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來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$d)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$d) 環境影響評估系統資料庫更新與維護專案工作計畫 /
編著者 (245$c) 林偉田計畫主持 ; 智通工程科技股份有限公司受託
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 行政院環境保護署,; 民97]
面頁數尺寸 (300) [243]面 :; 圖, 表 ;; 30公分
出版年 (008/07-10) 2008
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 交通大學浩然圖書館; 367.4029; 4426
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b124280547


全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集。因考量營業稅歷年停歇業資料量太大,開啟檔案困難,故所開放檔案僅涵蓋營業中資料,並建議使用Microsoft Word Viewer開檔,中文請選UTF-8中文碼;或使用Notepad++、UltraEdit等其他工具開檔。 資料連結於109年6月22日調整為
來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集
欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 臺北市中正區網溪里水源路79號2樓
統一編號 89934010
營業人名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
資本額 5600000
設立日期 0831121
組織別名稱 股份有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 711211
名稱 土木工程顧問


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalImpactAssessment
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)Operation of EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of EIA open data publication, (7)Development a big-data analysis and application on EIA data, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9)Development a RWD website for EIA Inquiry Application System, (10)Integration functions of EIA inquiry application system and development activities forums, (11)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 137 EIA reports data in database and 95 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Development synonyms, fuzzy and other query functions, (7)Operation of EIA open data, (8)Development function to query activities from a specific distance, (9)Development function to export review documents attachment, (10)Uploading EIA documents, presentations and corrections, (11)Distinguish fields between complete and under reviews, (12)Setting up a management function for EIA changing information, (13)Holding a system function briefing session, (14)Development function to search conclusions keyword, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 189 EIA reports data in database and 121 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of EIA management and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded management functions of: 1,Meetings information and discussion of EIA developers, 2, Examination meetings information, 3,Publishing records and conclusions of meetings, 4,Matching implementing rules and guidelines, 5,Applicatinons integrated login interface, 6,Management of discussion data, 7,Statistics of conclusions, 8,Records and conclusions of committee meetings, 9,EMS data exchanging, 10,Conferences information of local EIA, 11,Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forum, 12,Published time of meeting and documents, 13,Updated time of documents within examining, 14,Comparing with the environmental statistical database, 15,Browsers compatibility checked,16,Management meeting videos, 17,and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 231 EIA reports data in database and 115 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library. "
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

eng_title "Enveronmantal Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project."
eng_Subject "In order to execute the contract and meet the need of developers and environmental consultants for retrieving the environmental monitoring stations information of the development plans that had passed the EIA review. This project had implemented a demo application to value-add EIA documents inquiry application data. This application provided functions of GIS map operating, analysis, locating, development plans data management, users account management and other web pages management functions. EPA assigned 15 cases of development plans had passed the EIA review. This project checked out chapter 6 and appendix of these EIA documents to establish the noise and vibration, air quality, soil, groundwater and traffic monitoring stations data in the demo application. The station names, monitoring dates, latitude and longitude coordinates and locating districts of 318 monitoring stations of these 15 cases were build this year."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded data management functions of: 1.EIA category definition meetings data, 2.EIA committee examine meetings data, 3.EIA examine meetings records, 4.EMS data exchanging, 5.EIA pollutant reduction tables data, 6.Publishing local EIA meetings information, 7.Collected public opinion, 8.EIA reports files list of EIAMBR application, 9.Statistics of EIA committee members attendance, 10.Meetings information of EIA developers, 11.Evaluation data of EIA consultants, 12.and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 448 EIA reports data in database and 129 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked."
proj_year 2013
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Development the related functions for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9) and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 100 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Completing scanning 5 environmental impact statements, 2 analysis reports on the difference of the environmental impact and 1 comparison chart of the original and revised content. Verifying 128 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement of the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Assisting in reviewing and updatting the progress and conclusions of the cases, (8)Enhancement of data query and statistic functions, (9)Functions Expansion for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (10)Functions for checking of text-searchable PDF files, (11)Functions for EIA meeting scheduling, (12) and other new features specified by EPA. At the same time this project updated 131 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 44 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191231

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management in publishing materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Planning the RWD webpages of EIA development activities forums, (8)Checking Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection of EPA EIA cases in year 2019 by optical identification (OCR) ,(9)Planning the integrity checking function of EIA uploading files ,(10)Strengthen the checking function for searchable PDF files ,(11)Planning interface of meetings materials of the EIA review meetings, (12)Assessment of the feasibility to transport EIA opinions online ,(13) Planning reminder window of new features ,(14)Holding a meeting of system functions briefing ,(15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 121 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 55 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210131

eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Developing web-pages of live broadcast files of EIA meetings, (9)Developing reminder functions of the meeting schedule, (10)Developing functions of avoidance checkinge of EPA EIA committee members, (11)Evaluating the feasibility of the multiple login functions, (12)Developing functions of collecting review opinions online, (13)Developing functions of encryption of EIA reports (including creation of password) ,(14) Developing version control and watermark functions of EIA reports, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 198 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 29 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 2021
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220131


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_NoiseAndVibration
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten"
eng_Subject "The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to edit and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2015 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 78,443 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台北市公司登記資料-Z其他未分類業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市中正區水源路79號2樓
實收資本額 5600000
核准設立日期 0831101
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺北市中正區網溪里水源路79號2樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711211,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 林偉田
持有股份數 2550

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 洪惠祥
持有股份數 300

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 林偉立
持有股份數 1500

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 汪殿一
持有股份數 1250


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 13580
統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市中正區水源路79號2樓
代表人 林偉田
資本額 5600000
核准變更日期 1050908


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 13736
統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市中正區水源路79號2樓
代表人 林偉田
資本額 5600000
核准變更日期 1090326


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_噪音振動
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫擴充「噪音管理系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網」持續更新維護。擴充「噪音管理系統」之新功能,用以提供民眾完善方便查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考評資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約78,443件稽查紀錄資料,修改104年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁;以及更新9個縣市噪音管制區連結。"
proj_year 104
org_name "空保處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境影響評估
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "110年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)清查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)新增環保署環評會議直播存檔閱覽專區。(9)開發環保署環評排會系統(委員端)會議行程提醒功能。(10)開發環保署受理環評案件委員迴避查核功能。(11)評估環評書件查詢系統(環保機關端)多元(自然人憑證或數位身分識別等)登入功能之可行性。(12)開發環保署環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(13)開發環評報告書件保全(含密碼製發)功能。(14)開發環保署主管環評報告書件版本控制(初稿、修訂本及定稿)及嵌入浮水印功能(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新198件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計95件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。"
proj_year 110
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220131

chi_title "109年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工​作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環評開發案論壇」之響應式網頁。(8)以環保署108年受理審查環評書件為檢核標的,採光學辨識(OCR)進行個資清查。(9)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環保機關」上傳檔案個資塗銷完整性線上檢核功能(10)強化系統「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)規劃個案「審查事件」項下各式會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查委員會議紀錄之顯示介面。(12)評估環評書件查詢系統收集書面審查意見可行性。(13)規劃「新增功能說明」提醒視窗。(14)召開書件系統功能說明會(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新121件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計55件。而其中有19件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。"
proj_year 109
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210131

chi_title "108年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)協助檢討、修正系統「案件摘要」之「處理情形」及「審查結論別」。(8)配合業務需求檢討資料篩選及統計功能。(9)配合開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準107年4月11日修正發布內容,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(10)系統內建置「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)系統內建置環評會議排會系統。(12)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新環評書件系統131件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。案件管考資料清查及補登計115件。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計44件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。"
proj_year 108
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191231

chi_title "107年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署開發行為環境影響評估作業準則修正草案,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。以及(9)其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新100件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書5冊、差異分析報告2冊、變更內容對照表1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計128件。而其中有18件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。"
proj_year 107
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

chi_title "環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議紀錄及審查結論。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)新增同義辭、模糊、容錯等查詢方式。(7)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(8)查詢距特定開發行為一定距離內之相鄰開發行為。(9)建置審查發文附件輸出功能。(10)即時上傳環境影響評估書件、簡報或補正資料。(11)區隔完成審查及審查中之呈現欄位及內容。(12)建置環境影響評估辦理變更內容資料管理功能。(13)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(14)新增審查結論關鍵字搜尋功能。以及(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新189件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書7冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告7冊、變更內容對照表3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計121件。而其中有25件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。"
proj_year 105
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "106年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署巨量資料應用評比計畫,協助環保署推動環境影響評估巨量資料之分析應用,完成1項巨量資料應用成果。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(9) 規劃「環評書件查詢系統_民眾查詢」適用ie11以上、最新Chrome與Firefox瀏覽器之響應式網頁。(10) 整併「環評開發案論壇」有關環評書件之查詢功能以及(11)其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新137件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書10冊、差異分析報告3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計95件。而其中有11件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。"
proj_year 106
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

chi_title "環境影響評估書件查詢系統管理與維護專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、建置開發單位會議發布及討論。2、建置主管機關會議發布。3、公布環境影響評估審查會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查結論。4、環境影響評估法施行細則及開發行為作業準則修法配合。5、環境影響評估書件查詢系統整合登入介面。6、管理環境影響評估審查會議討論資料。7、建置環境影響評估審查結論統計功能。8、管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料及紀錄。9、協助環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。10、協助縣市發布審查會議訊息。11、查核機關等發布之內容與意見。12、建置會議及書件公開時間查詢。13、送審書件電子檔上網更新檢核。14、比對環保統計資料庫統計資料。15、環境影響評估書件查詢系統常用瀏覽器相容性檢核。16、建置會議錄影檔案管理功能。17、其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新231件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告3冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計115件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。"
proj_year 103
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

chi_title "環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為便利開發單位查詢已審結環評書件中可參考之監測站資料。完成建置「環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範系統」,提供環保署示範評估應用,主要功能包括:網站基本功能、地圖操作功能、地圖分析功能、地圖編輯功能、地圖篩選定位功能、專案基本資料及帳號管理等7大類,共計61項功能。由環保署指定15件環保署審查完成之環評案件。本計畫查閱環評報告書第六章與相關附錄(件)等章節,其中記錄每案噪音及振動、空氣、土壤、地下水及交通等測站詳細資料。示範建置各監測站之測站名稱、監測日期、經緯度座標、縣市別等資料,計15件318站。"
proj_year 103
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

chi_title "環境影響評估書件查詢系統建置及維護計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃建置範疇界定資料管理。2、建置及管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料。3、建置及管理環評相關審查會會議紀錄。4、環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。5、縣市環評案件承諾污染物減量資料管理。6、縣市政府環評審查會議訊息發布。7、民眾意見表達。8、委員系統書件目錄查詢。9、環評委員出席統計。10、開發單位等機關會議資料或會議訊息上載專區。11、環評顧問公司資料管理及評鑑資料查詢統計。12、其他環保署指定之新增功能。更新448件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書6冊、環境影響評估報告書5冊、差異分析報告9冊、變更內容對照表5冊、環境現況差異分析及對策檢討報告暨環境影響差異分析1冊及環境影響評估報告補正說明書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計129件。而其中有4件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。"
proj_year 102
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "109年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工​作計畫"
chi_subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環評開發案論壇」之響應式網頁。(8)以環保署108年受理審查環評書件為檢核標的,採光學辨識(OCR)進行個資清查。(9)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環保機關」上傳檔案個資塗銷完整性線上檢核功能(10)強化系統「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)規劃個案「審查事件」項下各式會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查委員會議紀錄之顯示介面。(12)評估環評書件查詢系統收集書面審查意見可行性。(13)規劃「新增功能說明」提醒視窗。(14)召開書件系統功能說明會(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新121件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計55件。而其中有19件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。"
eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management in publishing materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Planning the RWD webpages of EIA development activities forums, (8)Checking Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection of EPA EIA cases in year 2019 by optical identification (OCR) ,(9)Planning the integrity checking function of EIA uploading files ,(10)Strengthen the checking function for searchable PDF files ,(11)Planning interface of meetings materials of the EIA review meetings, (12)Assessment of the feasibility to transport EIA opinions online ,(13) Planning reminder window of new features ,(14)Holding a meeting of system functions briefing ,(15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 121 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 55 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 109
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210131

chi_title "110年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫"
chi_subject "本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)清查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)新增環保署環評會議直播存檔閱覽專區。(9)開發環保署環評排會系統(委員端)會議行程提醒功能。(10)開發環保署受理環評案件委員迴避查核功能。(11)評估環評書件查詢系統(環保機關端)多元(自然人憑證或數位身分識別等)登入功能之可行性。(12)開發環保署環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(13)開發環評報告書件保全(含密碼製發)功能。(14)開發環保署主管環評報告書件版本控制(初稿、修訂本及定稿)及嵌入浮水印功能(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新198件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計95件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。"
eng_title "Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
eng_subject "This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Developing web-pages of live broadcast files of EIA meetings, (9)Developing reminder functions of the meeting schedule, (10)Developing functions of avoidance checkinge of EPA EIA committee members, (11)Evaluating the feasibility of the multiple login functions, (12)Developing functions of collecting review opinions online, (13)Developing functions of encryption of EIA reports (including creation of password) ,(14) Developing version control and watermark functions of EIA reports, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 198 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 29 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."
proj_year 110
org_name "綜計處"
exe_unit "智通工程科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220131


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : projectid(專案登錄碼);title(中文標題);abstract(中文摘要);keyword(中文關鍵字);engtitle(英文標題);engabstract(英文摘要);engkeyword(英文關鍵字);govcategory(施政分類);projecttype(專案類型說明);projectno(專案計劃編號);projectyear(專案年度);projectbudget(專案經費);projectstartdate(合約開始日期);projectenddate(合約結束日期);sponsororg(主辦單位);undertaker(承辦人);executingorg(執行單位);projectdirector(專案主持人);assistdirector(協同主持人);codirector(共同主持人);publicfullversionurl(專案報告下載url)

"本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環評開發案論壇」之響應式網頁。(8)以環保署108年受理審查環評書件為檢核標的,採光學辨識(OCR)進行個資清查。(9)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環保機關」上傳檔案個資塗銷完整性線上檢核功能(10)強化系統「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)規劃個案「審查事件」項下各式會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查委員會議紀錄之顯示介面。(12)評估環評書件查詢系統收集書面審查意見可行性。(13)規劃「新增功能說明」提醒視窗。(14)召開書件系統功能說明會(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新121件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計55件。而其中有19件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。"
"Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
"This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management in publishing materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Planning the RWD webpages of EIA development activities forums, (8)Checking Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection of EPA EIA cases in year 2019 by optical identification (OCR) ,(9)Planning the integrity checking function of EIA uploading files ,(10)Strengthen the checking function for searchable PDF files ,(11)Planning interface of meetings materials of the EIA review meetings, (12)Assessment of the feasibility to transport EIA opinions online ,(13) Planning reminder window of new features ,(14)Holding a meeting of system functions briefing ,(15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 121 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 55 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."

"本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)清查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)新增環保署環評會議直播存檔閱覽專區。(9)開發環保署環評排會系統(委員端)會議行程提醒功能。(10)開發環保署受理環評案件委員迴避查核功能。(11)評估環評書件查詢系統(環保機關端)多元(自然人憑證或數位身分識別等)登入功能之可行性。(12)開發環保署環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(13)開發環評報告書件保全(含密碼製發)功能。(14)開發環保署主管環評報告書件版本控制(初稿、修訂本及定稿)及嵌入浮水印功能(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新198件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計95件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。"
"Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project"
"This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Developing web-pages of live broadcast files of EIA meetings, (9)Developing reminder functions of the meeting schedule, (10)Developing functions of avoidance checkinge of EPA EIA committee members, (11)Evaluating the feasibility of the multiple login functions, (12)Developing functions of collecting review opinions online, (13)Developing functions of encryption of EIA reports (including creation of password) ,(14) Developing version control and watermark functions of EIA reports, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 198 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 29 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment."


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_WaterQualityProtection
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 3rd year maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application qury and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook; (5)Assist EPA maintatence web site.
proj_year 2003
org_name Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20040201

eng_title The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 4th year (2004) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Drinking Water web site.
proj_year 2004
org_name Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20050201

eng_title The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 5th year (2005) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 3 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandize the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary.
proj_year 2005
org_name Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20060201

eng_title The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject In order to make the organs of environmental protection at all levels of the whole country grasp the drinking water and manage relevant information rapidly, positively, offer every environmental protection organs to shut network log-in and carry out drinking water management and check the materials of controlling etc. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a“Drinking Water Management Application Development”project, and a“The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found”project since 1999. These Projects had developed a“Drinking Water Management System”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 6th year (2006) maintenance project. The groundwork of the plan is to maintain the normal operation of every business function and trouble clearing of the Drinking Water Management System. This planning work content includes being following: 1.Guarantee the normal operation of the system, offer every environmental protection organs to shut construction drinking water management of the network to relevant materials of checking and checking etc., implement the drinking water management. 2.The statistical analysis of drinking water , as helping organ''s checking and follow-up of environmental protection to track and control working, offer as the reference that management policies are drafted of drinking water management. 3.Offer such information as checking, statistics and analysis of water quality of drinking water,etc. to support all circles inquiry in good time, use to reach the purpose of resource-sharing.
proj_year 2006
org_name Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20141031


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_WaterQualityProtection
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 4th year (2004) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Drinking Water web site.
Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management

The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 5th year (2005) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 3 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandize the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary.
Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management

The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
In order to make the organs of environmental protection at all levels of the whole country grasp the drinking water and manage relevant information rapidly, positively, offer every environmental protection organs to shut network log-in and carry out drinking water management and check the materials of controlling etc. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a“Drinking Water Management Application Development”project, and a“The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found”project since 1999. These Projects had developed a“Drinking Water Management System”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandize the application functions in necessary. This is the 6th year (2006) maintenance project. The groundwork of the plan is to maintain the normal operation of every business function and trouble clearing of the Drinking Water Management System. This planning work content includes being following: 1.Guarantee the normal operation of the system, offer every environmental protection organs to shut construction drinking water management of the network to relevant materials of checking and checking etc., implement the drinking water management. 2.The statistical analysis of drinking water , as helping organ''s checking and follow-up of environmental protection to track and control working, offer as the reference that management policies are drafted of drinking water management. 3.Offer such information as checking, statistics and analysis of water quality of drinking water,etc. to support all circles inquiry in good time, use to reach the purpose of resource-sharing.
Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management

The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in drinking water management. EPA begin to computerize the drinking water management works, and conduct a “Drinking Water Management Application Development” project, and a “The Drinking Water Management Practice Survey and Found” project Since 1999. These Projects had developed a “Drinking Water Management Systyem”. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the 3rd year maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application qury and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook; (5)Assist EPA maintatence web site.
Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_水質保護
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。 為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理95年度之維護作業,主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。 本計畫工作內容包含下列各項: 1.確保系統正常運作,提供各環保機關上網建置飲用水管理稽查及查驗等相關資料,落實飲用水管理工作。 2.統計分析飲用水管理稽查資料,作為協助環保機關稽查及其後續追蹤管制工作,並提供作為飲用水管理政策擬定之參考。 3.適時提供飲用水水質查驗、統計及資料分析等資訊供各界查詢,藉以達資源共享的目的。
proj_year 095
org_name 環管處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20141031


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_水質保護
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

為使全國各級環保機關迅速、確實地掌握飲用水管理相關資訊,提供各環保機關上網登錄執行飲用水管理稽查管制等資料,以落實飲用水管理工作。行政院環境保護署於88及89年度分別辦理『飲用水管理系統開發計畫』及『飲用水管理業務調查與建置計畫』,建立網頁式資料庫架構之「飲用水管理資訊系統」,自民國89年元月起上線使用。 為確保系統正常運作,並適時擴充及調整系統功能,俾利隨時快速彙整統計多年的飲用水水質資訊。環保署自90年度起辦理「飲用水管理資訊系統維護計畫」,本計畫則為賡續辦理95年度之維護作業,主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」各項業務功能之正常運作及故障排除。 本計畫工作內容包含下列各項: 1.確保系統正常運作,提供各環保機關上網建置飲用水管理稽查及查驗等相關資料,落實飲用水管理工作。 2.統計分析飲用水管理稽查資料,作為協助環保機關稽查及其後續追蹤管制工作,並提供作為飲用水管理政策擬定之參考。 3.適時提供飲用水水質查驗、統計及資料分析等資訊供各界查詢,藉以達資源共享的目的。


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalImpactAssessment
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title The Computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports(三)
eng_subject To promote the computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Environmental Protection Administration ever finished operating of inquiry system in these Reports. Since 2000, It has advocated the plan of making data for these Reports which have examined, saving the inquiry system to benefit storage, conveyance and maintenance. This plan has finished the task, 404 sheets, by making data in the electronic way: scanning the whole article and the summary of each file. In the former, the scanning resolution of the monochrome file is 600dpi. In addition, color illustrations based on word size and number of color apply proper resolution and number of color scale to benefit browsing. The maintenance and revision of the database of Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports are proceeded according to demand of the execution of this plan.
proj_year 2003
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20040301

eng_title The renewed plans of Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system (included modifiable cases)
eng_subject Environmental Impact Assessment cases investigated by Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee are main subjects. In this annual, we enhance the examination range from 136th to 145th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, pdf files and the review conclusion posted on the EPA website set up correct and completed documents to improve the efficient of managing date and achieve the goal of integrating information. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files need to correct because they are not completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 45 sheets. We scanned and set up 505 books (86,907 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, scanned color pictures of around 1,449 pages by multicolour scales to conveniently recognize and browse them. At the same time, we scanned 11,366 files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 223 cases. To update Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system, we should follow these 7 steps: 1. Complete website art design with the same serial arrangement 2. Update instruction manual of how to use system 3. Emend inquiry system item and enhance the function of printer 4. Adjust inquiry system chart 5. Design the system of counting people who browse websites , cases and files 6. Show your opinions on the website in the public during the investigations 7. Enhance “other” connecting functions of Environmental Impact Assessment We set up backup system respectively at Department of Comprehensive Planning and Bureau of Environmental Inspection to provide service to the public-enquiring files. It will make management business of Environmental Impact Assessment effective not to be influenced by the quality of website.
proj_year 2006
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20070201

eng_title Installation of Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System
eng_subject In order to carry out the information to be public, provides the populace to consummate of environmental impact assessment correlation information inquiry system the convenience, this plan revises inopportune or the inconvenient populace use on original the environmental impact assessment inquiry system place, designs one has the inconvenience, entrance of website the accurate. Newly supposes the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system in addition in the system, surveillance of in order to help the environmental impact assessment case. This plan carries on the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system to establish the work, completes the environmental protection administration the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system the system development with to establish, took the environmental protection administration (EPA) impetus environmental impact assessment monitoring work computerization, constructs the link to comment the monitoring material to construct the files and tool of the development plan monitoring management. The environmental impact assessment monitoring control system the function, altogether divides into (1) to record/publishes; (2) basic document; (3) tracing the material; (4) monitoring the punishment; (5) monitoring the image; (6) inquires the statistics; (7) system administration and so on seven major terms functions category. The plan period work team and registers the material by the specialist to the EPA check, checks the link to comment the library 964 dossiers materials. In the check result increases 150 dossiers materials; Some 4 books material changes the person in charge and the development unit name; 48 cases sensitive position has not filled in the case, is besides 6 draws back a cancellation, other 42 cases supplemented construct the files. This plan completes 69 volume, 5,276 pages of environmental impact assessment book material electron constructs the files, in the full text scanning scanning analysis black and white document is 600dpi; Scanning analysis colored graphic document is 300 dpi color step number is the high color.At the same, we scanned all files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 12 cases.
proj_year 2007
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20080301

eng_title The project for rebuilding and maintaining the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application
eng_subject The EIA inquiry system includes functions of : (1)Information Board;(2)EIA cases management;(3)EIA cases statistics;(4)Integrated Query;(5)System management. This project updated the EIA inquiry system database by filing the EIA data included development activities, sensitive sections, EIA committee records. This project also filed 1,049 cases of the EIA inspection data and 130 cases of the EIA citation data. Environmental Impact Assessment cases investigated by Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee are main subjects. In this annual, we enhance the examination range from 146th to 166th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusion posted on the EPA website set up correct and completed documents to improve the efficient of managing date and achieve the goal of integrating information. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files need to correct because they are not completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 10 sheets. We scanned and set up 10 books (3,340 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, scanned color pictures of around 24 pages by multicolor scales to conveniently recognize and browse them. At the same time, we scanned 182 files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 23 cases.
proj_year 2008
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20090201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System – to Expand the EIA Review Data
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. This project expanded functions to post folders of EIA cases, meeting records and official documents and completed 600 folders this year. It also expanded functions for environmental protection bureaus to manage local EIA doucments and posted on the EPA website. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 167th to 183th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 3 sheets and 99 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 25 books (8,795 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 63 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had updated 25 files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
proj_year 2009
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20100201

eng_title 99 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System Expansion and maintenance projects
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It also expanded functions for checking lacked data and a Google Maps demonstration system. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 184th to 198th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 8 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 183 books (15,559 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 284 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
proj_year 2010
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20110101

eng_title 100 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) inquiry application”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the users. The main tasks contents for this project could be divided into: 1, Updated EIA Database of approved EIA reports, official documents, review conclusions, project team meetings records and added 717 base coordinates of development projects; 2, Checked and organized EIA library and established files of undigitized documents; 3, Enhanced application functons: (a)functions for EIA library books and documents folders management, (b)functions for EIA committee, (c)functions for online satisfaction survey, and (d)orthers: xml, Kml files management functions, examination period statistics functions, parcel events of calendar, functions for project team..., and held 2 conferences to EIA committee. This project came up with recommendations as follows: 1, examine local Environmental Protection Bureaus to promote data completeness; 2, increase system data categories for meeting briefing files, photos files etc to complete and enrich database; 3.expand EIA committee system by applying cloud computing, group communication to look into the future of paperless EIA examination meetings.
proj_year 2011
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20120201

eng_title 101 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It also expanded functions for checking lacked data and a Google Maps demonstration system. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 211th to 223th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 8 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 322 books, alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 1,135 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
proj_year 2012
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20130301

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded functions for checking EIA cases data, signing up online for EIA examination meeting, subscripting feeds for EIA RSS contents. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 224th to 246th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, 1,827 fields were corrected and 5,060 deficient files in 1,372 cases were be uploaded. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 192 cases of meeting records. This project made a check on the EIA development activities forum and 141 cases were be checked.
proj_year 2012
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20140201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded data management functions of: 1.EIA category definition meetings data, 2.EIA committee examine meetings data, 3.EIA examine meetings records, 4.EMS data exchanging, 5.EIA pollutant reduction tables data, 6.Publishing local EIA meetings information, 7.Collected public opinion, 8.EIA reports files list of EIAMBR application, 9.Statistics of EIA committee members attendance, 10.Meetings information of EIA developers, 11.Evaluation data of EIA consultants, 12.and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 448 EIA reports data in database and 129 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked.
proj_year 2013
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201

eng_title Enveronmantal Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project.
eng_subject In order to execute the contract and meet the need of developers and environmental consultants for retrieving the environmental monitoring stations information of the development plans that had passed the EIA review. This project had implemented a demo application to value-add EIA documents inquiry application data. This application provided functions of GIS map operating, analysis, locating, development plans data management, users account management and other web pages management functions. EPA assigned 15 cases of development plans had passed the EIA review. This project checked out chapter 6 and appendix of these EIA documents to establish the noise and vibration, air quality, soil, groundwater and traffic monitoring stations data in the demo application. The station names, monitoring dates, latitude and longitude coordinates and locating districts of 318 monitoring stations of these 15 cases were build this year.
proj_year 2014
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of EIA management and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded management functions of: 1,Meetings information and discussion of EIA developers, 2, Examination meetings information, 3,Publishing records and conclusions of meetings, 4,Matching implementing rules and guidelines, 5,Applicatinons integrated login interface, 6,Management of discussion data, 7,Statistics of conclusions, 8,Records and conclusions of committee meetings, 9,EMS data exchanging, 10,Conferences information of local EIA, 11,Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forum, 12,Published time of meeting and documents, 13,Updated time of documents within examining, 14,Comparing with the environmental statistical database, 15,Browsers compatibility checked,16,Management meeting videos, 17,and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 231 EIA reports data in database and 115 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
proj_year 2014
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20160201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Development synonyms, fuzzy and other query functions, (7)Operation of EIA open data, (8)Development function to query activities from a specific distance, (9)Development function to export review documents attachment, (10)Uploading EIA documents, presentations and corrections, (11)Distinguish fields between complete and under reviews, (12)Setting up a management function for EIA changing information, (13)Holding a system function briefing session, (14)Development function to search conclusions keyword, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 189 EIA reports data in database and 121 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
proj_year 2016
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20170201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)Operation of EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of EIA open data publication, (7)Development a big-data analysis and application on EIA data, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9)Development a RWD website for EIA Inquiry Application System, (10)Integration functions of EIA inquiry application system and development activities forums, (11)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 137 EIA reports data in database and 95 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
proj_year 2017
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20180301

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Development the related functions for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9) and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 100 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Completing scanning 5 environmental impact statements, 2 analysis reports on the difference of the environmental impact and 1 comparison chart of the original and revised content. Verifying 128 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
proj_year 2018
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20190201

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement of the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Assisting in reviewing and updatting the progress and conclusions of the cases, (8)Enhancement of data query and statistic functions, (9)Functions Expansion for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (10)Functions for checking of text-searchable PDF files, (11)Functions for EIA meeting scheduling, (12) and other new features specified by EPA. At the same time this project updated 131 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 44 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
proj_year 2019
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20191231

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management in publishing materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Planning the RWD webpages of EIA development activities forums, (8)Checking Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection of EPA EIA cases in year 2019 by optical identification (OCR) ,(9)Planning the integrity checking function of EIA uploading files ,(10)Strengthen the checking function for searchable PDF files ,(11)Planning interface of meetings materials of the EIA review meetings, (12)Assessment of the feasibility to transport EIA opinions online ,(13) Planning reminder window of new features ,(14)Holding a meeting of system functions briefing ,(15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 121 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 55 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
proj_year 2020
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20210131

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Developing web-pages of live broadcast files of EIA meetings, (9)Developing reminder functions of the meeting schedule, (10)Developing functions of avoidance checkinge of EPA EIA committee members, (11)Evaluating the feasibility of the multiple login functions, (12)Developing functions of collecting review opinions online, (13)Developing functions of encryption of EIA reports (including creation of password) ,(14) Developing version control and watermark functions of EIA reports, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 198 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 29 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
proj_year 2021
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20220131

eng_title Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Expand and develop the function of online collection of written review opinions for EIA cases,(9)Develop web pages for the latest minutes of the environmental impact assessment meeting, (10) Develop advanced (fuzzy) query functions for EIA documents, (11) The case review process of developing EIA documents is presented in a visual layout, (12) Holding a meeting of system functions briefing, (13)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 230 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 111 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
proj_year 2022
org_name Department of Comprehensive Planning
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20230131


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalImpactAssessment
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

The Computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports(三)
To promote the computerization of the Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Environmental Protection Administration ever finished operating of inquiry system in these Reports. Since 2000, It has advocated the plan of making data for these Reports which have examined, saving the inquiry system to benefit storage, conveyance and maintenance. This plan has finished the task, 404 sheets, by making data in the electronic way: scanning the whole article and the summary of each file. In the former, the scanning resolution of the monochrome file is 600dpi. In addition, color illustrations based on word size and number of color apply proper resolution and number of color scale to benefit browsing. The maintenance and revision of the database of Final Environmental Impact Assessment Reports are proceeded according to demand of the execution of this plan.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

The renewed plans of Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system (included modifiable cases)
Environmental Impact Assessment cases investigated by Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee are main subjects. In this annual, we enhance the examination range from 136th to 145th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, pdf files and the review conclusion posted on the EPA website set up correct and completed documents to improve the efficient of managing date and achieve the goal of integrating information. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files need to correct because they are not completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 45 sheets. We scanned and set up 505 books (86,907 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, scanned color pictures of around 1,449 pages by multicolour scales to conveniently recognize and browse them. At the same time, we scanned 11,366 files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 223 cases. To update Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system, we should follow these 7 steps: 1. Complete website art design with the same serial arrangement 2. Update instruction manual of how to use system 3. Emend inquiry system item and enhance the function of printer 4. Adjust inquiry system chart 5. Design the system of counting people who browse websites , cases and files 6. Show your opinions on the website in the public during the investigations 7. Enhance “other” connecting functions of Environmental Impact Assessment We set up backup system respectively at Department of Comprehensive Planning and Bureau of Environmental Inspection to provide service to the public-enquiring files. It will make management business of Environmental Impact Assessment effective not to be influenced by the quality of website.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Installation of Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System
In order to carry out the information to be public, provides the populace to consummate of environmental impact assessment correlation information inquiry system the convenience, this plan revises inopportune or the inconvenient populace use on original the environmental impact assessment inquiry system place, designs one has the inconvenience, entrance of website the accurate. Newly supposes the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system in addition in the system, surveillance of in order to help the environmental impact assessment case. This plan carries on the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system to establish the work, completes the environmental protection administration the environmental impact assessment monitoring control system the system development with to establish, took the environmental protection administration (EPA) impetus environmental impact assessment monitoring work computerization, constructs the link to comment the monitoring material to construct the files and tool of the development plan monitoring management. The environmental impact assessment monitoring control system the function, altogether divides into (1) to record/publishes; (2) basic document; (3) tracing the material; (4) monitoring the punishment; (5) monitoring the image; (6) inquires the statistics; (7) system administration and so on seven major terms functions category. The plan period work team and registers the material by the specialist to the EPA check, checks the link to comment the library 964 dossiers materials. In the check result increases 150 dossiers materials; Some 4 books material changes the person in charge and the development unit name; 48 cases sensitive position has not filled in the case, is besides 6 draws back a cancellation, other 42 cases supplemented construct the files. This plan completes 69 volume, 5,276 pages of environmental impact assessment book material electron constructs the files, in the full text scanning scanning analysis black and white document is 600dpi; Scanning analysis colored graphic document is 300 dpi color step number is the high color.At the same, we scanned all files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 12 cases.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

The project for rebuilding and maintaining the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application
The EIA inquiry system includes functions of : (1)Information Board;(2)EIA cases management;(3)EIA cases statistics;(4)Integrated Query;(5)System management. This project updated the EIA inquiry system database by filing the EIA data included development activities, sensitive sections, EIA committee records. This project also filed 1,049 cases of the EIA inspection data and 130 cases of the EIA citation data. Environmental Impact Assessment cases investigated by Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee are main subjects. In this annual, we enhance the examination range from 146th to 166th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusion posted on the EPA website set up correct and completed documents to improve the efficient of managing date and achieve the goal of integrating information. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files need to correct because they are not completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 10 sheets. We scanned and set up 10 books (3,340 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, scanned color pictures of around 24 pages by multicolor scales to conveniently recognize and browse them. At the same time, we scanned 182 files which are set up the passwords to avoid the documents to be falsified and to protect individual privacy by setting up passwords in 23 cases.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System – to Expand the EIA Review Data
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. This project expanded functions to post folders of EIA cases, meeting records and official documents and completed 600 folders this year. It also expanded functions for environmental protection bureaus to manage local EIA doucments and posted on the EPA website. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 167th to 183th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 3 sheets and 99 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 25 books (8,795 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 63 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had updated 25 files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

99 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry System Expansion and maintenance projects
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It also expanded functions for checking lacked data and a Google Maps demonstration system. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 184th to 198th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 8 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 183 books (15,559 pages), alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 284 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

100 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) inquiry application”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the users. The main tasks contents for this project could be divided into: 1, Updated EIA Database of approved EIA reports, official documents, review conclusions, project team meetings records and added 717 base coordinates of development projects; 2, Checked and organized EIA library and established files of undigitized documents; 3, Enhanced application functons: (a)functions for EIA library books and documents folders management, (b)functions for EIA committee, (c)functions for online satisfaction survey, and (d)orthers: xml, Kml files management functions, examination period statistics functions, parcel events of calendar, functions for project team..., and held 2 conferences to EIA committee. This project came up with recommendations as follows: 1, examine local Environmental Protection Bureaus to promote data completeness; 2, increase system data categories for meeting briefing files, photos files etc to complete and enrich database; 3.expand EIA committee system by applying cloud computing, group communication to look into the future of paperless EIA examination meetings.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

101 Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance proje
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It also expanded functions for checking lacked data and a Google Maps demonstration system. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 211th to 223th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, only some deficient files were required to be corrected because they are yet to be completed. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 8 cases of meeting records. We had scanned and set up 322 books, alleviated the burden of paper inventory and management, and scanned color pictures of approximately 1,135 pages by multicolor scales for them to be conveniently recognized and browsed. them. At the same time, we had files which were set up with passwords to avoid the documents be falsified and to protect individual privacy.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded functions for checking EIA cases data, signing up online for EIA examination meeting, subscripting feeds for EIA RSS contents. In this annual, we enhanced the examinations ranged from 224th to 246th meetings. After the examination of Environmental Impact Assessment, its reports, official documents, PDF files and the review conclusions are posted on the EPA website. This project corrected the data with completed documents. Among the results of examination range, 1,827 fields were corrected and 5,060 deficient files in 1,372 cases were be uploaded. The review conclusion and the make-up records in Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry system totally amounted 192 cases of meeting records. This project made a check on the EIA development activities forum and 141 cases were be checked.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of managing data and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded data management functions of: 1.EIA category definition meetings data, 2.EIA committee examine meetings data, 3.EIA examine meetings records, 4.EMS data exchanging, 5.EIA pollutant reduction tables data, 6.Publishing local EIA meetings information, 7.Collected public opinion, 8.EIA reports files list of EIAMBR application, 9.Statistics of EIA committee members attendance, 10.Meetings information of EIA developers, 11.Evaluation data of EIA consultants, 12.and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 448 EIA reports data in database and 129 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Enveronmantal Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System data collection and maintenance project.
In order to execute the contract and meet the need of developers and environmental consultants for retrieving the environmental monitoring stations information of the development plans that had passed the EIA review. This project had implemented a demo application to value-add EIA documents inquiry application data. This application provided functions of GIS map operating, analysis, locating, development plans data management, users account management and other web pages management functions. EPA assigned 15 cases of development plans had passed the EIA review. This project checked out chapter 6 and appendix of these EIA documents to establish the noise and vibration, air quality, soil, groundwater and traffic monitoring stations data in the demo application. The station names, monitoring dates, latitude and longitude coordinates and locating districts of 318 monitoring stations of these 15 cases were build this year.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application to improve the efficiency of EIA management and achieve the goal of integrating information. It expanded management functions of: 1,Meetings information and discussion of EIA developers, 2, Examination meetings information, 3,Publishing records and conclusions of meetings, 4,Matching implementing rules and guidelines, 5,Applicatinons integrated login interface, 6,Management of discussion data, 7,Statistics of conclusions, 8,Records and conclusions of committee meetings, 9,EMS data exchanging, 10,Conferences information of local EIA, 11,Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forum, 12,Published time of meeting and documents, 13,Updated time of documents within examining, 14,Comparing with the environmental statistical database, 15,Browsers compatibility checked,16,Management meeting videos, 17,and other assigned functions. At the same time this project updated 231 EIA reports data in database and 115 cases on the EIA development activities forum were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Development synonyms, fuzzy and other query functions, (7)Operation of EIA open data, (8)Development function to query activities from a specific distance, (9)Development function to export review documents attachment, (10)Uploading EIA documents, presentations and corrections, (11)Distinguish fields between complete and under reviews, (12)Setting up a management function for EIA changing information, (13)Holding a system function briefing session, (14)Development function to search conclusions keyword, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 189 EIA reports data in database and 121 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of EIA review meetings information, (2)Publication of the minutes and conclusions of the review, (3)Operation of EMS data exchanging, (4)Announcement of EIA review meetings, (5)Verifying contents and comments of EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of EIA open data publication, (7)Development a big-data analysis and application on EIA data, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9)Development a RWD website for EIA Inquiry Application System, (10)Integration functions of EIA inquiry application system and development activities forums, (11)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 137 EIA reports data in database and 95 cases on the EIA development activities forums were be checked, And assist in the management of the EPA environmental assessment library.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. this project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Development the related functions for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (8)Holding a system function briefing session, (9) and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 100 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Completing scanning 5 environmental impact statements, 2 analysis reports on the difference of the environmental impact and 1 comparison chart of the original and revised content. Verifying 128 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management of meeting discussion materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Publication of the meeting minutes and records of the EIA review meetings, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Announcement of the EIA review meetings of County/City Environmental Protection Bureaus, (5)Verifying contents and comments of the EIA development activities forums, (6)Operation of the EIA open data publication, (7)Assisting in reviewing and updatting the progress and conclusions of the cases, (8)Enhancement of data query and statistic functions, (9)Functions Expansion for the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Working Standards, (10)Functions for checking of text-searchable PDF files, (11)Functions for EIA meeting scheduling, (12) and other new features specified by EPA. At the same time this project updated 131 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 44 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1)Management in publishing materials of the EIA review meetings, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Planning the RWD webpages of EIA development activities forums, (8)Checking Computer-Processed Personal Data Protection of EPA EIA cases in year 2019 by optical identification (OCR) ,(9)Planning the integrity checking function of EIA uploading files ,(10)Strengthen the checking function for searchable PDF files ,(11)Planning interface of meetings materials of the EIA review meetings, (12)Assessment of the feasibility to transport EIA opinions online ,(13) Planning reminder window of new features ,(14)Holding a meeting of system functions briefing ,(15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 121 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 55 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Developing web-pages of live broadcast files of EIA meetings, (9)Developing reminder functions of the meeting schedule, (10)Developing functions of avoidance checkinge of EPA EIA committee members, (11)Evaluating the feasibility of the multiple login functions, (12)Developing functions of collecting review opinions online, (13)Developing functions of encryption of EIA reports (including creation of password) ,(14) Developing version control and watermark functions of EIA reports, (15)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 198 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 29 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
Department of Comprehensive Planning

Environmental Impact Assessment Inquiry Application System Management and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the Environmental Impact Assessment inquiry application management and maintenance. This project assisted and completed the tasks as follows: (1) Assisting in the publication of the EIA review meeting materials, (2)Checking the contents and opinions issued by the public and related agencies, (3)Operation of Environmental Management System (EMS) data exchanging, (4)Management of information releasing of EIA review meetings, (5)Operation of the EIA opendata publication, (6)Management of the EIA meeting scheduling functions, (7)Checking the incorrectness of hidding personal-information of EIA documents, (8)Expand and develop the function of online collection of written review opinions for EIA cases,(9)Develop web pages for the latest minutes of the environmental impact assessment meeting, (10) Develop advanced (fuzzy) query functions for EIA documents, (11) The case review process of developing EIA documents is presented in a visual layout, (12) Holding a meeting of system functions briefing, (13)and other new features specified by the EPA. At the same time this project updated 230 EIA reports data. It includes the books encoding, documents folders encoding and uploading to the system database. Verifying 111 cases on the EIA development activities forums, And assisting in the management of the EPA environmental assessment.
Department of Comprehensive Planning


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_ManagementOfToxicSubstances
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title The Noise Control Management Application Development
eng_subject In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project. This project includes three tasks: (1) collect and analyze Noise Control management laws, regulations and works to understand the application’s need; (2) develop and construct the application system; (3) check the application, educate users and provide one year system maintenance. The application is developed in ASP.NET language in Microsoft Dot Net Framework. It is a web-base application. The database is set in an Microsft Windows 2000 Server of EPA. Clients are Bureau of Air Pollution Control in EPA and local environmental agencies. Users can browse and exchange data to EPA by INTERNET using the Microsft Web Browser IE.
proj_year 2003
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20040201

eng_title The Noise Control Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the first year (2004) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Noise Control web site.
proj_year 2004
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20050301

eng_title The Noise Control Management Application Maintenance Project
eng_subject To advance in an e-government, EPA made “the plan of developing noise management system” and finished establishing system in 2003.In this year, they continued maintaining the system, enhancing function and updating “the website of noise control information” to fulfill noise management and provide the public with the result of every noise policy. The noise management system was designed determinative IP address of the databases and increased the complex of codes to protect the security of date. We have to backup the data periodically and modify systems. In addition, we provided some functions including determinative output, check-up input, inquiry, statistics, and editing data. In this annual, we established 40,000 data. In this annual, the website of noise control started to use browsing counter and announce the news by neon sign. At the same time, we renewed 47 administration results and announce the 95th car styles and the website register to follow the trailer. And then we also renewed 41 regions of the noise management by connecting website. We increased 60 noise websites and “noise Q&A” to enhance the public knowledge and common sense for noise. With rules and business demand to increase the system which can be read automatically to make data scores be authority. In this annual, the percent of qualifying hour intervals on environmental noise level has reached 86.5%, it achieves annual goal at environmental monitoring. And then we hold two conferences to explain how to use system. At the same time, we increase vivid image sample on the line to provide the whole day training.
proj_year 2006
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20070301

eng_title Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web to Update and Maintenance Project
eng_subject In this annual, we got some results in the preservation of the noise management system including this system designed determinative IP address of the database and increased the complex of codes to protect the security of system. At the same time, we provide determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics to increase its handling convenience and achieved its anticipatory efficiency. About 40,057 data had been transferred to this system. The website of noise control added the high speed rail exclusive web pages, and got the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A) of the web accessibil ity service. At the same time, we renewed 4 cities/counties noise control districts, 1 aviation noise control district, as well as a complains access organic to website link. In addition, “The Noise Q & A” renamed to “Tiny Noise Cyclopedia” to enhance public knowledge and common sense for noise. We established correct data prohibited re-edition to co-ordinate business demand and edited new standard value with noise control standards. We provided service to the public to download some information that can immediately browse. In addition, we increased the system, which can be read automatically to make data scores be authority with simplified business to release administrative burden. We hold two conferences to explain how to use system. At the same time, we increased vivid image sample online to provide the whole day training.
proj_year 2008
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20090301

eng_title Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project
eng_subject This project had developed many results this year in the maintenance of the noise management system. Including the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. This project also provided functions of determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics. These functions could make the application be more efficient. About 57,069 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database, and we had modified 2009 performance evaluation function for environmental protection bureaus(EPBS).This project also expanded the environmental garden avenue web pages and modified the low-frequency noise web pages. By the way, we also modified the high speed rail exclusive web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2008. This web site was awarded the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service. At the same time, this project had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 6 links of aviation noise control district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local environmental protection bureaus.
proj_year 2009
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 19000301

eng_title Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project
eng_subject In the system maintenance and upgraded operations, the project team not only maintained “The Noise Control Management Information System, but also helped the EPB users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project team also presented noise control data on “Noise Control Information website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2010 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 57,638 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded neighborhood noise web pages, modified the environmental garden avenue web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. The project team also modified the high speed rail web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2009. At the same time, the project team had renewed 6 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local EPB.
proj_year 2010
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20110201

eng_title The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2010 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 64,088 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. The project team also modified the high speed rail web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2010. At the same time, the project team had renewed 8 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for EPB users.
proj_year 2011
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20120301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_ManagementOfToxicSubstances
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

The Noise Control Management Application Development
In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project. This project includes three tasks: (1) collect and analyze Noise Control management laws, regulations and works to understand the application’s need; (2) develop and construct the application system; (3) check the application, educate users and provide one year system maintenance. The application is developed in ASP.NET language in Microsoft Dot Net Framework. It is a web-base application. The database is set in an Microsft Windows 2000 Server of EPA. Clients are Bureau of Air Pollution Control in EPA and local environmental agencies. Users can browse and exchange data to EPA by INTERNET using the Microsft Web Browser IE.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Application Maintenance Project
In order to improve accuracy and prompt data processing and data transporting in Noise Control management. EPA begin to computerize the Noise Control management works, and conduct a “Noise Control Management Application Development” Project. The database system worked successfully. EPA proceed to application maintenance works to keep the application running properly and to adjust or aggrandise the application functions in necessary. This is the first year (2004) maintenance project. This yearly maintenance project includes 5 tasks: (1)Keep the applications runing properly; (2)Aggrandise the application query and statistic functions in necessary; (3)Adjust the application functions in necessary; (4)Update the application user guidbook and hold one user training class; (5)Assist EPA maintatence the Noise Control web site.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Application Maintenance Project
To advance in an e-government, EPA made “the plan of developing noise management system” and finished establishing system in 2003.In this year, they continued maintaining the system, enhancing function and updating “the website of noise control information” to fulfill noise management and provide the public with the result of every noise policy. The noise management system was designed determinative IP address of the databases and increased the complex of codes to protect the security of date. We have to backup the data periodically and modify systems. In addition, we provided some functions including determinative output, check-up input, inquiry, statistics, and editing data. In this annual, we established 40,000 data. In this annual, the website of noise control started to use browsing counter and announce the news by neon sign. At the same time, we renewed 47 administration results and announce the 95th car styles and the website register to follow the trailer. And then we also renewed 41 regions of the noise management by connecting website. We increased 60 noise websites and “noise Q&A” to enhance the public knowledge and common sense for noise. With rules and business demand to increase the system which can be read automatically to make data scores be authority. In this annual, the percent of qualifying hour intervals on environmental noise level has reached 86.5%, it achieves annual goal at environmental monitoring. And then we hold two conferences to explain how to use system. At the same time, we increase vivid image sample on the line to provide the whole day training.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web to Update and Maintenance Project
In this annual, we got some results in the preservation of the noise management system including this system designed determinative IP address of the database and increased the complex of codes to protect the security of system. At the same time, we provide determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics to increase its handling convenience and achieved its anticipatory efficiency. About 40,057 data had been transferred to this system. The website of noise control added the high speed rail exclusive web pages, and got the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A) of the web accessibil ity service. At the same time, we renewed 4 cities/counties noise control districts, 1 aviation noise control district, as well as a complains access organic to website link. In addition, “The Noise Q & A” renamed to “Tiny Noise Cyclopedia” to enhance public knowledge and common sense for noise. We established correct data prohibited re-edition to co-ordinate business demand and edited new standard value with noise control standards. We provided service to the public to download some information that can immediately browse. In addition, we increased the system, which can be read automatically to make data scores be authority with simplified business to release administrative burden. We hold two conferences to explain how to use system. At the same time, we increased vivid image sample online to provide the whole day training.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project
This project had developed many results this year in the maintenance of the noise management system. Including the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. This project also provided functions of determinative output, check-up input, inquiry and statistics. These functions could make the application be more efficient. About 57,069 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database, and we had modified 2009 performance evaluation function for environmental protection bureaus(EPBS).This project also expanded the environmental garden avenue web pages and modified the low-frequency noise web pages. By the way, we also modified the high speed rail exclusive web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2008. This web site was awarded the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service. At the same time, this project had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 6 links of aviation noise control district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local environmental protection bureaus.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

Noise Management System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Maintenance Project
In the system maintenance and upgraded operations, the project team not only maintained “The Noise Control Management Information System, but also helped the EPB users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project team also presented noise control data on “Noise Control Information website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2010 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 57,638 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded neighborhood noise web pages, modified the environmental garden avenue web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. The project team also modified the high speed rail web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2009. At the same time, the project team had renewed 6 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for local EPB.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2010 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 64,088 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. The project team also modified the high speed rail web pages and supplemented the noise monitoring data of 2010. At the same time, the project team had renewed 8 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data. The promotion of using this system included a training course for EPB users.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_NoiseAndVibration
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2012 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 79,997 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded web pages of noise monitoring stations map, modified web pages of environmental garden avenue, neighborhood noise, the low-frequency noise and the high speed rail web pages. The project team had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 7 links of aviation noise protected district data.
proj_year 2012
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20130201

eng_title The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2013 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 53,184 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data.
proj_year 2013
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20140301

eng_title The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year.
proj_year 2014
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150501

eng_title The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
eng_subject The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to edit and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2015 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 78,443 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data.
proj_year 2015
org_name Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_NoiseAndVibration
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2013 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 53,184 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 3 links of aviation noise protected district data.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to set up and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2012 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 79,997 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded web pages of noise monitoring stations map, modified web pages of environmental garden avenue, neighborhood noise, the low-frequency noise and the high speed rail web pages. The project team had renewed 10 links of cities/counties noise control districts data, 7 links of aviation noise protected district data.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control

The Noise Control Management Information System and Noise Control Information Web Update and Mainten
The goals of this project included system maintenance and data collection of “The Noise Control Management Information System” and “The Noise Control Management Information Website”. This project implemented new functions to make system interface more friendly and satisfy requirements of the public and helped the local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) users to edit and analysis noise control data on-line. In addition, the project also presented noise control data on “The Noise Control Management Information Website” and updated information regularly. The public could inquiry noise control information through this website. The project team developed many results this year. Within the project, the team implemented the database logon function of determinative IP address and the complex of codes to promote the system security. They also upgraded functions of determinative output, data validation, inquiry and statistics, modified 2015 performance evaluation function for EPB. These functions could make the application be more efficient. There were about 78,443 noise inspection data had been transferred to this database. The project team expanded modified the environmental garden avenue web pages, neighborhood noise web pages and the low-frequency noise web pages. At the same time, the project team had renewed 9 links of cities/counties noise control districts data.
Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_噪音振動
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約79,997件稽查紀錄資料,修改101年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增噪音監測站地圖網頁、維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁、維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁;以及更新10個縣市噪音管制區連結、7個縣市航空噪音防制區連結。
proj_year 101
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20130201

chi_title 「噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫」專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約53,184件稽查紀錄資料,修改102年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁;以及更新9個縣市噪音管制區連結、3個縣市航空噪音防制區連結。
proj_year 102
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20140301

chi_title 噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。
proj_year 103
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150501

chi_title 噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「噪音管理系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網」持續更新維護。擴充「噪音管理系統」之新功能,用以提供民眾完善方便查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考評資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約78,443件稽查紀錄資料,修改104年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁;以及更新9個縣市噪音管制區連結。
proj_year 104
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_噪音振動
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)






來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_毒物管理
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 噪音管理系統開發計畫
chi_subject 台灣地區將噪音納入環境保護法規管制範圍內,並據以施行管制措施已近二十年,對於環境品質之改善及提昇已有極為顯著之成效。環保署現辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,將陳情及稽查等相關噪音管理業務電腦化,以加速我國噪音管理業務之推動。 藉由本網際網路版管理系統之建置,環保署可有效掌握各縣市環保局之噪音管理執行績效,自動彙整各縣市環保局之噪音業務考核資料,快速產生各項全國性統計報表,作為未來擬定噪音管理、決策方案之參考,以電腦化加速噪音管理實務之推動。 各縣市環保局藉噪音管理系統設計之業務管理功能,迅速、確實地掌握噪音相關資訊,達到整合噪音陳情、稽查、監測業務考核及實際協助縣市有效管控噪音業務之推行。並自動產生各項噪音管理公務報表及匯出資料庫,以增加業務執行效率及資訊再運用,方便資料上傳至環保署。 本計畫配合調整更新噪音管制全球資訊網,透過網際網路適時傳輸更詳實且即時之噪音管制相關資訊,提供各界參考、研究、查詢與應用,以達資源共享之目的。
proj_year 092
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20040201

chi_title 噪音管理系統資料建置及後續維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為推動e化政府,環境保護署於92年度辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,完成系統開發與程式撰寫。復自本年度辦理系統維護及功能增修,同時進行「噪音管制全球資訊網」維護更新,以落實噪音管理工作及提供民眾噪音各項施政成果。 本計畫以維護系統中基本資料、噪音陳情、稽查、監測、設備管理、車輛噪音管制、決策支援…等各項業務穩定運作及故障排除為首要工作。並配合業務需求或法令修正,建置資料、擴充或修正查詢、統計分析功能。 本年度系統新增【噪音審驗合格證核發紀錄及明細】、【資料確認】、【低頻噪音量測】、【固定噪音源管制】、【振動量測管制】…等功能項,並協助輔導環保局完成多項資料建置工作,如:機關基本資料、人員資料、匯入163,000件陳情暨回覆紀錄、294個噪音監測站及其紀錄、134筆噪音設備資料、89件噪音管制法解釋函…等。另召開二場使用說明會,會中針對公務報表模擬製作、常見系統操作問題提出詳細說明。 本計畫建議明年度將航空噪音管制業務納入系統中,另加強推廣車輛噪音審驗合格證於系統中申請核發,且於計畫期中、期末報告前,分別辦理教育訓練課程,以利系統有效運用。同時於正式啟用環保局監測紀錄、績效考評資料確認之功能後,建議統計室自本系統中直接匯出數據資料,以提高行政效率。
proj_year 093
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20050301

chi_title 噪音管理資訊建置計畫專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為推動e化政府,環保署於92年度完成噪音管理系統系統開發。本年度持續辦理系統維護及功能增修,同時進行「噪音管制全球資訊網」維護更新,以落實噪音管理及提供民眾施政成果。 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定資料庫使用之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另已轉入及輔導建置約40,000筆資料。 噪音管制全球資訊網啟用網站瀏覽計數器,並以跑馬燈即時發布新聞稿,同時更新環保署施政成果約50項、發布95年度低噪音車型資料及進行網站登錄之追蹤更新,另網站連結已更新41個噪音管(防)制區、陳情單位等,並新增約60個噪音相關網站,而教育宣導則增設「噪音Q&A」及法院案件判例,以加強民眾噪音知識及法律常識。 配合業務資料發布需正確無誤,建置已確認資料禁止再編輯之功能,同時配合噪音管制標準修訂,編修資料欄位設定新標準值,並即時提供民眾下載瀏覽內容。另配合業務簡化需求,系統新增95年度績效考核由系統中自動讀取資料計分功能,以減輕行政負荷,使評分有依據,成績可即時顯現。 本年度環境噪音監測合格時段數約86.5%,已達成年度目標,並新增噪音管制區不合格時段數統計,以掌握現況檢討成效。另辦理2場次系統使用說明會,使熟悉系統發展及操作,同時新增線上動態影像填報示範,可全天候提供訓練。
proj_year 095
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20070301

chi_title 噪音管理系統暨噪音管制資訊網更新暨維護計畫
chi_subject 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定資料庫使用之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另已轉入約40,057筆資料。噪音管制資訊網中,新增高鐵專屬網頁,且已通過無障礙第一優先等級,並更新4個縣市噪音管制區、1個縣市航空噪音管制區以及1個縣市陳情單位之網站連結。另外,將噪音Q&A更改為「噪音小百科」,以加強民眾噪音知識(常)識。 建置已確認資料禁止再編輯之功能,同時配合噪音管制標準修訂,編修資料欄位設定新標準值,並即時提供民眾下載瀏覽內容。另配合業務簡化需求,系統新增97年度績效考核由系統中自動讀取資料計分功能,以減輕行政負荷,使評分有依據,成績可即時顯現。本年度各辦理1場系統諮詢及檢討會議與成果發表會,使熟悉系統發展及操作,同時新增線上動態影像填報示範,可全天候提供訓練,另說明高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁、討論績效考評指標及環境音量合格率分析及討論。
proj_year 097
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20090301

chi_title 噪音管理系統暨噪音管制資訊網更新及維護計畫
chi_subject 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,轉入約57,069件稽查紀錄資料,修改98年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增環保林園大道及更新維護低頻噪音之專屬網頁;維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁,並納入97年監測結果資料;通過無障礙第一優先等級(A+),並更新10個縣市噪音管制區連結、6個縣市航空噪音管制區連結。各辦理1場系統諮詢及檢討會議與成果發表會。
proj_year 098
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 19000301

chi_title 噪音管理系統暨噪音管制資訊網更新暨維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫辦理「噪音管理系統」更新維護工作,一方面確保系統正常運作,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料,同時進行維護更新「噪音管制資訊網」,以提供民眾查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果。工作成果包括:設計限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,以保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,轉入約57,638件稽查紀錄資料,修改99年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,新增近鄰噪音之專屬網頁、更新維護環保林園大道及低頻噪音網頁、維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁納入98年監測結果資料,並更新6個縣市噪音管制區連結、3個縣市航空噪音防制區連結、各辦理1場系統檢討會議與成果發表會。
proj_year 099
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20110201

chi_title 噪音業務績效管制及噪音管理系統更新維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「噪音管理資訊系統」功能以及「噪音管制資訊網站」持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之噪音管制資訊查詢系統,查詢最新噪音管制業務各項施政成果,並協助環保局線上建置及統計分析噪音相關資料。工作包括:限定使用資料庫之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備分,保護資料安全;同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另外,本年度轉入約64,088件稽查紀錄資料,修改100年度績效考評功能及公務報表。噪音管制資訊網中,更新維護環保林園大道、近鄰噪音及低頻噪音網頁、維護高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁,並納入99年監測結果資料;以及更新8個縣市噪音管制區連結、3個縣市航空噪音防制區連結、各辦理1場系統檢討會議與成果發表會。
proj_year 100
org_name 空保處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20120301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_毒物管理
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

台灣地區將噪音納入環境保護法規管制範圍內,並據以施行管制措施已近二十年,對於環境品質之改善及提昇已有極為顯著之成效。環保署現辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,將陳情及稽查等相關噪音管理業務電腦化,以加速我國噪音管理業務之推動。 藉由本網際網路版管理系統之建置,環保署可有效掌握各縣市環保局之噪音管理執行績效,自動彙整各縣市環保局之噪音業務考核資料,快速產生各項全國性統計報表,作為未來擬定噪音管理、決策方案之參考,以電腦化加速噪音管理實務之推動。 各縣市環保局藉噪音管理系統設計之業務管理功能,迅速、確實地掌握噪音相關資訊,達到整合噪音陳情、稽查、監測業務考核及實際協助縣市有效管控噪音業務之推行。並自動產生各項噪音管理公務報表及匯出資料庫,以增加業務執行效率及資訊再運用,方便資料上傳至環保署。 本計畫配合調整更新噪音管制全球資訊網,透過網際網路適時傳輸更詳實且即時之噪音管制相關資訊,提供各界參考、研究、查詢與應用,以達資源共享之目的。

為推動e化政府,環境保護署於92年度辦理「噪音管理系統開發計畫」,完成系統開發與程式撰寫。復自本年度辦理系統維護及功能增修,同時進行「噪音管制全球資訊網」維護更新,以落實噪音管理工作及提供民眾噪音各項施政成果。 本計畫以維護系統中基本資料、噪音陳情、稽查、監測、設備管理、車輛噪音管制、決策支援…等各項業務穩定運作及故障排除為首要工作。並配合業務需求或法令修正,建置資料、擴充或修正查詢、統計分析功能。 本年度系統新增【噪音審驗合格證核發紀錄及明細】、【資料確認】、【低頻噪音量測】、【固定噪音源管制】、【振動量測管制】…等功能項,並協助輔導環保局完成多項資料建置工作,如:機關基本資料、人員資料、匯入163,000件陳情暨回覆紀錄、294個噪音監測站及其紀錄、134筆噪音設備資料、89件噪音管制法解釋函…等。另召開二場使用說明會,會中針對公務報表模擬製作、常見系統操作問題提出詳細說明。 本計畫建議明年度將航空噪音管制業務納入系統中,另加強推廣車輛噪音審驗合格證於系統中申請核發,且於計畫期中、期末報告前,分別辦理教育訓練課程,以利系統有效運用。同時於正式啟用環保局監測紀錄、績效考評資料確認之功能後,建議統計室自本系統中直接匯出數據資料,以提高行政效率。

為推動e化政府,環保署於92年度完成噪音管理系統系統開發。本年度持續辦理系統維護及功能增修,同時進行「噪音管制全球資訊網」維護更新,以落實噪音管理及提供民眾施政成果。 本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定資料庫使用之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另已轉入及輔導建置約40,000筆資料。 噪音管制全球資訊網啟用網站瀏覽計數器,並以跑馬燈即時發布新聞稿,同時更新環保署施政成果約50項、發布95年度低噪音車型資料及進行網站登錄之追蹤更新,另網站連結已更新41個噪音管(防)制區、陳情單位等,並新增約60個噪音相關網站,而教育宣導則增設「噪音Q&A」及法院案件判例,以加強民眾噪音知識及法律常識。 配合業務資料發布需正確無誤,建置已確認資料禁止再編輯之功能,同時配合噪音管制標準修訂,編修資料欄位設定新標準值,並即時提供民眾下載瀏覽內容。另配合業務簡化需求,系統新增95年度績效考核由系統中自動讀取資料計分功能,以減輕行政負荷,使評分有依據,成績可即時顯現。 本年度環境噪音監測合格時段數約86.5%,已達成年度目標,並新增噪音管制區不合格時段數統計,以掌握現況檢討成效。另辦理2場次系統使用說明會,使熟悉系統發展及操作,同時新增線上動態影像填報示範,可全天候提供訓練。

本年度噪音管理系統維護工作成果包括:設計限定資料庫使用之IP位址、提高密碼複雜度及定期資料備份,以保護資料安全。同時提供陳情、稽查、監測及績效考核資料匯出設定、匯入檢查、查詢、統計功能,以提高系統操作之方便性,已達計畫預期效益。另已轉入約40,057筆資料。噪音管制資訊網中,新增高鐵專屬網頁,且已通過無障礙第一優先等級,並更新4個縣市噪音管制區、1個縣市航空噪音管制區以及1個縣市陳情單位之網站連結。另外,將噪音Q&A更改為「噪音小百科」,以加強民眾噪音知識(常)識。 建置已確認資料禁止再編輯之功能,同時配合噪音管制標準修訂,編修資料欄位設定新標準值,並即時提供民眾下載瀏覽內容。另配合業務簡化需求,系統新增97年度績效考核由系統中自動讀取資料計分功能,以減輕行政負荷,使評分有依據,成績可即時顯現。本年度各辦理1場系統諮詢及檢討會議與成果發表會,使熟悉系統發展及操作,同時新增線上動態影像填報示範,可全天候提供訓練,另說明高鐵噪音管制專屬網頁、討論績效考評指標及環境音量合格率分析及討論。





來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境影響評估
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 環境影響評估書件電腦建檔(三)
chi_subject 為推動環境影響評估書件電腦化,環保署於89年度完成環境影響評估書件查詢系統開發作業。自民國90年起推動電腦建檔計畫,針對審查完成之環境影響評估個案書件,以電腦建檔儲存於查詢系統,方便書件資料保存、傳送及維護管理。 本計畫完成404件環境影響評估書件電子化建檔:全文掃瞄及個案摘要、基本資料之輸入。黑白文件掃瞄解析度為600dpi;彩色圖件則依字體及顏色數,選定解析度及色階數,以利瀏覽。為能於網路快速傳輸並提供線上瀏覽全文功能,每一案件以分章節方式存檔。 資料庫之正確、完整性,決定系統建置是否成功。本年度針對環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料庫中580筆資料進行清查比對工作,其需修正之項目與數量,依資料輸入欄位先後順序為案名重複37件、案名短漏13件、開發單位空白84件、無開發面積及規模59件、無審查結論46件、敏感區皆未知162件、無PDF檔147件及其他45件。 另將同一開發行為各階段環評案件編號予以串聯,並增列其連結功能,可於系統中直接點選、交叉查閱該開發行為各階段環評書件,提供更便利之整體檢視功能。 環境影響評估書件查詢系統之維護及修改,係依據環保署環評案件管理業務執行之需求進行。
proj_year 092
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20040301

chi_title 環境影響評估書件查詢系統(含變更案)更新
chi_subject 以環保署環評審查委員會審查之環評案件為主要清查對象,本年度新增之清查範圍為第136次至第145次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、pdf檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論,彼此縱、橫向間予以正確完整串連,提高資料管理效率,達到資訊整合之目的。 新增清查範圍其清查結果,僅部分書件因尚未定稿或正辦理結案中,致闕漏項目尚待補正。另環評書件查詢系統之審查結論補登錄計45件,可提高資料庫完整性。 掃描建檔505件書件(86,907頁),減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約1,449頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽;塗銷223個案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之11,366個檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。 研修「環境影響評估書件電腦建檔作業規範」條文草案,將所有環境影響評估書件資料皆納入電腦建檔作業規範中,將使環評書件查詢系統之案件檔案資料更齊備。 維護更新環境影響評估書件查詢系統:1.完成網頁美編改版,各網頁具有相同編排配置。2.系統使用說明更新。3.修改查詢項目及增加列印功能。4.調整使用介面,使符合使用習慣。5.設計網站、案件及檔案之瀏覽人次計數功能。6.審查中案件,民眾於網站上發表意見之功能。7.新增「其他」環評案件之案件檔案連結功能。 分別於綜計處、督察總隊各設有一套備援系統,可機動性提供書件查詢作業,使環評案件管理業務不受網路品質影響。
proj_year 095
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20070201

chi_title 環境影響評估整合管資訊系統建置
chi_subject 為落實資訊公開,提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估相關資訊查詢系統,本計畫就原「環境影響評估查詢系統」修正不合時宜或不便民眾使用之處,設計一更具便民性、正確性之入口網站。另於系統中新設「環境影響評估監督管制系統」,以利環境影響評估案件之監督。 本計畫進行環境影響評估監督管制系統建置工作,完成環保署「環境影響評估監督管制系統」之系統開發與建置,作為環保署推動環境影響評估監督作業電腦化,建構環評監督資料建檔與開發計畫監督管理之工具。「環境影響評估監督管制系統」之功能,總共分為(1)登入/登出;(2)基本資料;(3)追踨資料;(4)監督處分;(5)監督影像;(6)查詢統計;(7)系統管理等七大項功能類別。 計畫期間工作小組由專人至環保署清查及登錄資料,清查環評圖書室964件卷宗資料。清查結果中新增150件卷宗資料;有4筆書件資料變更負責人及開發單位名稱;其中48筆案件敏感區位缺漏之案件,除6件屬退件撤銷外,其餘42筆案件已重新增補建檔。 本計畫完成69冊,5,276頁環境影響評估書件資料電子化建檔,全文掃描中黑白文件之掃描解析度為600dpi;其中彩色圖件之掃描解析度為300 dpi色階數為高彩。新掃描之環評書件PDF檔案,塗銷其中有個人身分資料之12個案件檔案,以保護個人隱私,同時將所有掃描塗銷之檔案皆設定保全密碼。
proj_year 096
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20080301

chi_title 環境影響評估系統資料庫更新與維護
chi_subject 本計畫建置『環境影響評估書件查詢系統』,作為環保署環境影響評估書件管理查詢之輔助,其功能總共分為:(1)資訊看版;(2)案件管理;(3)案件統計;(4)綜合查詢;(5)系統管理等五大項功能類別。資料庫中暨有資料之維護與更新,含登錄歷年來環境影響評估書件開發內容、敏感區位及審查結論等,並對鍵入之資料內容進行查核。另外,「環境影響評估追蹤監督系統」相關資料建檔:將91年迄今環評監督紀錄(約1,049件)以及環評處分紀錄(約130件)登錄至「環境影響評估追蹤監督系統」。以環保署環評審查委員會審查之環評案件為主要清查對象,本年度新增之清查範圍為第146次至第166次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論,彼此縱、橫向間予以正確完整串連,提高資料管理效率,達到資訊整合之目的。新增清查範圍其清查結果,僅部分書件因尚未定稿或正辦理結案中,致闕漏項目尚待補正。另環評書件查詢系統之審查結論補登錄計10件,可提高資料庫完整性。掃描建檔10件書件(3,340頁),減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約24頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽;塗銷182個案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之23個檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。
proj_year 097
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20090201

chi_title 「環境影響評估書件查詢系統擴充-增建環評審查資料」專案計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之清查範圍為第167次至第183次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。擬將現有600件案件卷宗之專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書資料納入系統中,提供線上查詢。 另環評書件查詢系統之審查結論補登錄計3件及補登委員會會議紀錄99件,可提高資料庫完整性。掃描建檔25件書件(8,795頁),減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約63頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽;加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之25個檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。整理、清查環評圖書室書目共分為22大類,已全數清查完成,總計4,011本;環評卷宗夾已編碼至1005號,共有1,257個卷宗夾。及維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,10月止已查核開發案計89件。開發單位發佈之最新消息共14則;而其中有11件開發計畫有民眾回應,回應件數共2,027則。
proj_year 098
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20100201

chi_title 99年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統擴充及維護計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、資料欄位缺漏自動檢核功能。2、Google Maps居家環境開發行為查詢示範功能。3、環評委員、環保團體及相關機關等使用者訪談共5場。4、配合法規更新敏感區位等相關功能。5、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 擴充書件建檔183件,共計15,559頁,減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約284頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽。另加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。環評書件系統資料共補正883件書件欄位資料、上傳635個案件資料共4,675個檔案。新增99年委員會資料8筆及新增專案監督監測報告313筆、監督紀錄3筆及專案監督會議記錄24筆。清查範圍為第184次至第198次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新359件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計86件。開發單位發佈之最新消息共10則;而其中有6件開發計畫有民眾回應,回應件數共10則。及清查環保署環評圖書室,尚未建入環評書件共計185件。
proj_year 099
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20110101

chi_title 100年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及維護計畫
chi_subject 本計畫擴充「環境影響評估書件查詢系統」功能以及資料庫持續更新維護,以提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估資訊查詢系統。主要工作包括:1.更新環境影響評估書件資料,將環境影響評估案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄、審查結論、專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書納入系統中,新增開發計畫基地座標717件;2.清查整理環保署環境影響評估圖書室,並將未建檔之書件電子化納入系統中;3.系統功能擴充(1)環境影響評估圖書室書件及案件卷宗管理功能、(2)環評委員專用介面、(3)更新線上滿意度調查、及(4)其他環保署指定功能:xml、Kml檔案管理、審查時間統計、行事曆事件區分、專案小組功能...等,以及舉辦二場環評委員訪談會議。本專案計畫經執行檢討建議如下:一、清查各縣市資料之完整性,將補正情形納入考核,提升地方環保主管機關案件資料的完整性;二、擴充系統資料類別,如審查會議簡報檔案、環境影響評估現場照片...等,讓書件個案資料更為完整及豐富;三、擴充委員系統功能,應用雲端、群組通訊技術,朝審查作業無紙化之方向邁進。
proj_year 100
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20120201

chi_title 101年度環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、環境敏感區位圖資查詢。2、書件全文電子檔合併及下載。3、台灣地區保育類動物資訊查詢。4、其他環保署指定之新增功能。並擴充環保機關書件建檔322件,減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約1,135頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽。另加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私。配合99年度系統新研發之居家環境開發行為查詢功能,回溯建檔環境影響評估說明書、評估書等書件基地範圍座標資料300件,及將現有313件案件卷宗之專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書資料納入系統中,提供線上查詢,以利後續監督作業及變更案之審查。環評書件系統資料共補正382件書件欄位資料、上傳3,289個案件資料共6,798個檔案。新增101年委員會資料10筆。清查範圍為第211次至第223次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新136件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計68件。而其中有10件開發計畫有民眾回應。
proj_year 101
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20130301

chi_title 環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料建置及管理與維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃審查案件自動檢查內容。2、規劃環評會議民眾網路報名。3、規劃特定開發行為相關訊息RSS訂閱內容。4、建置及管理環評委員會會議資料。5、建置及管理環評審查會會議紀錄。6、環境保護許可管理資訊網資料介接。7、其他環評審查相關資料。8、環評顧問公司評鑑登錄建檔。9、環境影響評估審查及監督績效考評。10、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 環評書件系統資料共補正1,827件書件欄位資料、上傳1,372個案件資料 共5,060個檔案。新增101年委員會資料1筆及102年委員會資料23筆。清查範圍為第224次至第246次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新192件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計141件。而其中有15件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。
proj_year 101
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20140201

chi_title 環境影響評估書件查詢系統建置及維護計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃建置範疇界定資料管理。2、建置及管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料。3、建置及管理環評相關審查會會議紀錄。4、環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。5、縣市環評案件承諾污染物減量資料管理。6、縣市政府環評審查會議訊息發布。7、民眾意見表達。8、委員系統書件目錄查詢。9、環評委員出席統計。10、開發單位等機關會議資料或會議訊息上載專區。11、環評顧問公司資料管理及評鑑資料查詢統計。12、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新448件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書6冊、環境影響評估報告書5冊、差異分析報告9冊、變更內容對照表5冊、環境現況差異分析及對策檢討報告暨環境影響差異分析1冊及環境影響評估報告補正說明書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計129件。而其中有4件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。
proj_year 102
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201

chi_title 環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範計畫
chi_subject 本計畫為便利開發單位查詢已審結環評書件中可參考之監測站資料。完成建置「環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範系統」,提供環保署示範評估應用,主要功能包括:網站基本功能、地圖操作功能、地圖分析功能、地圖編輯功能、地圖篩選定位功能、專案基本資料及帳號管理等7大類,共計61項功能。 由環保署指定15件環保署審查完成之環評案件。本計畫查閱環評報告書第六章與相關附錄(件)等章節,其中記錄每案噪音及振動、空氣、土壤、地下水及交通等測站詳細資料。示範建置各監測站之測站名稱、監測日期、經緯度座標、縣市別等資料,計15件318站。
proj_year 103
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201

chi_title 環境影響評估書件查詢系統管理與維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、建置開發單位會議發布及討論。2、建置主管機關會議發布。3、公布環境影響評估審查會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查結論。4、環境影響評估法施行細則及開發行為作業準則修法配合。5、環境影響評估書件查詢系統整合登入介面。6、管理環境影響評估審查會議討論資料。7、建置環境影響評估審查結論統計功能。8、管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料及紀錄。9、協助環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。10、協助縣市發布審查會議訊息。11、查核機關等發布之內容與意見。12、建置會議及書件公開時間查詢。13、送審書件電子檔上網更新檢核。14、比對環保統計資料庫統計資料。15、環境影響評估書件查詢系統常用瀏覽器相容性檢核。16、建置會議錄影檔案管理功能。17、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新231件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告3冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計115件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。
proj_year 103
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20160201

chi_title 107年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署開發行為環境影響評估作業準則修正草案,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。以及(9)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新100件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書5冊、差異分析報告2冊、變更內容對照表1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計128件。而其中有18件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。
proj_year 107
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20190201

chi_title 環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議紀錄及審查結論。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)新增同義辭、模糊、容錯等查詢方式。(7)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(8)查詢距特定開發行為一定距離內之相鄰開發行為。(9)建置審查發文附件輸出功能。(10)即時上傳環境影響評估書件、簡報或補正資料。(11)區隔完成審查及審查中之呈現欄位及內容。(12)建置環境影響評估辦理變更內容資料管理功能。(13)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(14)新增審查結論關鍵字搜尋功能。以及(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新189件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書7冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告7冊、變更內容對照表3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計121件。而其中有25件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。
proj_year 105
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20170201

chi_title 106年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署巨量資料應用評比計畫,協助環保署推動環境影響評估巨量資料之分析應用,完成1項巨量資料應用成果。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(9) 規劃「環評書件查詢系統_民眾查詢」適用ie11以上、最新Chrome與Firefox瀏覽器之響應式網頁。(10) 整併「環評開發案論壇」有關環評書件之查詢功能以及(11)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新137件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書10冊、差異分析報告3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計95件。而其中有11件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。
proj_year 106
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20180301

chi_title 108年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)協助檢討、修正系統「案件摘要」之「處理情形」及「審查結論別」。(8)配合業務需求檢討資料篩選及統計功能。(9)配合開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準107年4月11日修正發布內容,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(10)系統內建置「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)系統內建置環評會議排會系統。(12)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新環評書件系統131件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。案件管考資料清查及補登計115件。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計44件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。
proj_year 108
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20191231

chi_title 109年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工​作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環評開發案論壇」之響應式網頁。(8)以環保署108年受理審查環評書件為檢核標的,採光學辨識(OCR)進行個資清查。(9)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環保機關」上傳檔案個資塗銷完整性線上檢核功能(10)強化系統「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)規劃個案「審查事件」項下各式會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查委員會議紀錄之顯示介面。(12)評估環評書件查詢系統收集書面審查意見可行性。(13)規劃「新增功能說明」提醒視窗。(14)召開書件系統功能說明會(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新121件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計55件。而其中有19件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。
proj_year 109
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20210131

chi_title 110年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)清查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)新增環保署環評會議直播存檔閱覽專區。(9)開發環保署環評排會系統(委員端)會議行程提醒功能。(10)開發環保署受理環評案件委員迴避查核功能。(11)評估環評書件查詢系統(環保機關端)多元(自然人憑證或數位身分識別等)登入功能之可行性。(12)開發環保署環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(13)開發環評報告書件保全(含密碼製發)功能。(14)開發環保署主管環評報告書件版本控制(初稿、修訂本及定稿)及嵌入浮水印功能(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新198件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計95件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。
proj_year 110
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20220131

chi_title 111年度環評書件查詢系統管理維護專案工作計畫
chi_subject 本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7) 檢查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)擴充開發環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(9) 開發環保署環評最新會議紀錄專頁。(10) 開發環評書件進階(模糊)查詢功能。(11) 開發環評書件之個案審查歷程以視覺化排版呈現。(12)針對環保署及地方環保單位環境影響評估承辦同仁,召開1場次書件系統功能說明會(如遇疫情因素影響,得以視訊或其他方式召開會議)。 (13)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新230件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計111件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。
proj_year 111
org_name 綜計處
exe_unit 智通工程科技股份有限公司
publish_date 20230131


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境影響評估
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

為推動環境影響評估書件電腦化,環保署於89年度完成環境影響評估書件查詢系統開發作業。自民國90年起推動電腦建檔計畫,針對審查完成之環境影響評估個案書件,以電腦建檔儲存於查詢系統,方便書件資料保存、傳送及維護管理。 本計畫完成404件環境影響評估書件電子化建檔:全文掃瞄及個案摘要、基本資料之輸入。黑白文件掃瞄解析度為600dpi;彩色圖件則依字體及顏色數,選定解析度及色階數,以利瀏覽。為能於網路快速傳輸並提供線上瀏覽全文功能,每一案件以分章節方式存檔。 資料庫之正確、完整性,決定系統建置是否成功。本年度針對環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料庫中580筆資料進行清查比對工作,其需修正之項目與數量,依資料輸入欄位先後順序為案名重複37件、案名短漏13件、開發單位空白84件、無開發面積及規模59件、無審查結論46件、敏感區皆未知162件、無PDF檔147件及其他45件。 另將同一開發行為各階段環評案件編號予以串聯,並增列其連結功能,可於系統中直接點選、交叉查閱該開發行為各階段環評書件,提供更便利之整體檢視功能。 環境影響評估書件查詢系統之維護及修改,係依據環保署環評案件管理業務執行之需求進行。

以環保署環評審查委員會審查之環評案件為主要清查對象,本年度新增之清查範圍為第136次至第145次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、pdf檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論,彼此縱、橫向間予以正確完整串連,提高資料管理效率,達到資訊整合之目的。 新增清查範圍其清查結果,僅部分書件因尚未定稿或正辦理結案中,致闕漏項目尚待補正。另環評書件查詢系統之審查結論補登錄計45件,可提高資料庫完整性。 掃描建檔505件書件(86,907頁),減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約1,449頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽;塗銷223個案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之11,366個檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。 研修「環境影響評估書件電腦建檔作業規範」條文草案,將所有環境影響評估書件資料皆納入電腦建檔作業規範中,將使環評書件查詢系統之案件檔案資料更齊備。 維護更新環境影響評估書件查詢系統:1.完成網頁美編改版,各網頁具有相同編排配置。2.系統使用說明更新。3.修改查詢項目及增加列印功能。4.調整使用介面,使符合使用習慣。5.設計網站、案件及檔案之瀏覽人次計數功能。6.審查中案件,民眾於網站上發表意見之功能。7.新增「其他」環評案件之案件檔案連結功能。 分別於綜計處、督察總隊各設有一套備援系統,可機動性提供書件查詢作業,使環評案件管理業務不受網路品質影響。

為落實資訊公開,提供民眾完善方便之環境影響評估相關資訊查詢系統,本計畫就原「環境影響評估查詢系統」修正不合時宜或不便民眾使用之處,設計一更具便民性、正確性之入口網站。另於系統中新設「環境影響評估監督管制系統」,以利環境影響評估案件之監督。 本計畫進行環境影響評估監督管制系統建置工作,完成環保署「環境影響評估監督管制系統」之系統開發與建置,作為環保署推動環境影響評估監督作業電腦化,建構環評監督資料建檔與開發計畫監督管理之工具。「環境影響評估監督管制系統」之功能,總共分為(1)登入/登出;(2)基本資料;(3)追踨資料;(4)監督處分;(5)監督影像;(6)查詢統計;(7)系統管理等七大項功能類別。 計畫期間工作小組由專人至環保署清查及登錄資料,清查環評圖書室964件卷宗資料。清查結果中新增150件卷宗資料;有4筆書件資料變更負責人及開發單位名稱;其中48筆案件敏感區位缺漏之案件,除6件屬退件撤銷外,其餘42筆案件已重新增補建檔。 本計畫完成69冊,5,276頁環境影響評估書件資料電子化建檔,全文掃描中黑白文件之掃描解析度為600dpi;其中彩色圖件之掃描解析度為300 dpi色階數為高彩。新掃描之環評書件PDF檔案,塗銷其中有個人身分資料之12個案件檔案,以保護個人隱私,同時將所有掃描塗銷之檔案皆設定保全密碼。


本年度新增之清查範圍為第167次至第183次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。擬將現有600件案件卷宗之專案小組會議紀錄、核定公文等文書資料納入系統中,提供線上查詢。 另環評書件查詢系統之審查結論補登錄計3件及補登委員會會議紀錄99件,可提高資料庫完整性。掃描建檔25件書件(8,795頁),減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約63頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽;加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之25個檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。整理、清查環評圖書室書目共分為22大類,已全數清查完成,總計4,011本;環評卷宗夾已編碼至1005號,共有1,257個卷宗夾。及維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,10月止已查核開發案計89件。開發單位發佈之最新消息共14則;而其中有11件開發計畫有民眾回應,回應件數共2,027則。

本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、資料欄位缺漏自動檢核功能。2、Google Maps居家環境開發行為查詢示範功能。3、環評委員、環保團體及相關機關等使用者訪談共5場。4、配合法規更新敏感區位等相關功能。5、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 擴充書件建檔183件,共計15,559頁,減輕紙本庫存及管理負荷,其中約284頁彩圖以多色階掃瞄,方便辨識瀏覽。另加以塗銷案件之身分資料,保護個人隱私;同時將掃描之檔案加密設定,避免檔案遭竄改。環評書件系統資料共補正883件書件欄位資料、上傳635個案件資料共4,675個檔案。新增99年委員會資料8筆及新增專案監督監測報告313筆、監督紀錄3筆及專案監督會議記錄24筆。清查範圍為第184次至第198次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新359件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計86件。開發單位發佈之最新消息共10則;而其中有6件開發計畫有民眾回應,回應件數共10則。及清查環保署環評圖書室,尚未建入環評書件共計185件。



本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃審查案件自動檢查內容。2、規劃環評會議民眾網路報名。3、規劃特定開發行為相關訊息RSS訂閱內容。4、建置及管理環評委員會會議資料。5、建置及管理環評審查會會議紀錄。6、環境保護許可管理資訊網資料介接。7、其他環評審查相關資料。8、環評顧問公司評鑑登錄建檔。9、環境影響評估審查及監督績效考評。10、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 環評書件系統資料共補正1,827件書件欄位資料、上傳1,372個案件資料 共5,060個檔案。新增101年委員會資料1筆及102年委員會資料23筆。清查範圍為第224次至第246次會議,將環評案件審查後之報告書、公文紀錄資料、PDF檔案及於環保署網站公告之審查結論。共更新192件環評書件資料。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計141件。而其中有15件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。

本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、規劃建置範疇界定資料管理。2、建置及管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料。3、建置及管理環評相關審查會會議紀錄。4、環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。5、縣市環評案件承諾污染物減量資料管理。6、縣市政府環評審查會議訊息發布。7、民眾意見表達。8、委員系統書件目錄查詢。9、環評委員出席統計。10、開發單位等機關會議資料或會議訊息上載專區。11、環評顧問公司資料管理及評鑑資料查詢統計。12、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新448件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書6冊、環境影響評估報告書5冊、差異分析報告9冊、變更內容對照表5冊、環境現況差異分析及對策檢討報告暨環境影響差異分析1冊及環境影響評估報告補正說明書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計129件。而其中有4件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。

本計畫為便利開發單位查詢已審結環評書件中可參考之監測站資料。完成建置「環境影響評估書件查詢系統資料應用與加值示範系統」,提供環保署示範評估應用,主要功能包括:網站基本功能、地圖操作功能、地圖分析功能、地圖編輯功能、地圖篩選定位功能、專案基本資料及帳號管理等7大類,共計61項功能。 由環保署指定15件環保署審查完成之環評案件。本計畫查閱環評報告書第六章與相關附錄(件)等章節,其中記錄每案噪音及振動、空氣、土壤、地下水及交通等測站詳細資料。示範建置各監測站之測站名稱、監測日期、經緯度座標、縣市別等資料,計15件318站。

本年度新增之系統功能包括以下1、建置開發單位會議發布及討論。2、建置主管機關會議發布。3、公布環境影響評估審查會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查結論。4、環境影響評估法施行細則及開發行為作業準則修法配合。5、環境影響評估書件查詢系統整合登入介面。6、管理環境影響評估審查會議討論資料。7、建置環境影響評估審查結論統計功能。8、管理環境影響評估審查委員會會議資料及紀錄。9、協助環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。10、協助縣市發布審查會議訊息。11、查核機關等發布之內容與意見。12、建置會議及書件公開時間查詢。13、送審書件電子檔上網更新檢核。14、比對環保統計資料庫統計資料。15、環境影響評估書件查詢系統常用瀏覽器相容性檢核。16、建置會議錄影檔案管理功能。17、其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新231件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告3冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計115件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議紀錄及審查結論。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)新增同義辭、模糊、容錯等查詢方式。(7)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(8)查詢距特定開發行為一定距離內之相鄰開發行為。(9)建置審查發文附件輸出功能。(10)即時上傳環境影響評估書件、簡報或補正資料。(11)區隔完成審查及審查中之呈現欄位及內容。(12)建置環境影響評估辦理變更內容資料管理功能。(13)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(14)新增審查結論關鍵字搜尋功能。以及(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新189件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書7冊、環境影響評估報告書2冊、差異分析報告7冊、變更內容對照表3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計121件。而其中有25件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署巨量資料應用評比計畫,協助環保署推動環境影響評估巨量資料之分析應用,完成1項巨量資料應用成果。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。(9) 規劃「環評書件查詢系統_民眾查詢」適用ie11以上、最新Chrome與Firefox瀏覽器之響應式網頁。(10) 整併「環評開發案論壇」有關環評書件之查詢功能以及(11)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新137件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書10冊、差異分析報告3冊、其他2冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,已查核開發案計95件。而其中有11件開發計畫有民眾回應。並協助管理環保署環評圖書室。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)配合環保署開發行為環境影響評估作業準則修正草案,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(8)辦理書件系統功能說明會。以及(9)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新100件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成環境影響說明書5冊、差異分析報告2冊、變更內容對照表1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計128件。而其中有18件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)建置及管理環評審查會議討論資料。(2)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(6)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(7)協助檢討、修正系統「案件摘要」之「處理情形」及「審查結論別」。(8)配合業務需求檢討資料篩選及統計功能。(9)配合開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準107年4月11日修正發布內容,更新環評書件查詢系統相關功能。(10)系統內建置「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)系統內建置環評會議排會系統。(12)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新環評書件系統131件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。案件管考資料清查及補登計115件。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計44件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環評開發案論壇」之響應式網頁。(8)以環保署108年受理審查環評書件為檢核標的,採光學辨識(OCR)進行個資清查。(9)規劃「環評書件查詢系統-環保機關」上傳檔案個資塗銷完整性線上檢核功能(10)強化系統「文字可供搜尋PDF檔案」檢核功能。(11)規劃個案「審查事件」項下各式會議紀錄及環境影響評估審查委員會議紀錄之顯示介面。(12)評估環評書件查詢系統收集書面審查意見可行性。(13)規劃「新增功能說明」提醒視窗。(14)召開書件系統功能說明會(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新121件書件資料,其中包含書籍編碼、卷宗夾資料編碼、卷宗夾資料上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響說明書1冊、環境影響評估報告書1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計55件。而其中有19件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助管理環保署環評圖書室及辦理環保署環境影響評估審查委員會及專案小組審查會議錄影影片及錄音檔案等管理維護作業。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7)清查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)新增環保署環評會議直播存檔閱覽專區。(9)開發環保署環評排會系統(委員端)會議行程提醒功能。(10)開發環保署受理環評案件委員迴避查核功能。(11)評估環評書件查詢系統(環保機關端)多元(自然人憑證或數位身分識別等)登入功能之可行性。(12)開發環保署環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(13)開發環評報告書件保全(含密碼製發)功能。(14)開發環保署主管環評報告書件版本控制(初稿、修訂本及定稿)及嵌入浮水印功能(15)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新198件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計95件。而其中有29件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。

本年度工作成果包括:(1)協助公布審查會議資料及會議紀錄。(2)維護與查核民眾、開發單位或相關機關發布之內容與意見。(3)環境保護許可管理資訊網(EMS)資料介接。(4)管理及維護縣市發布環評審查會議訊息。(5)辦理相關環境影響評估資料開放作業。(6)管理及維護環評會議排會系統。(7) 檢查環評書件個資塗銷不正確之檔案。(8)擴充開發環評案件線上收集書面審查意見功能。(9) 開發環保署環評最新會議紀錄專頁。(10) 開發環評書件進階(模糊)查詢功能。(11) 開發環評書件之個案審查歷程以視覺化排版呈現。(12)針對環保署及地方環保單位環境影響評估承辦同仁,召開1場次書件系統功能說明會(如遇疫情因素影響,得以視訊或其他方式召開會議)。 (13)其他環保署指定之新增功能。 更新230件書件資料,其中包含剪輯會議影片並上傳環保署YouTube平台、卷宗夾資料掃描及上傳至系統等。已完成掃描環境影響差異分析報告1冊。維護查核環評開發案論壇內容,查核開發案計111件。而其中有26件開發計畫有民眾回應。協助環保署環評相關會議影音紀錄管理作業。


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 汪殿一
持有股份數 1250

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 林偉立
持有股份數 1500

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 洪惠祥
持有股份數 300

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 林偉田
持有股份數 2550


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台北市公司登記資料-Z其他未分類業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 89934010
公司名稱 智通工程科技股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市中正區水源路79號2樓
實收資本額 5600000
核准設立日期 0831101
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺北市中正區網溪里水源路79號2樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711211,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 25-OCT-22

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