In addition, the usage of the biogas fermentation residue farmland fertilizers was observed on September 23 and September 24. The number of participants on the day reached 36. During the observation meeting, the livestock farmers learned how to transport by tanker transports. Meanwhile, it can communicate with the visitors through the field to reduce the doubts of the livestock farmers."
EngKeyword "biogas fermentation、animal husbandry、demonstrative areas"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "108-016-1"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "1425"
ProjectStartDate 2019-07-04
ProjectEndDate 2019-11-30
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "甘尚玉"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector "范千靖"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "0982194039"
Title "屏東縣固定空氣污染源許可稽查管制及空污費審查計畫"
Abstract "本年度許可及空污費審查計畫作業項目包含:(1)許可審查、核發(2)許可查核、(3)巡查、(4)資料庫更新與擴充、(5)排放量申報查核、(6)CEMS查核及抽測(7)特殊行業別法規符合度查核(8)定期檢測監督作業 (9)空污費審查及查核作業(10)稽查檢測作業(11)許可制度說明會等作業項目。在各項作業執行進度方面,整體而言計畫工作進度符合預期目標。 本報告分為七個章節,第一章概述計畫緣起與本計畫各項作業項目、內容與執行進度;第二章敘述許可制度目前執行情形;第三章說明本計畫針對固定污染源法規管制工作之執行情形,包含定期檢測、稽查檢測、連續監測查核與巡查等作業情形。第四章說明固定源排放量清查管制工作。第五章說明固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收現況、審查及查核情形。第六章說明固定污染源其他相關配合事項。第七章則針對本計畫執行成果及檢討建議作一綜合性檢討與檢討建議。 茲將成果摘要說明如下: (1) 許可作業 本計畫執行固定污染源許可審查作業,截稿為止,各批次許可申請狀況包括設置/變更、操作/異動、展延、及補換發共計141件,依申請類別區分,以許可展延最多計有36件,其次為設置/變更30件、許可操作/異動分別為24/27件。在各類許可申請案件中,本年度已完成審查並發證者共119張(合約工作期間不含許可換補發已核發70張),其餘則仍處於各階段之審查及補件中。 自計畫簽約日至98.11.25止完成許可現場查核133條製程,及許可審查發證70製程,總計許可審查及查核共203製程,本計畫目標數為200條製程,達成率為102﹪,而其中許可查核不符的有9製程,佔6.8﹪。 (2)污染源巡查作業 執行412廠次巡查達成率165%,今年度主要為配合各項查核作業進行,而針對現場巡查發現到有空氣污染事項時,將巡查結果通報環保局進行現場稽查動作,本年度巡查之地區仍以屏東、內埔與枋寮三大工業區為主。 (3)定期檢測監督作業 本年度針對公告應定期檢測報告及許可次頁第七項檢測相關規定所規範之檢測,完成建檔作業,目前屏東縣許可列管製程計347條,符合定檢應申報家數為74廠113根次排放管道(本年度需執行定檢監督檢測作業54根次),截至98年11月25日完成許可定期檢測監督共55根次,達成率為102%,所有完成檢測之煙道其檢測濃度均符合排放標準。 (4)污染源抽測作業 本年度稽查檢測作業由本計畫負責執行,而委託檢測公司分別為,排放管道無機物及連續自動監測設施RATA檢測為南台灣環境科技股份有限公司,油品檢測為上準環境科技股份有限公司,臭味官能測定及排放管道揮發性有機物為台宇環境科技股份有限公司。並由本計畫進行現場監督檢測工作,至11月25日為止已完成排放管道無機物15根次煙道檢測、油品檢測40件(包含固定源油品檢測20件及大型機具引擎用油檢測20件)、RATA抽測2根次、排放管道揮發性有機物3根次及臭味官能測定10點,檢測不符標準之公私場所皆已完成告發作業。 (5)資料庫更新/擴充作業 本年度預計完成200家資料庫更新與擴充作業,截至98年11月25日止共完成201家,達成率101%。根據環保署98年11月2日提供檢核結果,更新欄位不完整共有463筆,檢視為新設置工廠欄位未建置完成,至截稿為止已完成不完整欄位修正作業;而許可資料不完整及不正確有203筆資料,檢視發現為新發案件,已依規定於發證30天內完成資料庫建置作業。 (6)CEMS相對準確度查核 執行2根次CEMS查核,委託南台灣檢測公司進行RATA檢測,並將檢測結果與現場查核意見提供給業者作為CEMS改善之參考,使得CEMS所測得數據能夠更加準確。 (7)空污費審查 統計至98年11月25日止97年第四季及98年第三季已完成658件SOx及NOx空污費申報審查, VOCs申報案件96第一季至97年第三季為止,申報資料建置由各縣市環保局負責,申報審查則由環保署負責;為因應99年度VOCs建檔與審查作業將轉由縣市環保局負責,由98年1月起轄區內申報案件,由縣市環保局負責全面建檔、初審及結算作業,環保署將針對縣市執行VOCs空污費審查及結算成果進行考評作業,故統計至98年11月25日止97年第四季及98年第三季已完成272件VOCs空污費申報審查。 (8)空污費查核 從98年3月25日計劃開始至98年11月25日為止,SOx及NOx空污費現場查核共178家,統計接續環保署96年第二季至98年11月25日為止,工廠如尚有溢補繳情形則列為查核不符,故查核結果有86家工廠無溢補繳情形佔49%,而查核有溢繳情形計有59家佔33%,查核結果有缺繳情形計有33家佔19%。查核結果總計缺繳金額為75,077元,溢繳金額為231,425元。 而VOC空污費現場查核作業則是針對97年度1~4季申報小於1公噸之工廠進行查核,從98年3月25日計劃開始至98年11月25日為止已完成52廠次VOC空污費申報查核作業,目標量為40家,合約達成率為130%。 (9)排放量現場查核作業 本年度針對需申報排放量之公私場所進行現場查核,目前已完成47廠之現場查核,計畫目標46廠,達成率102%,查核結果為30家申報正確,17家申報需進行資料補正,而針對於需要進行資料補正之公私場所,也都要求限期補件,並全部完成確認作業。 (10)舉辦許可制度講習會 本計畫已於98年6月17日辦理1場次許可制度講習會,本次說明會目的主要向業者宣導固定污染源新公告許可制度說明,本次說明會參與廠家發文204人出席147人,出席率為72%,並於簡報中穿插範例加強說明,讓業者更容易瞭解 (11)特殊行業別法規符合度查核 本年度計畫執行70件特殊行業別法規符合度查核作業,而工作內容則以加油站氣漏及油氣回收設備A/L比為主,至11月25日止總計已完成70站次抽測作業,總計抽測油槍數為645支合格643支,合格率為99.7%,氣漏測試則無不合格情形。 各項計畫合約規定工作量與實際執行工作量如表所示: 合約作業項目 計畫目標 執行成果 完成率 許可審查及查核 200件 203件 102% 定期檢測監督與線上審查 54件 55件 102% 排放量申報查核 46廠 47廠 102% 許可制度講習會 1場 1場 100% 資料庫更新與擴充作業 200家 201家 101% 空污費審查作業 600件 658件 110% SOx及NOx空污費查核作業 160家 178家 111% VOC空污費查核 40件 52件 130% 巡查作業 250廠次 412廠次 165% CEMS查核(包含RATA檢測) 2根次 2根次 100% 煙道無機物抽測 15根次 15根次 100% 臭味抽測 10件 10件 100% 固定源油品含硫份抽測 20件 20件 100% 大型機具引擎用油抽測 20件 20件 100% 石化業及汽車表面塗裝業法規符 合度煙道抽測 3根次 3根次 100% 特殊行業別法規符合度查核 70件 70件 100% 民眾滿意度問卷調查 500份 845 169%"
Keyword "固定污染源;許可查核"
EngTitle "Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project"
EngAbstract "The main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit.(5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on. In permit program, there are 30 processes for new located applications, 51 for operation permit and 36 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 9 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations. Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 15 stacks, 40 sulfate components of oil and 10 odor test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs. This year, the main conferences were held for introducing fee rates for stationary pollution source air pollution control fees.We invited environmental personnel to have education lessons for Fee rates and fee calculation method for volatile organic compounds,Calculation method and fee rates for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides,Applicable conditions and calculation formula incentive coefficient bracket ratio and etc.The other subject was introducing the permitted regulations, education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. All these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works. In emission quantity update, we renewed 201 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2146 ton/year, SOx 368 ton/year, NOx 568 ton/year and VOC 453 ton/year. "
EngKeyword "Stationary Sources;permit inquisition"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 098
ProjectBudget "6085"
ProjectStartDate 2009-03-25
ProjectEndDate 2009-12-31
SponsorOrg "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "蕭智元"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector "陳永明"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1081109271"
Title "雲林縣北港溪流域前瞻水污染查核計畫"
Abstract "本查核計畫主要針對北港溪及新虎尾溪流域進行稽查、採樣之工作,以確認廠(場)家之廢水處理設施是否有正常操作,以及是否有繞流排放之情事,達降低河川污染,進而改善河川水質之目標,並建立通訊軟體單一訊息傳遞宣傳管道(LINE@),以提升資訊傳播速度,及協助緊急應變、參與跨局處考核會議、完整水污染資料等行政配合事項。本計畫截至10/29已執行11家次屢遭民眾陳情或情節重大廠(場)家之稽查作業、236家次之水污染源稽查作業、61家已核發許可證(文件)與廢水設施設置及定檢申報資料之現場查核作業、103家次之放流水採樣作業、13家不明管線拆除/封除、5家功能評鑑初評作業、5次緊急應變作業、發布10則關於法令宣達、解釋函宣導、活動宣傳等訊息,經北港溪及新虎尾溪水體環境品質分析,顯示此二流域受畜牧業之影響較大,於本計畫之執行後,河川多數測站之水質均較去年同期水質較為改善,另參與4/30、7/18、9/30、11/13跨局處之考核會議,協助環保局於今年度取得河川污染整治考核之佳績,並將稽查紀錄、裁處書、更新等建置於雲端,以供後續查詢、統計之用。"
Keyword "水污染、稽查、採樣"
EngTitle "Beigang River Drainage Basin, Yunlin County water pollution resource inspection project"
EngAbstract "This project’s main purpose is to inspect local industries’ wastewater treatment facility operations in Beigang and Xinhuwei River basin areas in Yunlin County. The plan also included to investigate if waste water was discharged that polluted groundwater near by local industries, which to avoid and prevent river pollution behaviors. Additionally, local Environmental protection Agency and industries would contact each other through LINE app messenger to communicate, assist and solve any situations. On the other hand, until, October 29th 2019, the implementation were included to investigate 11 industries were complaint by public inspections cases,236 industries water pollution cases, 61 industries’ wastewater management permit were approved,103 industries’ effluent standards for wastewaters cases, 13 industries’ unexplained pipelines sealing cases, 5 industries’ sampling operation cases, 5 times emergency response works, published 10 decrees promotion conferences cases. Moreover, according to water quality analysis of Beigang and Xinhuwei River basin areas that indicated animal agriculture were the bigger major contaminants in the river. However, river’s water quality analysis showed water quality is much better than previous year’s water quality while completely implemented this project. We also attended performance assessment meetings on April 30th, July 18th, September 30th , November 13th in order to assist Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to accessed water quality management results of data and uploaded to the cloud for program evaluation purpose."
EngKeyword "Water pollution、Inspection、Sampling"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "4650"
ProjectStartDate 2019-02-28
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-10
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "楊佳霖"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1030333251"
Title "103年度空氣品質管理發展計畫"
Abstract "本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合現階段環保署推動之涵容總量管制計畫及將推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。本計畫自103年1月13日簽約完成後執行至104年1月12日止,執行摘要說明如下。103年1~12月環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為46站日,較102年同時期增加3站日。屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,103年1~12月空氣品質不良站日數為7站日,較102年同時期空氣品質不良站日數相比減少8站日。主要以臭氧及懸浮微粒為主要指標污染物。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報,空氣品質不良通報後進行加強防制行動,總計共進行124日通報作業,於此些作業中計畫配合管制作業並削減TSP 57.18公噸、SOX 0.1公噸、NOX 1.45公噸、NMHC 7.02公噸,整體空氣品質預報不良回報率為98%。103年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計23項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作之架構及管制策略推動係依據屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫訂定(如下圖Ⅰ所示),主要重點包括加強地方特性及重點議題改善、配合環保署規劃推動各項作業並更新103年空氣品質改善目標PSI應達<3.8%。配合環保署考核作業推動,本年度地方特色作法將延續上一年之重點著重於天羅地網捕砂計畫、低碳雙島健康新空氣及農業廢棄物妥善處理方案等等三大措施推動。依本年度發包進度、工作重點及執行期程,各計畫作業進度介於58~100%,總執行平均達87%,管制成效評析平均為93.8分,統計至12月底總懸浮微粒、硫氧化物、氮氧化物為及非甲烷碳氫化合物削減量分別為4,591.87、5.28、56.62、572.83公噸,已達總規畫目標之100 %。而在空氣品質淨化區之推動方面,已完成既有空氣品質淨化區176處次考核作業,並透過淨化區補助、各計畫裸露地植被及種樹宣導管制作業,本年度綠地新設及裸露地改善達69.07公頃。此外,為加強探討污染成因、評析及提昇管制成效,落實各項空氣污染管制工作、加強空氣品質環境負荷資料分析、修訂空氣品質惡化緊急應變手冊、辦理空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度調查、辦理外縣市空氣品質改善維護業務及優良創新作法觀摩、配合高屏空品區管制工作推動、空氣品質淨化區推動及低污染運具、綠色路網規劃與推動及空品淨區推動為本年度之努力重點。"
Keyword "空氣品質"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "3350"
ProjectStartDate 2014-01-13
ProjectEndDate 2015-01-12
SponsorOrg "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "邱永盛"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1030156556"
Title "103~104年固定污染源許可管制計畫"
Abstract "高雄市「103-104年度固定污染源許可管制計畫」工作共區分為二年度,103年自6月4日執行至12月底為止,104年自1月1日執行至12月31日為止,計畫內容包括協助環保局執行高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、溫室氣體申報線上審查作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道VOCs物種指紋分析檢測作業、列管工廠資料庫更新維護作業、未列管工廠資料庫清查擴充作業、工業區總量管制試行作業等,104年1月1日至104年12月31日為止,計畫共受理審查991件許可審查案件、核發許可證812張,其中尚有2條製程污染達一定規模以上,已邀請專家學者召開許可審查會議。另外勤作業部分已完成現場許可查核1176條製程、432家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測件次、煙道VOCs物種指紋分析10根次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業170根次、列管工廠資料庫更新擴充維護1156製程與未列管工廠清查更新277家,另亦完成召開宣導說明會及技術轉移各2場次。另統計至104年度高雄市領有許可證列管家數為1089家,共有1810製程受到固定污染源許可證制度列管,而在所有領有固定污染源操作許可證之公私場所中符合排放量申報規模,須每年申報排放量共有432家,屬於第一批列管共150家,第二批共269家,另有13家解除列管(解除列管前之季別仍需申報),統計高雄市103年度全市排放量粒狀物為8996.977公噸、硫氧化物為26357.476公噸、氮氧化物為36942.185公噸、揮發性有機物為11546.339公噸。溫室氣體申報部分,自103年度起已公告第二批次應線上申報溫室氣體排放量之工廠,高雄市共列管58家(第一批18家、第二批40家),本計畫目前已完成104年第一季至第三季溫室氣體申報結果審查,並將審查後有疑義或錯誤之處以網路填報方式告知業者進行補正。今年初本計畫尚配合環保局進行地下工廠之查核,查核名單依據經發局提供之無工廠登記證之廠家,篩選其中金屬製品製造程序及各類機械加工程序等,共篩選216家工廠,進行現場訪查以釐清製程現場是否具有噴砂、噴漆、酸鹼洗、金屬電鍍及金屬熱處理等作業,並釐清是否有委託其他未登記合法公司有進行前述作業者,本計畫陸續於3月24日至26日完成第一階段訪查,並將查核結果彙整,供局內後續稽查以釐清是否需要受到固定污染源許可證的管制。"
Keyword "固定污染源、許可審查、許可證查核、排放量、監督檢測、指紋分析、更新維護、總量管制、溫室氣體"
EngTitle "The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2014 and 2015"
EngAbstract "“The“ 2014-2015 Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” of Kaohsiung City was executed from 4th June, 2014 to the end of 2015. The missions included assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, on-site permitting documents examination, on-site emission application investigation, on-line GHG application examination, flue monitoring works, flue VOCs fingerprints assessment, monitored-factories data base refreshment, non-monitored factories data base extending works and Cap controlled testing in industrial areas. In 2015, We finished 991 permit applications review and 812 permitting documents sent , and there were 2 productions'' pollutions which need to hold expertise conferences to discuss. Besides, we also completed 1176 licenses check operation on site, 432 emission application examination, permitting sites monitoring, 10 times flue VOCs fingerprint assessment, 170 times public and private areas inspection, extended maintenance of database update for 1165 processes and refresh updating of 277 non-monitored factories. More than that, we also made each 2 conferences for explanation and technology transfer.Until 2015, there are 1089 permitted factories with 1810 processes in Kaohsiung city. 432 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act, 150 were belong to first group and 269 were second group, and 13 were dismissed control. We recognized 8996.977 metric tons of particulate matters, 26357.476 metric tons of SOx, 36942.185 metric tons of NOx and 11546.339 metric tons of VOCs in 2014. From 2014, the announcement had already been made that second group of GHG application online, and Kaohsiung City had 58 (18 were group 1, 40 were group 2). The plan already finished GHG application review from season 1 to season 3 of 2015, and transferred questionnaires and mistakes to applicants for fixing. This year, the plan will cooperate with EPB to inspect informal factories, which were in the list provided by Economy Development Bureau, including metal production process and machining, totally 216 factories. Other issues included on-site inspection and reviewing process. The plan will continuously complete first stage of inspection from 24th to 26th, March, and collect results, in order to provide data for bureau to consider if stationary pollution permitting still needs to be controlled."
EngKeyword "Stationary pollutant, permitting review, permittinpermitting document review, emission, monitoring, fingerprint analysis, retrofit, cap control, green house gas(GHG)"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "38800"
ProjectStartDate 2014-06-04
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "高雄市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳郁文"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "方煥銘"
AssistDirector "張智泳"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1040349573"
Title "104年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水品質監測管理計畫"
Abstract "為確保離島飲用水安全,並瞭解台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水之品質現況,本計畫自104年04月13日開始執行,已於4/28~4/29、5/27、7/28~7/29及10/5、10/6完成三次飲用水水質採樣檢測,總監測點數共完成42點次、1531項次之水質檢測。今年除了7月份蘭嶼東清淨水場自來水水質之總溶解固體量(357 mg/L)超過飲用水水質標準300 mg/L外,其餘均符合飲用水水質標準。另本年度酬勤水庫之微囊藻毒檢測及7月份自來水水質的農藥檢測,其檢測結果均為ND。由歷年飲用水水質檢測結果發現,綠島因水庫優養化、原水總有機碳偏高,造成自來水的總三鹵甲烷有偏高的趨勢;因總三鹵甲烷有致癌風險,為改善水質,可在淨水處理加氯前降低有機物的濃度(如調整取水口的位置、撈除湖面枯枝落葉,加強混凝及水庫清淤)、降低加氯量或補充乾淨用水;另外,可宣導民眾飲用水於通風處煮沸後掀蓋再煮3~5分鐘後再飲用、或使用活性碳或逆滲透淨水器,減少總三鹵甲烷暴露量。而蘭嶼主要在於非自來水水源經常有大腸桿菌超標問題,此乃因山泉水屬開放系統、易受周遭環境污染,且用水欠缺消毒處理,應加強宣導煮沸後或經消毒(如加氯、紫外線照射等)處理再飲用。另蘭嶼為因應缺水問題,東清淨水場已進行取水口改善工程,以改善缺水問題。為加強當地飲用水安全的觀念,宣導飲用水設備需定期維護管理,以降低自來水的二次污染,本計畫已於6/11蘭嶼朗島國小、7/14綠島鄉公所、10/7蘭嶼鄉公所、10/8椰油國小及10/14綠島國小共辦理5場離島飲用水安全宣導,計286人參與。另為提升局內人員飲用水水質現場檢測作業技巧及能力及熟悉飲用水法規,以落實飲用水安全管理,已於8/11及8/31各辦理1場「飲用水安全管理法規」及「水質現場檢測儀器之儀器原理及方法簡介暨飲用水水質現場檢測實際操作」教育訓練,共2場總計39人參加。在離島公共場所蓄水池水塔及飲用水設施輔導後續追蹤中,已於6/10至蘭嶼鄉公所、東清國小、朗島國小、椰油國小、蘭嶼國小及蘭嶼國中,9/22則至綠島鄉公所、綠島國中、綠島國小、公館國小、觀光局東部海岸國家風景區綠島遊客中心及綠島朝日溫泉進行輔導後續追蹤;據了解離島的飲用水設備大都欠缺專人管理,且對飲用水設備的維護管理不甚清楚,加上當地無合格廠商協助清潔維護,其缺失大多為維護管理紀錄填報不完善,故先提供表單協助建立清潔維護紀錄。經後續追蹤,目前離島公家機關都已建立飲水機清潔維護紀錄,學校單位亦多已進行飲水機水質檢測。"
Keyword "飲用水"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "2826"
ProjectStartDate 2015-04-13
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-05
SponsorOrg "臺東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "王品孌"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1040105218"
Title "103-104年固定污染源許可管制計畫"
Abstract "高雄市「103-104年度固定污染源許可管制計畫」工作共區分為二年度,103年自6月4日執行至12月底為止,104年自1月1日執行至12月31日為止,計畫內容包括協助環保局執行高雄市轄內固定污染源許可審查作業、現場執行許可證查核作業、排放量申報現場查核作業、溫室氣體申報線上審查作業、煙道監督檢測作業、煙道VOCs物種指紋分析檢測作業、列管工廠資料庫更新維護作業、未列管工廠資料庫清查擴充作業、工業區總量管制試行作業等,104年1月1日至104年6月30日為止,計畫共受理審查499件許可審查案件、核發許可證346張,其中尚有一件台灣好奇股份有限公司大發廠新設之其他印刷作業程序(M02)達一定規模以上,邀請專家學者召開許可審查會議。另外勤作業部分已完成現場許可查核526條製程、200家排放量申報現場查核作業、許可現場監督檢測167件次、煙道VOCs物種指紋分析7根次、公私場所定期檢測監督作業73根次、列管工廠資料庫更新擴充維護464製程與未列管工廠清查更新163家,另亦完成召開宣導說明會及技術轉移各1場次,預計12月底將完成合約要求之工作進度。另統計至104年度高雄市領有許可證列管家數為1061家,共有2000製程受到固定污染源許可證制度列管,而在所有領有固定污染源操作許可證之公私場所中符合排放量申報規模,須每年申報排放量共有432家,屬於第一批列管共150家,第二批共269家,另有13家解除列管(解除列管前之季別仍需申報),統計高雄市103年度全市排放量粒狀物為9038.083公噸、硫氧化物為26954.412公噸、氮氧化物為38927.319公噸、揮發性有機物為22631.162公噸,然因部分業者之申報資料仍未補正完成,故各項管制資料仍會有所變化。溫室氣體申報部分,自103年度起已公告第二批次應線上申報溫室氣體排放量之工廠,高雄市共列管59家(第一批18家、第二批41家),本計畫目前已完成104年第一季溫室氣體申報結果審查,並將審查後有疑義或錯誤之處以網路填報方式告知業者進行補正。今年初本計畫尚配合環保局進行地下工廠之查核,查核名單依據經發局提供之無工廠登記證之廠家,篩選其中金屬製品製造程序及各類機械加工程序等,共篩選216家工廠,進行現場訪查以釐清製程現場是否具有噴砂、噴漆、酸鹼洗、金屬電鍍及金屬熱處理等作業,並釐清是否有委託其他未登記合法公司有進行前述作業者,本計畫陸續於3月24日至26日完成第一階段訪查,並將查核結果彙整,供局內後續稽查以釐清是否需要受到固定污染源許可證的管制。"
Keyword "固定污染源、許可審查、許可證查核、排放量、監督檢測、指紋分析、更新維護、總量管制、溫室氣體"
EngTitle "The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2014 and 2015"
EngAbstract "“The“ 2014-2015 Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” of Kaohsiung City was executed from 4th June, 2014 to the end of 2015. The missions included assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, on-site permitting documents examination, on-site emission application investigation, on-line GHG application examination, flue monitoring works, flue VOCs fingerprints assessment, monitored-factories data base refreshment, non-monitored factories data base extending works and Cap controlled testing in industrial areas. In 2015, We finished 991 permit applications review and 812 permitting documents sent , and there were 2 productions'' pollutions which need to hold expertise conferences to discuss. Besides, we also completed 1176 licenses check operation on site, 432 emission application examination, permitting sites monitoring, 10 times flue VOCs fingerprint assessment, 170 times public and private areas inspection, extended maintenance of database update for 1165 processes and refresh updating of 277 non-monitored factories. More than that, we also made each 2 conferences for explanation and technology transfer.Until 2015, there are 1089 permitted factories with 1810 processes in Kaohsiung city. 432 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act, 150 were belong to first group and 269 were second group, and 13 were dismissed control. We recognized 8996.977 metric tons of particulate matters, 26357.476 metric tons of SOx, 36942.185 metric tons of NOx and 11546.339 metric tons of VOCs in 2014. From 2014, the announcement had already been made that second group of GHG application online, and Kaohsiung City had 58 (18 were group 1, 40 were group 2). The plan already finished GHG application review from season 1 to season 3 of 2015, and transferred questionnaires and mistakes to applicants for fixing. This year, the plan will cooperate with EPB to inspect informal factories, which were in the list provided by Economy Development Bureau, including metal production process and machining, totally 216 factories. Other issues included on-site inspection and reviewing process. The plan will continuously complete first stage of inspection from 24th to 26th, March, and collect results, in order to provide data for bureau to consider if stationary pollution permitting still needs to be controlled."
EngKeyword "Stationary pollutant, permitting review, permittinpermitting document review, emission, monitoring, fingerprint analysis, retrofit, cap control, green house gas(GHG"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "38800"
ProjectStartDate 2014-06-04
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "高雄市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳郁文"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "方換銘"
AssistDirector "張智泳"
CoDirector "楊東錦"

ProjectId "1060388327"
Title "106年臺東縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨巡守隊經營管理計畫"
Abstract "本計畫執行期程係由106年2月1日起執行至106年12月10日為止工作項目及執行成果統計至106年11月15日,摘要如下:(一)水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請文件審查:1、本計畫統計至106年11月15日已收受並協助審查完成47家次,共計76件次申請案,並於許可申請案首次審查許可現勘完成23家次;另完成4次定期檢測申報資料(105年下半年、106年第一季、106年上半年、106年第二季)審查,並持續追蹤後續申報進度。2、每月彙整轄內有效期少於6個月且尚未申請展延之各項水許可證(文件)資料並隨工作月報檢附予機關審查。統計至106/11/15止,本縣應展延而尚未提出展延名單,包括東山砂石股份有限公司(許可文件有效期限至107年1月13日止)等7家事業。(二)水污染巡查管制及採樣檢測作業:1、截自10月30日止,已完成270家次巡查作業,完成率100%;及已完成83家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率100%,分別符合契約契約第2條第2項第1款、第2款規定。2、完成10家次列管事業深度查核,包括名遠開發股份有限公司、家福股份有限公司台東分公司、台東娛樂城股份有限公司等,相關查核及後續追蹤成果如章節3.2.3。(三)列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本年度功能評鑑作業於106年8月23日完成現場評鑑(初評)作業,於106年9月21日偕同專家學者(紀長國老師、王招安技師)進行現場複評作業,包括書面資料查核及製程及處理設施勘查以及現場單元處理水質採樣等,並請填寫查核及勘查紀錄。依據水質分析結果,於106年10月17日召開受評單位功能評鑑改善協談會議。(四)水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作:1、本計畫持續每日(機關上班日)確認連線對象連線情形,並順利排除機關端CWMS主機軟硬體2次故障狀況。2、本年度針對屬本縣應設置CWMS的「宏騰砂石有限公司」及「中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠」分別完成措施說明書及措施確認報告書之審核與輔導。並針對已設完成CWMS事業「佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠」執行兩階段CWMS查核監督作業(五)水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估:本縣105年度第二期(106年1月繳納)應申報家數65家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計1,207,681元;106年度第一期(106年7月繳納)應申報家數111家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計4,328,480元。催繳作業,106年8年7日完成催繳作業1家(日暉池上股份有限公司台東分公司)。(六)生活污水污染削減作業:本計畫將既有宣導會活動場合,透過影片宣傳生活污水源頭減量及水資源回收再利用,目前已完成7場次之活動影片宣傳。並於7月24日函送臺東縣106年生活污水污染削減專案計畫上半年成果供機關審查。(七) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會及稽查管制教育訓練:本年度辦理完成水污染防治法規宣導說明會3場次,及水污染稽查法規及技巧教育訓練室內解說及實廠稽查各1廠次。且分別已於4月18日、10月3日全數提送完成800份宣導品。另已協助撰寫與水環境保護有關之新聞稿6則。(八) 協助機關辦理河川污染整治及海洋污染防治業務績效考核:於3月24日依據環保署審查意見函送修正本縣106年度「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」關鍵測站年度具體作為及關鍵績效指標(KPI)。且於4月11日、9月8日各完成1次關鍵測站太平溪豐里橋枯水期及豐水期之水量補充調查及康樂排水、下康樂排水水質水量補充調查。另已於8月31日、9月28日、10月30日、11月30日等分別函文提送106年度臺東縣河川整治計畫成果報告8月版、9月版、10月及11月版。(九) 辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川與增能訓練活動:本年度已完成辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川活動4場次及宣導教育活動5場次。另於5月3日至5月4日完成舉辦106年度臺東縣水環境巡守隊縣外觀摩活動。(十) 協助水環境巡守隊運作經營:本計畫已協助水環境巡守隊處理巡查時發現之通報案件登錄於「水環境保育網」41件,於11月4日舉辦完成「106年度臺東縣水環境巡守隊經營輔導會議」,拍攝完成最績優巡守隊微電影「搶救芭樂大作戰」,並重新繪製完成重新繪製水環境巡守地圖。(十一)其他配合辦理事項:依據環保局指示每月提交本縣水環境巡守考核自評表、配合機關指示出席相關會議5場次等相關作業。"
Keyword "水污染、水污費查核、水環境巡守"
EngTitle "2017 Plan of Taitung County’s Water Pollution Source Inspection, Water Pollution Fee Collection, and River Patrolling Team Management."
EngAbstract "The implementation period of the project is from February 1, 106 onwards until December 10, 106 up to December 10, 106 projects and the results of the implementation until November 15, 106, the summary is as follows:(A) water pollution prevention and control measures plan and permit application documents review:1, the project statistics to November 15, 106 has been accepted and assisted in the completion of the review completed 47 times, a total of 76 applications, and the permit application for the first time to review the permit is completed 23 times the survey; another completed 4 times Test report data (the second half of 105, the first quarter of 106, the first half of 106, the second quarter of 106) review, and continue to follow up the progress of the follow-up report.2, monthly summary of the jurisdiction within the jurisdiction of the effective period of less than 6 months and has not yet applied for the extension of the water permits (documents) information and with the monthly work report submitted to the authorities for review. Statistics to 106/11/15 only, the county should be extended and no list of delays have been raised, including the 7 businesses of Dongshan Sandstone Co., Ltd. (the validity period of the license is up to January 13, 2007).(B) water pollution inspection control and sampling and testing operations:1. As of 30 October, 270 inspections have been completed with a completion rate of 100%; and 83 sub-sampling tests have been completed with a completion rate of 100%, which are in line with Article 2, paragraph 2 1, paragraph 2.2. To complete the depth examination of 10 sub-contracting businesses, including the Far EasTone Development Co., Ltd., Taifu Branch of Kaifu Co., Ltd., Taitung Casino Co., Ltd. etc. The related check-up and follow-up results are as in Section 3.2.3.(III) Functional Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Facilities under Management: During the year, the functional assessment operation was completed on August 23, 2006 with on-site assessment (preliminary assessment). On September 21, 106, experts and scholars (Ji Changguo, Wang Safety technician) to carry out on-site re-assessment operations, including written information check-up and process and processing facilities survey and on-site unit processing of water quality sampling, etc., and please complete the inspection and exploration records. According to the results of water quality analysis, held on October 17, 106 units reviewed the functional evaluation to improve the meeting.(D) automatic monitoring of water quality and water (visual) and connection transmission system stability operation:1, the program continued daily (on the working day of the office) to confirm the connection of the connection objects and successfully eliminate the secondary fault status of the hardware and software of the host end CWMS.2. In the current year, Hong Teng Sandstone Co., Ltd. And Chung Dong Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Taidong Factory, which should have CWMS in their respective counties, completed the examination and counseling of the statement of measures and the confirmation report of measures respectively. And conducted a two-stage CWMS inspection and supervision work for the completed CWMS business, Buddha Factory Co., Ltd. Jilin Plant(E) assessment of water pollution control fee collection and evaluation of the effectiveness: the county 105 second phase (January 106 to pay) should declare the number of 65 households, the rate of 100% of the total amount of the total payment of 1,207,681 yuan; The first phase (paid in July 106) should declare the number of 111 households, the rate of 100%, the total amount paid a total of 4,328,480 yuan. Call the job, 106 8 years 7 days to complete a call to work 1 (Rihui Chi on Taitung Branch Co., Ltd.).(6) Domestic Sewage Pollution Reduction Operations: This project will promote th..."
EngKeyword "Water Pollution, Water Pollution Fee Collection, River Patrolling Team Management"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "3750"
ProjectStartDate 2017-03-01
ProjectEndDate 2017-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳永明"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "0994039293"
Title "99年度溫室氣體減量暨節能減碳業務"
Abstract "為推動轄內溫室氣體管制作業,藉由排放量資料庫更新作業、減量行動方案之檢討、固定污染源前20大公私廠所之盤查輔導、住商部門之節能評估以及節能減碳宣導推廣作業等業務,具體落實溫室氣體管制,展現溫室氣體減量行動及保護環境之決心。"
Keyword "溫室氣體;節能減碳"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "國際性議題"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 099
ProjectBudget "6220"
ProjectStartDate 2010-10-27
ProjectEndDate 2011-10-26
SponsorOrg "高雄市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳奕岑"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1060286874"
Title "106年度嘉義市水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分等二項子計畫"
Abstract "本計畫工作主要可區分為二個子計畫,分別為(一)水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫、(二)畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,執行至106年11月30日,工作項目及執行成果統計,摘要如下:(一) 每月水體水質監測作業:每月進行一次本市牛稠溪、八掌溪流域(含區域性各級排水)、蘭潭水庫水體之水質定期監測,監測成果並公開於全國水質監測網,並每季製作報表交予機關備查,詳第3.1.1節。(二) 水污染列管事業稽查與水質採樣送驗:自11月30日止,已完成105家次巡查作業及56家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率已達100 %,詳第3.1.2節。(三) 水污染列管事業深度查核:針對高污染與違反水污染相關法規之重點事業、機關交辦對象等進行主動、積極之巡查及採樣。目前已完成8家次列管深度查核,分別為力克企業有限公司、凱揚精密有限公司、台灣中油股份有限公司溶劑化學品事業部、戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院、耐斯廣場股份有限公司、台灣榮民總醫院嘉義分院、嘉義市肉品市場股份有限公司及衛生福利部嘉義醫院,詳第3.1.3節。(四) 水質自動連續監測系統:每月使用水質連續自動監測系統執行列管事業72小時連續監測,依據每月現場稽查狀況選定每月預定執行事業單位,目前已完成台灣史丹利安防系統股份有限公司下游處、巨裕五金鐵練有限公司二廠下游處、巨裕五金鐵練有限公司二廠上游處、永金欣表面處理有限公司下游處、盧亞人醫院下游處、民烽有限公司下游處、尊皇大飯店股份有限公司下游處、家福股份有限公司北門門市下游處及凱揚精密有限公司下游處等,共9處進行水質自動連續監測,詳第3.1.4節。(五) 列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業:今年度預計執行事業廢水處理設施之功能評鑑作業,經環保局確認名單後106年針對勤億蛋品科技股份有限公司、巨裕五金鐵鍊有線公司二廠、台灣史丹利安防系統股份有限公司、永金欣表面處理有限公司、嘉義鐵線製品股份有限公司及遠東機械工業股份有限公司等執行 6家列管事業進行功能評鑑作業,詳第3.1.9節。(六) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會:本計畫今年度共辦理5場次法規說明會,已於6月21日、8月24日上午、下午、9月22日與10月31日於嘉義市焚化廠辦理五場次法規說明會,使業者能確實執行及了解水污染防治措施相關規定詳第3.1.13節。(七) 水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估:環保署106年3月28日以環署水字第1060023084號來函通知本市105年水污費申報有疑義之指定查核對象及應查核期別名單,環保署考量各縣市之徵收家數及查核資源各異,爰依水污費應申報家數為基準,並分二階段提報查核結果,本市第一階段應106年5月30日前完成10家查核並函送環保署(含查核紀錄),第二階段應於10月31日前完成全數查核並函送環保署(含查核紀錄),至11月30日第一階段及第二階段共完成23家水污費查核作業,詳第3.2節。(八) 巡守隊輔導與教育訓練暨聯繫會議:本計畫需辦理4 場次巡守隊教育訓練暨聯繫會,已於6月3日、7月28日、9月18日及10月24日辦理四場次教育訓練,透過老師講解導覽解說技巧,提升推廣環境教育的未來空間,使巡守隊員在面對民眾有關水環境巡守發問或號召民眾參與時,透過這溝通的橋樑讓來自不同背景、年齡、教育程度的民眾能與水環境巡守互動。而目前本市共有5隊巡守隊,為使水環境巡守隊能深入了解河川污染防治環境、保育及生物多樣性之重要性,並提升巡守專業能力以及多元化特色發展,分別於7月13日、9月29日邀請洪慶宜及丁建原老師等二位專家學者進行本市各隊巡守隊現場輔導作業,依據各隊在地特色及區域性給予相關建議,以利巡守隊永續經營,詳第3.3.3及3.3.4節。(九) 河川淨溪(潭)活動:響應422世界地球日環保署舉辦『106年地球日全國淨灘活動』,已於4月16日上午7點於蘭潭水庫辦理清淨蘭潭、清淨嘉園活動,本次淨潭活動參與人數總計為918人,共清出 37.2 公斤垃圾及 17.4 公斤回收物,並回收近千個廢塑膠袋及 100 公斤乾電池,詳第3.3.6節。(十) 畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥份使用:為達沼液、沼渣資源充分利用及保護水體目的,現行畜牧糞尿之排放係以廢(污)水或廢棄物的認定,轉化為肥分之資源化管理,為讓畜牧糞尿回歸到資源化管理方式,環保署積極推動畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用。本市推動明秀畜牧場進行沼液沼渣資源利用,於4月27日進行該畜牧場之沼液、沼渣成分分析,且於6月30日於施灌農地區域採集3點次土壤檢測及1點次地下水檢測,已於8月17日提送明秀畜牧場沼液沼渣農地肥份使用申請書至本市農林畜牧科進行初審,並於8月21日由本市農林畜牧科函轉農委會進行複審,農委會已於9月20日函覆審查結果,申請書經修正後同意通過,農林畜牧科於11月7日正式發文通過明秀畜牧場沼渣沼液肥分使用計畫申請書。並對今年無意願申請沼液沼渣之業者金聰畜牧場及嘉義大學畜牧場等2家進行3次稽查採樣,詳第4.2節。(十一) 其他配合辦理事項:1.陳情稽查:統計至 11月30日共有35件陳情案件,包括:河川及排水溝污染案件10件、水庫污染案件2件、廢水排放案件9件、水溝異味10件、猪屎異味4件,皆已派人員現場稽查完畢並告知陳情人處理情形,異味案件現場稽查皆無聞到異味,另外廢水排放及水質異常情形,現場稽查情形無查獲異狀或為嘉義縣轄區權責,皆轉請相關權責單位進行改善,詳第3.1.12節。2.新聞稿:本計畫分別於3月13日、4月11日、9月5日及9月18日各提交1則新聞稿,至106年11月30共計提送4篇新聞稿,新聞稿議題分別為「無磷清潔做環保,河川水質變更好」、「千人一起來淨潭,手護嘉園、手護地球」、「化糞池水肥按時清 環境衛生更安心」及「水污資訊大公開,重大違規皆現形」,其中淨潭新聞稿登載於中國時報,詳第3.6.1節。"
Keyword "水污費查核 沼液沼渣農地肥份使用"
EngTitle "Water Pollution Sources Inspection and Water Pollution Control Fee Collection and Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer"
EngAbstract "AbstractsThe main work of the project can be divided into two sub-projects, namely : (1) Water Pollution Sources Inspection and Water Pollution Control Fee Collection, (2) Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer, the implementation of November 30, 2017, work items and performance statistics, summarized as follows :(1) Water quality management of environmental water body : Water quality management once a month of Niuchou River, Bajhang River(including drainage at regional level) and Lan-tan Reservoir. The results of the monitoring are disclosed to Environmental Water Quality Information and the quarterly reports are submitted to the authorities For reference, please refer to chapter 3.1.1 for more detail.(2) Inspection of water pollution management institution and examination of water quality : As of November 30, inspections of 105 industries and 56 sampling tests have been completed with a completion rate of 100%, please refer to chapter 3.1.2 for more detail.(3) Strengthen inspection of water pollution management institution : For the high pollution and violation of water pollution-related laws and regulations of the key undertakings, agencies to handle the object such as active and active inspection and sampling. Strengthen Inspection of 8 industries have been completed, namely : Li Ker Co., Ltd., Kai Yang Co., Ltd., CPC Corporation, Taiwan Solvent & Chemical Business Division, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Nice Plaza Co., Ltd., Chiayi Branch, Taichung Veterans Hospitial, Chiayi Meat Market and Chia-Yi Hosptial, Ministry of Health and Welfare, please refer to chapter 3.1.3 for more detail.(4) The water quantity automatic survey system : The use of Water Quantity Automatic Survey System implementation of water pollution management continuous monitoring 72 hours every month, according to the monthly on-site inspection status selected monthly scheduled implementation of institutions, 9 industries have been completed, namely : downstream of Stanley Security Solutions Taiwan Co., Ltd., upstream and downstream of Juyu No.2 Co., Ltd., downstream of Yongjinxin Co., Ltd., downstream of Lu Ya-ren Hospital, downstream of Ming-Fong Plating Co., Ltd., downstream of Chiayi Tsun Huang Hotel, downstream of Carrefour Beimen Store and downstream of Kai Yang Co., Ltd., please refer to chapter 3.1.4 for more detail.(5) Management of wastewater treatment facilities functional evaluation operations : After confirming the list by Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi city (CYCEPB), it will carry out the function evaluation of 6 industries, namely : Chinyi Eggs Technology Co., Ltd., Juyu No.2 Co., Ltd., Stanley Security Solutions Taiwan Co., Ltd., Yongjinxin Co., Ltd., Chiayi Wire Products Co., Ltd., please refer to chapter 3.1.9 for more detail.(6) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement of water pollution : Holding 5 meetings for related policies or law announcement of water pollution in Chiayi Incineration Plant, please refer to chapter 3.1.13 for more detail.(7) Water pollution control fee collection and evaluation of the effectiveness of use : On March 28, 2017, EPA notified the letter No. 1060023084 to notify Chiayi of the 2016 water pollution control fee collection declared mistakes and should check the object, EPA considers the number of requisitioned households in each county and check the resources are different, according to the number of households should be declared as the basis for water and sewage charges, and submit the results of the inspection in two phases, the first phase of the city should be completed by May 30, Ten check-ups were sent to the EPA (including check-in records). The second phase should be completed by October 31 full check and sent to the EPD (including audit records). By the first and second phases of November 30, a total of 23 ind..."
EngKeyword "Water Pollution Sources Inspection、 Water Pollution Control Fee Collection "
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "1060105"
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "2999.247"
ProjectStartDate 2017-02-27
ProjectEndDate 2017-11-30
SponsorOrg "嘉義市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "高靈韓"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1073397896"
Title "107年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫(後續擴充)"
Abstract "本擴充計畫主要進行已核定施灌之成效追蹤、推廣畜牧糞尿資源化利用及成立施灌運輸車隊,在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成72點次地下水豐、枯水期監測(包含複測12點次、不包含環保署監測站及扣除共用地下水監測井重複之點次)及87點次土壤監測作業,其監測結果土壤均未超過土壤污染監測標準,而在地下水監測方面,枯水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有8點次(5點次為上游,3點次為下游);豐水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有6點次(4點次為上游,2點次為下游) 經探討監測井位於施灌範圍上游,應非為本案施灌沼液所造成,而下游超標之畜牧場,經檢視施灌紀錄後,兩場之監測井為同一口,且106年度之監測數據均未超過停灌標準,應為該口井之單一情況,一場未有施灌行為,另一場施灌量僅占核定施灌量之22.8 %,故推測下游氨氮超標亦應非為施灌沼液、沼渣所造成,且停灌應以監測數據有明顯上升趨勢為基準,後續仍將持續監測,以釐清氨氮測值是否有明顯上升,現階段建議場家可持續施灌。另於每三個月追蹤施灌情形,及已協助29場場家提出施灌評析報告。在推廣畜牧糞尿資源化利用方面,已依據廢(污)水處理設施設計處理水量、廢(污)水排放量及可再處理之餘裕量篩選22場畜牧業者進行推廣,並調查鄰近推廣場家5公里範圍內之畜牧場所在區域、飼養規模、廢(污)水排放量、可用之農地面積等,及研擬畜牧糞尿資源化推動可行性策略,截至11月30日已完成22場之輔導與實地調查,有意願者共19場,其中有11場願意收受他場豬糞尿進場處理,包含於6月20日、8月29日、9月21日及10月18日已協助提出申請之5場畜牧業者、資料收集中1場、尚須媒合其他畜牧場2場、與廠商洽談中2場、願意被收受1場;無意願收受他場糞尿入場8場中,其原因主要為只想做自場發電、防疫問題或者已申請農委會補助。以提出申請之5場場家估算,預計每年之資源化利用量292,605.9公噸,每天約可削減BOD 5,371.1公斤、SS 6,333.1公斤、NH3-N 308.6公斤,其污染削減量達環保署訂定之污染削減量目標值,可望改善關鍵測站污染負荷,並減少約1,579,270元之水污染防治費、增加約11,582,910元之售電收入。另已完成7場宣導會或研商會議,參與人數達116人、10月30日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化成果發表記者會、11月1日~3日辦理1場次畜牧糞尿資源化處理計畫觀摩活動,帶領參訪者了解沼氣發電、沼液沼渣施灌、農業廢棄物發展成再生能源(燃料棒)及固形廢棄物之循環再利用,實際參與人數達71人,惟部分參與人員因個人因素、工作時間無法全程參與,經統計全程參與觀摩活動的人數為40人、編製500份摺頁及製作13場畜牧場之沼液沼渣農地肥分使用成果易拉展。在建立沼液沼渣肥分使用運輸施灌體系方面,經統計購置施灌車輛或農地貯存桶意願,有意申請之畜牧業者共計12家,無意願申請場家共計58家,探究主因多為已有槽車、主要為管線施灌、購置經費過高,無法負擔、補助購買槽車的載重噸數超過3.5噸,需有大貨車駕照才能駕駛或農地貯存桶會佔用到耕作面積等,另根據施灌車輛之調查進行建置沼液沼渣肥分使用運輸施灌體系之媒合。本擴充計畫已於7月10、11日協助第一批有意申請之12家畜牧業者提出沼液沼渣施灌營運計畫書,另於11月27、28日協助第二批有意願申請之畜牧業者提出沼液沼渣施灌營運計畫書,合計預購置購置9個農地貯存槽與7台施灌車輛,且陸續協助畜牧業者於施灌車輛或施灌桶槽進行「農地沼液沼渣施灌」字樣之噴漆作業。"
Keyword "沼液沼渣、畜牧業、示範場"
EngTitle "2018 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County(the subsequent extension)"
EngAbstract "This extended plan mainly carries out the effectiveness tracking of approved irrigation, promotes the utilization of animal husbandry and urine resources, and sets up a fleet of irrigation and transportation vehicles. Regarding the effectiveness tracking of livestock farms that have been approved for application of biogas fermentation residue, there are 72 times of groundwater monitoring for high and low water level periods (including 12 times of retest, excluding EPA monitoring station and shared groundwater monitoring well) and 87 times of soil monitoring operations which have been completed. The monitoring results have not exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards. Regarding the groundwater monitoring, there are 8 times (5 times for the upstream and 3 times for the downstream) after the retesting in the low water level period. The overtake number after the retest in the high water level period is 6 times (4 for the upstream and 2 for the downstream). It is because the monitoring well is located in the upstream of the irrigation area, and it should not be caused by the application of the biogas fermentation residue in this case. In addition, the livestock farms that exceeded the standard in the downstream, after examining the records of irrigation, in the case of an unapplied behavior, the other application amount only accounts for 22.8% of the approved irrigation amount. Therefore, it is suspected that the downstream ammonia nitrogen exceeding standard should not be caused by the application of biogas fermentation residue, and the monitoring data should be obvious. The upward trend is the benchmark, and groundwater will continue to be monitored in order to clarify whether there is a significant increase in the ammonia nitrogen measurement. At this stage, it is recommended that the farmers can continue irrigation. Moreover, the irrigation condition was tracked every three months, and there are 29 field experts submit the evaluation report.As for the promotion of animal husbandry utilization, the amount of water, waste (sewage) water discharge and reprocessing margin have been designed according to waste (sewage) water treatment facilities. We selected 22 animal husbandry operators for promotion, and investigated the raising scale, waste (sewage) water discharge, and available agricultural land area within 5km of the livestock farms operators, as well as developed feasibility strategies for animal husbandry and urine resources. As of November 30, 22 counseling and field surveys have been completed. There are 19 sessions with willingness, 11 of which are willing to accept the pig manure and urine, including the 5 which has been applied on June 20, August 29, September 21 and October 18. There are 1 sessions of composing, 2 sessions of livestock farm matching, 2 sessions of negotiation, 1 session of acceptance. There are 8 sessions that are not willing to accept the admission of other fields. The main reason is that they only want to do self-power generation, and the epidemic prevention problem has been applied for by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.Regarding 5 animal husbandry applications, it is estimated that the annual resource utilization will be 292,605.9 metric tons, the daily reduction of BOD is 5,371.1 kg, SS is 6,333.1 kg, and NH3-N is 308.6 kg. The pollution reduction amount reached the target set by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. It is expected to improve the pollution load of key monitoring stations, reduce the water pollution control cost of about 1,579,270 NTD, and got 11,582,910 NTD revenue from sales of electricity sales.In addition, there have been 7 publicity meetings or seminars completed, with 116 participants, a press conference on the results of livestock and feces and urinary resources held on October 30, and 1 animal husbandry and feces recycling treat..."
EngKeyword "biogas fermentation、animal husbandry、demonstrative areas"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "107-018-1"
ProjectYear 107
ProjectBudget "2640"
ProjectStartDate 2018-05-12
ProjectEndDate 2018-11-30
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "甘尚玉"
ExecutingOrg "元科科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃招斌"
AssistDirector "范千靖"
CoDirector ""


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欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 高雄市苓雅區正大里中正一路120號15樓之1
統一編號 16902960
營業人名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
資本額 20000000
設立日期 0880507
組織別名稱 股份有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 760999
名稱 其他未分類專業、科學及技術服務


提供全國一般廣告服務業(I40101, I401010, I401011, I401030, I401040, I40110)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-一般廣告服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-04-01 02:39:53.68


提供全國資訊軟體服務(I30101, I301010, F501990, I301310)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資訊軟體服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:37:05.21


提供全國資料處理服務(I30102, I301020, I301021, I301220)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資料處理服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:39:00.957


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project"
eng_Subject "The main work items of Stationary Sources Permit and Air pollution Fee project are: (1) Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition and elaboration conference. (2)Pollution sources control, including patrol, stack inorganic content inspection, sulfur content inspection of fuel oil, regular inspection surveillance, accuracy reviewed of CEMS and dioxins inspection of incinerators. (3) Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (4) Air Pollution Fee payment review and audit.(5) Training for Air Pollution Responsibility Personnel and so on. In permit program, there are 30 processes for new located applications, 51 for operation permit and 36 for permit extension in the year. By on-site checking, 9 processes do not pass the examination. These companies were asked to correct their documents to follow the Air Pollution regulations. Pollutants inspection also held in this program. We inspected regular air pollutants of 15 stacks, 40 sulfate components of oil and 10 odor test, they would get the penalty when these samples exceeded standards. And we take RATA inspection for CEMS too. By this way, we can give the right data to the companies that they can modify the CEMS programs. This year, the main conferences were held for introducing fee rates for stationary pollution source air pollution control fees.We invited environmental personnel to have education lessons for Fee rates and fee calculation method for volatile organic compounds,Calculation method and fee rates for sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides,Applicable conditions and calculation formula incentive coefficient bracket ratio and etc.The other subject was introducing the permitted regulations, education lessons for new regulations, modeling criteria, BACT and the declaration of pollutants emission quantity and etc. All these teachings would improve those people’s acquaintance on their routine works. In emission quantity update, we renewed 201 factories’ data. The results showed the particulate emissions totally are about 2146 ton/year, SOx 368 ton/year, NOx 568 ton/year and VOC 453 ton/year. "
proj_year 2009
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180701

eng_title "Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park"
eng_Subject "The project “Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park” has been executed since April, 2nd, 2012. The annual project contains several tasks, including investigation of volatile organic gas/VOCs (includes hazardous air pollutant) in the air at Outlying Islands Industrial Park; building up fingerprint database for the investigated results; maintaining and expanding the functions of existent environmental monitoring system; rehearsing the emergency response system; fulfilling the functions of the system and establishing the communication channels among different units. And finally organizing the relevant reduction plans about air pollution control self-management of different companies in Formosa Industrial Park or to follow up the schedule and improve the results of committed affairs. It is to provide the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County with educational trainings and technical trainings to help them administer the relevant project of air pollution inspection and control in coastal industrial park.The results of the project execution are as follows: I. Establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring information connection.I) In setting up the environmental information network of the coastal industrial park via the establishment of real-time data conversion capture system, the results are as follows:1. Four air quality monitoring stations of Environmental Protection Agency (The connection measured items including SO2、CO、O3、PM10、NO2).2. Three air quality monitoring station in Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park (The connection measured items including SO2, NO2. Nox, NO, CO, O3, NMHC, CxHy, Methane、PM10、TSP、wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall).3. The instant measure connection of five meteorological stations and two air quality monitoring stations set up by Environmental Protection Bureau (The connection measured items including wind speed, wind direction and CO2). Storage the instant connection data in a central monitoring data warehouse for value-added use.II) As for CCTV live video connection operation, we have completed CCTV live video establishment work in order to promptly monitor the current status of coastal industrial zone pipe emissions. CCTVs were erected at the southern port of Accommodation K (11-storey) and H (5-storey) of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park. As for the transmission line, we applied 8M ADSL line and 50M fiber optic lines with 37 times zoom anti-explosion camera and remote DVR surveillance systems for image transmission. As for office image data storage, the historical image data were saved in 2T hard disk. We applied high-definition image storage method currently (resolution 720x480). It can have one-month storage amount.III) As referred to remote image function for users, it provides two ways to check remotely and promptly, including 1) PC web browser function, 2) mobile phone or tablet browsing capabilities. Users can do real-time video access, camera remote control (zoom and 360-degree mobile), historical image access and screen capture and storage functions by using the device remotely.IV) As for service information, we provide link between monitoring data and the data of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring sites, and assist the general public to enquire the environmental monitoring data and environmental messages of coastal industrial park. Website is integrated into the central connection monitoring server, and be updated and maintained regularly. The main structure of website is divided into four functions, including timely environmental monitoring data queries, CCTV video real-time information, environmental information and related websites. In addition, we combined functions of smartphone, developed the air qual..."
proj_year 2012
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

eng_title "The project of fugitive emission sources control and maintenance management of clean air zones in 2012"
eng_Subject " “The project of fugitive emission sources control and maintenance management of clean air zones in 2012”, was implemented on March 1, 2012. In order to improve the air quality as well as to enhance the quality of living environment and space. The main objectives were to provide inventory and set up inspections of fugitive emission sources, including deal with sand, clay or clay used in construction manufacturing, cement manufacturing, asphalt mixing, steel smelting, steel casting, mining, manufacturing and port lime. Providing them Counseling to comply with regulations to reinforce fugitive emission sources control and works for clean air zones.So far, we strengthen the patrol to check the top 10 fugitive emission sources for 374 times and the regulations satisfaction was 70%, and finished checking 73 processes of 53 permitted company, counseling roads clean adoption length for 3,910 m, constructed and upgraded the database about 68 clean air zones, the data including area, position, plot, arbor inventory, arbor growing situation etc, we handled a clean air zone maintenance and management seninar and to observe outside county’s clean air zones. By the “Stationary sources of fugitive particulate pollutants, air pollution control facilities management legislation”. Our further work will keep requesting fugitive emission sources to carry out air control measurement, field green and tracking improvement measures well of air quality zones and fugitive emission sources ."
proj_year 2012
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150501

eng_title " 2017 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan"
eng_Subject "none"
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180701

eng_title "2016 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan"
eng_Subject "The main task of the project is to assist Environmental Protection Bureau Ping Tung County (PTEPB) and to administer the various programs scheme, subjects and methodologies. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we were able to review on what subjects have been finished over the period of time and helped EPA deal with Air Pollution (AP) agendas and minutes to boot, supervising the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching toward better Air Quality (AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule including long-term, mid-term, or short-term goal as a proposition in the control of the AQ in the future. The duration of the project is from 27th January, 2016 to 19th January 2017. The summary of implementation is as follows.Among the indicative pollutants (PSI>100) measured at the Air Quality inspection stations at Pingtung County in year 2016, the number of days of which poor air quality were reported is 20 days, and is 4 days more than those measured in year 2015. For the indicative pollutants (PSI>100), the number of days of which poor air quality of O3 and PM2.5 were reported as 110 and 171 days, which are 281 days in total. As to the outcome measured at the Yan-Jou station set by Pingtung County, the number of days of which poor air quality was reported were 4 days between January and August 2016, and is 4 days less than those measured between January and August 2015. Currently, O3 and PM10 are the main indicative pollutants in the Pingtung County. When the air quality becomes worse, we will activate the reporting system and report back via the adoption mechanism of each inspection station as well as the tracing of major pollution sources. We will reinforce the controlling actions after poor air quality was reported back. There were 117 days reported in total, and the reducing amount is 76.44 ton for TSP, SOX 0.06 ton for SOX, 0.71 ton for NOX, and 3.68 ton for NMHC. On the whole, the reporting rate of poor air quality is 98%. There are 25 projects of improving air quality conducted by Pingtung County. They can be categorized into stationary sources, mobile sources, fugitive sources, integrated management and monitoring, and local characteristic research plans. The key points include strengthening local characteristics and improving main issues, collaborating with the EPA and improving the air quality of year 2016 to PSI<3.4%. Besides, in cooperation with the EPA, the indicative performance this year will be focusing on promoting total amount control, improving the control performance of mobile sources, launching sand capturing plan, burning agricultural waste in open spaces and controlling the burning of paper money. The schedule of each project is between 54-100% towards completion. The total implementation rate is 68.1%, and the analysis of achievement is graded as 89.6. Until the end of December, the reducing amount of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, SOX, NOX and NMHC is 5,596.03, 2,660.11, 569.78, 8.43, 71.18 and 206.82 ton, reaching 100% of the target. In promoting air quality purification area, we have accomplished the assessment of 190 purification areas, and reached 1.008 hectares of newly built green spaces as well as bare lands improvement via subsidies and the implementation of bare land planting projects. In addition, in order to further explore the cause of pollution, and also to analyze and improve controlling performance, the focuses this year will be to reinforce the analysis of information, revise the emergency response brochure, carry out survey of the public’s satisfaction, observe innovative methods from other counties or cities, cooperate with the promotion work in Kaohsiung, promote low-pollution transport, and plan green networks."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170608

eng_title "The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2014 and 2015"
eng_Subject "“The“ 2014-2015 Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” of Kaohsiung City was executed from 4th June, 2014 to the end of 2015. The missions included assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, on-site permitting documents examination, on-site emission application investigation, on-line GHG application examination, flue monitoring works, flue VOCs fingerprints assessment, monitored-factories data base refreshment, non-monitored factories data base extending works and Cap controlled testing in industrial areas. In 2015, We finished 991 permit applications review and 812 permitting documents sent , and there were 2 productions'' pollutions which need to hold expertise conferences to discuss. Besides, we also completed 1176 licenses check operation on site, 432 emission application examination, permitting sites monitoring, 10 times flue VOCs fingerprint assessment, 170 times public and private areas inspection, extended maintenance of database update for 1165 processes and refresh updating of 277 non-monitored factories. More than that, we also made each 2 conferences for explanation and technology transfer.Until 2015, there are 1089 permitted factories with 1810 processes in Kaohsiung city. 432 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act, 150 were belong to first group and 269 were second group, and 13 were dismissed control. We recognized 8996.977 metric tons of particulate matters, 26357.476 metric tons of SOx, 36942.185 metric tons of NOx and 11546.339 metric tons of VOCs in 2014. From 2014, the announcement had already been made that second group of GHG application online, and Kaohsiung City had 58 (18 were group 1, 40 were group 2). The plan already finished GHG application review from season 1 to season 3 of 2015, and transferred questionnaires and mistakes to applicants for fixing. This year, the plan will cooperate with EPB to inspect informal factories, which were in the list provided by Economy Development Bureau, including metal production process and machining, totally 216 factories. Other issues included on-site inspection and reviewing process. The plan will continuously complete first stage of inspection from 24th to 26th, March, and collect results, in order to provide data for bureau to consider if stationary pollution permitting still needs to be controlled."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "The project of stationary sources of air pollution permission and management in 2014 and 2015"
eng_Subject "“The“ 2014-2015 Stationary Source Permitting and Management Plan (SSPMP)” of Kaohsiung City was executed from 4th June, 2014 to the end of 2015. The missions included assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, on-site permitting documents examination, on-site emission application investigation, on-line GHG application examination, flue monitoring works, flue VOCs fingerprints assessment, monitored-factories data base refreshment, non-monitored factories data base extending works and Cap controlled testing in industrial areas. In 2015, We finished 991 permit applications review and 812 permitting documents sent , and there were 2 productions'' pollutions which need to hold expertise conferences to discuss. Besides, we also completed 1176 licenses check operation on site, 432 emission application examination, permitting sites monitoring, 10 times flue VOCs fingerprint assessment, 170 times public and private areas inspection, extended maintenance of database update for 1165 processes and refresh updating of 277 non-monitored factories. More than that, we also made each 2 conferences for explanation and technology transfer.Until 2015, there are 1089 permitted factories with 1810 processes in Kaohsiung city. 432 factories of them have to report pollutant emissions by air pollution control act, 150 were belong to first group and 269 were second group, and 13 were dismissed control. We recognized 8996.977 metric tons of particulate matters, 26357.476 metric tons of SOx, 36942.185 metric tons of NOx and 11546.339 metric tons of VOCs in 2014. From 2014, the announcement had already been made that second group of GHG application online, and Kaohsiung City had 58 (18 were group 1, 40 were group 2). The plan already finished GHG application review from season 1 to season 3 of 2015, and transferred questionnaires and mistakes to applicants for fixing. This year, the plan will cooperate with EPB to inspect informal factories, which were in the list provided by Economy Development Bureau, including metal production process and machining, totally 216 factories. Other issues included on-site inspection and reviewing process. The plan will continuously complete first stage of inspection from 24th to 26th, March, and collect results, in order to provide data for bureau to consider if stationary pollution permitting still needs to be controlled."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "2014-2015, Port District Pollution Reduction and Green Transportation Promotion Project"
eng_Subject "In this project, we collected the traffic policies promoted by the bureaus through years and analyzed the effectiveness of buses, MRT and public bikes. We provided a trial table to each bureaus.This preliminary proposal of the green transportation in Kaohsiung explained the policy direction and actions. We sat the time table and the responsibilities of the each division unit.According to the operating characteristics, the spot-setting principles and the systems model of public bicycle at home and abroad. We made Kaohsiung city government a reference of the public bike spot principle.We made the benefits assessment and progress of the enterprise substitute match basing on the operation procedure such as data collecting, compacting, factor analyzing, organization and format checking etc. Comparing the environmental characteristics and operating conditions to twelve international ports, we planned controlling strategies for our port areas. In 2014, there is no serious violations within 201 inspection days, 8 times complex inspections, 10 TSP tests of area surrounding and 50 fuel sample tests. Until now, here are 8 times relative meeting, 1 time field trip to other country, 15 media press which include banners about air pollution, and 1077 citizen satisfaction surveys have been done for the project."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "Collection of Air Pollution Control Fee and Inspection Control Project for Construction Projects in "
eng_Subject "The plan started from 2014 to 2015 of Impose Establish Construction Air Pollution Preventing Expenses and Checking and Inspection Control Project has effected since July 04, 2012. The plan contains the air pollution on construction levy, the inspection and control over the construction site, the control of pollution source, the construction on CCTV , the guidance, the execute of self-control, and the website service …etc. The work schedule and instruction on 2014 has been listed:1. The air pollution on construction levy:The amount of declaration on 2014 is 5,314 ; 4,547 amount cases have been settle down. To sum up, the government imposed NTD 125,643,119 from 7,561 cases which have already been advised the charge. The declaration case amount on construction on 2014 is “miscellaneous construction” as the most (38.73%); the “RC construction” ranks the second (24.67%).The fee amount of declaration is “miscellaneous construction “as the most (30.53%); the “highway construction” ranks the second (24.67%);the “desilting works” ranks the third(18.72%). As for administrative division, the amount on whose operation declaration is Hsiao-kang district as the most (8.11%); both of Feng-Shan district and Gang-shan district rank the second (6.44%). The declaration fee is Hsiao-kang district as the most ; Feng-Shan district and Chi-chin district rank the second (8.33%) and the third (7.16%).The declaration for cloud service usage has occupied over 54.18%.We found from the task of reminders to pay the amount that there are 26 cases started construction but declaration, which is worth NTD 307,182. The rest two cases ware investigated by Environmental Protection Bureau to realize the details from the proprietor.2. The inspection and control over the construction site:(A) The inspection on the finished construction site is 19,591 times from which was divided into pipeline construction occupied 3,078 times, holiday construction occupied 1,663 times, and finished air pollution fee’s investigation occupied 864 times.(B) AB Level’s pollution presentation : “ RC、SRC construction “ and “ miscellaneous construction “ are the most parts of the presentation form the 1,883 presented cases on 2014. A level’s examination has divided into (1) finished improvement: 476 cases (2) under the auditing and examination standard: 73 cases (3) under the auditing standard, but under examination standard, should be revised within the expiration date: 11 cases (4) never examination: 2 cases B level’s recheck result: (1) finished improvement: 1,229 cases (2) the same mistake but never improved, which should be forwarded to Environmental Protection Bureau for further follow-up: 42 cases.(C)The rate of inspection after start-working application is 91.41%; TSP’s figure has shut down by 5,403.79 metric tons, both of which have met the contract demands.(D)The “paperless system” has been set up on Sep.03, 2014.3. Other Task:(A) Contamination detection: it has been finished as folling:50 workshop for TSP testing, 21 items for oil testing , 5 workshops for PM 2.5 testing. All of the TSP testing are meet the standard. One oil testing didn’t comply with a standard. The relevant persons connected with the construction have been seen as the first priority to educate not only the rules of using the machine oil but also the way of cleaning oil box in order to alert them to avoid breaking the laws. Also, the result of testing PM2.5 has shown that PM2.5’s concentration will increase in accordance with TSP concentration; contrariously, the proportion between PM2.5 and TSP will drop as grow with TSP’ concentration. In short, because of the varieties of contamination contributed, PM 2.5’s concentration will moderate as TSP’s concentration rise. On the ground that there is not enough samples to assay ,the further results will be discuss after the detection..."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "2014~2015 Kaohsiung City fugitive pollution source inspection and control project"
eng_Subject "This project started from 12 April, 2014. The main work items include fugitive particulate matter inspection operations, fugitive autonomic control operations, cleaning and washing operation of surrounding roads, outdoor burning of agricultural waste inspections and advocacy, instant video surveillance of major pollution, ambient TSP inspection, reduction counseling, promotion activities, surveys and other related issues.The progress of all works has been aggregated in Table 1 (Statistics to December 31):1.Fugitive particulate matter inspection operations(1)We have done the inspection operation in accordance with the fugitive source management approach. A total of 1,863 spots have been inspected, with 237 spots of notification (208 spots of B-level and 29 spots of A-level notification).(2)A quarterly check on the tabulation lists of fugitive source, and building Kaohsiung geospatial information map of emission sources. (3)Addressing 3 innovative approaches, (a) double sand control, (b) prohibition against outdoor burning of agricultural waste, (c) optimize the control system to preventing fugitive.2.Promoting industrial manufactures cleaning and washing surrounding roads and fugitive autonomic control operations.(1)Tracking cleaning and maintenance of industrial area pavements, confirmation pavement maintenance cleaning industrial areas, total of 339 cases have been inspected, with 15 cases of deficiency notification. We have reviewed and reported modification outcome on deficient pavements.(2)Completing two instruction meetings of fugitive pavement adoption, and adding a total of 52 manufactures joining the adoption.3. Other works(1)Pollution sources inspection: We have executed 25 times of ambient TSP inspections, with two exceeded regulatory standards. We have reported in accordance with the law.(2)CCTV real-time monitoring: Setting up nine CCTV real-time monitoring systems.(3)Outdoor burning of agricultural waste inspections: 205 inspections have been completed, with 108 places of sending persuasion messages.(4)Convening meetings: completing one educational training session, eight reduction counseling sessions, one regulatory briefing session, two sessions about prohibition against outdoor burning, one demonstration session and one achievement publication session. (5)Software and hardware: setting up the Fugitive Emission website (Accessible website), GPS system for radiation cars and maintaining three computers for paperless radiation program.(6)Manual and guidance: 1000 Biological Waste guidance, 600 Fugitive Emission manual and the alternative plan.(7)Media and investigations: finish 7 news press and 204 administration satisfy surveys."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_WaterQualityProtection
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2019 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County"
eng_Subject "The project aimed to investigate the descriptive information of the animal husbandry in Yunlin County, including the distribution of animal husbandry, the percentage of pollution contributed, and the relative position between affected critical monitoring stations nearby. The objects of the project are the animal husbandry business with registered certificates for breeding livestock or poultry. The range of the survey covered Beigang, Xinhuwei, Zhuoshui River basin, and Dayilun, Bajiaoting, Shicuoliao, Youcailiao, Magongcuo, as well as Niutiaowan Drain. The crucial water quality monitoring stations of Tokooda, Hifon, and Fon Bridge were also included.Based on the distribution of animal husbandry and pollution load condition, the project proposed a list with 331 livestock farms suggested further consultation for the policy of “biogas and fermented residue as farmland fertilizer”. Listed livestock farms were visited to check whether the facilities are compliant for regulations, such as the current conditions of wastewater treatment facilities in farms, days of anaerobic fermentation, conditions of biogas collection and utilization, and farmlands for biogas and fermented residue irrigation. The application procedures for biogas and fermented residue as fertilizer, as well as related water pollution regulation were also introduced to the farm owners.In order to raise farm owners’ interest in application of “biogas and fermented residue as farmland fertilizer”, 2,000 fine printed guidance brochures were handed out during on-site counseling and promotional meetings. 1 short films about the biogas and fermented residue irrigation were made to promote the effectiveness. 20 meetings were held by the date of November 30, 868 participants joining, and 85 willingness questionnaires collected. There are a total of 10 animal husbandry industries that are willing to apply, of which 3 have assisted in making applications and approved. In addition, the usage of the biogas fermentation residue farmland fertilizers was observed on September 25. The number of participants on the day reached 36. During the observation meeting, the livestock farmers learned how to transport by tanker transports, and how to build the biogas power generation equipment. Meanwhile, it can communicate with the visitors through the field to reduce the doubts of the livestock farmers.As the performance tracking for the livestock farms which were approved to implement the “biogas and fermented residue as farmland fertilizer” project, 70 farms have underwent groundwater and soil examination. The results along with the upcoming examination during high-water period will compare to the background level before implementation in 2016-2017 to understand the potential impacts of the irrigation to groundwater and soil nearby. The project will also assist other 4 qualified farmlands for the administration of application.In regards to assisting the application of “biogas and fermented residue as farmland fertilizer” for potential farmers. 77 farmlands have conducted examination on biogas and fermented residue, 78 farmlands have already been examined in soil and groundwater level, and 234 Farmlands expected to be irrigated have underwent precision analysis by the date of November 30. Compilations and submissions of 78 applications were completed. There are 52 applications have been approved, and 10 reports keep modifying according to the opinions from committee members, and the remaining 15 meetings are expected to be held in December. From a total of 133 animal husbandry operators located at the key stations, 31 livestock farms have been approved, the area of farmland for irrigation is 91.09 hectares, and the amount of irrigation is 31,617.89 (metric tons/year). The total reduction of BOD is approximately 552.76 (kg/day), the reduction of SS is 735.81 (kg/day), and the reduction..."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200228

eng_title "2019 Yunlin County water pollution source inspection control and application permit data management project"
eng_Subject "Yunlin County has a large number of registered businesses. In order to effectively carry out relevant inspection control and management on business units of water pollution source, this project is implemented by planning, conducting inspections, reviewing waste water treatment facilities of industrial and sewerage systems, and legality and rationality of periodic application and permits to maximize the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities. Specific to county’s major pollution targets, perform functional evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities, check business facilities, permits and application data, evaluate rationality of facility operation and offer opinions for correction to comply with requirements of laws and decrees. In addition to strengthening water quality of rivers through general inspection, it also holds relevant decree promotion and educational training activities, and strengthens concept of rule of law in general public. In addition, this project assists in implementation of various river pollution emergency response work, prevents rivers from major pollution behaviors, and establishes the problem-solving management system of county''s environmental space pollution analysis via systemic integration of air-, water-, waste-, poison- and network-related open information and incorporation of system integration, so that when county’s inspectors perform business, they can get the latest information at first-hand.Until April 8, 2020 , this project received and handled 2,212 application permits (documents) for new application, extension and case change from 915 businesses. 2,212 case reviews have been completed and 100% of completion. The inspection and sampling operation should be completed 500 times individually, and 668 inspections and 507 sampling operations have been completed. Sealing operation of unexplained pipeline should seal 15 pipelines, and already 17 pipelines have been sealed and removed. Sampling operations in industrial area and the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker complex are still ongoing based on the relevant contract period. In addition, 5 decree promotion conferences, 1 press conference on the outcomes of this project, and 1 educational training for business division colleagues were completed during implementation period. The project team will continue to carry out work items and other assignments in accordance with the contract."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200820

eng_title "Beigang River Drainage Basin, Yunlin County water pollution resource inspection project"
eng_Subject "This project’s main purpose is to inspect local industries’ wastewater treatment facility operations in Beigang and Xinhuwei River basin areas in Yunlin County. The plan also included to investigate if waste water was discharged that polluted groundwater near by local industries, which to avoid and prevent river pollution behaviors. Additionally, local Environmental protection Agency and industries would contact each other through LINE app messenger to communicate, assist and solve any situations. On the other hand, until, October 29th 2019, the implementation were included to investigate 11 industries were complaint by public inspections cases,236 industries water pollution cases, 61 industries’ wastewater management permit were approved,103 industries’ effluent standards for wastewaters cases, 13 industries’ unexplained pipelines sealing cases, 5 industries’ sampling operation cases, 5 times emergency response works, published 10 decrees promotion conferences cases. Moreover, according to water quality analysis of Beigang and Xinhuwei River basin areas that indicated animal agriculture were the bigger major contaminants in the river. However, river’s water quality analysis showed water quality is much better than previous year’s water quality while completely implemented this project. We also attended performance assessment meetings on April 30th, July 18th, September 30th , November 13th in order to assist Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to accessed water quality management results of data and uploaded to the cloud for program evaluation purpose."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191227

eng_title "2019 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County(the subsequent extension)"
eng_Subject "This extended plan mainly carries out the effectiveness tracking of approved irrigation, promotes the utilization of animal husbandry and urine resources, and sets up a fleet of irrigation and transportation vehicles. Regarding the effectiveness tracking of livestock farms that have been approved for application of biogas fermentation residue, there are 104 times of groundwater monitoring for high and low water level periods (including 20 times of retest, excluding EPA monitoring station and shared groundwater monitoring well) and 129 times of soil monitoring operations which have been completed. The monitoring results have not exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards. Regarding the groundwater monitoring, there are 4 times (2 times for the upstream and 2 times for the downstream) after the retesting in the low water level period. The overtake number after the retest in the high water level period is 8 times (1 for the upstream and 6 for the downstream and 1 for the area monitoring well). It is because the monitoring well is located in the upstream of the irrigation area, and it should not be caused by the application of the biogas fermentation residue in this case. In addition, the livestock farms that exceeded the standard in the downstream, after examining the records of irrigation, in the case of an unapplied behavior, the actual application rate did not reach 50% of the approved application rate. Therefore, it is speculated that the excessive ammonia nitrogen downstream should not be caused by the application of biogas slurry and biogas residue, which may be caused by the geographical location or the application of chemical fertilizers to adjacent agricultural land. Monitoring will continue to clarify whether the ammonia nitrogen measurement has significantly increased. Moreover, the irrigation condition was tracked every three months, and there are 43 field experts submit the evaluation report.In order to reward the livestock farms that have applied for the application of biogas fermentation, a selection contest for the use of excellent livestock farms for livestock manure, manure slurry, biogas residues, and farmland fertilization, and public praise for the award-winning livestock farms. On November 27, the press conference on the results of livestock manure and urine resource utilization was published to explain the current effectiveness of the promotion of animal manure and urine resource utilization. In conjunction with the selection of excellent livestock pastures from Yunlin County''s animal manure, urine, biogas, and biogas residues, we can clearly understand Yunlin driving situation. In addition, the usage of the biogas fermentation residue farmland fertilizers was observed on September 23 and September 24. The number of participants on the day reached 36. During the observation meeting, the livestock farmers learned how to transport by tanker transports. Meanwhile, it can communicate with the visitors through the field to reduce the doubts of the livestock farmers."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200228

eng_title "2018 Yunlin County water pollution source inspection control and application permit data management project"
eng_Subject "Yunlin County has a large number of registered businesses. In order to effectively carry out relevant inspection control and management on business units of water pollution source, this project is implemented by planning, conducting inspections, reviewing waste water treatment facilities of industrial and sewerage systems, and legality and rationality of periodic application and permits to maximize the efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities. Specific to county’s major pollution targets, perform functional evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities, check business facilities, permits and application data, evaluate rationality of facility operation and offer opinions for correction to comply with requirements of laws and decrees. In addition to strengthening water quality of rivers through general inspection, it also holds relevant decree promotion and educational training activities, and strengthens concept of rule of law in general public. In addition, this project assists in implementation of various river pollution emergency response work, prevents rivers from major pollution behaviors, and establishes the problem-solving management system of county''s environmental space pollution analysis via systemic integration of air-, water-, waste-, poison- and network-related open information and incorporation of system integration, so that when county’s inspectors perform business, they can get the latest information at first-hand.Until March 31, 2019, this project have received and handled 2,152 application permits (documents) for new application, extension and case change from 926 businesses. 2,152 case reviews have been completed with 100% completion. The inspection and sampling operation should be completed 500 times individually, and 564 inspections and 569 sampling operations have been completed. 10 unexplained pipeline sealing operation should be completed, and all of them have been done. Sampling operations in industrial area and the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker complex are still ongoing based on the relevant contract period. In addition, 5 decree promotion conferences, 1 press conference on the outcomes of this project, and 1 educational training for business division colleagues were completed during implementation period. The project team will continue to carry out work items and other assignments in accordance with the contract."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190801

eng_title "2018 Plan of Taitung County’s Implementation of Water Pollution Source Inspection, Water Pollution Fee Collection Check and and Biogas Residue as Farmland Fertilizer Use Plan"
eng_Subject "(1) Application for water pollution prevention and control and examination of documents: The project has accepted and completed the review of 110 applications, and 236 applications have been filed. In addition, 6 applications have not been submitted for the extension of the application time. The cut has been completed in the second half of 2017 (2017/07/01-2017/12/31), the first quarter of 2018 (2018/01/01-2018/03/31), and the first half of 2018 (2018/ 01/01-2018/06/30), the second quarter of 2018 (2018/04/01-2018/06/30), the third quarter of 2018 (2018/07/01-2018/10/31), etc. 4 Sub-regular inspection report review. Each month, the water licenses (documents) that have been valid for less than 6 months and have not been applied for extension are included in the survey. Currently, there are 5 applicants who have not yet applied for extension. (2) Water pollution source verification and sampling and testing operations: Since November 30, 329 inspections have been completed, the completion rate is 100%; 93 water quality sampling and testing operations have been completed, and the completion rate is 100%, respectively, in line with the contract. The first phase of the second paragraph (1) and (2) of Article 2(1) of the contract stipulates that active and active inspections and sampling will be carried out continuously for key stations and key targets. At present, 10 in-depth inspections have been completed. The inspection targets are Taidong County Agricultural Association East Travel Season Resort, Taipei Rongmin General Hospital Taitung Branch, Dongtai Hostel Co., Ltd., National Taitung College Chengpu Campus, and Luye Ding Development. Co., Ltd., Ruiqi Sandstone Co., Ltd., Xingdong Xingye Co., Ltd., Foyu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Jilin Factory, Dijingze Co., Ltd., Chengtai International Investment Co., Ltd. Taitung Branch THE GAYA HOTEL, related results As in Section 3.2.3, and continue to track the progress of the period. (3) Functional assessment of wastewater treatment facilities in the pipeline business: This year''s functional assessment operation completed the on-site evaluation (initial evaluation) of the Taitung Plant of the China National Pulp Co., Ltd. and the Chengtai Campus of the National Taitung College on June 22, 2007. On July 26, 107, the same experts and scholars (Mr. Ji Changguo and Huang Huiyuan) conducted on-site re-evaluation operations, including written data review and process and processing facility surveys, as well as site unit water quality sampling, etc., and please fill in the check and survey records. According to the results of water quality analysis, the function evaluation meeting of the evaluated units was held on August 8, 107, and August 9, 2007. During the year, the review of the functional assessment of the wastewater treatment facilities in the county from 102 to 106 years was carried out, and the missing objects were all improved. (4) Automatic monitoring of water quality and quantity (view) and connection transmission facilities System stable operation: The plan is to confirm the connection of the connected objects daily (the day of work on the office), and maintain the operation of the host equipment of the management connection transmission facility system. Cooperate with the monthly work execution progress reporting agency. This year, we reviewed and counseled the changes to the implementation instructions for the completed CWMS business “Foyu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Jilin Factory”. (5) Water pollution control fee collection check and application effectiveness evaluation: The plan also checks the water pollution fee for the check object during the in-depth inspection, and according to the EPA, the county water pollution fee should be checked for 18, at 107 Reply before June 30 of the year. On June 26, 107, the plan was sent to the county''s first water pollution fee inspection report to the Enviro..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20181231

eng_title "2018 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County"
eng_Subject "The project aims at surveying animal husbandry in Yunlin County. The content of survey includes the distribution of animal husbandry, the percentage of pollution contributed, the relative locations of key survey stations, and so on. The survey objects are focused on the animal husbandry business which owners have registration certificates for breeding livestock or poultry, and the survey areas are mainly at Beigang, Xinhuwei, Zhuoshui River basin, and Dayilun, Bajiaoting, Shicuoliao, Youcailiao, Magongcuo, as well as Niutiaowan Drain. The survey areas also include Tuku, Meilin and Haifeng Bridge.Based on the distribution of animal husbandry and pollution load condition, the project comes up with a suggestion list of 133 livestock farms which could be counseled for using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer. Project developers visit those livestock farms to check whether the facilities are qualified, to understand current conditions of waste water treatment facilities in farms, days of anaerobic fermentation, conditions of biogas collection and utilization, farm lands which can be used for biogas fermentation residue irrigation, and also to introduce farmers the application procedures for biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, as well as related water pollution regulation.In order to raise farmers’ interest in using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, project developers have printed 1,500 guidance brochures and hand them out during on-site counseling and promotional meetings. The project developers also made more than two films for using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer for animal husbandry in order to enhance the effectiveness of the promotion. There were already 6 promotional meetings held by November 30, 539 participants joining, and 67 willingness questionnaires collected. There were 34 farmers who already have anaerobic pools and biogas bags on their farms showing interest in applying for the project. Among them, there were 12 applications assisted, and 1 was used for the case of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. After more in-depth on-the-spot counseling and understanding, there are 18 operators considered the cost of repairing equipment, supporting farmlands, pipelines, and so on. The process of subsequent irrigation operations has turned to no intention or wait-and-see attitude. There is one field been leased to other people, one is a comprehensive operation of animal husbandry and animal husbandry, and one field required farmland matching. In addition, the usage of the biogas fermentation residue farmland fertilizers was observed on August 14. The number of participants on the day reached 71 (excluding the Environmental Protection Bureau members and staff). During the observation meeting, the livestock farmers learned how to transport by pipeline. The tanker transports the farmland and how to build the biogas power generation equipment. Meanwhile, it can communicate with the visitors through the field to reduce the doubts of the livestock farmers.Meanwhile, in order to know the farmers'' willingness to participate in the application, the questionnaire survey was conducted. The scope of the survey included 17 townships, with a total of 553 valid samples. The respondents were mostly 60-69 years old. For farmers who had been working for more than 10 years, 84.4% of them did not know the policy of using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer. However, more than 50% of the respondents showed their support after the explanation, indicating that the farmers were highly accepted. It is also suggested that more publicity activities such as model sharing and handling briefings and speeches can be held to enhance visibility, strengthen farmers'' demonstration and correct guidance or send staffs to guide correct irrigation methods to increase willingness of participation. In the tr..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190311

eng_title "Water Pollution Sources Inspection and Water Pollution Control Fee Collection and Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer"
eng_Subject "AbstractsThe main work of the project can be divided into two sub-projects, namely : (1) Water Pollution Sources Inspection and Water Pollution Control Fee Collection, (2) Piggery Waste and Digestate for Use as Farmland Fertilizer, the implementation of November 30, 2017, work items and performance statistics, summarized as follows :(1) Water quality management of environmental water body : Water quality management once a month of Niuchou River, Bajhang River(including drainage at regional level) and Lan-tan Reservoir. The results of the monitoring are disclosed to Environmental Water Quality Information and the quarterly reports are submitted to the authorities For reference, please refer to chapter 3.1.1 for more detail.(2) Inspection of water pollution management institution and examination of water quality : As of November 30, inspections of 105 industries and 56 sampling tests have been completed with a completion rate of 100%, please refer to chapter 3.1.2 for more detail.(3) Strengthen inspection of water pollution management institution : For the high pollution and violation of water pollution-related laws and regulations of the key undertakings, agencies to handle the object such as active and active inspection and sampling. Strengthen Inspection of 8 industries have been completed, namely : Li Ker Co., Ltd., Kai Yang Co., Ltd., CPC Corporation, Taiwan Solvent & Chemical Business Division, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian Hospital, Nice Plaza Co., Ltd., Chiayi Branch, Taichung Veterans Hospitial, Chiayi Meat Market and Chia-Yi Hosptial, Ministry of Health and Welfare, please refer to chapter 3.1.3 for more detail.(4) The water quantity automatic survey system : The use of Water Quantity Automatic Survey System implementation of water pollution management continuous monitoring 72 hours every month, according to the monthly on-site inspection status selected monthly scheduled implementation of institutions, 9 industries have been completed, namely : downstream of Stanley Security Solutions Taiwan Co., Ltd., upstream and downstream of Juyu No.2 Co., Ltd., downstream of Yongjinxin Co., Ltd., downstream of Lu Ya-ren Hospital, downstream of Ming-Fong Plating Co., Ltd., downstream of Chiayi Tsun Huang Hotel, downstream of Carrefour Beimen Store and downstream of Kai Yang Co., Ltd., please refer to chapter 3.1.4 for more detail.(5) Management of wastewater treatment facilities functional evaluation operations : After confirming the list by Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi city (CYCEPB), it will carry out the function evaluation of 6 industries, namely : Chinyi Eggs Technology Co., Ltd., Juyu No.2 Co., Ltd., Stanley Security Solutions Taiwan Co., Ltd., Yongjinxin Co., Ltd., Chiayi Wire Products Co., Ltd., please refer to chapter 3.1.9 for more detail.(6) Holding meetings for related policies or law announcement of water pollution : Holding 5 meetings for related policies or law announcement of water pollution in Chiayi Incineration Plant, please refer to chapter 3.1.13 for more detail.(7) Water pollution control fee collection and evaluation of the effectiveness of use : On March 28, 2017, EPA notified the letter No. 1060023084 to notify Chiayi of the 2016 water pollution control fee collection declared mistakes and should check the object, EPA considers the number of requisitioned households in each county and check the resources are different, according to the number of households should be declared as the basis for water and sewage charges, and submit the results of the inspection in two phases, the first phase of the city should be completed by May 30, Ten check-ups were sent to the EPA (including check-in records). The second phase should be completed by October 31 full check and sent to the EPD (including audit records). By the first and second phases of November 30, a total of 23 ind..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180401

eng_title "2017 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County"
eng_Subject "The project aims at surveying animal husbandry in Yunlin County. The content of survey includes the distribution of animal husbandry, the percentage of pollution contributed, the relative locations of key survey stations, and so on. The survey objects are focused on the animal husbandry business which owners have registration certificates for breeding livestock or poultry, and the survey areas are mainly at Beigang, Xinhuwei, Zhuoshui River basin, and Dayilun, Bajiaoting, Shicuoliao, Youcailiao, Magongcuo, as well as Niutiaowan Drain. The survey areas also include Tuku, Yunjia, Guanguang, Haifeng and Feng Bridge. Based on the distribution of animal husbandry and pollution load condition, the project comes up with a suggestion list of 98 livestock farms which could be counseled for using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer. Project developers visit those livestock farms to check whether the facilities are qualified, to understand current conditions of waste water treatment facilities in farms, days of anaerobic fermentation, conditions of biogas collection and utilization, farm lands which can be used for biogas fermentation residue irrigation, and also to introduce farm owners the application procedures for biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, as well as related water pollution regulation. In order to raise farm owners’ interest in using biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, project developers have printed 2,000 guidance brochures and hand them out during on-site counseling and promotional meetings. It is estimated that 10 promotional meetings will be held in the duration of the project, and by 30 November there were already 8 meetings held, 894 participants joining, and 222 willingness questionnaires collected. There were 38 farm owners who already have anaerobic pools and biogas bags on their farms showing interest in applying for the project. Among the farm lands of these owners, there were 29 self-owned farm lands. Project developers also counsel these 29 farm lands on site. There were a demonstrative observation tour held on 26 April with 52 participants, excluding staffs from the Environmental Protection Bureau and other staff members. Meanwhile, in order to counsel large livestock farms in Yunlin County to use biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, and to check whether some small to medium farms are still operating, project developers conduct waste water facilities operation and waste water discharge inspection on farms in which less than 3,000 pigs are fed and on those which often receive people’s statements. The inspected amount of farms reached 528 by 30 November. nineteen of them were temporarily suspended, and eighteen of them were visited with no owners around. None of the inspected farms were inspected with bypass discharge. For the farms in which more than 3,000 pigs are fed, those which often receive people’s statements or unwilling to use biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, water sampling is conducted. 171 farms were inspected by 30 November, and among the 171 effective reports, 68 of them are under qualified. The under-qualification rate is 39.8%. There are 20 farms which fail at qualifying BOD and SS, 11 farms fail at reaching BOD standard, and 37 farms fail at reaching SS standard. During the water sampling process, there were 23 farms which owners are willing to use biogas fermentation residue as fertilizer, with project developers conducting counseling afterwards. So far, six of them are assisted by the project to apply for the biogas fermentation fertilizer. As to 8 performance tracking in demonstrative areas in year 2016, 8 dry and wet season groundwater table monitoring and soil monitoring were accomplished. The monitoring results will be compared and contrasted with the background value first proposed in year 2016 in order to understand the influence to groundwater system and..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200218

eng_title "2017 Plan of Taitung County’s Water Pollution Source Inspection, Water Pollution Fee Collection, and River Patrolling Team Management."
eng_Subject "The implementation period of the project is from February 1, 106 onwards until December 10, 106 up to December 10, 106 projects and the results of the implementation until November 15, 106, the summary is as follows:(A) water pollution prevention and control measures plan and permit application documents review:1, the project statistics to November 15, 106 has been accepted and assisted in the completion of the review completed 47 times, a total of 76 applications, and the permit application for the first time to review the permit is completed 23 times the survey; another completed 4 times Test report data (the second half of 105, the first quarter of 106, the first half of 106, the second quarter of 106) review, and continue to follow up the progress of the follow-up report.2, monthly summary of the jurisdiction within the jurisdiction of the effective period of less than 6 months and has not yet applied for the extension of the water permits (documents) information and with the monthly work report submitted to the authorities for review. Statistics to 106/11/15 only, the county should be extended and no list of delays have been raised, including the 7 businesses of Dongshan Sandstone Co., Ltd. (the validity period of the license is up to January 13, 2007).(B) water pollution inspection control and sampling and testing operations:1. As of 30 October, 270 inspections have been completed with a completion rate of 100%; and 83 sub-sampling tests have been completed with a completion rate of 100%, which are in line with Article 2, paragraph 2 1, paragraph 2.2. To complete the depth examination of 10 sub-contracting businesses, including the Far EasTone Development Co., Ltd., Taifu Branch of Kaifu Co., Ltd., Taitung Casino Co., Ltd. etc. The related check-up and follow-up results are as in Section 3.2.3.(III) Functional Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Facilities under Management: During the year, the functional assessment operation was completed on August 23, 2006 with on-site assessment (preliminary assessment). On September 21, 106, experts and scholars (Ji Changguo, Wang Safety technician) to carry out on-site re-assessment operations, including written information check-up and process and processing facilities survey and on-site unit processing of water quality sampling, etc., and please complete the inspection and exploration records. According to the results of water quality analysis, held on October 17, 106 units reviewed the functional evaluation to improve the meeting.(D) automatic monitoring of water quality and water (visual) and connection transmission system stability operation:1, the program continued daily (on the working day of the office) to confirm the connection of the connection objects and successfully eliminate the secondary fault status of the hardware and software of the host end CWMS.2. In the current year, Hong Teng Sandstone Co., Ltd. And Chung Dong Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Taidong Factory, which should have CWMS in their respective counties, completed the examination and counseling of the statement of measures and the confirmation report of measures respectively. And conducted a two-stage CWMS inspection and supervision work for the completed CWMS business, Buddha Factory Co., Ltd. Jilin Plant(E) assessment of water pollution control fee collection and evaluation of the effectiveness: the county 105 second phase (January 106 to pay) should declare the number of 65 households, the rate of 100% of the total amount of the total payment of 1,207,681 yuan; The first phase (paid in July 106) should declare the number of 111 households, the rate of 100%, the total amount paid a total of 4,328,480 yuan. Call the job, 106 8 years 7 days to complete a call to work 1 (Rihui Chi on Taitung Branch Co., Ltd.).(6) Domestic Sewage Pollution Reduction Operations: This project will promote th..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190130

eng_title "2018 Survey and Promotion of Biogas Fermentation Residue as Fertilizer for Animal Husbandry in Yunlin County(the subsequent extension)"
eng_Subject "This extended plan mainly carries out the effectiveness tracking of approved irrigation, promotes the utilization of animal husbandry and urine resources, and sets up a fleet of irrigation and transportation vehicles. Regarding the effectiveness tracking of livestock farms that have been approved for application of biogas fermentation residue, there are 72 times of groundwater monitoring for high and low water level periods (including 12 times of retest, excluding EPA monitoring station and shared groundwater monitoring well) and 87 times of soil monitoring operations which have been completed. The monitoring results have not exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards. Regarding the groundwater monitoring, there are 8 times (5 times for the upstream and 3 times for the downstream) after the retesting in the low water level period. The overtake number after the retest in the high water level period is 6 times (4 for the upstream and 2 for the downstream). It is because the monitoring well is located in the upstream of the irrigation area, and it should not be caused by the application of the biogas fermentation residue in this case. In addition, the livestock farms that exceeded the standard in the downstream, after examining the records of irrigation, in the case of an unapplied behavior, the other application amount only accounts for 22.8% of the approved irrigation amount. Therefore, it is suspected that the downstream ammonia nitrogen exceeding standard should not be caused by the application of biogas fermentation residue, and the monitoring data should be obvious. The upward trend is the benchmark, and groundwater will continue to be monitored in order to clarify whether there is a significant increase in the ammonia nitrogen measurement. At this stage, it is recommended that the farmers can continue irrigation. Moreover, the irrigation condition was tracked every three months, and there are 29 field experts submit the evaluation report.As for the promotion of animal husbandry utilization, the amount of water, waste (sewage) water discharge and reprocessing margin have been designed according to waste (sewage) water treatment facilities. We selected 22 animal husbandry operators for promotion, and investigated the raising scale, waste (sewage) water discharge, and available agricultural land area within 5km of the livestock farms operators, as well as developed feasibility strategies for animal husbandry and urine resources. As of November 30, 22 counseling and field surveys have been completed. There are 19 sessions with willingness, 11 of which are willing to accept the pig manure and urine, including the 5 which has been applied on June 20, August 29, September 21 and October 18. There are 1 sessions of composing, 2 sessions of livestock farm matching, 2 sessions of negotiation, 1 session of acceptance. There are 8 sessions that are not willing to accept the admission of other fields. The main reason is that they only want to do self-power generation, and the epidemic prevention problem has been applied for by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.Regarding 5 animal husbandry applications, it is estimated that the annual resource utilization will be 292,605.9 metric tons, the daily reduction of BOD is 5,371.1 kg, SS is 6,333.1 kg, and NH3-N is 308.6 kg. The pollution reduction amount reached the target set by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. It is expected to improve the pollution load of key monitoring stations, reduce the water pollution control cost of about 1,579,270 NTD, and got 11,582,910 NTD revenue from sales of electricity sales.In addition, there have been 7 publicity meetings or seminars completed, with 116 participants, a press conference on the results of livestock and feces and urinary resources held on October 30, and 1 animal husbandry and feces recycling treat..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190315

eng_title "Clean Pigs and Water Quality Improvement Plan of Taitung County"
eng_Subject "The period of this project is from February 26 to December 31, 2018. The summary of the project are as follows: (1)Counseling the 21 farms management and improvement of the wastewater treatment plant.(2)Analysis the water quality for river, and the farm''s sewage treatment plant.(3)Analysis the the results of farms investigations of every months when the period of this project. (4)Find out the farm of the county.(5)Completing of 2 propaganda, 2 observation tour, submitting 1,000 informational materials, and the news release.(6) Promotional assistance the Water pollution control fees expropriation."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20181231

eng_title "Taitung County, 106 - Pig toilet system and Water quality improvement plan, and Promote livestock waste manure and biogas residue as farmland fertilizer use plan"
eng_Subject "The project will be implemented from February 24, 2017 to December 31, 2017. The project will assist pig farmers in improving their breeding conditions, reducing the discharge of waste water and achieving the benefits of saving water and reducing the cost of wastewater treatment. Reduce the impact on the downstream water body, and then with the livestock manure and urine residue as residue fertilizer farmland use plan, the anaerobic fermentation will be after the livestock manure excrement biogas residue was applied to farmland, no longer livestock waste into the river Pollution, and promote the livestock farmer to effectively reuse agricultural waste, the misplaced resources back to a part of circular economy to reach the end of water pollution control, reduce river water pollution load and improve environmental quality."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "105 Kaohsiung city the prevention of water pollution permit application for registering and archivin"
eng_Subject "To assist the Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government of the territory of the cause of the cause of water pollution control business smoothly, the program team based on the implementation of the contract between the two sides of the work items, content and time course, the implementation of relevant operations and information to establish To control the situation of pollution prevention and control of water pollution sources in the territory of the territory, and to assist the Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government to carry out the work of water pollution control through the integration of statistical data and control, with a view to provoking various water pollution incidents and achieving specific regulatory results. The main objectives of this program are as follows:1. Implementation of water pollution prevention and control of the permit (establishment, change, extension) document written reviewIncluding water pollution prevention and control measures, waste (sewage) water discharge ground water permit, waste (sewage) water discharge ground discharge permit, waste (sewage) water storage permit, other supporting the relevant accessories Such as: test plan book, functional test report, water works project book and rework procedures related documents are the scope of the program review operations. As of the end of February 2006, a total of 967 cases were collected. According to the number of licensed species, 372 pieces were the largest cases, followed by 246 water pollution prevention and control measures, 246 pieces of ground water permit and 63 copies of the permit file, and the other 5 applications for rehabilitation, in the course of the review, for the new application, extension and functional changes are also approved before the survey operations, completed 69.2. Implementation of archival management operations (the implementation of the project period since May 21, 105 onwards):The work is divided into the maintenance and management of the documents, archives and documentation of the Permit Documents, the Permit (Document) / Document Management and the Water Pollution Control Data Management System and the Environmental Management System (EMS). The end of February received a total of 633, completed the number of 633 operations, and then for the water pollution control database, including water systems and environmental protection license management system (EMS) related archival data than its correctness, update and maintenance , To complete the regulatory update, information disclosure and other follow-up work.3. Education propagandaIn accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on water pollution control laws and regulations, permit examination, water pollution system or inspection techniques, etc., in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, such as water pollution control laws and regulations and water systems, The government environmental protection bureaus and public institutions have completed two educational and training activities and four sessions of regulations, as of the end of September 2005 have completed a total of 6 sessions of education or propaganda briefing, respectively, for the institutions of the water pollution sources Management system and public inquiry platform briefing session 2 times to relieve the doubts about the new information disclosure operation issued by the business side to the laws and regulations. The Water Pollution Related Laws and Lease Business License Documents Explain the meeting to inform the relevant personnel of the water pollution laws and regulations, should comply with the provisions and other follow-up as the industry and follow-up related operations should follow the norms and procedures, and the final approval of the document should be open and other objects Management of water pollution control..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20171101

eng_title "105 Taitung County, Green Island Township and Lan Island Township drinking water quality monitoring management plan"
eng_Subject "non"
proj_year 2016
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170908


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalEducation
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "103 Taitung County Environmental Education to promote the implementation of the annual work plan"
eng_Subject "103 years of this project since March 24 and ending 103 years of contract execution on December 31, the Executive Summary of the results of the work phases are described below:First, Taitung County Environmental Protection released a very short films for selection and Taitung County Environmental very short films this year there are 20 entries from the count, the composition of the two groups (schools and community groups) all four members of the jury after, on June 4 were selected works. Taitung County jury contains EPA Environmental Health Management Branch, Miss Wu Shu Ji, Taitung County Primary Ho Kam Wan An , Taitung County Association of European leisure travel industry Wei, Deputy Director General and Director Mr. Wang Junkai love television so the selection results of the first to be elected The first five and five famous election. The winning entries were published in public events and awards June 13, a total of 207 participants. Of which the first five works and placed Taitung County Environmental Education News Demand for public appreciation. Activities totaled four electronic media and published a print media.Second, the environmental field visit activities 1. East Coast National Scenic Area Administration Center In line with the April 22 Earth Day, this project special election held environmental education activities in the field visit on April 22 at the East Coast National Scenic Area in Taitung County, namely people, office workers and 124 primary and secondary school teachers and students people involved. The main purpose of this activity is to develop respect for the natural world and the people, to establish a harmonious relationship with the environment, trigger environmental action, and become an environmental literacy of citizens.2. The National Taiwan Museum of Prehistory In response to the World Environment Day, this project is organizing on June 13 Taiwan Museum of Prehistory environmental field visit activities, namely, a total of 114 people attended the school teachers and students, hoping that children who participate in the national school for Taitung the natural environment, cultural richness and diversity of prehistoric Aboriginal culture and know more, inspired by their respect for the natural world, can cherish and respect this land endless stretches of natural and cultural life.3. Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan Community The environment autumn season activities attracted a total of 241 office workers within Taitung County, the general public, teachers and students to participate in three-echelon Chihpen Nature Education Center 165 people, a total of 76 people Fuyuan community. Visit the main process is hoped to personally participate in Chihpen Nature Education Center and Fuyuan community through outdoor teaching, training students and people''s environmental awareness, willingness to take the initiative to enhance environmental education matters and affects family, friends, to meet people and natural harmony of the goal, but also get to learn the subtleties of environmental protection and nature of knowledge.Third, the Environmental Education Law Article 19 related to the implementation of effective remedial work environment workshop cum 1. assist with environmental education workshops During the execution plan, the 1st month of the list of workshops offered by the Environmental Protection Agency, curriculum planning workshops and seminars invitation, and in the end when commenced. Total handled a total of 5 to October 8 games, the number of notifications class 438, 203 people completed the workshop, under the number of deductions leave, remote applications, such as excluding non-delivery, overall attendance rate of 73%.2. For Environmental Education Seminar 10 games 10 Description field of environmental education will always apply a few 40 hours, includi..."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Taitung County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_水質保護
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "108年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫"
Chi_Subject "本調查報告旨在針對雲林縣境內之畜牧業之分布位置、污染貢獻百分比、與影響之關鑑測站相對位置等資訊進行調查。調查區域涵蓋北港溪流域、新虎尾溪流域、濁水溪流域、大義崙大排、八角亭大排、施厝寮大排、有才寮大排、馬公厝大排及牛挑灣大排等區域之畜牧業者,以及土庫大橋、豐橋、海豐橋等3處之關鍵水質觀測站。調查對象以領有畜牧場登記證或畜禽飼養登記證,並以營利目的之畜牧業者為主。後續依照雲林縣畜牧業分布及污染負荷情形,提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用輔導之畜牧場建議名單(331家),前往進行畜牧場現場設備法規符合度調查作業,以了解畜牧場廢(污)水處理設施現況、厭氧發酵天數、沼氣收集運用情形、可施灌沼液沼渣之農地情形,及與畜牧業者宣導沼液沼渣農地肥分使用申請條件、方式及相關水污染法令。為提升畜牧業者與農民對於申請沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫之意願,已印製2,000份指引手冊,於現場輔導及宣導說明會上發放,並將製作1部畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用成效施灌影片,以提升宣導之成效。本計畫截至11月30日已辦理20場次的宣導說明會,參與人數達868人,共回收85份意願調查表,有意願申請之畜牧業共10場,其中已協助3場提出申請,並已核定通過。另於9月25日辦理沼渣沼液農地肥分使用觀摩會,當天參與人數達36人,此次觀摩會中使畜牧業者瞭解如何以槽車運送進行農田施灌,以及該如何建置沼氣發電設備,同時更可透過實地參訪與業者進行交流,減少畜牧戶之疑慮。在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成70場地下水豐、枯水期監測及土壤監測,並將監測結果與105-106年度申請時提出之背景值進行比對,以了解施灌作業對於農地鄰近之地下水及施灌土壤是否會造成影響。另本計畫將協助4場已取得核可之畜牧場進行變更申請作業。在協助提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫申請方面,截至11月30日已有77場進行沼液沼渣之檢測,78場進行土壤及地下水檢測,進行預計施灌沼液沼渣之農地土壤檢測前儀器分析作業234點次,並已完成78場申請書之撰寫及提送,已有52場通過申請,另有10場依委員意見修訂中,剩餘15場預計於12月召開審查會議。依據河川污染整治考核計畫之關鍵水質測站集污區內畜牧場清單顯示,位於關鍵測站共133家畜牧業者來看,已有31家畜牧場核定通過沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,其施灌農地面積為91.09公頃,實際施灌量31,617.89 (公噸/年),合計BOD總削減量為552.76 (kg/day)、SS之削減量為735.81 (kg/day)、NH3-N之削減量為33.35 (kg/day);於第二面向-經濟效益上一年約可節省4,161,358元之水污費,另經計算105-108年申請且核定通過沼液沼渣施灌合計之BOD削減量,相當於斗六水資源回收中心近五年平均BOD削減量的27.2倍;於化學肥料使用之第三面向則可節省使用34,250包的台肥5號肥料,相當於11,302,500元的支出。於計畫執行中最常見之問題為厭氧天數不足、未裝設沼氣袋及無施灌農地可進行媒合,或不清楚應如何進行沼液沼渣之施灌及無施灌車輛可供載運或無法配合畜牧場之載運時間,其相應之因應策略可以由農業主管機關可依個別計畫審查結果另為核定厭氧發酵天數;可施作沼氣保溫燈、鍋爐燃燒熱水供場內使用等沼氣再利用設施,即可申請農業委員會之紅泥沼氣袋補助;無農地可媒合者,可以農民為宣導說明會主要辦理對象,並主動聯繫各鄉鎮之果菜生產合作社、產銷班或農會,協請各單位協助召集農民,讓更多農民了解目前政府在推行的政策,進而願意與畜牧業者進行媒合;藉由拍攝施灌影片、編撰施灌作物手冊及協請有經驗之農民現身說法等,讓農民能了解應如何進行施灌;無施灌車輛可供載運或無法配合畜牧場之載運時間者,則可藉由畜牧場之負責人、產業團體及鄉(鎮、市)公所申請雲林縣縣府之購置沼液沼渣集運車輛及沼液沼渣農地貯存槽之補助,以增加便利性,節省雙方時間,以提升媒合意願。"
proj_year 108
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200228

chi_title "108年度雲林縣水污染源稽查管制暨申報許可資料管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "雲林縣列管事業眾多,為有效針對水污染源事業單位進行相關稽查管制及管理,透過辦理本計畫進行規劃與執行稽查及審查事業及污水下水道系統之廢污水處理設施、定期申報及許可合法性及合理性,使廢污水處理設施得以發揮最大的效能。針對本縣重大污染對象,執行廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業,檢核事業設施、許可及申報資料,評析設施操作合理性並提供意見給予修正,以符合法令要求。除藉由一般性稽查強化河川水質外,同時辦理相關法令宣導、教育訓練等活動,強化事業及一般民眾法治觀念。另本計畫協助執行各項河川污染緊急應變工作,避免河川遭受重大污染行為,並建立本縣環境空間污染分析應變管理系統建置,藉由系統整合空、水、廢、毒及網路相關公開資訊,納入系統整合,便於本線稽查人員執行業務可第一手取得最新資訊。本計畫執行至109年4月8日止,已收受915家事業2,212次申請許可(文件)新申請、展延及變更案件,並已完成案件審查,完成率100%。稽查、採樣工作各應完成500家次,已完成稽查668家次、採樣工作507家次。不明管線封管作業應完成15支,已完成17支管線封除工作。工業區及六輕工業區採樣作業亦依據相關契約規定期程持續進行中。另於執行期間完成列管事業功能評鑑5場次及法令宣導說明會6場次、成果發表記者會場次及業務科同人教育訓練2場次。本團隊將依據契約規定持續進行契約工作項目及其他交辦業務推動。"
proj_year 108
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200820

chi_title "雲林縣北港溪流域前瞻水污染查核計畫"
Chi_Subject "本查核計畫主要針對北港溪及新虎尾溪流域進行稽查、採樣之工作,以確認廠(場)家之廢水處理設施是否有正常操作,以及是否有繞流排放之情事,達降低河川污染,進而改善河川水質之目標,並建立通訊軟體單一訊息傳遞宣傳管道(LINE@),以提升資訊傳播速度,及協助緊急應變、參與跨局處考核會議、完整水污染資料等行政配合事項。本計畫截至10/29已執行11家次屢遭民眾陳情或情節重大廠(場)家之稽查作業、236家次之水污染源稽查作業、61家已核發許可證(文件)與廢水設施設置及定檢申報資料之現場查核作業、103家次之放流水採樣作業、13家不明管線拆除/封除、5家功能評鑑初評作業、5次緊急應變作業、發布10則關於法令宣達、解釋函宣導、活動宣傳等訊息,經北港溪及新虎尾溪水體環境品質分析,顯示此二流域受畜牧業之影響較大,於本計畫之執行後,河川多數測站之水質均較去年同期水質較為改善,另參與4/30、7/18、9/30、11/13跨局處之考核會議,協助環保局於今年度取得河川污染整治考核之佳績,並將稽查紀錄、裁處書、更新等建置於雲端,以供後續查詢、統計之用。"
proj_year 108
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191227

chi_title "108年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫(後續擴充)"
Chi_Subject "本擴充計畫主要進行已核定施灌之成效追蹤,在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成104點次地下水豐、枯水期監測(包含複測20點次、不包含環保署監測站及扣除共用地下水監測井重複之點次)及129點次土壤監測作業,其監測結果土壤均未超過土壤污染監測標準,而在地下水監測方面,枯水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有4點次(2點次為上游,2點次為下游);豐水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有8點次(1點次為上游,6點次為下游,1點次為區域監測井),經探討監測井位於施灌範圍上游,應非為本案施灌沼液所造成,而下游超標之畜牧場,經檢視施灌紀錄後,實際施灌量皆未達核定施灌量之50 %,故推測下游氨氮超標亦應非為施灌沼液、沼渣所造成,可能是受到地理位置或鄰近農地施灑化學肥料所致,後續仍將持續監測,以釐清氨氮測值是否有明顯上升。另於每三個月追蹤施灌情形,及已協助43場場家提出施灌評析報告。為獎勵已申請核定之畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分使用之畜牧場,特規劃雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣農地肥分使用優良畜牧場選拔競賽,並針對得獎之畜牧場進行公開表揚。並已於11月27日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化成果發表記者會,說明目前畜牧糞尿資源化推展成效,並結合雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣優良畜牧場選拔頒獎,讓大家能清楚了解雲林縣的推動情形。另於9月23日及9月24日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化觀摩活動,當天參與人數達20人,此次觀摩會中使畜牧業者瞭解如何以槽車運送進行農田施灌,同時更可透過實地參訪與業者進行交流,減少畜牧戶之疑慮。"
proj_year 108
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200228

chi_title "107年度雲林縣水污染源稽查管制暨申報許可資料管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "雲林縣列管事業眾多,為有效針對水污染源事業單位進行相關稽查管制及管理,透過辦理本計畫進行規劃與執行稽查及審查事業及污水下水道系統之廢污水處理設施、定期申報及許可合法性及合理性,使廢污水處理設施得以發揮最大的效能。針對本縣重大污染對象,執行廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業,檢核事業設施、許可及申報資料,評析設施操作合理性並提供意見給予修正,以符合法令要求。除藉由一般性稽查強化河川水質外,同時辦理相關法令宣導、教育訓練等活動,強化事業及一般民眾法治觀念。另本計畫協助執行各項河川污染緊急應變工作,避免河川遭受重大污染行為,並建立本縣環境空間污染分析應變管理系統建置,藉由系統整合空、水、廢、毒及網路相關公開資訊,納入系統整合,便於本線稽查人員執行業務可第一手取得最新資訊。本計畫執行至108年03月31日止,已收受926家事業2,152次申請許可(文件)新申請、展延及變更案件,並已完成2,152次案件審查,完成率100%。稽查、採樣工作各應完成500家次,已完成稽查564家次、採樣工作569家次。不明管線封管作業應完成10支,已完成10支管線封除工作。工業區及六輕工業區採樣作業亦依據相關契約規定期程持續進行中。另於執行期間完成列管事業功能評鑑5場次及法令宣導說明會6場次、成果發表記者會場次及業務科同人教育訓練2場次。本團隊將依據契約規定持續進行契約工作項目及其他交辦業務推動。"
proj_year 107
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190801

chi_title "107 年度臺東縣水污染源稽查與水污染防治費徵收查核、關鍵測站污染削減、 巡守隊經營管理暨推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行期程係由107年2月1日起執行至107年12月31日為止,惟工作項目需於107年12月10前完成(不包含期末報告修正稿及期末報告定稿),工作項目及執行成果統計至107年11月30日,摘要如下: (一)水污染防治申請及申報文件審查:本計畫已收受並完成審查110家提出申請,計236件次申請案,另外有6家提送時間未達展延申請時間退回申請。截自目前為止已完成106年下半年(106/07/01-106/12/31)、107年第一季(107/01/01-107/03/31)、107年上半年(107/01/01-107/06/30)、107年第二季(107/04/01-107/06/30)、107年第三季(107/07/01-107/10/31)等4次定期檢測申報資料審查。每月彙整轄內有效期少於6個月且尚未申請展延之各項水許可證(文件)資料,目前應展延而尚未提出申請之對象5家。 (二)水污染源查證及採樣檢測作業:截自11月30日止,已完成329家次巡查作業,完成率100%;並完成93家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率100%,分別符合契約契約第2條第(一)項第2款第(1)及(2)的第一階段規定,將持續針對關鍵測站重點事業、機關交辦對象等進行主動、積極之巡查及採樣。目前已完成10家次深度查核,查核對象分別為台東縣農會東遊季渡假村、臺北榮民總醫院臺東分院、東台旅社股份有限公司、國立臺東專科學校誠樸校區、鹿野鼎開發股份有限公司、瑞晟砂石有限公司、興東興業股份有限公司、佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠、地景澤股份有限公司、承泰國際投資股份有限公司台東分公司THE GAYA HOTEL,相關成果如章節3.2.3,並持續追蹤期改善進度。 (三)列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本年度功能評鑑作業於107年6月22日完成中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠、國立臺東專科學校誠樸校區現場評鑑(初評)作業,於107年7月26日偕同專家學者(紀長國老師、黃輝源老師)進行現場複評作業,包括書面資料查核及製程及處理設施勘查以及現場單元處理水質採樣等,並請填寫查核及勘查紀錄。依據水質分析結果,於107年8月8日、107年8月9日召開受評單位功能評鑑改善協談會議。本年度執行本縣102年至106年之事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業複查,受評對象缺失皆已完成改善。 (四)水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作:本計畫每日(機關上班日)確認連線對象連線情形,維持管理連線傳輸設施系統主機設備運作,執行成果配合每月工作執行進度提報機關。本年度針對已設完成CWMS事業「佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠」執行措施說明書變更之審核與輔導。 (五)水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估:本計畫於深度查核時亦針對查核對象進行水污費查核,並依據環保署通知本縣水污費應查核對象為18家,於107年6月30日前函復。本計畫於107年6月26日函送本縣第一次水污費查核成果報告至環保局,包括指定查核18件及一般查核4件。另配合深度查核作業於7月進行3家水污費主動查核、8月進行1家水污費主動查核。本縣107年度第一期(107年1月繳納)應申報家數112家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計1,290,212元;107年度第二期(107年7月繳納)應申報家數114家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計1,480,171元。 (六)生活污水污染削減作業:本計畫利用環保活動、宣傳會及說明會等場合進行生活污水宣導,目前已完成8場次生活污水宣導作業;4月10函送觀光熱區評估各式污染削減工法施作可行性評估方法,評估對象為綠島,並於5月14日函送評估報告。 (七) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會及稽查管制教育訓練:因應106年底水污染多條相關法規進行修正,本計畫已於4月16日完成辦理第一場次宣導說明會,由本計畫專案經理於臺東大學會議室進行宣導。第二場次由本計畫專案經理於9月28日針對營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫辦理說明會,第三場次於10月12日邀請行政院環保署水保處張根穆科長針對水污染防治法畜牧業廢(污)水管理計畫進行說明及講解;本計畫8月31日舉辦完成水污染稽查法規及技巧教育訓練,室內解說及實地作業,特聘請由環保署督察總隊副總隊長退休之黃輝源先生擔任講師。宣導品經機關核可共分3款,且考量機關儲存空間限制,依實際宣導期程分批提送,分別已於4月10日、6月6日、8月3日全數提送完成800份宣導品。另本計畫已協助撰寫與水環境保護有關之新聞稿10則,皆經環保局同意後,發布於環保局網站及臉書。 (八) 協助機關辦理河川污染整治及海洋污染防治業務績效考核:於3月1日依據環保署審查意見函送審查意見回覆,3月6日經環保局函復同意核備;已於107年4月13日、107年9月7日各完成1次枯水期及豐水期之豐里橋水量補充調查採樣。另已於8月31日、9月28日、10月30日、11月30日等分別函文提送107年度臺東縣河川整治計畫成果報告8月版、9月版、10月及11月版。並於12月5日提送臺東縣108年關鍵測站KPI。 (九) 辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川與增能訓練活動:本計畫已完成辦理淨溪淨川及宣導教育活動各5場次;於5月3日至5月4日完成縣外觀摩活動1場次;於10月22日辦理經營輔導會議1場次,並進行本年度評鑑優良巡守隊頒獎。 (十) 協助水環境巡守隊運作經營:本計畫已協助通報案件登錄於「水環境保育網」共45件;於5月24日函送微電影執行企畫書(含腳本及拍片規劃),局方於5月29日同意備查,並於7月30日提送微電影拍攝之成果;6月1日協助環保局辦理南區河川保育中心經營訪查及座談會;於9月15日前提送考核成果報告及簡報(初稿),並於10月15日前函送考核成果報告及簡報(定稿)。 (十一)推動畜牧糞尿資源化使用:本計畫於3月13日邀請環保署張根穆科長擔任畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用宣導說明會講師;並於3月23日邀請臺東農改場張繼中副研究員擔任講師,假臺東市及關山鎮各辦理1場次農戶媒合說明會;共篩選出10家畜牧業(牛飼育業4家及豬飼育業6家)為沼渣沼液農地肥分使用計畫申請對象,已於12月份協助10畜牧業取得同意函。 (十二)其他配合辦理事項:依據環保局指示,協助機關彙整及製作有關水環境巡守隊、水污染防治、畜牧業糞尿沼液沼渣肥分使用等業務報表;配合機關指示出席相關會議或訓練8場次;4月26日函送本縣河川水污染事件緊急應變處理計畫,局方於5月1日核可;2月23日舉辦巡守隊領袖會議(第一場),3月7日協助辦理太平溪巡守隊隊員大會,4月3日辦理巡守隊領袖會議(第二場)暨隊長聘書頒發典禮。 "
proj_year 107
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20181231

chi_title "107年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫"
Chi_Subject "本調查報告旨在針對雲林縣境內之畜牧業之分布位置、貢獻污染百分比、與影響之關鑑測站相對位置等資訊進行調查。調查區域涵蓋北港溪流域、新虎尾溪流域、濁水溪流域、大義崙大排、八角亭大排、施厝寮大排、有才寮大排、馬公厝大排及牛挑灣大排等區域之畜牧業者,以及土庫大橋、梅林橋、海豐橋等3處之關鍵水質觀測站。調查對象以領有畜牧場登記證或畜禽飼養登記證,並以營利目的之畜牧業者為主。後續依照雲林縣畜牧業分布及污染負荷情形,提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用輔導之畜牧場建議名單(133家),前往進行畜牧場現場設備法規符合度調查作業,以了解畜牧場廢(污)水處理設施現況、厭氧發酵天數、沼氣收集運用情形、可施灌沼液沼渣之農地情形,及與畜牧業者宣導沼液沼渣農地肥分使用申請條件、方式及相關水污染法令。為提升畜牧業者與農民對於申請沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫之意願,已印製1,500份指引手冊,於現場輔導及宣導說明會上發放,並製作2部以上畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用成效施灌影片,以提升宣導之成效。本計畫截至11月30日已完成辦理6場次的宣導說明會,參與人數達539人,共回收67份意願調查表,有意願申請之畜牧業共34場,其中有12場協助提出申請,有1場為農委會個案再利用之場家,有18場在經更深入之現場輔導及了解後,業者考量設備修繕、配合農地、管線、等之成本及後續施灌作業之流程,轉趨無意願或觀望態度,1場已承租給其他人,1場為漁牧綜合經營,1場尚需媒合農地。另於8月14日辦理之沼液沼渣農地肥分使用觀摩會,當天參與人數達71人(不含環保局及工作人員),於此次觀摩會中使畜牧業者了解如何以管線輸送及槽車運送進行農田施灌,以及該如何建置沼氣發電設備,同時更可透過實地與參訪業者進行交流,減少畜牧戶的疑慮。同時為調查農民參與申請之意願,進行問卷調查作業,調查範圍包含17個鄉鎮,有效樣本共553份,受訪對象多為60~69歲,務農超過10年以上之農民,受訪者中有84.4 %的農民不知道沼液沼渣農地肥分使用政策,但經解說後則有五成以上受訪者表示支持,顯示農民接受度高,並建議可多舉辦「示範戶分享」和「辦理說明會和演講」等宣導作業,提高能見度,加強「農戶示範和正確指引」或「派人指導正確的施灌方法」等措施較能提高農民參加意願。在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成41場地下水枯水期及豐水期監測與土壤監測,並將監測結果與106年度申請時提出之背景值進行比對,以了解施灌作業對於農地鄰近之地下水及施灌土壤是否會造成影響,另於每三個月追蹤施灌情形,及已協助41場場家提出施灌評析報告。另本計畫已協助11場已取得核可之畜牧場進行變更申請作業。在協助提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫申請方面,截至11月30日已有43場進行沼液沼渣、土壤及地下水檢測,進行預計施灌沼液沼渣之農地土壤檢測前儀器分析作業133點次(含複測),均已完成申請書之撰寫及提送,已有41場通過申請,另有2場依委員意見修訂中(此2場已在108年1月4日取得核定)。合計105~107年申請且後續已取得核定函之場家數為113場,位於3個關鍵測站上游之場家共計48場,施灌農地面積為137.530830公頃,施灌量129,080.51 (公噸/年),計算BOD總削減量約為1,971.4 (公斤/天)、SS之削減量為3,535.6 (公斤/天)、NH3-N之削減量為136.15 (公斤/天),其中又以新虎尾溪之關鍵測站-海豐橋的削減量最多;於第二面向-經濟效益上一年約可節省2,375,100元之水污費,另經計算105-107年申請且取得核定函場家,其沼液沼渣施灌合計之BOD削減量,相當於斗六水資源回收中心近五年平均BOD削減量的17.6倍;於化學肥料使用之第三面向則可節省使用18,852包的台肥5號肥料,相當於6,221,160元的支出。另依據行政院農業委員會106年度統計年報資料顯示,雲林縣種植作物面積約121,742.05公頃,經換算目前耕地面積均足以容納養豬及牛每天所產生之沼液沼渣,惟後續仍需繼續推廣,建立農民信心,以提升農民意願。另彙整國內外施用沼液沼渣或畜牧廢水對於地下水水質及土壤是否有影響,其研究結果均顯示施用後對地下水水質及土壤無影響。於計畫執行中最常見之問題為厭氧天數不足、未裝設沼氣袋及無施灌農地可進行媒合,或不清楚應如何進行沼液沼渣之施灌及無施灌車輛可供載運或無法配合畜牧場之載運時間,其相應之因應策略可以由農業主管機關可依個別計畫審查結果另為核定厭氧發酵天數;可施作沼氣保溫燈、鍋爐燃燒熱水供場內使用等沼氣再利用設施,即可申請農業委員會之紅泥沼氣袋補助;無農地可媒合者,可以農民為宣導說明會主要辦理對象,並主動聯繫各鄉鎮之果菜生產合作社、產銷班或農會,協請各單位協助召集農民,讓更多農民了解目前政府在推行的政策,進而願意與畜牧業者進行媒合;藉由拍攝施灌影片、編撰施灌作物手冊及協請有經驗之農民現身說法等,讓農民能了解應如何進行施灌;無施灌車輛可供載運或無法配合畜牧場之載運時間者,則可藉由畜牧場之負責人、產業團體及鄉(鎮、市)公所申請雲林縣縣府之購置沼液沼渣集運車輛及沼液沼渣農地貯存槽之補助,以增加便利性,節省雙方時間,以提升媒合意願。"
proj_year 107
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190311

chi_title "107年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用推動暨評估計畫(後續擴充)"
Chi_Subject "本擴充計畫主要進行已核定施灌之成效追蹤、推廣畜牧糞尿資源化利用及成立施灌運輸車隊,在已核准通過申請,可進行沼液沼渣施灌之畜牧場成效追蹤方面,已完成72點次地下水豐、枯水期監測(包含複測12點次、不包含環保署監測站及扣除共用地下水監測井重複之點次)及87點次土壤監測作業,其監測結果土壤均未超過土壤污染監測標準,而在地下水監測方面,枯水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有8點次(5點次為上游,3點次為下游);豐水期複測後仍超過停灌標準者計有6點次(4點次為上游,2點次為下游) 經探討監測井位於施灌範圍上游,應非為本案施灌沼液所造成,而下游超標之畜牧場,經檢視施灌紀錄後,兩場之監測井為同一口,且106年度之監測數據均未超過停灌標準,應為該口井之單一情況,一場未有施灌行為,另一場施灌量僅占核定施灌量之22.8 %,故推測下游氨氮超標亦應非為施灌沼液、沼渣所造成,且停灌應以監測數據有明顯上升趨勢為基準,後續仍將持續監測,以釐清氨氮測值是否有明顯上升,現階段建議場家可持續施灌。另於每三個月追蹤施灌情形,及已協助29場場家提出施灌評析報告。在推廣畜牧糞尿資源化利用方面,已依據廢(污)水處理設施設計處理水量、廢(污)水排放量及可再處理之餘裕量篩選22場畜牧業者進行推廣,並調查鄰近推廣場家5公里範圍內之畜牧場所在區域、飼養規模、廢(污)水排放量、可用之農地面積等,及研擬畜牧糞尿資源化推動可行性策略,截至11月30日已完成22場之輔導與實地調查,有意願者共19場,其中有11場願意收受他場豬糞尿進場處理,包含於6月20日、8月29日、9月21日及10月18日已協助提出申請之5場畜牧業者、資料收集中1場、尚須媒合其他畜牧場2場、與廠商洽談中2場、願意被收受1場;無意願收受他場糞尿入場8場中,其原因主要為只想做自場發電、防疫問題或者已申請農委會補助。以提出申請之5場場家估算,預計每年之資源化利用量292,605.9公噸,每天約可削減BOD 5,371.1公斤、SS 6,333.1公斤、NH3-N 308.6公斤,其污染削減量達環保署訂定之污染削減量目標值,可望改善關鍵測站污染負荷,並減少約1,579,270元之水污染防治費、增加約11,582,910元之售電收入。另已完成7場宣導會或研商會議,參與人數達116人、10月30日辦理畜牧糞尿資源化成果發表記者會、11月1日~3日辦理1場次畜牧糞尿資源化處理計畫觀摩活動,帶領參訪者了解沼氣發電、沼液沼渣施灌、農業廢棄物發展成再生能源(燃料棒)及固形廢棄物之循環再利用,實際參與人數達71人,惟部分參與人員因個人因素、工作時間無法全程參與,經統計全程參與觀摩活動的人數為40人、編製500份摺頁及製作13場畜牧場之沼液沼渣農地肥分使用成果易拉展。在建立沼液沼渣肥分使用運輸施灌體系方面,經統計購置施灌車輛或農地貯存桶意願,有意申請之畜牧業者共計12家,無意願申請場家共計58家,探究主因多為已有槽車、主要為管線施灌、購置經費過高,無法負擔、補助購買槽車的載重噸數超過3.5噸,需有大貨車駕照才能駕駛或農地貯存桶會佔用到耕作面積等,另根據施灌車輛之調查進行建置沼液沼渣肥分使用運輸施灌體系之媒合。本擴充計畫已於7月10、11日協助第一批有意申請之12家畜牧業者提出沼液沼渣施灌營運計畫書,另於11月27、28日協助第二批有意願申請之畜牧業者提出沼液沼渣施灌營運計畫書,合計預購置購置9個農地貯存槽與7台施灌車輛,且陸續協助畜牧業者於施灌車輛或施灌桶槽進行「農地沼液沼渣施灌」字樣之噴漆作業。"
proj_year 107
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190315

chi_title "臺東縣清潔養豬及水質改善計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行期程係由107年2月26日起執行至107年12月31日止,工作項目及執行成果摘要如下:(一)實地教育輔導歷年示範養豬場畜產管理並診斷改善三段式廢水處理設施,彙整輔導結果主要問題有:(1)固液分離設施老舊、設備不良、效果不彰;(2)厭氣池無定期排泥致效果不彰;(3)紅泥膠皮沼氣袋破損、塌陷;(4)曝氣池微生物不足、污泥迴流功能喪失等。(二)辦理歷年21場示範戶廢(污)水下游承受水體6點位水質(量)採樣檢測作業,及示範戶三段式廢水處理設施水質採樣檢測作業,結果顯示基於枯、豐水期季節的變化,河川自淨及涵容能力等外在的因素影響,使得水質採樣結果的數據與示範戶放流水數據無明顯相關性,惟豬廁所設置後,歷年示範戶的放流水各污染物平均濃度皆有降低的現象。(三)歷年豬廁所示範戶追蹤效益評估,依據現場追蹤調查成果,完成示範戶設置前後之用水量、用電量、清洗時間、豬隻育成率、豬糞固形物收集量等成效評估成果。(四)針對縣轄內主要河川流域列管畜牧業分布情形調查,包含分佈位置、畜養頭數調查、污染貢獻量及相關測站相對位置等資料進行蒐集,並送大型彩色掛圖一份。(五)配合辦理2場次清潔養豬宣導說明會、2場次畜牧業推廣研習觀摩會、提送完成1,000份宣導品、完成發布新聞稿共3則,並刊登於臺東縣政府網頁之「縣政新聞」及相關行政事宜。(六)針對環保署提供之畜牧業水污費徵收名單進行水污費徵收之催繳作業,107年度第一期畜牧業水污費各徵收對象已全數繳納完畢。"
proj_year 107
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20181231

chi_title "106年臺東縣水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨巡守隊經營管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行期程係由106年2月1日起執行至106年12月10日為止工作項目及執行成果統計至106年11月15日,摘要如下:(一)水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請文件審查:1、本計畫統計至106年11月15日已收受並協助審查完成47家次,共計76件次申請案,並於許可申請案首次審查許可現勘完成23家次;另完成4次定期檢測申報資料(105年下半年、106年第一季、106年上半年、106年第二季)審查,並持續追蹤後續申報進度。2、每月彙整轄內有效期少於6個月且尚未申請展延之各項水許可證(文件)資料並隨工作月報檢附予機關審查。統計至106/11/15止,本縣應展延而尚未提出展延名單,包括東山砂石股份有限公司(許可文件有效期限至107年1月13日止)等7家事業。(二)水污染巡查管制及採樣檢測作業:1、截自10月30日止,已完成270家次巡查作業,完成率100%;及已完成83家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率100%,分別符合契約契約第2條第2項第1款、第2款規定。2、完成10家次列管事業深度查核,包括名遠開發股份有限公司、家福股份有限公司台東分公司、台東娛樂城股份有限公司等,相關查核及後續追蹤成果如章節3.2.3。(三)列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業:本年度功能評鑑作業於106年8月23日完成現場評鑑(初評)作業,於106年9月21日偕同專家學者(紀長國老師、王招安技師)進行現場複評作業,包括書面資料查核及製程及處理設施勘查以及現場單元處理水質採樣等,並請填寫查核及勘查紀錄。依據水質分析結果,於106年10月17日召開受評單位功能評鑑改善協談會議。(四)水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作:1、本計畫持續每日(機關上班日)確認連線對象連線情形,並順利排除機關端CWMS主機軟硬體2次故障狀況。2、本年度針對屬本縣應設置CWMS的「宏騰砂石有限公司」及「中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠」分別完成措施說明書及措施確認報告書之審核與輔導。並針對已設完成CWMS事業「佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠」執行兩階段CWMS查核監督作業(五)水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估:本縣105年度第二期(106年1月繳納)應申報家數65家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計1,207,681元;106年度第一期(106年7月繳納)應申報家數111家,申報率100%,總繳納金額共計4,328,480元。催繳作業,106年8年7日完成催繳作業1家(日暉池上股份有限公司台東分公司)。(六)生活污水污染削減作業:本計畫將既有宣導會活動場合,透過影片宣傳生活污水源頭減量及水資源回收再利用,目前已完成7場次之活動影片宣傳。並於7月24日函送臺東縣106年生活污水污染削減專案計畫上半年成果供機關審查。(七) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會及稽查管制教育訓練:本年度辦理完成水污染防治法規宣導說明會3場次,及水污染稽查法規及技巧教育訓練室內解說及實廠稽查各1廠次。且分別已於4月18日、10月3日全數提送完成800份宣導品。另已協助撰寫與水環境保護有關之新聞稿6則。(八) 協助機關辦理河川污染整治及海洋污染防治業務績效考核:於3月24日依據環保署審查意見函送修正本縣106年度「河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫」關鍵測站年度具體作為及關鍵績效指標(KPI)。且於4月11日、9月8日各完成1次關鍵測站太平溪豐里橋枯水期及豐水期之水量補充調查及康樂排水、下康樂排水水質水量補充調查。另已於8月31日、9月28日、10月30日、11月30日等分別函文提送106年度臺東縣河川整治計畫成果報告8月版、9月版、10月及11月版。(九) 辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川與增能訓練活動:本年度已完成辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川活動4場次及宣導教育活動5場次。另於5月3日至5月4日完成舉辦106年度臺東縣水環境巡守隊縣外觀摩活動。(十) 協助水環境巡守隊運作經營:本計畫已協助水環境巡守隊處理巡查時發現之通報案件登錄於「水環境保育網」41件,於11月4日舉辦完成「106年度臺東縣水環境巡守隊經營輔導會議」,拍攝完成最績優巡守隊微電影「搶救芭樂大作戰」,並重新繪製完成重新繪製水環境巡守地圖。(十一)其他配合辦理事項:依據環保局指示每月提交本縣水環境巡守考核自評表、配合機關指示出席相關會議5場次等相關作業。"
proj_year 106
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190130

chi_title "106年度嘉義市水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核暨畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分等二項子計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫工作主要可區分為二個子計畫,分別為(一)水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫、(二)畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,執行至106年11月30日,工作項目及執行成果統計,摘要如下:(一) 每月水體水質監測作業:每月進行一次本市牛稠溪、八掌溪流域(含區域性各級排水)、蘭潭水庫水體之水質定期監測,監測成果並公開於全國水質監測網,並每季製作報表交予機關備查,詳第3.1.1節。(二) 水污染列管事業稽查與水質採樣送驗:自11月30日止,已完成105家次巡查作業及56家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率已達100 %,詳第3.1.2節。(三) 水污染列管事業深度查核:針對高污染與違反水污染相關法規之重點事業、機關交辦對象等進行主動、積極之巡查及採樣。目前已完成8家次列管深度查核,分別為力克企業有限公司、凱揚精密有限公司、台灣中油股份有限公司溶劑化學品事業部、戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院、耐斯廣場股份有限公司、台灣榮民總醫院嘉義分院、嘉義市肉品市場股份有限公司及衛生福利部嘉義醫院,詳第3.1.3節。(四) 水質自動連續監測系統:每月使用水質連續自動監測系統執行列管事業72小時連續監測,依據每月現場稽查狀況選定每月預定執行事業單位,目前已完成台灣史丹利安防系統股份有限公司下游處、巨裕五金鐵練有限公司二廠下游處、巨裕五金鐵練有限公司二廠上游處、永金欣表面處理有限公司下游處、盧亞人醫院下游處、民烽有限公司下游處、尊皇大飯店股份有限公司下游處、家福股份有限公司北門門市下游處及凱揚精密有限公司下游處等,共9處進行水質自動連續監測,詳第3.1.4節。(五) 列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業:今年度預計執行事業廢水處理設施之功能評鑑作業,經環保局確認名單後106年針對勤億蛋品科技股份有限公司、巨裕五金鐵鍊有線公司二廠、台灣史丹利安防系統股份有限公司、永金欣表面處理有限公司、嘉義鐵線製品股份有限公司及遠東機械工業股份有限公司等執行 6家列管事業進行功能評鑑作業,詳第3.1.9節。(六) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會:本計畫今年度共辦理5場次法規說明會,已於6月21日、8月24日上午、下午、9月22日與10月31日於嘉義市焚化廠辦理五場次法規說明會,使業者能確實執行及了解水污染防治措施相關規定詳第3.1.13節。(七) 水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估:環保署106年3月28日以環署水字第1060023084號來函通知本市105年水污費申報有疑義之指定查核對象及應查核期別名單,環保署考量各縣市之徵收家數及查核資源各異,爰依水污費應申報家數為基準,並分二階段提報查核結果,本市第一階段應106年5月30日前完成10家查核並函送環保署(含查核紀錄),第二階段應於10月31日前完成全數查核並函送環保署(含查核紀錄),至11月30日第一階段及第二階段共完成23家水污費查核作業,詳第3.2節。(八) 巡守隊輔導與教育訓練暨聯繫會議:本計畫需辦理4 場次巡守隊教育訓練暨聯繫會,已於6月3日、7月28日、9月18日及10月24日辦理四場次教育訓練,透過老師講解導覽解說技巧,提升推廣環境教育的未來空間,使巡守隊員在面對民眾有關水環境巡守發問或號召民眾參與時,透過這溝通的橋樑讓來自不同背景、年齡、教育程度的民眾能與水環境巡守互動。而目前本市共有5隊巡守隊,為使水環境巡守隊能深入了解河川污染防治環境、保育及生物多樣性之重要性,並提升巡守專業能力以及多元化特色發展,分別於7月13日、9月29日邀請洪慶宜及丁建原老師等二位專家學者進行本市各隊巡守隊現場輔導作業,依據各隊在地特色及區域性給予相關建議,以利巡守隊永續經營,詳第3.3.3及3.3.4節。(九) 河川淨溪(潭)活動:響應422世界地球日環保署舉辦『106年地球日全國淨灘活動』,已於4月16日上午7點於蘭潭水庫辦理清淨蘭潭、清淨嘉園活動,本次淨潭活動參與人數總計為918人,共清出 37.2 公斤垃圾及 17.4 公斤回收物,並回收近千個廢塑膠袋及 100 公斤乾電池,詳第3.3.6節。(十) 畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥份使用:為達沼液、沼渣資源充分利用及保護水體目的,現行畜牧糞尿之排放係以廢(污)水或廢棄物的認定,轉化為肥分之資源化管理,為讓畜牧糞尿回歸到資源化管理方式,環保署積極推動畜牧業沼液沼渣農地肥分使用。本市推動明秀畜牧場進行沼液沼渣資源利用,於4月27日進行該畜牧場之沼液、沼渣成分分析,且於6月30日於施灌農地區域採集3點次土壤檢測及1點次地下水檢測,已於8月17日提送明秀畜牧場沼液沼渣農地肥份使用申請書至本市農林畜牧科進行初審,並於8月21日由本市農林畜牧科函轉農委會進行複審,農委會已於9月20日函覆審查結果,申請書經修正後同意通過,農林畜牧科於11月7日正式發文通過明秀畜牧場沼渣沼液肥分使用計畫申請書。並對今年無意願申請沼液沼渣之業者金聰畜牧場及嘉義大學畜牧場等2家進行3次稽查採樣,詳第4.2節。(十一) 其他配合辦理事項:1.陳情稽查:統計至 11月30日共有35件陳情案件,包括:河川及排水溝污染案件10件、水庫污染案件2件、廢水排放案件9件、水溝異味10件、猪屎異味4件,皆已派人員現場稽查完畢並告知陳情人處理情形,異味案件現場稽查皆無聞到異味,另外廢水排放及水質異常情形,現場稽查情形無查獲異狀或為嘉義縣轄區權責,皆轉請相關權責單位進行改善,詳第3.1.12節。2.新聞稿:本計畫分別於3月13日、4月11日、9月5日及9月18日各提交1則新聞稿,至106年11月30共計提送4篇新聞稿,新聞稿議題分別為「無磷清潔做環保,河川水質變更好」、「千人一起來淨潭,手護嘉園、手護地球」、「化糞池水肥按時清 環境衛生更安心」及「水污資訊大公開,重大違規皆現形」,其中淨潭新聞稿登載於中國時報,詳第3.6.1節。"
proj_year 106
org_name "嘉義市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180401

chi_title "106年度臺東縣清潔養豬及水質改善計畫暨推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫由106年2月24日起執行至106年12月31日為止,主要工作協助養豬戶改善飼養條件,降低廢水污染排放量,並達成省水及降低廢水處理成本等效益,進而減輕對下游承受水體之影響,再搭配畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫,將將厭氧發酵過後之畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣施灌於農地,不再將畜牧廢水排入河川造成污染,促進畜牧業者將農業廢棄物有效再利用,將錯置之資源導回循環經濟的一環,達到水污染源末端控管,減少河川水體污染負荷量並提升環境品質。針對臺東縣境內完成至少8戶養豬場之示範戶設置至少200個以上簡易式集中排糞架,並進行示範養豬場配合豬廁所之設置採取相關清潔養豬畜舍管理方式,以及三段式廢水處理設施操作維護之輔導工作,另追蹤示範戶清潔養豬執行狀況,進行各種可能成本效益分析。此外,配合環保署政策推動畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫,優先協助本縣5家畜牧場,協助撰寫畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用計畫書並取得農業主管機關審查同意,以及辦理相關政策宣導活動如政策宣導會、廣播廣告託播等。"
proj_year 106
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "106年雲林縣畜牧糞尿沼渣沼液農地肥分使用輔導調查暨推動計畫"
Chi_Subject "針對雲林縣境內畜牧業進行調查,包含畜牧業分布位置、貢獻污染百分比、關鍵影響測站相對位置等,調查對象以屬事業定義,且領有畜牧場登記證或畜禽飼養登記證為主的畜牧業,主要調查在北港溪流域、新虎尾溪流域、濁水溪流域、大義崙大排、八角亭大排、施厝寮大排、有才寮大排、馬公厝大排及牛挑灣大排等區域之畜牧業的位置分布,及水質關鍵測站包含土庫大橋、雲嘉大橋、觀光大橋、海豐橋、豐橋等5處的相對位置。 後續依照雲林縣畜牧業分布及污染負荷情形,提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用輔導之畜牧場建議名單(98家),前往進行畜牧場現場設備法規符合度調查作業,以了解畜牧場廢(污)水處理設施現況、厭氧發酵天數、沼氣收集運用情形、可施灌沼液沼渣之農地情形,及與畜牧業者宣導沼液沼渣農地肥分使用申請條件、方式及相關水污染法令。 為提升畜牧業者與農民對於申請沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫之意願,已印製2,000份指引手冊,於現場輔導及宣導說明會上發放,本計畫截至11月30日已辦理10場次宣導說明會,參與人數達894人,共回收222份意願調查表,有申請意願且場內設備有厭氧池及紅泥沼氣袋飽滿之場家共38場,其中29場有自有農地,後續亦針對此29場進行現場輔導,已協助12場提出申請。另於4月26日已辦理一場次之示範場實地觀摩會,參與人數達52人(不含環保局及工作人員)。 同時為輔導雲林縣境內大型畜牧場申請沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫,並查察中小型畜牧場是否仍有飼養情形,施行稽查管制作業,對於雲林縣境內飼養豬隻3,000頭以下或屢遭民眾陳情之畜牧場,進行廢水處理設施操作及廢水排放情形等一般性稽查作業,截至11月30日已稽查528場家,其中19場為全場暫時停工,18場無人在場,且稽查之場家均無發現繞流之情形;雲林縣境內飼養豬隻3,000頭以上、屢遭民眾陳情或無意願申請沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用之畜牧場,則進行放流水採樣作業,每場至少辦理1次採樣作業,截至11月30日共有171場次已採樣,且均已出具檢測報告,有68家不合格,不合格率達39.8 %,BOD及SS均不合格者有20家,僅BOD不合格者有11家,僅SS不合格者有37家,且於採樣時有23場表明有意願申請沼液沼渣作為農地肥分使用,後續均已前往輔導,有6場由本計畫協助提出申請。 在105年度8場示範場成效追蹤方面,已完成8場地下水豐、枯水期及土壤監測,土壤重金屬銅與鋅測值均低於土壤污染監測標準;地下水氨氮測值多數小於停灌標準,另雖有3筆數據超過,經複測或細部檢視施灌紀錄,並非為施灌作業所導致,整體而言,8場沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫案在施灌期間對環境應無負面影響。 在協助提出沼液沼渣農地肥分使用計畫申請方面,截至11月30日已有59場進行沼液沼渣之檢測、土壤及地下水檢測,進行預計施灌沼液沼渣之農地土壤檢測前儀器分析作業177點次,並均已完成申請書之撰寫及提送,截至12月31日已審核通過54場,合計105~106年通過之場家數為68場,施灌農地面積為280.390996公頃,施灌量208,202.39(公噸/年),計算BOD總削減量約為2,281.67(公斤/天),NH3-N之削減量為219.61 (公斤/天),且一年約可省下701,836元之水污費,換算可減少使用約12,558包的台肥5號,大約新台幣4,144,140元。 另依據行政院農業委員會105年度統計年報資料顯示,雲林縣種植作物面積約119,452.07公頃,種植最多之作物以稻米為大宗,種植面積達44,436.06公頃(佔37.2 %),根莖、葉菜類種植面積合計約佔23.8 %,狼尾草種植面積約323.54公頃,稻米及根莖菜類以每頭豬每天產生20公升之廢水來換算;狼尾草則以每頭牛每天產生80公升之廢水進行計算,其雲林縣目前耕地面積均足以容納養豬及牛每天所產生之沼液沼渣,惟後續仍需繼續推廣,建立農民信心,以提升農民意願。 在彙整106年度河川污染整治(含流域管理)計畫相關成果方面,已於6月28日及10月24日各召開一次跨局處工作檢討會議,並於12月25日配合機關出席相關考核會議,統整106年1-10月工項,考核自評分約為76.504分。"
proj_year 106
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200218

chi_title "105年度高雄市水污染防治許可審查、查核、登記、建檔管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "為協助高雄市政府環境保護局對轄境內事業水污染源管制業務之順利推動,本計畫工作團隊依據貴我雙方契約執行之工作項目、內容及時程,進行相關作業之執行與資料建立,以確實掌握轄境內事業水污染源之污染防治現況;並藉由管制資料整合統計及分析,輔助高雄市政府環境保護局進行事業水污染源管制工作,以期扼止各種水污染情事發生並達成具體之管制成效。本計畫執行主要目標分述如下: (一) 執行水污染防治各項許可(設立、變更、展延)文件之書面審查作業針對許可相關文件進行審查,內容包括水污染防治措施計畫、廢(污)水排放地面水體許可、廢(污)水排放地面簡易排放許可、廢(污)水貯留許可,其他配套之相關附件,如:試車計畫書、功能測試合格報告書、水措工程計畫書及復工程序相關文件皆為本計劃審查作業之範疇。截至106年2月底共收取967筆相關案件,依許可種類件數統計,以簡易排放許可文件372件為最大宗,其次依序為水污染防治措施計劃286件、排放地面水體許可證246件及貯留許可文件63件,另包含復工申請5件,於審查過程中,針對新申請、展延及功能性變更亦進行核可前的現勘作業,完成69件。 (二) 執行建檔管理作業(本工項執行期間自105年5月21日起開始執行):該項工作主要分為許可文書資料建檔、印製許可證(文件)/文書檔案管理及水污染源管制資料管理系統及環境管理系統(EMS)之維護及管理,建檔及製證作業截至106年2月底共收取633件,完成作業數為633件,再針對水污染管制資料庫,包含水系統及環境保護許可管理系統(EMS)相關建檔資料交互比對其正確性,進行更新及維護,完成管制現況更新、資訊公開等後續工作。(三) 教育宣導因應水污染相關法規及水系統的持續更新,規劃相關教育訓練或研討會及說明會,課程內容係針對水污染防治法相關法規、許可審查、水污系統或查核技巧等議題,分別對高雄市政府環境保護局、事業單位人員辦理2場次教育訓練活動及4場次法規說明會,截至105年9月底已全數完成共6場次的教育或宣導說明會,分別為針對事業單位的「水污染源資料管理系統及公開查詢平台說明會」2場次,以解除事業端對法令新增的資訊公開作業之疑慮、針對特定對象可能屬列管單位召開的「水污染相關法令及列管事業許可文件申辦流程說明會議」,宣導予相關人員悉知水污染法規、應遵守之規定及其他因應作為及業者後續辦理相關作業時應遵行之規範及流程,以及最後針對許可核准文件應公開未公開等對象而辦理的「水污染源管制資料管理系統及公開暨水污染防治法修訂及因應重點說明會」,執行新增(修訂)法令的宣導說明及於開會現場立即執行公開作業的重點工作,合計參加人數共746人(第一場196人、第二場245人、第三場201人、第四場104人)。(四) 辦理本市停工事業之復工案件進度延續追蹤本市停工事業辦理復工程序之各項期程並每周更新,針對水污染措施及污泥改善計劃之提送及審查、審查會召開、專家學者審查、復工查驗等相關期程進行彙整及系統管理,以利高雄市政府環境保護局掌握各項工作執行過程及最新進度。(五) 每季辦理水污染許可證有效期限將屆(6個月以上)對象之展延通知本項工作因應實際需求,已修正辦理期程為約2個月彙整一次水污染需可證將屆期之對象,首次於105年5月13日函文提送名單,隨後分別於7月中、10月初、12月中,約2個月的間隔頻率將相關名單提送至高雄市政府環境保護局辦理後續作業。"
proj_year 105
org_name "高雄市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20171101

chi_title "105年度臺東縣清潔養豬及水質改善計畫"
Chi_Subject "(一)篩選養豬場設置簡易式集中排糞架豬廁所:完成本年度示範戶遴選並決定對象,本年度9場示範戶250個簡易式排糞架設置安裝工作已於6月13日至6月23日止全數完成;截至11月15日止,皆無損壞之情形。(二)輔導改善示範戶養豬場廢水處理設施及操作:本計畫於8月10、11、12、24及25日等5個工作日,完成9場次的專家學者現勘輔導工作,發現主要問題如下:(1)固液分離效果不彰;(2)固形物堆置場簡陋;(3)厭氣集氣設施不良;(4)曝氣池喪失功能;(5)終沉池無沉澱成效等。後於10月5、6、7日完成執行輔導協談作業。(三)辦理水質檢測調查及效益評估:本計畫於5月16、17日(豬廁所設置前)、8月24、25日(設置後第一次)、10月17、18日(設置後第二次),辦理完成本年度9場示範戶辦理完成廢水處理設施原水、放流水、及下游承受水體水質(量)採樣檢測作業。三次採樣,所有示範戶的放流水皆符合放流水標準。豬廁所設置後,本年度9場示範戶的放流水水質皆有明顯降低跡象,SS及BOD下降達50%以上,COD下降率更是達70%。(四)辦理豬廁所示範戶追蹤效益評估:依據現場追蹤調查成果,完成示範戶設置前後之用水量(平均減少每頭豬隻1.51公升的沖洗用水量)、用電量(平均每頭豬每月可節省用電量約為0.069 度)、清洗時間(平均省時達1.39小時)、豬隻育成率(平均可達85%以上)、豬糞固形物收集量(平均增加比例約達11.8%)等成效評估成果。(五)宣導說明養豬業清潔養豬(豬廁所)正確認知:本計畫分別於3月31日、10月28日辦理完成2場次清潔養豬宣導說明會,兩場次平均出席率皆達80%以上。並配合活動辦理期程,分別已於3月30日、4月26日、9月26日全數提送完成800份宣導品。且已協助完成發布新聞稿共3則,並刊登於臺東縣政府網頁之「縣政新聞」。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "105年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉 飲用水品質監測管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "摘要為確保離島飲用水安全,並瞭解台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水之品質現況,本計畫自105年2月1日開始執行,已於5月10~11日、8月3~4日及10月3~4日完成三次飲用水水質採樣檢測,共完成42點次、1481項次之水質檢測。今年之水質檢測皆符合水質標準。另本年度酬勤水庫之微囊藻毒檢測及8月的農藥檢測,其檢測結果均為ND。其中蘭嶼之非自來水因無經過消毒處理,總菌落數經常會超出水質標準,故應加強宣導非自來水應煮沸後再飲用較安全。由歷年飲用水水質檢測結果發現,綠島因水庫優養化、原水總有機碳偏高,造成自來水的總三鹵甲烷有偏高的趨勢;因總三鹵甲烷有致癌風險,為改善水質,可在淨水處理加氯前降低有機物的濃度(如調整取水口的位置、撈除湖面枯枝落葉,加強混凝、及水庫清淤)、降低加氯量或補充乾淨用水;另外,可宣導民眾飲用水於通風處煮沸後掀蓋再煮3-5分鐘後再飲用、或使用活性碳或逆滲透淨水器,減少總三鹵甲烷暴露量。而蘭嶼主要在於非自來水和簡易自來水水源經常有大腸桿菌超標問題,此乃因山泉水屬開放系統、易受周遭環境污染,且用水欠缺消毒處理,應加強宣導煮沸後或經消毒(如加氯、紫外線照射等)處理再飲用。為加強當地飲用水安全的觀念,宣導飲用水設備需定期維護管理,以降低自來水的二次污染,本計畫已於6月8日(綠島鄉公所圖書館)、10月13日(蘭嶼鄉椰油國小) 、10月17日(綠島鄉公館國小)、12月8日(蘭嶼鄉蘭嶼國小)共辦理4場離島飲用水安全宣導,計205人參與。另為使離島居民了解其用水處理及水質概況,特邀集自來水公司已於8月8日(綠島場)、12月9日(蘭嶼場)共辦理2場飲用水安全溝通說明會,計77人參加,會後並開放民眾與自來水公司面對面溝通交流,民眾希望水質檢測結果應公開,讓民眾用水更安心。另為提升局內人員飲用水水質現場檢測操作技巧及能力、熟悉飲用水法規以落實飲用水安全管理,已於7月27日辦理「飲用水採樣檢驗技術」教育訓練、10月31日辦理「飲用水安全管理技術」教育訓練,2場共計17人參加。離島公共場所蓄水池水塔及飲用水設備體檢輔導後續追蹤,已於10月12日(綠島國中、綠島國小、綠島鄉公所、公館國小、東管處綠島站及朝日溫泉)、10月14日(東清國小、蘭嶼國小)、10月25日(朗島國小、椰油國小、蘭嶼中學、蘭嶼鄉公所)辦理蓄水池水塔體檢輔導;另已辦理35家旅館民宿連續固定供水設備之體檢輔導。據了解離島的飲用水設備大都欠缺專人管理、且對飲用水設備的維護管理不甚清楚、當地無合格廠商協助清潔維護,其缺失大多為欠缺維護管理紀錄,故先提供表單協助建立清潔維護紀錄。建議未來應加強管理人員熟悉相關法規及如何自主管理維護,以逐步建立自主管理。另針對離島各級學校及鄉公所共10家次進行飲水機水質檢測,其大腸桿菌群抽驗結果均符合水質標準。 "
proj_year 105
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170908

chi_title "104年度臺東縣流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫暨清潔養豬及水質改善計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫由104年6月29日起執行至104年12月10日為止,主要工作包括知本溪知本溫泉橋河段總量管制評估水質模式建置,並完成其預告、公聽研商及草案修正等法制作業、訂定本縣河川之地面水體水區劃定、進行水污染巡查管制及採樣檢測作業、水污染列管事業之功能評鑑作業、水污染防治計畫及許可申請文件申請審查、辦理水污染法規政策說明會及稽查管制教育訓練、設計製作宣導品與撰寫新聞稿、資料庫更新及河川水質改善分析、辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪與宣導教育活動、辦理本縣水環境巡守隊縣外觀摩活動、協助水環境巡守隊運作經營、辦理海洋污染緊急應變演練、海洋污染事件緊急應變教育訓練、海洋油污應變設備器材整備、推動綠色港口措施、臺東縣清潔養豬水質改善及配合計畫相關考核等事項。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160701

chi_title "104年度台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水品質監測管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "為確保離島飲用水安全,並瞭解台東縣綠島鄉及蘭嶼鄉飲用水之品質現況,本計畫自104年04月13日開始執行,已於4/28~4/29、5/27、7/28~7/29及10/5、10/6完成三次飲用水水質採樣檢測,總監測點數共完成42點次、1531項次之水質檢測。今年除了7月份蘭嶼東清淨水場自來水水質之總溶解固體量(357 mg/L)超過飲用水水質標準300 mg/L外,其餘均符合飲用水水質標準。另本年度酬勤水庫之微囊藻毒檢測及7月份自來水水質的農藥檢測,其檢測結果均為ND。由歷年飲用水水質檢測結果發現,綠島因水庫優養化、原水總有機碳偏高,造成自來水的總三鹵甲烷有偏高的趨勢;因總三鹵甲烷有致癌風險,為改善水質,可在淨水處理加氯前降低有機物的濃度(如調整取水口的位置、撈除湖面枯枝落葉,加強混凝及水庫清淤)、降低加氯量或補充乾淨用水;另外,可宣導民眾飲用水於通風處煮沸後掀蓋再煮3~5分鐘後再飲用、或使用活性碳或逆滲透淨水器,減少總三鹵甲烷暴露量。而蘭嶼主要在於非自來水水源經常有大腸桿菌超標問題,此乃因山泉水屬開放系統、易受周遭環境污染,且用水欠缺消毒處理,應加強宣導煮沸後或經消毒(如加氯、紫外線照射等)處理再飲用。另蘭嶼為因應缺水問題,東清淨水場已進行取水口改善工程,以改善缺水問題。為加強當地飲用水安全的觀念,宣導飲用水設備需定期維護管理,以降低自來水的二次污染,本計畫已於6/11蘭嶼朗島國小、7/14綠島鄉公所、10/7蘭嶼鄉公所、10/8椰油國小及10/14綠島國小共辦理5場離島飲用水安全宣導,計286人參與。另為提升局內人員飲用水水質現場檢測作業技巧及能力及熟悉飲用水法規,以落實飲用水安全管理,已於8/11及8/31各辦理1場「飲用水安全管理法規」及「水質現場檢測儀器之儀器原理及方法簡介暨飲用水水質現場檢測實際操作」教育訓練,共2場總計39人參加。在離島公共場所蓄水池水塔及飲用水設施輔導後續追蹤中,已於6/10至蘭嶼鄉公所、東清國小、朗島國小、椰油國小、蘭嶼國小及蘭嶼國中,9/22則至綠島鄉公所、綠島國中、綠島國小、公館國小、觀光局東部海岸國家風景區綠島遊客中心及綠島朝日溫泉進行輔導後續追蹤;據了解離島的飲用水設備大都欠缺專人管理,且對飲用水設備的維護管理不甚清楚,加上當地無合格廠商協助清潔維護,其缺失大多為維護管理紀錄填報不完善,故先提供表單協助建立清潔維護紀錄。經後續追蹤,目前離島公家機關都已建立飲水機清潔維護紀錄,學校單位亦多已進行飲水機水質檢測。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160701

chi_title "104年度高雄市水污染防治許可及定檢查核、登記、建檔管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "為協助對轄境內事業水污染源管制業務之順利推動,本計畫工作團隊依據 甄選公告本計畫預計執行之工作項目、內容及時程,進行相關作業之執行與資料之建立,以確實掌握轄境內事業水污染源之污染防治現況;藉由定檢資料審查、現場查核機制促使排放污染者設置廢(污)水處理設施且正常操作並確實申報;進行管制資料整合統計及分析,輔助機關進行事業水污染源管制工作,以期扼止各種水污染情事發生並達成具體之管制成效。"
proj_year 104
org_name "高雄市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20161231


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-I專業、科學及技術服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
核准設立日期 0880427
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市苓雅區正大里中正一路120號15樓之1
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 760999,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_國際性議題
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "99年度溫室氣體減量暨節能減碳業務"
Chi_Subject "為推動轄內溫室氣體管制作業,藉由排放量資料庫更新作業、減量行動方案之檢討、固定污染源前20大公私廠所之盤查輔導、住商部門之節能評估以及節能減碳宣導推廣作業等業務,具體落實溫室氣體管制,展現溫室氣體減量行動及保護環境之決心。"
proj_year 099
org_name "高雄市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150401


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-Web版公文製作之全國通訊錄
欄位 : 機關名稱、機關代碼、單位代碼、郵遞區號、地址、電子交換、發文方式

機關名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
機關代碼 ''EB16902960''
單位代碼 '' ''
郵遞區號 802312
地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
發文方式 電子交換


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-廣告傳單分送業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:04.93


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境教育
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "103年度臺東縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "摘要本計畫自103年3月24日簽約執行至103年12月31日止,各項工作階段執行成果摘要說明如下:一、臺東縣環境保護極短片徵選及發表本年度臺東縣環境保護極短片計有20件作品參賽,經組成兩組(學校及社會組)各4委員之評審團後,於6月4日進行作品評選。評審委員包含臺東縣環保局環境衛生管理科吳淑姬小姐、臺東縣萬安國小何錦尚校長、臺東縣休閒旅遊協會歐業偉副總幹事及大愛電視台導演王俊凱先生等,評選結果選出第1~第5名及5名優選。得獎作品已於6月13日公開進行頒獎及發表活動,共有207人參加。其中前5名作品並置於臺東縣環境教育資訊網供大眾點播欣賞。活動共計刊登4則電子媒體及1則平面媒體。二、環境場域參訪活動1.東部海岸國家風景區管理中心為配合4月22日世界地球日,本計畫特別選在4月22日於台東縣東部海岸國家風景區舉辦環境教育場域參訪活動,計有民眾、機關人員及國中小學師生共124人參與。本次活動目的主要在於培養民眾對自然萬物的尊重,建立與環境的和諧關係,觸發環境行動力,成為有環境素養的公民。 2.國立台灣史前文化博物館為響應世界環境日,本計畫特於6月13日舉辦「台灣史前文化博物館環境場域參訪活動」,計有學校師生共114人參加,希望能讓參加的國小學童們對於台東之自然生態、史前文化及原住民文化之豐富和多樣性有更多的認識,啟發其對自然萬物的尊重,能夠更珍惜、尊重這片土地綿延不斷的自然與文化生命。3.知本自然教育中心及富源社區本次金秋環境季活動成功吸引共241位台東縣內的機關人員、一般民眾、教師及學童參加,知本自然教育中心三梯次共165人,富源社區共76人。參訪過程中主要希望透過親身參與知本自然教育中心及富源社區,經戶外教學過程,培養學童及民眾的環保意識,提昇主動關心環境教育事務的意願,並影響家人、朋友,以達到人與自然和諧相處的目標,也在學習中獲得環境保護與自然的奧妙的知識。三、環境教育法第19條執行成效輔導相關作業暨環境講習1.協助辦理環境教育講習計畫執行期間,每月1日由環保局所提供之講習名單,規劃講習課程及講座邀請,並於當月底開課。總計5~10月份共辦理8場,通知講習人數438人,完成講習203人,在扣除請假、異地申請、未送達等人數不計之下,整體出席率為73%。2.辦理環境教育說明會10場10場環境教育說明會總辦理時數40小時,其中32小時為環境教育人員授課,總出席人數457人。四、環境教育志工培訓及創意教學工作坊1.環境教育志工培訓本年度志工招募訓練共辦理3場次,分別為「環境教育志工特殊訓練」、「綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練」及「志工基礎訓練」。完成1.環境教育志工特殊訓練人數39人;2.綠色生活及消費志工特殊訓練人數39人;及3.志工基礎訓練人數45人。2.創意教學工作坊創意教學工作坊於7月14及15日舉辦,本次活動共有36位教師參加,活動共兩天一夜。本年度環境創意教學工作坊主要參訪屏東縣恆春生態農場、屏東縣高樹鄉田子國小以及屏東縣九如鄉後庄國小。經由學校之間能相互觀摩相互學習,及經驗分享交流,創意教學工作坊使與會學員建立積極正面的價值及態度,以引導學生產生環境行動力。 五、相關輔導作業1.環境教育設施場所認證輔導環境教育設施場所認證說明會已於103年5月9日辦理,本次說明會邀請臺東縣取得環境教育設施場所認證之永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享「環境教育設施場所認證經驗」,會中藉由環境教育設施場所輔導問卷調查表,初步瞭解各場所申請狀況符合情形及其申請意願,並選出2個場所本身條件及意願較高之單位,分別為「台東農場」及「東河休閒農莊」進行後續輔導。2.社區改造及環保小學堂計畫輔導為協助協助臺東縣轄內各社區瞭解104年度社區環境改造及環保小學堂計畫,本計畫於103年9月30日辦理1場說明會,而由進一步輔導鼓勵,目前計有4社區(多良、溫泉、竹湖及下賓朗社區)申請社區環境改造計畫;另有1社區(富源社區)申請環保小學堂推廣計畫。六、協助各項環境教育競賽作業1.第3屆國家環境教育獎本年度已於103年5月7日辦理1場次國家環境教育獎參選說明會,會議當日共有13個單位共襄盛舉,包含機關、企業、社區等單位。此次說明會很榮幸邀請到第一屆國家環境教育獎個人組獲獎代表-臺東縣池上鄉萬安國民小學何錦尚校長及第一屆國家環境教育獎社區組獲獎代表-永安社區廖中勳先生,前來分享環境教育獎參賽經驗。經環保局及本計畫之努力徵件,至7月15日報名截止日前,本縣計有3類3件參與本年度國家教育獎,分別為個人類:洪婉莉小姐;學校類:台東縣廣原國民小學;以及機關(構)類:行政院農業委員會林務局臺東林區管理處知本自然教育中心。經組成各類參選項目之評審團後,於9月26日召開初審作業說明會,會中交付各參選者申請文件,並確認於10月1日~10月2日辦理現地勘查。實地現勘過程中,審查委員依據書面文件資料及現場勘查討論結果,給予參賽者建議事項,並由参賽者進行參賽文件補件作業。参賽者修正後參賽文件,最終於103年10月20日召開初審成績議決會議。由於各參賽類別均只有1件參賽者,因此最後議決個人類(洪婉莉)、學校類(廣原國小)參及機關(構)類(知本自然教育中心)參賽者給予特優獎勵,並代表臺東縣角逐第3屆國家環境教育獎。2.環保志(義)工環境知識競賽環保志(義)工環境知識競賽主要目的乃以寓教於樂之方式,讓環保志(義)工學習環境相關知識。活動分兩階段進行,首先縣內初賽共有6支隊伍,約120人組隊報名參加,活動當天由環保局陳炳伸科長揭開序幕後,隨即進行暖身操練與各項競賽。透過地方初賽的辦理結果,本縣集結約83名優良之環保志(義)工組隊參加103年8月23日由行政院環境保護署舉辦的「全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽」活動,與全台各縣市的環保志(義)工們一較高下。最後在「環保精神啦啦隊」比賽中,以台東著名的特色活動「炸寒單爺」為主題,並奪得第4名的佳績,展現出台東縣的創意、活力、熱情及無比的運動家精神。3.臺東縣環保知識挑戰擂台賽為了讓臺灣全國國民在不受年齡、性別、職業、教育程度等限制,能全方位拓展對環保知識認知,環保署於民國99年4月起規劃建置「環境E學院」,做為環保知識的資料庫,並藉此於100年起每年舉辦「全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽」,集結全國各縣市初賽表現優異的參賽者進行總決賽,而各地方政府環保局亦每年配合舉辦初賽活動,遴選出各組前五名代表地方參加全國總決賽。本年度臺東初賽活動分兩階段進行,首先由各校進行校內初賽,並由校內初賽結果擇優參加縣內初賽。「台東縣環保智慧王挑戰擂台賽」於10月26日(星期日),在台東市新生國小禮堂舉行,共分為國小組、國中組、高中職組及社會組等四組個別競賽,參賽人數國小組為168人、國中組為91人、高中職組為10人及社會組為20人,共計289人。七、臺東縣環境教育行動方案本計畫已於執行之初即依環保署編製環境教育白皮書之需求,提送地方環境保護機關環境教育成果調查表,並製作「102 年臺東縣環境教育行動方案執行成果報告」(初稿),且於103年6月9日協助召開臺東縣環境教育審議委員會審議,初稿經審議後,依委員意見進行修正,並於103年6月13日完成所有委員之確認後,作成定稿提送環保署。八、推廣綠色生活本計畫已完成(1)增加綠色商店30家、(2)新增民間企業採購會員 32 家、(3)提報環保標章或第二類環境保護產品違規情形27件、(4)輔導轄內村里辦公室進行綠色消費或環保標章之宣傳18處、(5)綠色生活資訊網公布活動訊息則數46則、(6)文宣製作及媒體運用17則、(7)綠色商店輔導家數62家、(8)民間、團體及社區綠色採購申報家數22家、(9)辦理環保標章說明會並邀請轄內相關業者參與2場、(10)輔導綠色婚禮產業鏈相關業者35家。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺東縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "元科科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

ORGID EB16902960
ORGNAME 元科科技股份有限公司
UPDATETIME 2023-07-31 15:41:07


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

2023-07-31 15:41:07


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 方煥銘
持有股份數 200000

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 仲新航
持有股份數 500000

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 黃素卿
持有股份數 500000

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 楊東錦
持有股份數 500000


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-J文化、運動、休閒及其他服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
核准設立日期 0880427
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市苓雅區正大里中正一路120號15樓之1
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 760999,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-E營造及工程業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
核准設立日期 0880427
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市苓雅區正大里中正一路120號15樓之1
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 760999,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 監察院-107年縣(市)長政治獻金會計報告書(首次申報)
欄位 : 序號、擬參選人/政黨、選舉名稱、申報序號/年度、交易日期、收支科目、捐贈者/支出對象、身分證/統一編號、收入金額、支出金額、捐贈方式、存入專戶日期、返還/繳庫、支出用途、金錢類、地址、聯絡電話、應揭露之支出對象、支出對象之內部人員姓名、支出對象之內部人員職稱、政黨之內部人員姓名、政黨之內部人員職稱、關係、資料更正日期

序號 527
擬參選人/政黨 涂醒哲
選舉名稱 107年縣(市)長選舉
申報序號/年度 首次申報
交易日期 1071107
收支科目 返還支出
捐贈者/支出對象 元科科技股份有限公司
身分證/統一編號 16902960
收入金額 0.00
支出金額 50000.00
支出用途 返還
金錢類 金錢
地址 臺南市永康區****
資料更正日期 2020/12/17 下午 03:43:14


來源 : 監察院-107年縣(市)長政治獻金會計報告書(首次申報)
欄位 : 序號、擬參選人/政黨、選舉名稱、申報序號/年度、交易日期、收支科目、捐贈者/支出對象、身分證/統一編號、收入金額、支出金額、捐贈方式、存入專戶日期、返還/繳庫、支出用途、金錢類、地址、聯絡電話、應揭露之支出對象、支出對象之內部人員姓名、支出對象之內部人員職稱、政黨之內部人員姓名、政黨之內部人員職稱、關係、資料更正日期

序號 195
擬參選人/政黨 涂醒哲
選舉名稱 107年縣(市)長選舉
申報序號/年度 首次申報
交易日期 1071105
收支科目 營利事業捐贈收入
捐贈者/支出對象 元科科技股份有限公司
身分證/統一編號 16902960
收入金額 50000.00
支出金額 0.00
捐贈方式 匯款
存入專戶日期 1071105
金錢類 金錢
地址 臺南市永康區****
資料更正日期 2020/12/17 下午 03:43:14


來源 : 勞動部-違反勞動法令事業單位-勞動基準法
欄位 : 主管機關、公告日期、處分日期、處分字號、事業單位名稱或負責人、違法法規法條、違反法規內容、罰鍰金額、備註說明

主管機關 高雄市
公告日期 20170407
處分日期 20170126
處分字號 高市勞條字第10630016900號
事業單位名稱或負責人 元科科技股份有限公司/楊東錦
違法法規法條 勞動基準法第24條;勞動基準法第32條第2項
違反法規內容 延長工作時間未依規定加給工資;延長工作時間超過法令規定


來源 : 勞動部-違反勞動法令事業單位-勞動基準法
欄位 : 主管機關;公告日期;處分日期;處分字號;事業單位名稱或負責人;違法法規法條;違反法規內容;罰鍰金額;備註說明



來源 : 臺南市政府經濟發展局-109年臺南市公司登記清冊
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、核准變更日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 臺南市永康區龍潭里自強路750巷68弄57號3樓
核准變更日期 109/12/22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-國際貿易業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
負責人 楊O錦
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 03:34:46.34


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-F零售、批發及餐飲業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市苓雅區中正一路120號15樓之1
實收資本額 20000000
核准設立日期 0880427
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市苓雅區正大里中正一路120號15樓之1
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 760999,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 1317
統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺南市永康區龍潭里自強路750巷68弄57號3樓
代表人 楊東錦
資本額 20000000
核准變更日期 1031106


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 2008
統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺南市永康區龍潭里自強路750巷68弄57號3樓
代表人 楊東錦
資本額 20000000
核准變更日期 1041221


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 3045
統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺南市永康區龍潭里自強路750巷68弄57號3樓
代表人 楊東錦
資本額 20000000
核准變更日期 1050812


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 1075
統一編號 16902960
公司名稱 元科科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺南市永康區龍潭里自強路750巷68弄57號3樓
代表人 楊東錦
資本額 20000000
核准變更日期 1070309

頁次 : 1/4

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