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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1080412131"
Title "強化事業及污水下水道系統污染防治及排放管理計畫"
Abstract "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水及污水下水道系統法制面之研修,因應環保署本年度修法策略,協助研修「水污染防治法」(草案)及「違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則」(草案)等法令修正作業,並檢討許可登記事項規劃新增許可表單「主要登記事項表」或新增許可辦法附件「輔助查核事項表」等2呈現方案,提出「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法」(草案)修正。另推動技師簽證查核,協助辦理技師簽證查核案件篩選及辦理查核交流會議,並完成與管考處查核資料介接。除行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,配合法令修正完成13項法規落實檢核之系統建置,並維護修正水污資料管理系統公務報表功能,完成年報網路作業功能開發及開發水污染相關資訊公開平台響應式網頁。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。最後並協助完成各項行政作業推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製法規彙編、線上互動教材、事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
Keyword "事業廢水、許可管理、資料庫管理"
EngTitle "Strengthening Pollution prevention and Emission Management Plans for Business and Sewage Sewer Systems"
EngAbstract "The primary work and achievement of this project focused mainly on the amendments of industrial wastewater and sewage sewer system regulations, which was consistent with Taiwan EPA’s current and principal strategies. Accordingly, several involved regulations were amended. The clauses contained Water Pollution Control Act (Draft) and Regulations of Fines and Determination for Water Pollution Control Act (Draft).With regard to reviewing the registration items of permit, the two schemes of presentation were proposed, which were adding a main registration item list in the permit and adding an auxiliary check item list in regulations. Due to potential adjustments of the permit, the amendment of Water Pollution Control Measures and Permit Application Management Regulations (Draft) were also suggested. As for promotion of checking the certifications of technicians, this project assisted to screen out the cases certificated by technicians, hold the communication meetings and complete interfacing the check database with Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution.In addition, researching and analyzing the measures of management, 13 verification mechanisms was established in the managing system for Water Pollution. The verification mechanisms were designed for checking the implement of amended laws and regulations. The function of official report was maintained and revised in management system of Water Pollution. The development of network-operated function for annual report and responsive web page for information disclosure of water pollution were completed as well.Last but not least, in order to cooperate with Taiwan EPA’s integrated operations of air pollution, sewage, waste and toxic chemical substances in factories control, this project assisted to enhance the function of information management system. The associated administrative affairs were accomplished, which comprised conducting the water pollution assessment, holding the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, replying the public inquire or request by emails and compiling related regulations, online-learning teaching materials and the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management."
EngKeyword "Industry Wastewater, Permit Management, Database Management"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "5590"
ProjectStartDate 2019-03-11
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "水保處"
Undertaker "劉峯秀"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "陳木麟"
AssistDirector "林希貞"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080655861"
Title "108年度低碳永續家園評等精進計畫"
Abstract "為提升全民氣候變遷認知,動員全民共同參與低碳永續家園工作,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)自104年推動「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」,透過自主參與機制,動員村里社區執行低碳永續行動項目;地方政府亦在政策推動下,形成運作良好的專責推動組織,並串聯中央政府、村里社區、企業、非政府組織等資源,長期經營低碳永續行動項目與教育宣導,引導民眾從日常生活中積極實踐低碳行動。 為精進低碳永續家園評等制度並擴大民間組織及企業等單位共同參與低碳行動,本計畫研析建立企業參與之誘因,評估能源服務業及社區規劃師在適度的技術資訊交流後,對於推動我國低碳社區運作可具影響力,及提出調整及增加部分與城市降溫與建築綠化相關之行動項目,可為後續精進方向。透過維運低碳永續家園評等制度、相關地方補助計畫審核與管考工作、辦理人員能力培訓課程或研商會議、辦理頒獎典禮、整合推動成果於低碳永續家園網頁宣傳等方式,整合低碳永續家園評等制度之成果及強化地方政府之推動量能。 "
Keyword "低碳社區"
EngTitle "Advanced Plan for the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project 2019"
EngAbstract "In order to raise citizen awareness on climate change and promote low-carbon actions, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, R.O.C (EPAT) launched the “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program” in 2015. Through this voluntary program, villages in Taiwan were mobilized to implement low-carbon actions. Meanwhile, the policy had also allowed local government to formulate organizations dedicated for promoting low-carbon policies and concatenate resources between the central government, local villages, industries and non-government organizations (NGO) to carry out and take long-term actions, engraving environmental awareness into people’s daily life and becoming part of societal culture. To expand the participation of NGOs and enterprises in low-carbon actions, this project confirm the ESCO enterprise and planners can have an impact on promoting the operation of low-carbon communities after appropriate technical information exchange, and propose to adjust some action plans related to urban cooling and building greening, which can be the direction of follow-up improvement. With the help of the structure of the Program, the project is able to fund and evaluate programs carried out by the local government and provide training sessions and conference on climate actions. Lastly, the project also holds event such as award ceremonies and builds websites to integrate the achievements of the low-carbon sustainable homeland and strengthen the promotion capacity of local governments. "
EngKeyword "Low-Carbon Community"
GovCategory "其他"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "10850"
ProjectStartDate 2019-03-29
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "環管處"
Undertaker "周怡君"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張莉茹"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080691687"
Title "108年辦理臺美暨新南向環境教育合作與交流專案工作計畫"
Abstract "本計畫協助環保署延續107年臺美生態學校夥伴計畫及全球環境教育夥伴相關推動內容,此外本年度首度辦理新南向環境教育合作交流以及臺歐環境影響評估研討會議。 生態學校方面除持續輔導與協助我國生態學校進行認證申請與協助審查,並配合國內政策建立與修正綠旗審查機制外,認證輔導方面,為分擔原4 輔導團隊輔導壓力,除完成辦理1場次臺美生態學校輔導人員培訓工作坊,亦完成籌組各縣市生態學校輔導人員,以就近陪伴與輔導轄區內生態學校成長與建構生態相關作為。108年度新增了26所生態學校,統計至108年12月參與生態學校之數量達到422所;在認證部分108年新增3所綠旗、13所銀牌與23所銅牌認證通過學校,使得認證學校數量達到銅牌162所、銀牌99所、綠旗11所;生態學校輔導部分,108年以電話或電子郵件方式輔導追蹤完成82所學校。臺美生態學校認證表揚及成果發表會於108年12月完成辦理,並邀請美國環保署及北美環境教育學會等共同與會參與。本年度亦持續維運臺美生態學校夥伴資訊平臺,並持續強化與提升資安防護。 國際交流部分,今年首度與越南進行環境教育合作與交流,於國內遴選12位30歲以下之青年,由環保署及國內3位專家學者帶領至越南與當地3所國立大學進行環境議題展演與交流。配合國家能源政策,提升我國辦理離岸風電環評之審查目的及成效,辦理臺歐盟環境響評估研討會,以瞭解歐盟會員國辦理政策環評之經驗及作法,做為我國政策環評推行之參考。 最後,為配合我國環保署協同美方促進環太平洋夥伴國家的環境教育合作,本計畫亦持續協助環保署推動全球環境教育夥伴計畫,除分享各國於環境教育上之成果與經驗外,亦逐步將我國環境教育相關成果拓展到國際。 "
Keyword "臺美生態學校夥伴、新南向環境教育合作交流、全球環境教育夥伴計畫"
EngTitle "2019 Taiwan-US and New Southbound Policy Environmental Education Collaboration Project"
EngAbstract "This project assisted the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration in following up the work from 2014 to 2018 on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program and the Global Environmental Education Partnership, pioneering the Taiwan-Vietnam Environmental Education Exchange program, and holding a EU-TW Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar. Continuous work on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program includes guiding and assisting eco-campuses in certification application and reviewing the green flag level application process. We assisted 3 schools to apply and obtain the green flag certificate, 13 schools reached silver level, and 23 schools reached bronze level. The US Environmental Protection Agency and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) also attended the “2019 Taiwan-US Eco-Campus Partnership Program Award Ceremony.” Further, in order to expand the 4 Regional Counseling Groups, we held a workshop training new counselors, aiming to have at least one direct support in each county or city. Cyber security of the Taiwan-US Eco-Campus website has also been upgraded. In collaboration with Vietnam, we assisted in organizing the first environmental education exchange on selected topics. 12 Taiwanese youth under the age of 30 were selected and led by the EPA and 3 advisors to represent Taiwan in the expedition to Vietnam. To support national energy policy and improve effectiveness of environmental impact assessment (EIA) review of offshore wind power through learning from experience and practices of the European Union, we held the “EU-TW Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar.” Aligning with Taiwan EPA’s goal to strengthen cooperation of environmental education in the Asia-Pacific region, this project assisted Taiwan EPA in the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). This partnership shares global environmental education experience, including Taiwan’s environmental education achievements. "
EngKeyword "US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership, New Southbound Policy Environmental Education Collaboration, Global Environmental Education Partnership"
GovCategory "環境教育"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "108A157"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "9691.818"
ProjectStartDate 2019-04-08
ProjectEndDate 2020-01-31
SponsorOrg "綜計處"
Undertaker "林倩如"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鄭光倫"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080463252"
Title "特殊性工業區空氣品質分析與資料維護"
Abstract "2018年修正公布之空氣污染防制法(以下簡稱空污法)中,針對特殊性工業區主要增訂資訊公開及加重罰鍰規定,另因2015年5月起,全國5座特殊性工業區-林園、臨海及六輕工業區、南科臺南園區、中科臺中園區監測執行至今已達4年,期間監測作業、資料品質管制、紀錄申報及權責分工等執行情形,亦須進行檢討與調整,爰本計畫依空污法修正重點及過去管制推動之執行問題,全面盤點及檢討特殊性工業區相關法令,提出相應之法規研修及配套管理機制建議,主要包含依各層級應負責任強化紀錄申報規範與導入主管機關查驗與查核機制,另外同時考慮管制需求與資源之有效利用,合理調整監測要求,並針對裁罰規定,研擬特殊性工業區開發單位違反特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準之處理方式,完善管制程序。考量管制作業之落實與推動,除法規之健全外,亦有賴地方主管機關之落實執行,本計畫協助從管制對象之判定至確認為管制對象後,其監測紀錄申報及數據管理之落實,建構特殊性工業區管理機制及配套措施,完成建立3項管理原則手冊,涵蓋特殊性工業區納管判定原則手冊、申報資料及數據檢核手冊、數據計算處理原則,可提供縣市主管機關及特殊性工業區開發單位管理參考依循。另一方面,追蹤掌握地方管理作業執行情形,定期彙整地方主管機關調查特殊性工業區列管結果,並完成2個地方主管機關管理作業及測站查核之現場輔導、提供相關單位管理及系統問題之諮詢服務、辦理教育訓練會議等工作,以持續督導及強化地方管理落實能力。而實際管理應用資訊系統部分,除持續維護特殊性工業區空氣品質監測管理系統外,依據修法建議及管理需求,擴充監測記錄、傳輸中斷及高值管理紀錄等4項資料之申報、審查功能及報表,並依管理權責分級提供相關單位管理使用,另建置特殊性工業區空氣品質監測資訊網、擴充既有公開平台之資料開放範疇及加快公開速度,使相關單位能有效執行申報、審查及數據管理工作,並落實空污法資訊公開精神。此外,針對監測結果本計畫定期進行日常管理分析,掌握數據有效率及空氣品質概況,以2017年與2018年特殊性工業區監測結果比較,整體而言一般空氣污染物與環保署空氣品質監測站年平均值趨勢相同,濃度較為改善,另參考國際做法並以美國德州發展之空氣監測比較值(Air monitoring comparison values,以下簡稱AMCVs)作為篩檢值,篩檢監測結果顯示之重要污染物以揮發性有機物為主,進一步透過氣象資料分析傳輸特徵、比對固定污染源排放資料,作為推估工業區內潛在排放源之依據,此分析方法及結果可提供縣市主管機關後續執行特殊性工業區管制應用參考。"
Keyword "工業區監測、資訊公開、空品分析"
EngTitle "Project of Air Quality Analysis and Data Maintenance of Industrial Area"
EngAbstract "This project comprehensively reviewed and enhanced the Special Industrial parks related regulations to comply with the main amendments, the data open and the violation penalties requirements, of the Air Pollutant Control Act in 2018. Besides, the five Special Industrial Parks, including the Linyuan Industrial Park, the Linhai Industrial Park, the No. 6 naphtha cracking complex industrial park, the southern Taiwan Science Park and the central Taiwan Science Park have been monitored for 4 years since May 2015 and there were several management problems needed to be improved. Thus, this project completed the drafts on the revision of the recording and declaring requirements for industrial parks developers, introduction of the in-situ inspection and verification mechanisms requirements for local Environmental Bureau, development sanction criteria, and reasonably adjustment of monitoring requirements to raise the awareness of self-authority and self-responsibility, to lower regulatory cost and to improve the monitoring data quality. The rules and regulations are depended on the local Environmental Bureau to properly and thoroughly enforce and implement. Thus, this project established 3 management manuals, covering the manuals for the determination of special industrial parks, the manuals for declaration and data verification, and the principles of data calculation and processing, which can provide management references for local authorities and special industrial zone development units to follow. Besides, this project regularly collected monitored results and tracked the implementation status of special industrial area and environmental competent authorities. To enhance the management abilities of the environmental competent authorities, this project provided consultation service, held education training meeting, and also implement on-site coaching for 2 of the environmental competent authorities. At the same time, this project maintain the information system and established new spreadsheets and functions for reporting and reviewing the QAQC data, the reasons of transmission interrupt, and the air quality management actions on high-value monitoring data, which provide industrial areas developers and competent authorities to use. Also we constructed the air quality monitoring website of special industrial area for data opening.In addition, the project analyzed monitored data regularly to screen if the data effective rate meet the standards and have a full grasp of the status of air quality. Compared the 2017 and 2018 data monitored by special industrial park stations with the nearby EPA air quality monitoring stations, the average annual concentration of general air pollutants were in the same trends, and the 2018 concentrations are relatively improved than 2017. This project also used the Air Monitoring Comparison Values (AMCVs) developed by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality as a screening value to observe the primary pollutants in the area. The results showed were mainly volatile organic compounds. Then, this project parsed transmission characteristic of weather conditions and compared with stationary pollution source emissions to identify potential emission sources. The data analyzation methods and results could provide a valuable reference on air quality management works for environmental competent authorities."
EngKeyword "Industrial Area Monitoring, Open Data, Air Quality Analysis"
GovCategory ""
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "8900"
ProjectStartDate 2019-01-29
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "空保處"
Undertaker "朱肇安"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "陳怡君"
AssistDirector "魏海青"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080787834"
Title "溫管法暨相關方案檢討修訂推動專案工作計畫"
Abstract "本計畫主要係協助環保署落實溫室氣體減量推動方案之檢討修正溫室氣體減量相關法規之推動工作,蒐研國內外溫室氣體減量相關法規,檢視溫室氣體減量管理法及相關政策制度實施情形,研提修正草案建議與法制化作法,協助排除制度障礙以擴大溫室氣體減量推動作為,供環保署參考。  依溫室氣體減量管理法第九條、第十條及第十五條規定,協助研提國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領之檢討分析、溫室氣體減量推動方案修正草案及溫室氣體排放管制行動方案修訂建議,彙整執行排放管制成果報告重點,並協助環保署審查與彙整地方政府訂修之溫室氣體管制執行方案。  相關工作包含定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站、建置英文版法規資訊網站、研析國際公眾溝通作法提出建議、協助更新國際間介紹我國溫室氣減量管理相關資訊之網站內容、印製相關彙編書冊,以強化溫室氣體減量及管理法之公眾溝通及宣傳相關政策與法規進展。"
Keyword "溫室氣體減量及管理法、溫室氣體減量策略、溫室氣體管制執行方案"
EngTitle "The promotion of GHG Reduction and Management Act and regulations’ revision project"
EngAbstract "The project aimed to assist EPA to review the GHG Reduction Action Plan, and reflect to the progress of GHG Reduction and Management Act (the Act). The main task included researching the progress of domestic and international greenhouse gas reduction and mitigation policies, investigating the implementation of greenhouse gas reduction management policies, and advising for the draft amendment to the Act. The goal of this project is to eliminate the institutional barrier, and provide EPA with the references to elaborate the progress of promoting GHG reduction actions.Pursuant to Article 9, 10, and 15 of the Act, the project analyzed the review of the National Climate Change Action Guidelines. Secondly, the project propose suggestions on the draft amendment to the Act and the revised proposal for the GHG Emission Control Action Programs. Thirdly, the project assisted in aggregating the execution results of the GHG Control Implementation Plans (the Plans). Furthermore, to submit the consolidation report and suggested improvements. As a final point, the project assisted EPA to review the revision of the Plans, which were proposed by the local government.Furthermore, the project objected to strengthen the public communication and promotions for the Act and the relevant policies and regulations. The project carried out the public communication work by (1)updating the information on the e-platform regularly, (2)building the English version website, (3)analyzing public communication methods from the international experience and provided recommendations, (4)informing the international institutions which have introduced Taiwan’s GHG reduction regulations with the updated information, and (5)publishing the compiling booklet."
EngKeyword "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies, GHG Control Implementation Plans"
GovCategory "國際性議題"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "9100"
ProjectStartDate 2019-04-17
ProjectEndDate 2019-11-30
SponsorOrg "環管處"
Undertaker "陳秀琇"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "余志達"
AssistDirector "曹美慧"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1042494198"
Title "104年度基隆市固定污染源許可審核及空污費徵收作業稽查管制計畫"
Abstract "一、加強本市固定污染源管制工作,藉由稽查取締及輔導改善並行之方法,減少固定污染源所排放之污染量,以期達到改善本市空氣品質之目標。二、持續推動固定污染源許可制度,落實事先防範污染機制,並加強查核許可申報資料,有效掌握本市固定污染源排放狀況及減量空間,以作為研訂未來本市固定污染源管制計畫及達成減量目標之依據。三、辦理本市空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳與查核工作執行,協助公私場所申報年排放量,並整合工廠排放量資料,以做為管制依據。四、掌握及確認基隆市揮發性有機物污染源及排放量資料,並建置高陳情污染源之污染指紋資料,以利提供污染事件發生時研判作業所需之背景資料。五、加強本市臭異味污染陳情案件之查處及彙整分析作業,以期瞭解本市臭異味污染類型及發生原因,並作為後續研擬管制計畫之參考依據。"
Keyword "固定"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "104KLEPB-B08"
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "7980"
ProjectStartDate 2015-01-08
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "基隆市環境保護局"
Undertaker "莊惠如"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張進順"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1030113558"
Title "103年度餐飲業調查管制計畫"
Abstract " 本計畫執行期間為自103年8月26日至103年11月30日止,針對本計畫所,依計畫之之工作內容及目標可分為「餐飲業污染調查及輔導作業」、「建立餐飲業油煙防制組合及效能評估方法」、「餐飲業油煙防制宣導及訓練作業」、「餐飲業管制策略蒐集評析」等四大工作主軸,本章節分別就本計畫執行成果彙整出結論,並提出後續建議事項,以供環保局未來持續推動固定污染源管制相關策略之參考。一、屢遭陳情者防制設備設置率提昇至80%針對103年上半年度屢遭3次以上陳情者及高陳情之中和、板橋、新莊、三重、永和等地區,優先進行屢遭陳情餐飲業調查154家、集氣效能查驗136家,其中現場調查油煙、異味無防制者49家,立即現場輔導改善,已有17家業者增設防制設備,防制設備設置率提昇至80%。二、依限提報餐飲業面源調查資料並推估排放量配合環保署考核,結合整理102~103年稽查科公害陳情資料2,200家及整理102年環保局空品科及本計畫餐飲業調查資料300家,進行面源活動強度提報,提報資料包含鄉鎮區、不同餐飲類型家數、不同類型防制設備設置家數、用餐人與非用餐人數比例等資料,已於103年8月29日提交1,864家資料,符合環保署考核要求應於103年8月提報資料之期限。另依據TEDS 8.1之排放係數,將本次彙整之1,864家資料進行排放量推估,其若皆未設防制設備時,則總粒狀物排放量為281.29ton/年,而經調查具防制設備者為961家,則總粒狀物排放量為181.12 ton/年,故有裝設置設備時,本市可削減總粒狀物排放量為100.16 ton/年。三、成功推動本市三處著名夜市自發性、自費設置油煙防制設置率100% 本市環保夜市在本市環保局及本計畫之技術性輔導、積極用心深耕下,已成功推動「二低二少一永續」環保夜市概念,除上年度成功推動樂華觀光夜市(街邊型夜市)自發性、自費設置油煙防制設置率100%外,本年度再增加汐止觀光夜市 (公辦夜市)、林口三日夜市 (新北最大流動型夜市)二處著名夜市自費設置油煙防制設置率100%。另外,中和興南夜市油煙防制設置率73% 、樹林花園大安夜市油煙防制設置率70%等著名夜市皆陸續提昇油煙防制設置率,目前本市著名夜市已提昇約二成油煙防制設置率。四、建立餐飲業油煙防制組合及效能評估方法依據近三年本市755家現場調查資料,依餐飲類型、規模進行分類,納入環境因子及油煙收集等因子影響,評估經濟、技術及可行性,提出最佳防制設備組合建議。另外,為確探討提出之防制設備是否最佳化,本計畫亦針對輔導改善增設防制設備之17家,篩選煎炒及油炸共二類烹飪型式進行10家,以排放管道中粒狀污染物採樣( NIEA A101.74C) 配搭配搭索氏萃取法(NIEAM165.00 C),防制設備效能驗證。五、研擬餐飲業空氣污染防制規範依上述輔導改善及防制效能驗證之案例評析,完成建置煎炒類及油炸二類烹飪型式空氣污染防制規範指引,以提供相同烹飪型式之餐飲業之新設立或污染防制改善之參考。另為達成本市之「二低二少一永續」環保夜市遠景,故研擬新北市環保夜市/商圈規範指引建議,提供夜市/商圈之管理委員會(或自治會)於推動環保夜市/商圈時之檢視項目、指標等參考。六、設立互動「餐飲業污染防制網頁」,提供油煙防制設施建議除提供最新相關法令規定,宣導餐飲業者污染防制觀念外,業者亦可透過本網頁輸入經營型態、規模、環境區域、廢氣排放方式等項目,取得油煙防制設施及集氣風車馬力大小等建議。七、國內外餐飲業管制策略蒐集評析進行美國、日本、英國、中國大陸、香港、新加坡等國外餐飲業管制策略及國內中央、台北市、桃園縣、台中市、台南市、高雄市等九縣市餐飲業管制策略之蒐集評析,就排放標準而言各國採用異味(氣味)及粒狀物排放標準為主要管制方式,國內則於「固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準」中規定一般固定源空污排放標準及廢氣不得排入溝渠行為;另外美國、日本、中國等國已實施防制設備認證規範。"
Keyword "餐飲業、環保夜市、自發性增設設備"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "2880"
ProjectStartDate 2014-08-26
ProjectEndDate 2014-11-30
SponsorOrg "新北市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "徐禾杰"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "王帥詮"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1070349079"
Title "107年度飲用水安全教育計畫"
Abstract "本計畫依「飲用水管理條例」及相關子法之規定、環保署年度飲用水安全教育施政重點,落實飲用水安全管理相關宣導工作,本計畫執行成果,包括:(一)彙編飲用水管理年度工作報告,展現施政成效,並作為飲用水安全教育教材;(二)編撰6篇飲用水中新興污染物知識等相關資訊,據以推動飲用水安全教育;(三)調查民眾飲水習慣,規劃提升飲水機利用率措施;(四)配合機關之施政重點,辦理飲用水安全相關活動;(五)針對北部低碳永續家園申請認證評等為銀級之示範社區,辦理4場次飲用水安全宣導說明會;(六)邀請專家學者針對飲用水安全重要議題,辦理1場次飲用水安全風險溝通研習會議;(七)召開2場次專家諮詢會議,邀請專家學者提供寶貴建言等;因此本計畫已藉由彙編飲用水安全教育有關內容,各項宣導活動會議之辦理,用以完善飲用水安全之宣導教育工作。"
Keyword "飲用水,水源管理,設備管理,水質管理,教育宣傳"
EngTitle "The project of Drinking water safety education 2018"
EngAbstract "The project has carried out promotional activities regarding drinking water safety under the Environmental Protection Administration’s drinking water safety education policy to consolidate the Drinking Water Management Act and its related rules with the following achievements: (1) publication of the annual drinking water management report to demonstrate good results achieved through the implementation of the policy, as well as to provide as drinking water safety education material; (2) compilation of 6 articles that provide updated knowledge in newly discovered drinking water pollutants to promote drinking water safety education; (3) investigation of people’s habit in drinking water at public places to help planning to increase the utilization of public drinking fountain; (4) conduct promotional activities in drinking water safety in coordination with the government policy; (5) conduct 4 sessions of drinking water safety workshop to the silver medalist awarded communities selected from the north part Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Program; (6) conduct 1 session of seminar meeting in drinking water safety risk and communication with invited specialists; (7) conduct 2 sessions of consultation meetings with scholars for their valuable opinions. Therefore, the project has completed its tasks through publication of drinking water safety education materials and conductance of promotional activities to assure the implementation of drinking water safety education program."
EngKeyword "drinking water, water source management, equipment management, water quality management, promotion and education"
GovCategory ""
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-107-EA03-03-A120"
ProjectYear 107
ProjectBudget "1960"
ProjectStartDate 2018-04-13
ProjectEndDate 2018-12-31
SponsorOrg "環管處"
Undertaker "葉惠芬"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "何子健"
AssistDirector "余志達"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1060288300"
Title "溫室氣體減量推動方案及配套法規制度建置研析"
Abstract "  本計畫參酌國際間部門別短中程溫室氣體減緩政策作法,整理國內部門別減量策略現況,依據國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領政策內涵,協助訂修溫室氣體減量推動方案(草案),提出六大部門減量策略、八大政策配套及其對應評量指標,並研提部門別行動方案架構與推動措施建議。  另蒐研歐盟及日本等國家中央與地方政府層級之減緩措施分層管理作法;盤點國內中央部會及地方政府與溫室氣體管理相關之法規、自治條例與自治規則,研提溫室氣體管理法制政策建議及研擬後續因應作法,供環保署參考;除研擬利用訂定碳定價方式促進能源使用端之溫室氣體減量經濟誘因,並強化溫管法之管制工具。  為強化宣傳溫管法相關政策與法規進展,除彙整摘譯國際溫室氣體減量法規措施資訊,亦蒐集國內相關部會溫室氣體減量相關政策及法制最新訊息,雙月製作溫室氣體法規動態新聞電子報導,每季發行溫室氣體減量政策推動英文,並定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站。"
Keyword "溫室氣體減量及管理法、溫室氣體減量推動方案、溫室氣體排放管制行動方案"
EngTitle "Establish GHG Reduction Action Plan and Analyze the mechanisms of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act"
EngAbstract " Referring to international and national climate change policies, plans and sectoral greenhouse gas reduction measures, this project composes Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan (draft) according to the National Climate Change Action Guideline, and proposes strategies and indicators for six major sectors, eight complementary policies and indicators. This project also provides the framework and revising advices for Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Action Program. By collecting relevant regulations and measures on central government and local government of European Union and Japan etc., analyzing the regulations, Self-Government Ordinance and Self-Government regulations relevant to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) of central government and local government, proposes the revising advises of the Act for Environmental Protection Agency, and drafts energy-use side to reduce GHGs by using economic incentives of carbon pricing, and also enhances regulatory tools of the Act. In order to effectively disclose the policies and regulations of the Act, the project translates the information of international greenhouse gas reduction regulations, measures and collects the timely domestic information of greenhouse gas emission policies and regulations of relevant sectors, to compose monthly e-journal and English seasonal publication, and also makes corresponding updates on the e-platform."
EngKeyword "Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, GHG Reduction Action Plan, GHG Emission Control Action Programs"
GovCategory "國際性議題"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-106-FB11-03-A196"
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "7920"
ProjectStartDate 2017-05-08
ProjectEndDate 2017-12-31
SponsorOrg "環管處"
Undertaker "陳宜佳"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "余志達"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1033726235"
Title "空氣品質管理策略交流平臺及對外合作專案計畫"
Abstract "臺灣產業具有集中聚落之特性,各界對其空氣污染物排放於區域空氣品質或週遭敏感受體之影響越趨關注,環保署發布「特殊性工業區緩衝地帶及空氣品質監測設施設置標準」,針對於石化、鋼鐵、高科技產業等類型之工業區進行空氣品質監測,另國際間空氣品質管理多已朝向兼具改善空氣污染與提升能源效率之共利效益管制策略,故應掌握國際間對於細懸浮微粒改善之能源政策與作法,且透過國際交流與合作,以應用於我國空氣品質管理策略擬定之參考,爰此,本計畫將工作內容分為「工業區空氣品質監測資料應用與維護」、「能源政策與空氣污染防制政策關聯研析」、「國際環境夥伴交流與合作」等三大項進行說明。工業區空氣品質監測資料分析與系統維護部分,本計畫完成收集英國、美國德州、美國加州之空氣品質監測資訊,並與我國特殊性工業區監測規範進行比較,以供下階段工業區管制策略擬定之參考;而於我國工業區監測數據應用與分析上,本計畫除掌握目前5座工業區34個測站系統設置現況外,亦協助臺南市、高雄市等環保局完成轄內特殊性工業區系統連線作業,同時規劃以污染物時空變化分析、風向分析推估污染來源、以指標比值定量污染來源貢獻等分析方法,以建立完整空氣品質背景資料、驗證工業區開發對於周遭空氣品質影響、污染來源鑑別以及研擬管制策略之管理目的。於能源政策與空氣污染防制政策關聯研析,國際間空氣品質管理作法,已朝向多元化污染物管理策略(Multi-Pollutant Emission Reduction Strategies, MERS),即評析單一管制措施對其他污染物產生之共同減量效益,其中燃料等能源管制係屬可同時達到能源、溫室氣體及PM2.5等空氣污染物減量成效之主要策略之一,本計畫完成收集歐盟、美國、日本、新加坡及中國大陸等國家之能源政策及PM2.5管制策略外,針對長期能源替代方案規劃系統(Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System, LEAP)及空氣污染及溫室氣體排放減量綜合評估模型(Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies, GAINS)二模型進行本土化以及評估政策影響污染排放量之可行性研析,以作為我國空氣品質管理之決策參考工具。於國際環境夥伴交流與合作部分,本計畫發揮交流平臺功能,協助我國推動日本、韓國、美國等國家空氣品質管制技術對外交流工作,並完成辦理日韓技術交流會、第21屆國際氣膠科技研討會、赴美國加州南岸辦理研習考察空氣品質管理實務及協助執行參與2014年更好空氣研討會等,此外亦協助配合辦理本署、美國環保署及亞洲乾淨空氣組織所規劃之城市乾淨空氣夥伴計畫(Cities Clean Air Partnership, CCAP)工作,以促進國際夥伴合作並提升我國環保形象,而空氣污染防制費開徵已滿20年,本計畫編撰紀實彙整空氣污染防制費徵收制度的歷程、相關規範訂定到制度全面實施推動執行成果,記錄空氣品質保護邁向新里程。"
Keyword "工業區監測、能源與空氣品質政策、國際交流"
EngTitle "Project for Air Quality Management Strategies Communication Platform and International Cooperation"
EngAbstract "The industries are dense-located in Taiwan. The influence of industrial area air pollutant emissions to regional air quality and sensitive acceptors around the neighborhood have been paid close attention by publics. The “Standards for Buffer Zone and Air Quality Monitoring Facilities Installation in Specific Industrial Area” have been announced to regulate industrial areas that contain petroleum, steel, and high-tech industries to monitoring their air quality and set buffering zone. On the other hand, co-benefit measures that combined energy efficiency improvement and air pollution control have become international trend recently. Therefore, it is important to absorb international experiences on controlling PM2.5 by sustainable energy policy or plan through international communication and cooperation. Based on the above instructions, the main contents of this project is divided into three parts:1) Monitoring data analysis and data system maintenance of industrial area, 2) Research the relation between energy policy and air pollution control, and 3) International exchanging and cooperation on environmental issues.In the part of industrial area monitoring data analysis and data system maintenance, this project collected the UK''s and the USA''s air quality monitoring information and compared them with Taiwan''s specific industrial area monitoring standard for future policies making''s reference. And this project supervised and assisted local environmental protect agency to implement 5 specific industrial areas and 34 monitoring sites regulations and assisted Tainan City and Kaohsiung City in monitoring system linking. Also, this project planned the monitoring data analysis processes through the temporal and spatial changes of pollutants analysis and wind direction analysis to estimate pollution source, and index pollutants ratios to quantify contribution of pollutant sources. These analysis methods were planned to fulfill the policy goals of establishing air quality background data, proving the impact of industry development to air quality, appraisal of pollutant sources, and to draft control policy and management.International air quality management has been promoted Multi-Pollutant Emission Reduction Strategies (MERS), estimating co-benefit of single control measures. The control of fuel or energy efficiency could be one of main strategies to accomplish reduction of energy consumption, greenhouse gas, PM2.5 or other air pollutants at the same time. To research and analyze the relation of energy policy and air pollution control policy and to offer as decision supporting tools, this project collected energy policies and PM2.5 control strategies in EU, USA, Japan, Singapore, and China, and focused on utilization of two energy and air pollution integrated assessment models, Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) and Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) to estimate the feasibility of setting them as assistant tools to air quality management in Taiwan.On the work of international experience exchanging and cooperation among environment partners, this project tried to exchange experiences on air quality control techniques with Japan, Korea, and the USA. The project have accomplished to hold technique exchange symposium with Japan and Korea, the 21st International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, to visit South Coast Air Quality Management District in California, USA and to assist attending 2014 Better Air Quality Conference. Also, this project provided logistic assistance for Cities Clean Air Partnership Plan (CCAP) to cultivate international cooperation and enhanced visibility of Taiwan in the field of environment. At last, the system of air pollution fee has been operated for 20 years. This project compiled and recorded the 20-year milestone and achievements of air quality protection work from the stage of system establishment to the stage of regulation practice."
EngKeyword "Industrial Area Monitoring, Energy and Air Quality Policy, International Exchange"
GovCategory ""
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-103-FA11-03-A306"
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "8450"
ProjectStartDate 2014-09-12
ProjectEndDate 2015-09-11
SponsorOrg "空保處"
Undertaker "郭孟芸"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "許長嵐"
AssistDirector "陳怡君"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1090843188"
Title "三級防制區固定污染源控制技術管制計畫"
Abstract "本計畫分為「新增與修訂三級防制區內固定污染源控制技術相關規範與推動法制化作業」、「持續研修總量管制制度與相關法制化作業推動」及「檢討鍋爐排放標準及相關法制化作業推動」等三大類別,主要執行成果如下: (一)新增與修訂三級防制區內固定污染源控制技術相關規範與推動法制化作業 因應本法第六條第四項增列三級防制區特定大型污染源之種類及規模、最低可達成排放率控制技術(以下簡稱LAER)及既存固定污染源應削減污染物排放量之準則(以下簡稱RACT),為完備三級防制區固定污染源控制技術相關規範及其法制化作業,本計畫蒐研國內外控制技術規範、分析我國固定污染源使用及排放現況,並輔以40場次實場查訪確認固定污染源減量技術情形,作為我國三級防制區固定污染源控制技術法規訂定及管制規劃參考,同時建立其相關配套工具供許可審核機關使用。本計畫協助完成特定大型污染源規模及種類分析推動方案,並優先就電力業訂定LAER草案;訂定既存污染源NOx之RACT,此外,因應臭氧趨勢預先就VOCs之RACT排放削減進行規劃;並檢討固定污染源最佳可行控制技術(以下簡稱BACT)與現行規範之競合並提出修正建議。 (二)持續研修總量管制制度與相關法制化作業推動 高屏總量管制計畫第二期程現行以「高屏地區空氣污染物總量管制計畫修正公告實施前過渡期間執行原則」(簡稱過渡執行原則)暫行,基此,本計畫持續蒐研美國南加州RECLAIM推動過程與相關額度運用管理方法,探討制度間的異同與最新近況,作為我國總量管制推動參考基石,並依據第一期高屏總量管制推動經驗,提出其相應之實施成效檢討,及探討後續高屏總量管制推動與否之方案,並協助相關總量管理制度相關子法之增修,並修正其相應之配套工具。 鑑於高屏地區總量管制計畫實施迄今,存在公私場所持有削減量差額卻無意願釋出、主管機關持有額度不足等影響市場流通性及實際運用等執行面問題,為健全我國總量管制之抵換及交易制度相關配套措施,並因應本法第八條第五項授權範圍之修正,協助環保署預告「固定污染源空氣污染物削減量差額認可保留抵換及交易辦法」草案及辦理相關法制化作業程序,並多項機制藉以促使持有者釋出額度、增加業者積極改善以取得額度意願。 (三)檢討鍋爐排放標準及相關法制化作業推動 協助環保署持續檢討鍋爐排放標準,並取得鍋爐污染減量效益,本計畫根據固定污染源空污費暨排放量申報整合管理系統盤點我國鍋爐使用狀況及分析2015至2018年間鍋爐數量及空氣污染物排放量趨勢,結果顯示鍋爐SOx及NOx排放量皆逐年下降,顯示過往鍋爐管制及輔導制度有效改善鍋爐空氣污染物排放。本計畫協助環保署於7月8日公布修正之鍋爐空氣污染物排放標準,同時掌握工商業鍋爐補助與改善進度及申請標準展延現況,目前我國已改善4,981座工業鍋爐、1,212座商業鍋爐及1,058座鍋爐申請標準展延。並收集目前我國鍋爐管制與排放標準之執行問題,提出標準修正建議。另收集國際相關鍋爐管制、補助執行辦法,最後綜合前述分析,提出環境與能源共利之鍋爐高效率低排放認證標章及能效排放標準之管制建議。"
Keyword "三級防制區控制技術、總量管制計畫、鍋爐管制"
EngTitle "Control technology program of stationary pollution sources within Class 3 control regions"
EngAbstract "This project included three categories: “Establishing and amending regulations for stationary pollution sources in Class 3 control regions and promoting regulation enforcement”, ”Grinding and promoting total quantity control and related regulations”, and “Reviewing emission standards of boiler and promoting related regulation”. Main results are listed as follow: 1. Establishing and amending regulations for stationary pollution sources in Class 3 control regions and promoting regulation enforcement Pursuant to Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Air Pollution Control Act., this plan assisted in augmenting regulations including types and scales of specific large pollution sources within Class 3 control regions, lowest achievable emission rate (herein referred to as LAER) and reasonably available control technology (herein referred to as RACT). To optimize regulations of control technology of stationary source and promote the regulation, this plane collected & reviewed the regulations of control technology from domestic and international area and analyzed the emission data of stationary pollution source in our country. Forty field surveys were conducted to grasp the current the state of emission-decreasing technology of stationary pollution source. This plan expected to provide a reference for the formulation of control technical regulations and control planning for stationary pollution sources in Class 3 control regions and established related technologies for apply. This plan assisted in drafting of the LAER for the power industry and set the RACT in NOx emission for the existing pollution sources, and in addition, in response to the ozone trend, proposing plans in advance for the reduction of VOCs emissions. Reviewed and compared current the best available control technology for stationary sources of pollution (herein referred to as BACT) to give the amending suggestions. 2. Grinding and promoting total quantity control plan and related regulations The second phase of Kao-Pin air total quantity control plan was replace with transitional implementation principles of pre-termination proceeding of Kao-Pin air pollutant total quantity control plan (herein referred to as transitional implementation principles). In accordance with transitional implementation principles, this plan collected & reviewed the promotion process and quota-trading system of RECLAIM in Southern California, USA as the reference to be the keynote to promote total quantity control plan. Based on the first phase total quantity control plan, this plan reviewed corresponding implementation effect to explore and promote the follow-up total quantity control plan, assisted in the revision of the relevant sub-laws of total quantity control plan and modified the corresponding supporting tools. In view of Kao-Pin total quantity control plan, there were some problems such as the emission quota held in certain corporations and the lack of quota in the competent authority which affected market liquidity and practical applications. To optimize exchange & transactions problems and correspond to the modification of authorization in Article 8, Paragraph 5 of the Air Pollution Control Act., this plan assisted EPA in drafting emission reduction recognition reserve exchange & transactions and proposing some suggestions to boost the market activity. 3. Reviewing emission standards of boiler and promoting related regulations This plan assisted EPA to optimize emission standards of boiler and reviewed the result of reduction emission from boiler. This planed analyzed the data from 2015 to 2018 in integrated management system of air pollution fee and emission declaration for stationary pollution source which showed the emissions of SOx and NOx were decreasing and inferred the past regulations and emission reduction counseling were effective. This plan also assisted EPA to amend the provision..."
EngKeyword "Control technology within Class 3 control regions, Total quantity control plan, Boiler emission management "
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-109-FA12-03-A221"
ProjectYear 109
ProjectBudget "13950"
ProjectStartDate 2020-05-18
ProjectEndDate 2020-12-31
SponsorOrg "空保處"
Undertaker "蕭培元"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "莊惠如"
AssistDirector "許長嵐"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1092608400"
Title "109年及110年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫"
Abstract "為強化與落實各項事業廢棄物管理工作,以協助各地方環保機關加強清理流向勾稽作業,督促指定事業維持事業廢棄物清理計畫書(以下簡稱廢清書)及清理申報流向申報資訊正確性與合法性,透過本計畫配置具相關專業之專任人員協助地方環保機關(除直轄市、金門縣、連江縣及澎湖縣外),提升事業廢棄物流向勾稽管制作業能力,以回饋基線資料庫進行統計分析等決策支援,進而強化產源責任之落實。 計畫執行期間,為確保其填報及審查品質,作為後續流向勾稽作業比對基線與決策支援應用,透過廢清書檢視及現況訪查作業,達到落實依法審查及列管事業應依審核通過之廢清書營運之宣導,以適時匡正相關管理基線資料;並藉由專任人力協助提升廢清書送審率、通過率及上網申報率,同時協助制訂「109年事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽計畫」,督促地方環保機關執行轄區內事業廢棄物流向管制工作;研析重大或媒體揭露之廢棄物棄置案件,並滾動式檢修現行勾稽報表之管理工具與應用各污染源子系統介接功能,判別應列管未列管事業建立橫向比對模式,及試行整廠流向管理勾稽模式,供地方環保關執行查核前輔助確認標的,以達嚇阻效益。 本計畫經前述檢討與輔導提升作業,以健全事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關對網路申報事業廢棄物流向之相關資料進行勾稽、比對、篩選、統計、稽查及流向追蹤管制。 "
Keyword "廢棄物清理法、事業廢棄物管理、事業廢棄物清理計畫書、事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統"
EngTitle "The 2020-2021 Project to Review Both the Industrial Waste Flow Reporting Controls and the Industrial Waste Disposal Plans "
EngAbstract "This project is aimed to reinforcing and materializing the management of varied kinds of industrial waste, so as to assist local environmental protection departments to strengthen the cross-checkup operations on the flow of waste disposed, and to supervise designated enterprises to ensure the accuracy and legality of their Industrial Waste Disposal Plan (IWDP) and their report on the flow of waste disposed. Through this project, dedicated personnel with relevant specialties will assist local environmental protection departments (except those in special Municipalities, Jinmen County, Lianjiang County and Penghu County) to improve their abilities in controlling the flow of industrial waste in order to feedback the baseline database for statistical analysis, etc. so as to support decision-making and materialize the responsibilities of the enterprises which produce industrial waste. During the execution of this project, in order to ensure the quality of reports and reviews, which will be used as a baseline for follow-up cross-checkup operations and decision-making support applications, our dedicated personnel will help the agencies examine the IWDPs and pay on-site visits. This is done to materialize the legal reviews and ensure that the enterprises will strictly follow the approved IWDPs in order to correct the relevant management baseline data in a timely manner. At the same time, the dedicated personnel will help heighten the rates of the IWDP submission, passing and online reporting. In the meantime, they have assisted in the formulation of the The 2020 Cross-checkup Plan on the Flow of Industrial Waste Disposal” which will help supervise the local environmental protection departments in controlling the flow of the industrial waste within their jurisdiction. They will also study and analyze major or media-disclosed waste discarded cases, inspect and correct the management tools of the current cross-checkup reports by a rolling method, and use the interface function of each pollution source subsystem, so as to distinguish between the designated enterprises and non-designated ones to set up a horizontal comparison model, and to try on the whole plant waste flow management cross-checkup model. Those results will be provided for the local environmental protection departments to help themselves determine the target before inspection for the effect of deterrence. To improve the integrity and correctness of the basic data of the firms in the IWR&MS database through reviews and counseling, the Project will, among other things, facilitate the environmental protection departments at all levels to conduct the linking audits, comparison, screening, summing up and checking of the relevant data provided in the online declarations of the industrial waste flows for further tracking and controlling. "
EngKeyword "Waste Disposal Act, Management of Industrial Waste, Industrial Waste Disposal Plan, Industrial Waste Report and Management System (IWR&MS)"
GovCategory "廢棄物管理"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 109
ProjectBudget "19560"
ProjectStartDate 2020-02-10
ProjectEndDate 2020-11-30
SponsorOrg "環境督察總隊"
Undertaker "白旭峯;周宜妙"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector " 林玟辰"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1081484065"
Title "空氣品質惡化緊急防制應變精進作為"
Abstract "因應秋冬季節及地區性空氣品質改善之需求,本計畫掌握我國空品特性及實務運作狀況,同時參酌國外管制作法,協助重新檢討「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」之相關規定,導入提前管制及多元策略,例如提前以未來三日預報資料通知各單位準備;提前強制管制作為,包含於預報連續兩日一級預警新增8項禁止行為,至實測一級預警進一步納入特定對象降載減排之強制性規範,同時增訂公私場所空氣污染物排放減量之空氣污染防制費減免作業草案及空氣品質嚴重惡化採取緊急防制措施期間電業調整燃氣用量核可程序辦法草案,透過獎勵、彈性策略,提高業者配合自主加大減排幅度之意願,以強化我國於執行空氣品質嚴重惡化應變之力道與效益。 另為督導地方主管機關及污染源落實防制措施,除書面掌握各地方環保局核定之「區域空氣品質惡化防制措施」(簡稱區域措施)及「公私場所區域空氣品質惡化防制計畫」(簡稱防制計畫)外,完成6個縣市及20家公私場所進行現場訪視查核工作,將相關情形反饋緊急防制相關規範修訂及區域措施及防制計畫2項撰寫指引,並以區域聯防、中央地方資源整合概念,協助成立北中南三區之「空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組」,共同防禦區域性及季節性空品不良。再者,完成中央防制指揮中心運作上相關流程機制規劃、腳本、模板之建置,並辦理研商及演練會議、通聯測試等工作,協助各部會、單位快速熟稔中央防制指揮中心分工任務,防範於未然。 "
Keyword "空氣品質、緊急應變措施、預防空氣品質惡化"
EngTitle " Project for the Improvement of Emergency Actions on Preventing Air Quality Deterioration"
EngAbstract "In response to the need of seasonal and regional air quality improvement, this project comprehensively reviewed the practical air quality and implementation status in Taiwan, collected control strategies of different countries, and amended draft of the Regulations of Emergency Prevention Measures for Serious Deterioration in Air Quality, introducing early-stage response, including to start notification mechanism according to the future 3-days air quality forecast, add mandatory control measures in the warning stage of air quality Deterioration. In addition, this project also plans to introduce incentive strategy, which is specific reduction on air pollution fee for voluntary emission reduction, and suggested to adopted “Regulations for Approval Procedure of Electricity Generation Enterprises to Adopt Emergency Control Measures and Adjust Gaseous Fuel Usage during the Period of Air Quality Serious Deterioration” which allow electricity generation enterprises to exceed original permit limitation on the air emission of natural gas fuel power generation under the commitment of decreasing air emission of coal power generation relatively. This project reviewed the air quality deterioration prevention measures planed and approved by local governments, and complied on-site inspection through 6 Cities and 20 factories. The related situation and problems are collected and fed back to the revision of related regulations and 2 guidelines. Besides, to enhance central-local and local-local cooperation, this project assisted in the establishment of the Air Pollution Trans-District Cooperation Prevention Response Team in the North, Central and Southern Regions. In addition, this project assisted the members of Central Air Quality Control Command Center, related ministries and central government’s sectors, to practice on their emergency actions and tasks while the air quality serious decorations happened through the establishment of the operational processes, rehearsal scripts, and templates, and conduct 2 pre- rehearsal workshop and meetings."
EngKeyword "Air Quality, Emergency Control Measures, Prevention of Air Quality Deterioration"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "108A325"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "9336.632"
ProjectStartDate 2019-05-27
ProjectEndDate 2020-05-26
SponsorOrg "空保處"
Undertaker "李怡芬"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "許長嵐"
AssistDirector "陳怡君;陳可青"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1020873860"
Title "102年新北市固定污染源特定行業管制及空污費催補繳計畫"
Abstract "本計畫自一○二年六月四日簽約執行至一○三年六月三日,共約12 個月, 縱觀本年度計畫之工作重點在於: (一)固定污染源管制策略研擬、(二)空污費徵收制度管理、(三)特定揮發性有機物排放及重大污染源管制、(四)民生關注行業、(五)工廠擴充及(六)辦理宣導、輔導及訓練。以下將茲就本計畫現階段執行成果摘要分述說明:(一)固定污染源管制策略研擬蒐集國內外固定源執行作為(包含CEMS、印刷業、加油站及餐飲業等), 提供 貴局後續管制作為之參考。(二)空污費徵收制度1.完成102 年至103 年第1 季空污費結算作業共5,048 家次,累積應追繳金額為10,033,577 元,累積溢繳金額為4,624,601元。2.辦理3 場次空污費申繳法規說明會,針對環保署新修正之規範進行宣導。3.空污費到繳率達100%, 網路申報率達99%以上。4.針對4 家大額空污費欠繳之公私場所進行催補繳作業,其中南亞樹林廠於102 年12 月31 日補繳2.57 億元, 亦於103年7 月31 日補繳利息1,874 萬元, 共計約2.75 億元。(三)特定行業/重大污染源查核輔導作業1.石化製程5 家已完成冷卻水塔檢測,均符合規定。南亞樹林場廢水處理設施完成集氣及處理設備設置; 另結合FLIR 及FID 進行環氧樹脂製程之元件進行VOCs 洩漏偵測, 均15%, 已告發處分並完成改善。6.完成南亞樹林廠P002 平行比對設置作業。(四)民生關注行業查核及輔導1.加油站:(1)轄內加油站油氣回收設備設置率100%。配合民生議題研擬全面稽查及輔導、不強迫加油推動、重點稽查、逸散查核與評鑑等管制策略及工作重點, 藉由不強迫加油措施推動及加油站檢測前五日報備措施推動, 強迫加油陳情率已由96 年11%降低至3%以下, 顯示轄內加油站已逐漸落實自主管理且油氣逸散管制已略見成效。(2)完成225 站油氣洩漏PID 檢測, 輔導台亞企業全面裝設微壓計, 監控真空壓力閥油氣排放情形(3)A/L 稽查檢測10 家,計有2 家未能符合規範,已處分告發並完成改善。2.餐飲業(1)優先針對屢遭陳情及新設之餐飲業進行法規輔導300 家及150 家, 集氣效能查驗152 家。(2)優先針對麥當勞、肯德基等速食店進行物料使用調查,提供予環保署作為面源污染排放修正之參考(3)完成製作1,000 份餐飲業輔導宣導技術手冊。(4)與美珍香、旅遊公會及三家夜市管委會進行餐飲業空氣污染改善協談。(5)成功輔導永和樂華夜市轉移成為環保夜市之標竿。(五)工廠普查及清查擴充完成102 家既存工廠新增擴充列管及100 家新設工廠調查作業, 新增擴充VOCs 排放量約449 公噸, 並輔導進行空污費申繳作業, 其中有15 家應進行許可申請, 已轉移許可計畫追蹤。(六)辦理宣導、輔導及訓練1.102 年7 月11 日、103 年1 月9 日辦理空污費申繳作業說明會3 場次。2.102 年7 月24 日、8 月16 日及8 月23 日分別至新店、八里及樹林農會完成3 場次辦理農廢勿露天燃燒宣導, 計有226位農友與會。3.103 年2 月25 日辦理加油站環保法規宣導說明會4.103 年4 月30 日辦"
Keyword "固定污染源、特定行業、空污費"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 102
ProjectBudget "18468"
ProjectStartDate 2013-06-04
ProjectEndDate 2014-06-03
SponsorOrg "新北市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "謝佳男"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "李文村"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080443829"
Title "108年飲用水安全推廣暨小琉球示範計畫"
Abstract "環保署為落實飲用水管理,確保民眾飲用水安全作為施政重點,因此本年度執行飲用水全球資訊網改版更新,方便民眾查詢飲用水安全資訊、辦理不同類型的環境教育會議及活動,強化宣傳民眾重視飲用水安全;另,依據小琉球無塑低碳島示範計畫,辦理各項推廣活動,以提升小琉球飲水機使用效益,並作為環境友善以及無塑低碳永續發展的示範地區。 本計畫執行成果,包括:(一)「飲用水全球資訊網」改版更新及功能優化,以水元素為主要色系,提升視覺美感,功能上符合響應式網頁設計,維護資訊管理系統安全性;(二)辦理提升小琉球飲水機使用相關推廣活動,如美化小琉球飲水機、建置小琉球飲水機物聯網即時回傳使用資訊、製作動畫片加強宣傳島上飲水機使用、辦理飲水機使用之體驗活動、快閃活動、抽獎活動、記者會等,強化小琉球飲水機使用效益;(三)編撰3篇飲用水中常見污染物知識,包括飲用水中的大腸桿菌群、鋁、總三鹵甲烷等,落實推廣飲用水安全教育;(四)研析飲用水管理相關法令,如國外飲用水管理法規制度推動現況、非自來水地區飲用水水質安全管理等,並提出建議;(五)辦理飲用水安全風險溝通研習會議、國外專家學者交流活動、專家諮詢會議等,完善飲用水安全之環境教育工作。 "
Keyword "飲用水,水源管理,設備管理,水質管理,教育宣傳"
EngTitle "Drinking water safety promotion and Xiao Liuqiu demonstration project of 2019"
EngAbstract "In order to implement its important policy for drinking water management to ensure drinking water safety, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has revised and updated its Global Drinking Water Website to provide the public with convenient search for drinking water safety information, as well as held different types of environmental education meetings and activities to strengthen the promotion for public awareness of drinking water safety. In addition, TEPA has also conducted all kinds of promotional activities according to the Xiao Liuqiu Plastic Free and Low Carbon Island Demonstration Plan to facilitate effective uses of drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, to make the island an environmental friendly and plastic free low carbon sustainable development demonstration area. The project has achieved results including: (1) the revision and updating of the “Global Drinking Water Website” with optimized function that incorporates Responsive Web Design to protect the information system’s safety, and the use of watery colors to highlight the webpage’s visual beauty; (2) conduct related promotional activities to facilitate the uses of drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, such as the painting to beautify drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, the installation of internet of things (IOT) for drinking water fountains to transmit real-time information back, the production of cartoons to promote the use of drinking water fountains on the island, to hold drinking water fountains experience of use activities, flash activities, lucky draws, press conferences, etc. to enhance the effectiveness of using drinking water fountains; (3) the edition of 3 articles of knowledge regarding pollutants often seen in drinking water, including E Coli, Aluminum and Trihalomethanes, to consolidate the promotion of drinking water safety education; (4) the study and analysis of drinking water management related laws and regulations to provide suggestions, such as current status of drinking water management regulations and systems in foreign countries, drinking water quality and safety management for areas with no drinking water supply; (5) to hold drinking water safety and risk communication seminars, exchange activities with international scholars, experts consultation meetings ect.; to complete the work for drinking water safety and environmental education. "
EngKeyword "drinking water, water source management, equipment management, water quality management, promotion and education"
GovCategory ""
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "108A146"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "4400"
ProjectStartDate 2019-03-28
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "環管處"
Undertaker "曾毓翎"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "何子健"
AssistDirector "丁毓齡"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1071402049"
Title "107年推動限制性產品過度包裝專案工作計畫 "
Abstract "本計畫執行期間自107年5月2日起至12月31日止,相關成果包括:(一)參考國際資訊研修「限制性產品過度包裝」(草案),彙整國際物流包裝減量措施,提出國內物流包裝減量管理建議;(二)修正「限制產品過度包裝檢驗收費標準」(草案)及協助相關法制作業,依「規費法」規範,試算結果由原700(新臺幣/件)建議調升為950(新臺幣/件),並辦理研商會議;(三)完成包裝檢驗及市場抽查合計404件(應完成400件),並辦理1場次限制性產品過度包裝減量宣導會;(四)配合相關行政作業,包含提出行政院環境保護署生活廢棄物質資源管理資訊系統(HWMS)限制產品過度包裝檢測資料建檔建議,及完成本計畫404件包裝檢驗及市場抽查資料建置。"
Keyword "一般廢棄物、包裝減量、源頭減量"
EngTitle "The 2018 Project to Promote Restriction on Over-Packaging for Products"
EngAbstract "The implementation of this project began on May 2 and will end on December 31, 2018. The relative results so far have covered four areas: (I) Referring to the international information on the packaging reduction, we have drafted the “Regulations for Restricting Products Over-Packaging” as a proposal to manage the packaging reduction in Taiwan. (II) We have drafted the amendments to “The Fee Collection Standards for Inspection on Products Over-Packaging”, and assisted the operation of the related law and regulations in calculating and suggesting the increase of the fee from NT$700/case to NT$950/case based on the “Charges And Fees Act”. Besides, we have held consultations. (III) We have completed 404 packaging inspection cases (3 more than the 400 cases required by the contract). We have organized a session of activity to promote products packaging reduction. (IV) We have worked in line with relevant administrative operations, which includes recommendations for products over-packaging inspection data filing under the Household Waste Management System (HWMS) of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. Besides, we have completed the filing of the inspection data of the foregoing 404 cases."
EngKeyword "Municipal waste, Packaging reduction, Source reduction"
GovCategory "廢棄物管理"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-107-H103-02-A165"
ProjectYear 107
ProjectBudget "1910"
ProjectStartDate 2018-05-02
ProjectEndDate 2018-12-31
SponsorOrg "廢管處"
Undertaker "張儷瓊"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃美娟"
AssistDirector "盧梅芳"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1005011640"
Title "99年度固定污染源特定行業管制及整體策略規劃計畫後續擴充"
Abstract "本計畫分為四大重點包括: 1.固定污染源策略研擬; 2.潔淨產製推動; 3.無異味環境建構; 4.低風險前期管理。本計畫彙整近年固定污染源管制成效、階段性工作成效整合及空氣污染防制計畫書規劃進度執行情形續以進行策略研擬, 進而修正固定污染源管制工作重點及方向,以達管制之目標。已彙整環保署未來管制方向,並協助完成規劃固定污染源揮發性有機物減量及印刷業VOCs 調查輔導作業,同時建議100-105 年固定污染源管制作業。潔淨產製推動部分,包括精確稽徵空污費:申報率由79%提高至100%,網路申報率則由3 5%提升至1 00 %; 另藉由書面審查2,413件及現場查核1555件,追補繳近2000萬;強化VOCs 逸散管理:石化業查驗設備元件檢測再現性及PID比測驗證,半導體業輔導集氣密閉性改善,膠帶業及P U 業等執行集氣效率驗證。無異味環境建構部分,針對民意關注議題以專案管理,包括加油站油槍A/L初測合格率由96年86%提高至92%,陳情率由11%下降至2.1%。餐飲業以屢遭陳情業者優先查核輔導302及152家集氣效能調查輔導,98 年屢遭陳情業者162 家降至45 家;另建置餐飲業跨局處聯合管理機制。低風險前期管理部分,包括高風險行業管制:戴奧辛及重金屬公告對象查核輔導, 掌握現階段16 種固定源系統列管有害物種許可排放量;協助電力業加嚴標準研擬及減量協商,並與南亞企業進行製程檢視及協談,有效管控SOx 及NOx 排放量約60~80%。潛在污染調查:普查1,510家,有污染者115家;擴大新增清查列管50 家。"
Keyword "固定污染源、特定行業、策略規劃"
EngTitle "Control of Stationary Sources of Air Pollutions and Overall Policy Planning Project II"
EngAbstract "The project is divided into four key areas: 1. development of stationary pollution control strategies; 2. promote clean manufacturing; 3.establishment of non-odor environment; 4. low risk pre-phase management. The project summarized stationary sources air pollution control and prevention accomplishments in recent years, integrated different stages of progress effectiveness, draw up air pollution control plan progress to scheme strategies continuously, and also modified stationary sources control priorities and aspects to achieve the control goals. The project compiled EPA control directions for the future, helped plan to reduce VOCs emissions from stationary sources, VOCs investigations and guidance of printing trades, and recommendations for stationary sources pollution control in 2011 to 2016. Clean manufacturing, included 1.accuratly collecting air pollution control fee: reporting rate increased from 79% to 100%, and reporting rate through the internet increased from 35% to 100%; total traced back almost 20 million dollars of pollution control fee by going through 2,413 cases review and 1,837 on-site investigations; 2.strengthening VOCs fugitive management: performed reproduction and PID verifications on equipments located at petroleum facilities; assisted semiconductor sector to improveairtight gas collection; performed gas collection efficiency test at tape and PU facilities. Establishment of non-odor environment by targeting on public awareness, included 1. gas station nozzle qualification increased from 86% in 2007 to 92%, complain reporting rate decreased from 11% to 2.1%; 2.302 restaurants which were complained frequently by neighbors had the priority to be examined and assisted, and investigated gas collection performance of 152 restaurants. The action decreased restaurants of 2009 were complained frequently from 162 to 45; also established the joint management mechanism across bureaus of catering industries. Low risk pre-phase management, included 1. high risk sectoral control: examined and consulted dioxins and heavy metals declaration objects, had 16 categories of hazards emissions restrained in stationary source system at the present stage in control, assisted electric industries to strengthen standards and emission reduction negotiations; reviewed and discussed the manufacturing process with Nan Ya Corporation to control 60~80% of Sox and NOx emissions effectively. 2. potential pollution investigation: performed investigations at 1,510 facilities with 115 facilities found with pollutions. Extended inventory and added additional 50 facilities into database."
EngKeyword "Control of Stationary Sources、Policy Planning"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 100
ProjectBudget "17500"
ProjectStartDate 2011-01-19
ProjectEndDate 2012-01-18
SponsorOrg "新北市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "謝佳男"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張素清"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1020984696"
Title "102年新北市揮發性有害空氣污染物先期推動及管理計畫"
Abstract "本計畫為地方環保局推動揮發性有害空氣污染物之先期調查及管理計畫,工作主軸以排放清冊建置為主,並輔以實廠流布調查、模式模擬等作業,最後提出工業區之管制策略。(一)排放清冊建置本項作業依據調查作業程序進行揮發性有害空氣污染物排放量調查,其重點包括:製程流向、排放物種、揮發性有害空氣污染物輸出、輸入量確認1.調查對象以環保署資料庫159家(175製程)為優先調查對象,及擴大至本市空污費207家(223製程)及各類資料管制之潛在對象包括固定污染源資料庫空污費新增毒化物、EMS資料庫毒化物、EMS等57家(57製程),共計完成284家304個製程現場調查作業。2.排放量分析依現場調查304個製程結果,以金屬塗裝製程數10%最多,而排放物種之前五大則分別為甲苯(282公噸/年)、二甲苯(185公噸/年)、甲醇(62公噸/年)、二甲基甲醯胺(61公噸/年)、二氯甲烷(54公噸/年);屬第一、二類致癌排放物種(IARC ⅠⅡ)則為甲醛(35噸/年)、乙苯(10公噸/年)、苯(5.7公噸/年)、四氯乙烯(8公噸/年)。另外,依污染排放區域分析,本市五大工業區(土城、五股、樹林、林口、瑞芳工業區),其工業區排放量約佔全市總排放量4~44%。就整體調查結果分析可歸納二個現象國外部份製程係數偏高(如PU皮製造程序),導致環保署資料庫揮發性有害空氣污染物排放量部份製程有高估之現象,目前固定源資料庫之原料、溶劑等部份以統稱或業界俗名建置,以係數方式推估易忽略其排放量。(二)實廠流布調查本項作業共完成6場次流布調查,包括24根次排放管道及31點次原物料、廢棄物之檢測作業。1.工業區選取及對象擬定依據土城光化測站監測資料及風向,且本市工業區中具排放揮發性有害空氣污染物之排放源以土城工業區最多,故選取土城工業區為實廠流布調查之重點工業區。土城工業區及鄰近區域具排放HAPs之公私場所共19家,本計畫依據行業製程別、排放量、排放物種、危害性、陳情次數、檢測濃度等資料,篩選6家進行流布調查。2.流布調查及檢測作業本項工作係採排放管道及物料同時採樣方式進行揮發性空氣污染物檢測分析作業(包括24根次排放管道及31點次原物料、廢棄物之物種檢測),並以質量平衡為主要推估方式,共完成6場次流布調查,其中以塗裝程序3場次為最多,在塗裝程序中甲苯、二甲苯、乙酸丁酯為該製程主要排放之揮發性有害空氣污染物,並以逸散為主要污染排放方式(45~100%),依本作業調查結果,該製程雖在包圍式噴房內作業,但其逸散比例仍遠高於空污費公告集氣效率80%。(三)模式模擬分析結合實廠流佈調查結果,採ISCST3模式進行模式模擬,共完成6場次之模式模擬分析,依模式模擬結果各物種之擴散方向主要是往廠房的西邊擴散,最大濃度著地位置約位於廠區西方數十公尺處,隨著離廠房的距離增加,各物質污染物的濃度迅速降低之現象。(四)管制策略研擬本工作為蒐集內外管制策略並結合實地調查及模擬結果,規劃本市(工業區優先試行)揮發性有害空氣污染物管制架構及推動期程。1.國內外管制趨勢已蒐集美國、日本、荷蘭、中國大陸、德國等五個國家管制現況趨勢。其中澳洲與日本採排放管制方式,荷蘭採取風險評估管制,德國將兩種管制方式併同考量,而美國之空污重點管制區亦採取併同考量。環保署公告相關管制法令包括毒性化學物質302種,主要採禁用、限用、許可、核可、登記方式管制空污費加徵之13種個別物種。2.本市管制策略近程管制策略係以國內現行制度為基礎並可立即施行者為策略擬定方向,故規劃將現行「固定污染源設與操作管理辦法」擴大管制範疇,納入揮發性有害空氣污染物之管理,管制內容包括許可管制對象:許可申請時全面要求業者物料中含揮發性有機物者皆需檢附物料之成份資料,並登載於許可證內容本市高排放物種及物種排放量達一定規模者之製程,其廢氣收集、防制削減率之規定。中長程階段則規劃將毒性強非許可對象納入管理並進行風險評估,風險評估宜納入廠區作業人員及鄰近敏感點或居民,並建立排放熱點地圖及推動面源管制。"
Keyword "揮 發 性 有 害 空 氣 污 染 物 、HAPs、排放清冊、實廠流布、模式模 擬、管制策略、揮 發 性 有 害 空 氣 污 染 物 、HAPs、排放清冊、實廠流布、模式模 擬、管制策略"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 102
ProjectBudget "5690"
ProjectStartDate 2013-06-18
ProjectEndDate 2014-06-17
SponsorOrg "新北市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "曾文裕"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張素清"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1040545609"
Title "104年臺中市低碳社區推動計畫"
Abstract "本計畫已依合約規定期程完成各工作項目之執行,期末報告進度已達100%,區分為六項重點工作成果,包括:(一)蒐集國外推動溫室氣體減量之發展策略(完成2式),作為後續推動相關策略參考;(二)辦理公寓大廈省電照明補助作業(完成255處審查)、辦理低碳社區認證評比作業(完成19處)、追蹤歷年輔導對象改善情形(完成50處)、辦理公商業部門輔導作業(完成10處);(三)針對「臺中市碳抵換辦法(草案)」、「臺中市政府自主管理計畫審查委員會組織規程(草案)」等,提出相關之策略擬定及修法建議;(四)依照環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」,辦理本市公私場所溫室氣體定期申報審查作業(完成6式)、現場抽查49處公私場所排放資料正確性確認、推估前300大溫室氣體排放量等,以掌握產業排放現況;(五)完成本市政府機關組織邊界之溫室氣體排放現況調查,以及彙整本市城市層級溫室氣體排放資料、輔導2018花博活動永續管理及碳中和;(六)配合環保署考核及節能減碳績效評比作業,輔導及追蹤本府50處機關辦理十大無悔措施成效、辦理6場次節能減碳宣導活動、執行會議碳中和作業等,前述各溫室氣體減量管理作為已於臺中市紮根,並逐步朝向未來中部「低碳生活圈」之綠色願景。"
Keyword "溫室氣體減量、低碳社區、低碳商店、能源及工業部門溫室氣體盤查、節約能源"
EngTitle "The Promotion of Taichung Low Carbon Community Project"
EngAbstract "The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required for the final report. The 6 major work items and their progress are reported as follows: (1) Collection of greenhouse gas reduction strategies in foreign cities (has completed 2 case studies) for future planning reference; (2) Processing for subsidy to community energy saving lightings renovation(has completed review for 255 community applications), processing for low carbon community evaluation and certification(has assisted 19 communities to participate), follow-up of subsidized communities in past years(has completed the follow-up of 50 communities); (3) Proposal for suggested strategies and revisions to “Taichung City Carbon Offset Regulations (draft)”and “Taichung City Government Self-Management Plans Review Committee Organization Protocol (draft)”; (4) Review of mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting data from industry as required by EPA law(has completed review for 6 periodical reporting), on-site auditing of 49 companies to confirm on reported data, estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for top 300 companies to control the emission status; (5) Complete the investigation of greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the city government, and provide consultation to 2018 Floral Exposition on carbon neutral and sustainability management; (6) In compliance to EPA requirement by internal auditing of energy saving program implemented by 50 city government offices, sponsored 6 sessions of carbon reduction promotional activities, and achieved the conduction of carbon neutral meetings. All of the above completed work items would help to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan."
EngKeyword "Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Low Carbon Communities, Low Carbon Stores, GHG Inventory on Energy and Industrial Sector, Energy Saving"
GovCategory "國際性議題"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "P0548"
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "13886"
ProjectStartDate 2015-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "游英裕"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "王俊傑"
AssistDirector "何子健"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1082186410"
Title "提升廢污水自動監測連線傳輸品質與污水下水道系統管理計畫"
Abstract "本計畫為一年期之行政協助施政計畫,計畫目標包括: 一、精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理 二、強化自動監測(視)設施管理策略 三、廢(污)水自動監測(視)資訊維運及功能提升 為達上述三項目標,本年度之工作內容包括:(1)精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染管理(2)強化自動監測(視)設施管制策略(3)廢(污)水自動監測(視)資訊系統維運及功能提升(4)其他行政協助事項等四類工作。 本計畫執行期間完成相關行政管制工作之協助與規劃,包括:(1)分析工業區專用污水下水道系統歷年管制資料、檢視放流口下游水質測站水質之關係、彙整加嚴放流水標準之影響與因應作為、完成6場現場查核作業,並提出問題與改善建議(2)辦理15場系統性及功能性查核、規劃月報機制、建立連線數據品質檢核方式、彙整各國重金屬自動監測數值品保品管相關規定、研析各國水質自動採樣方案、協助機關進行連線資料異常原因確認予排除、盤點地方主管機關連線主機並提出軟硬體更新建議,並提出提升連線傳輸監控效率建議(3)提出108年系統優化建議書、支援地方主管機關自動監測問題排除10場次、協助維運相關水污染管制系統(4)協助推動相關行政管制工作,包含:提供自動監測應設置對象設置進度追蹤及技術諮詢、辦理4場自動監測教育訓練、許可定檢每季異常勾稽、受委託審理水污染防治措施計畫成果統計、協助資訊公開及辦理相關會議等成果。"
Keyword "水污染自動連續監測系統、資訊公開、工業區污水下水道系統"
EngTitle "Industrial Sewerage System Water Pollution Control and Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) Management Project"
EngAbstract "This is one year administrative assisting project and with goals as follows: 1. To improve the wastewater pollution control strategy of industrial park sewage systems. 2. To enhance the management strategy of continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS) . 3. To maintain and upgrade the information system of CWMS. In order to achieve the three goals mentioned above, this project’s main four tasks includes:(1)improving the wastewater pollution control strategy of industrial park sewage systems (2)enhancing the management strategy of CWMS(3)maintaining and upgrading the information system of CWMS (4)other administrative assisting works. During the implementation period of this project, we conduct the related assisting and planning of administrative control tasks, includes:(1)analyzing industrial park sewage systems control information of recent years, reviewing the relation of industrial park sewage systems effluent and downstream water quality monitoring stations water quality, consolidation the impact and response about the industrial park sewage systems strict effluent standards, conducting six on-site inspections to find questions and offer improving suggestions (2)executing fifteen CWMS system and performance inspections, planning the monthly report system of CWMS, establishing monitoring data quality review method, consolidating relevant QA/QC regulations about heavy metals CWMS abroad(3)analyzing the CWMS auto-sampling scheme overseas ,assisting the competent authority to trouble-shooting the CWMS deviant data, checking the CWMS hardware and offering upgrading suggestions of the competent authority and giving suggestions about enhancing CWMS data-transport monitoring efficiency(3)providing system optimization proposal in 2019, assisting the local authorities CWMS trouble-shooting 10 times, supporting the maintenance of water pollution control systems(4)assisting relevant administrative control tasks, includes: providing technical inquiry service to the CWMS facility which should be set and installation progress rate to TEPA, holding four times CWMS education training, auditing permit/DMR quarterly, summarizing the consequent of the water-pollution prevention measures projects, and assisting open-data and relevant meetings, etc."
EngKeyword "Continuous Water Monitoring System of Water Pollution, Open Data, Industrial Park Sewage Systems"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "6300"
ProjectStartDate 2019-02-25
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "水保處"
Undertaker "許智強"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "周佳慶"
AssistDirector "王立祥"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1081209173"
Title "108年新北市固定污染源許可審核及稽查管制計畫"
Abstract "本計畫為新北市政府環保局為持續推動固定污染源許可、稽查管制及監檢測作業,奠定空氣品質總量管制基礎, 以有效改善空氣品質, 持續發包執行「108年新北市固定污染源許可審核及稽查管制計畫」,依工作內容及目標 可分為許可預防減量管理、行業製程管理、企業集團總量管理推動、燃料管理、專案管制作業等工作主軸, 主要工作成果說明如下: (一)為達到預防減量管理之目標, 於許可審查時進行改善減量空間評估,除鼓勵先採用低污染燃物料使用外, 要求應有效集氣及防制, 並擴大納入有害物種管理, 屢遭陳情區域建立濃度監測預警機制, 因應排放標準生效審查, 防制措施圖示化,整合空污相關法規,本年度污染改善許可實質減量為:粒狀物22公噸/年、硫氧化物20公噸/年、氮氧化物6公噸/年、揮發性有機物10公噸/年。(二)自104年起陸續公告6個行業製程審查原則、2行業製程審查要點,管制迄今已有208製程已依原則內容完成污染排放改善, 本年度新增研擬「新北市政府環境保護局辦理固定污染源廢塑膠押出成型程序之空氣污染防制技術指引」,研擬管制規範包括: 要求易產生異味單元增設圍封式以上之集氣系統、具破壞型異味防制設備、排放管道之異味排放限值等。(三)為能有效掌握及管理固定污染源排放空氣污染物之狀況、督促公私場所落實防制設備之正常操作,「新北市政府環境保護局固定污染源及防制設備即時監控管理原則」已法制化,並於108年6月10公告。(四)為提高民眾滿意度,新北市環保局自105年起公告瀝青業審查原則、輔導協商改善、推動燃料重油改天然氣、新料裝設OP監測及舊料(回收料)裝設CCTV提供即時查驗之連線監控,目前燃料重油改天然氣於108年底10家將全部完成、異味防制設備改善10家、粒狀物圍封操作改善3家,新料裝設OP監測1家。(五)為有效抑制空氣污染成長,針對新北市內台電、南亞、國產等企業集團,進行排放濃度或許可總量管理(可管制五成許可核發總量)。包括台電林口廠加嚴PSN排放濃度、納入重金屬總量管理,及監測元素汞及離子汞; 南亞企業之燃煤汽電共生機組排放濃度分兩階段加嚴PSN排放濃度, 及因轉型或擴廠導致排放量增加, 要求既有製程應改善、減產、遷廠。(六)為反映民意新北市政府推動中小型燃煤退場,預計108年底完成21家全數汰換政策,其中更換天然氣12家、燃油1家、生質燃料2家、木屑1家及轉型或停工5家,預估109年可降低18萬公噸/年之生煤使用量,排放量約可減少粒狀物217公噸/年、硫氧化物353公噸/年、氮氧化物155公噸/年。"
Keyword "固定污染源、許可審核、定檢及監測"
EngTitle "2019 New Taipei City Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution and Inspection & Control Project"
EngAbstract "In order for the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei CityGovernment to continue promoting the operations of permitting, audit controls,and monitoring of the stationary pollution sources for sake of better air qualitybased on total emission controls, it continued to contract out the execution ofthe “2019 New Taipei City Permitting of Stationary Sources of Air Pollutionand Inspection & Control Project” (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”).The Project, according to the work contents and purposes, can be divided into such five major work areas as the permitting of pollution prevention or reduction management, the industrial process management, the enterprise groups’ total emissions management drive, the fuel management, and project control operations. Their main achievements are further described as follows: (I) In order to achieve the goal of pollution prevention or reduction management, we have assessed the room for improvement in air pollution reduction at the time of review for permit by not only encouraging the air polluters to use low-pollution fuels, but also requiring them to effectively collect and reduce gas, and to extend management on hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). At the locations where people often complain about the air pollution, the concentration monitoring and early warning systems have been set up. As the result of the effective review of emission standards, the control measures in diagrams, and the integration of air pollution-related law and regulations, the air pollution emissions have been reduced for this year: Particulate Matter (PM) 22 tons/year, Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 20 tons/year, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 6 tons/year, and VOCs 10 tons/year. (II) Since the year 2015, we have published the process review principles for six industries, and the process review guidelines for two industries. So far,208 processes have been improved on pollution emissions. For this year, we added the formulation of the “Guidelines on Review Management for Permit of Waste Plastics Extrusion Molding Procedure for the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government” (draft). The standards to be included will be the installation of enclosure-type air collecting system required for the unit that easily gives off odor, the installation of control equipment for the hazardous odor, the limit values for the odor at the emission piping, etc. (III) In order to effectively grasp and manage air pollutants emitted by stationary sources and to supervise and ensure the normal operation of the control equipment in public and private places, the Regulations for Real-time Monitoring on the Stationary Pollution Sources and their Control Equipment Formulated by Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government” was already legalized and promulgated on June 10, 2019. (IV) In order to upgrade the satisfaction of the public, the Environmental Protection Department of New Taipei City, since the year of 2016, has announced the principles of reviewing the asphalt industry, so that the said Department may counsel and guide such industry, drive the change of fuel oil into natural gas, and promote the installation of OP monitors for new materials and CCTV monitors for old materials (recycled materials), which make possible the on-line inspection and monitoring. Currently, ten factories will have completed their change from using fuel oil into natural gas by the end of this year; ten factories have improved their odor control equipment; three factories have improved their enclosure-type system to collect particulates; one factory has installed the OP monitor for new materials. (V) In order to effectively curb the growth of air pollution, Taipower, Nan Ya and the state enterprises located at New Taipei City have been chosen for the management on the emission concentration and total emission quantity permitted (50% of..."
EngKeyword "stationary pollution sources, permitting, inspection & control"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "18335"
ProjectStartDate 2018-12-04
ProjectEndDate 2019-11-30
SponsorOrg "新北市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "蕭如瑾"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張素清"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1092819387"
Title "固定污染源許可管理及燃料使用管制策略推動計畫"
Abstract "有鑑於固定污染源各項管理制度於108年度空污法修正後,為配合整體空氣品質改善及強化污染預防管理之管制策略調整,紛紛著手規劃相關排放標準與行政管理規範,然今(109)年度為持續檢討固定污染源管制作為,同時精進固定污染源污染預防與許可管理制度,遂依據今(109)年度計畫目標訂定4大項工作類別分別為「精進污染預防管理作為,持續檢討許可管理制度」、「推動燃料成分及混燒管制與落實源頭改善與管末減量策略」、「掌握及評析縣市主管機關許可管理制度落實情形」及「更新擴充系統功能,提昇資料品質」,本計畫已執行7個月,已完成100%的工作內容,以下分別針對各項工作項目內容摘要說明如下: 本計畫因應108年度許可管理辦法修正,將持續檢討許可管理制度並精進污染預防管理,彙整近5年與許可管理法有關之解釋函,並檢視許可管理辦法修正前後已解決問題及民國82年至108年解釋函配合空污法及許可管理辦法修正後應調整之對應法規條文及應廢止適用內容共計2,357件;本計畫亦彙整蒐集各縣市於許可管理辦法修正發布後之執行疑義,並評析針對第三類許可申請與審查程序、取消試車回歸功能檢測、試驗計畫與許可證異動申請簡化及其他許可證申請與審查之規範,如環評核定事項,納入今(109)年度許可管理辦法修正內容檢討,並同時新增許可第三類申請表單與審查指引修正。 除此之外,本計畫同時彙整美國聯邦與南加州有關有害空氣污染物許可管理制度與相關執行作法,評析現行國內有害空氣污染物管理仍需完備相關配套工具建置,遂許可證核定內容仍維持現行排放標準管理方式,待未來整體工具完備後再行導入許可管理;而在許可證整合方面,彙整國內外有關空水廢毒許可證整合相關資訊,持續追蹤現行許可證整合研議進度。 為因應許可管理辦法新增之第三類固定污染源,本計畫分析我國1到8批管制現況,發現我國管制之粒狀污染物、SOx、NOx及VOCs年排放量皆小於1公噸之製程約有888張許可證,佔許可證核發總數的3.33%,但管制之排放量僅0.04-0.15%。因此擬訂此類管制排放量小於1公噸且無有害空氣污染物管制需求之製程為第三類固定污染源,並簡化技師簽證與試車檢測替代等申請程序;而在公告條件部分,本計畫評析空污費徵收及勞安相關危險工作場所管制均以純物質方式管理,故調整有機溶劑與酸鹼液用量計算方式以有機溶劑或酸鹼液含量百分比計算,且為提升固定污染源揮發性有機物許可納管比例,同時新增第九批有機溶劑或酸鹼液年用量達5公噸者應申請許可證,且排除有機溶劑含量10%以下之對象,預計納管1,564個製程;此外,新增公告條件對象部分,本計畫評析廢棄物再利用處理程序之草案,預計納管廢塑膠再利用之熱熔及污泥烘乾等程序,而全廠鍋爐管制方面,針對全廠不分燃料類別之鍋爐總蒸氣蒸發量合計達5公噸/小時以上者,並排除全廠均使用天然氣之總蒸氣蒸發量小於15公噸/小時之對象,預計納管183座蒸汽鍋爐。 燃料管制方面,本計畫配合空污法第28條規定,持續完備整體燃料源頭管理制度,除掌握國內廢管處、工業局以及國外歐盟、日本等國之廢棄物再利用燃料之相關規範,其中歐盟針對SRF分5級訂定成分標準,其成分項目包括含氯量、含汞量及熱值;日本針對RPF分A-C級訂定成分標準,其成分項目包括水分、灰分、含氯量及熱值,然而目前參考國內工業局SRF品質規範及國外相關廢棄物再利用成分規範,研擬廢棄物再利用燃料成分標準,其成分項目包含硫量、含氯量、含鉛量、含汞量、含鎘量、熱值及灰分;而在加熱設施方面,盤點全國行業別硫氧化物及氮氧化物於固定污染源中之占比、座數與燃料使用狀況,且彙整完成固定源標準管制設備近五年檢測排放濃度硫氧化物及氮氧化物累積情形,並與固定源燃氣標準比較且盤點受衝擊對象,建議以參考鍋爐排放標準之方式,單獨擬訂單一排放標準。 為使各項固定污染源管制規範落實推動,本計畫藉由固定污染源許可管理制度人員執行問題掌握與檢討,分析許可申請文件撰寫人員、環工技師及審查人員現況問題。針對許可申請文件撰寫人員擬訂申請人員應公開其資訊,並回歸專責人員管理制度、技師簽證免審查部分則參考水保處作法,研擬空污技師簽證查核要點、針對審查人員建立選、育、用、留評制度,並集中於教育訓練與管理評鑑,研擬審查人員訓練認證資格與管理制度;而在地方主管機關績效考評強化管理制度與管制規範落實上,109年度地方主管機關與受委託機關許可證現場查核作業共執行170件次及30件技師簽證查核,其主要針對許可管理辦法發布後所核發之操作許可證進行檢視,發現主要問題以排放標準核定有誤、紀錄項目未落實、許可活動強度核定、製程流程圖與現場不一致或使用超量或排放量計算有誤為主。 固定污染源許可管理制度有賴於許可證管制、排放量申報、定期檢測及清查列管資訊等許可管制大數據資料庫的更新與運轉,在各項管制策略的研擬與規劃均能提供完整管制資訊,而為強化固定污染源資訊管理,109年度已完成EMS行動APP系統介接、許可管理辦法要求,許可審查管制功能增加第三類及形式審查功能、提供申請展延及換發基本資料許可案件,審查單位可複製前一張許可證的功能、配合專責人員管理辦法排除批次必填的設限及資料庫檢核與資安掃描等工作;另在資料品質提升工作項目,共計列管21,350家工廠,超過7千多家許可納管公私場所,為維護系統及資料品質,本年度持續執行資料檢核作業,至12月底已執行11次檢核,資料平均符合比率為90.5%。"
Keyword "固定污染源、管制策略、許可、資料庫"
EngTitle " Project for improving the permit system and promoting fuel control of stationary pollution sources"
EngAbstract "Management system of stationary sources pollution were amended in the Air Pollution Act last year (2019), and in line with the air quality improvement and strengthening the management of pollution prevention control strategy. This year (2020) we will begin to refine the emission standards and administrative regulations to control the stationary sources of pollution. At the same time, we should improve pollution prevention and permit management. So according to our goals, we divided the project into 4 major parts, including 1) Strengthen pollution prevention management and keep the permit management system under review, 2) Promote fuel composition and blend combustion control, implement source improvement and management end reduction strategies, 3) To grasp and evaluate the implementation of the permit management system of the competent authority, 4) Update the expansion of system function, and improve the quality of information. This plan has been performed for seven months and has been completed 100% .The following work respectively according to the content of the project descriptions are as follows: In response to the amendment of the permit management method in last year (2019), we continue to review the permit system and improve pollution prevention management. We summarize the explanatory letters related to the permit administration law in the last five years, and to review measures for permit administration before and after. About 2,357 explanatory letters, which is from 1993 to 2019, should be adjusted or repealed after the Air Pollution Law and the permit administration law are amended. We also collect revised in cities to permit management measures after the release of the execution of the problem, and analyzes on the third type of permit applications and review procedures, cancel the test and change to functional evaluation , simplified application for change of permit and other permit application and review specification. Such as the environmental impact assessment will be included in this year''s review of the permit management measures, and at the same time add the third type of permit application form and review guidelines revision. In addition, we also collect the U.S. Federal and Southern California about the harmful air pollutants in permit management system and implementation approach, but analyzes the current domestic management still needs complete supporting facilities, so the permit approved content remains the management mode of the current emission standards until the whole tool is complete. In terms of permit integration, it collects and consolidates domestic and foreign permit information related to air, water, waste and poison, and continuously tracks the progress of permit integration. In response to the third category of the newly added by the permit management method, we analyzes the current state of 1 to 8 batches. The result showed that there were 888 permits that the annual emissions of particulate matter, SOx, NOx and VOCs controlled are less than 1 metric ton, accounting for 3.33% of all permits issued but the controlled emissions are only about 0.04-0.15%. Therefore, processes with emissions of less than 1 metric ton and no hazardous air pollutant control requirements are identified as the third category of stationary sources, and simplify the application procedures for technician visas and test alternative application procedures. In the announcement conditions, we evaluated and analyzed the collection of air pollution fee and the control of labor-safety related hazards workplace by pure substances. So we adjusted the method of organic solvent and alkali liquor dosage to calculate by organic solvent or alkali liquor content percentage. In order to increase the proportion of volatile organic compounds in stationary sources, the ninth batch of organic solvents or acid and alkali liquids with an ..."
EngKeyword "stationary sources, control strategy, permit, database"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EPA-109-FA12-03-A166"
ProjectYear 109
ProjectBudget "14900"
ProjectStartDate 2020-06-03
ProjectEndDate 2020-12-31
SponsorOrg "空保處"
Undertaker "shengwei.chiang"
ExecutingOrg "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "張進順"
AssistDirector "許長嵐;蔡智琦"
CoDirector ""


來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : 標準書號(ISBN, ISSN等)、書名、編著者、版本、出版項、面頁數尺寸、集叢名、出版年、NBI紀錄號

標準書號(ISBN, ISSN等)
書名 「能源部門溫室氣體減量管理機制建置」委辦計畫.
編著者 環科工程顧問股份有限公司[執行]
出版項 [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局],; 民101.12
面頁數尺寸 2冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
出版年 2012
NBI紀錄號 .b140682636


來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$d)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、出版項 (264)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$d) 「能源產業溫室氣體管理策略及環境建構」計畫 /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司執行
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局,; 民102.12]
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
集叢名(490/$a) 經濟部能源科技研究發展計畫102年度執行報告
出版年 (008/07-10) 2013
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.92; 8772-3
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b141918433

ISBN (020$a) 9789860264289 (平裝) :
書名 (245$a$d) 水再生利用碳盤查評估及減碳操作效能?究 =; The study of carbon inventory methods and carbon reduction simulation for water reclamation system /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司編著
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) 臺北市 :; 經濟部水利署,; 民99[2010]
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1? :; 圖 ;; 30公分
出版年 (008/07-10) 2010
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 中山大學圖書與資訊處; 554.61; 8774 2010
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b141634509

ISBN (020$a) 9789860306620 (平裝) :
書名 (245$a$d) 自來水事業碳足跡評估與減碳策略之先期研究 =; The preliminary study for the assessment of carbon footprint and carbon-reduction strategy for tap water enterprise /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司編著
版本 (250) 第一版
出版項 (260) 臺北市 :; 經濟部水利署,; 民100[2011]
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
出版年 (008/07-10) 2011
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 中山大學圖書與資訊處; 445.2; 8774 2011
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b141628923


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營業地址 臺北市大安區正聲里忠孝東路4段280號8樓
統一編號 27718879
營業人名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
資本額 30000000
設立日期 0940511
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行業代號 760911
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來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-工作守則備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號、登錄日期、事業單位名稱(工程名稱)、來文字號、來函日期、備註

登錄編號 B111006753
登錄日期 1111026
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
來文字號 未具文號
來函日期 1111025
備註 適用全體事業各處所及全體勞工


來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-工作守則備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號;登錄日期;事業單位名稱(工程名稱);來文字號;來函日期;備註



來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$d)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a) 9789860264289
書名 (245$a$d) 水再生利用碳盤查評估及減碳操作效能研究 =
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司編著
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) 臺北市 :; 經濟部水利署,; 2010.12
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
出版年 (008/07-10) 2010
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 554.61; 8772
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b155824697

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$d) 「能源部門溫室氣體減量管理策略與機制」計畫 /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司執行
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局,; 民104.12]
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
集叢名(490/$a) 經濟部能源科技研究發展計畫...執行報告. 104年度
出版年 (008/07-10) 2015
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.92; 8772-4
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b155894870

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$d) 「能源產業溫室氣體管理策略研析」計畫 /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司執行
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局],; 民103.12
面頁數尺寸 (300) 1冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
集叢名(490/$a) 經濟部科技研究發展專案...計畫執行報告. 103年度
出版年 (008/07-10) 2014
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.92; 8772-5
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b15617070x


來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$d)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、出版項 (264)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$d) 「能源產業溫室氣體減量管理能力建構」計畫 /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司執行
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局,; 民105.12]
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 2冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分
集叢名(490/$a) 經濟部能源科技研究發展105年度執行報告(定稿)
出版年 (008/07-10) 2016
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.92; 8772-6
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b163864706


來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$b)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、出版項 (264)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$b) 綠色港群環境永續報告書 =; 2014 Taiwan green ports environmental report /
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司, KPMG安侯永續發展顧問公司編輯
版本 (250)
出版項 (260) 高雄市 :; 臺灣港務,; 民103.12
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 50面 :; 彩圖 ;; 30公分
出版年 (008/07-10) 2014
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 557.52; 8774
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b16859870x

ISBN (020$a)
書名 (245$a$b) 能源部門溫室氣體管理法令因應及減量輔導與策略規劃.
編著者 (245$c) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司執行
版本 (250) 初版
出版項 (260) [臺北市 :; 經濟部能源局],; 民107.01
出版項 (264)
面頁數尺寸 (300) 2冊 :; 圖 ;; 30公分 +; 1張光碟片
出版年 (008/07-10) 2018
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.92; 8772-7
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b16855589x


來源 : 經濟部中小企業處-經濟部中小企業處_補捐助團體及個人情形統計表
欄位 : 項次、補(捐)助機關、受補(捐)助對象所歸屬之直轄市或縣(市)、受補(捐)助對象、補(捐)助事項或用途、核准日期、補(捐)助金額(單位:元) (含累積金額)、備註

項次 96
補(捐)助機關 經濟部中小企業處
受補(捐)助對象所歸屬之直轄市或縣(市) 臺北市
受補(捐)助對象 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
補(捐)助事項或用途 引領中小微型企業數位轉型戰略攻頂計畫 (補助企業)
核准日期 110/07/05
補(捐)助金額(單位:元) (含累積金額) 30,000


提供全國資訊軟體服務(I30101, I301010, F501990, I301310)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資訊軟體服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 27718879
公司名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段280號8樓
實收資本額 30000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:37:10.147


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-管理系統驗證業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 27718879
公司名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段280號8樓
實收資本額 30000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:30.037


來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-安衛單位(人員)備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號、登錄日期、事業單位名稱(工程名稱)、來文字號、來函日期、勞工安全衛生管理員人數、勞工安全管理師人數、勞工衛生管理師人數、甲種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數、乙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數、丙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數

登錄編號 27718879202007200001
登錄日期 1090724
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
來文字號 環科字第1090000325號
來函日期 1090723
勞工安全衛生管理員人數 1
勞工安全管理師人數 0
勞工衛生管理師人數 0
甲種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數 0
乙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數 0
丙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數 0


來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-安衛單位(人員)備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號;登錄日期;事業單位名稱(工程名稱);來文字號;來函日期;勞工安全衛生管理員人數;勞工安全管理師人數;勞工衛生管理師人數;甲種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數;乙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數;丙種勞工安全衛生業務主管人數



提供全國資料處理服務(I30102, I301020, I301021, I301220)公司登記資料。
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欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 27718879
公司名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段280號8樓
實收資本額 30000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:39:04.88


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記資料處理服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址

統一編號 27718879
公司名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段280號8樓


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來源 : 經濟部工業局-技術服務能量登錄合格機構名單
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項次 731
登錄服務項目 SD-4
廠商名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
證書號碼 112-SD-4-27718879-0329
登錄效期 20250601
廠商統一編號 27718879
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項次 732
登錄服務項目 SD-5
廠商名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
證書號碼 112-SD-5-27718879-0330
登錄效期 20250601
廠商統一編號 27718879
登錄項目明細 SD502企業永續資訊揭露及策略規劃服務|SD504企業永續評比服務

項次 730
登錄服務項目 SD-1
廠商名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
證書號碼 112-SD-1-27718879-0328
登錄效期 20250601
廠商統一編號 27718879
登錄項目明細 SD102國際環保指令推廣服務|SD103環境技術服務


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記電子資訊供應服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址

統一編號 27718879
公司名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市大安區忠孝東路4段280號8樓


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_InternationalIssues
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "The project of source reduction and improvement of industrial wastewater pollutants including ammonia-nitrogen for river water"
eng_Subject "The project aimed to assist EPA to review the sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Action Programs (the Action Programs) and the municipal Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plans (the Implementation Plans), and reflect to the revision. The main task included the study of domestic and international climate change and greenhouse gas reduction policies, providing advanced suggestion for strategies and indexes of the Action Programs, recommending on the revision of the Implementation Plans. Pursuant to Article 9, 10, and 15 of the Act, the project reviewed and analyzed the implementation result of the Action Programs and the Implementation Plans, in order to produce performance reports. The reports intend to advice on the strategies and indexes which miss the targets. Moreover, the project objected to promote the public communication for the GHG reduction actions by (1)regularly updating the information on the e-platform, (2)supporting the propaganda of the implementation results of GHG reduction related programs and plans, and (3)improving reporting platform of the sectoral Action Programs."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210115

eng_title "Review & revision of GHG reduction and management measures"
eng_Subject "  The Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act), since the entry into force on July 1, 2015, have delegated the central and local competent authority to develop Action Plan, Action Program and implementation plan, engaged citizens in low-carbon community to promote reduction measures, companied by adaptation Action Program, to frame an entire strategy for responding the climate change with the aim of reducing emissions.   The exacerbation of the climate change in recent year results in the call of urgency to greenhouse gas emissions reduction around the world. Taiwan is now in the process of the amendment of the Act, reforming the existing emissions reduction and management regulation.   The project consists of three pivotal tasks: 1) Reforming the existing emissions reduction and management regulation; 2) Proposing greenhouse gas emission permit and dedicated personnel regulation; 3) Introducing the greenhouse gas emission reduction economic incentive mechanism and finalizing policy instruments. Results of the aforementioned tasks include: a) gathering information about foreign greenhouse gas emissions reduction policy and measure; b) drafting the amendment of the Act, analyzing regulatory impact and providing official statements c) drafting the regulation of the censorship of greenhouse gas emissions management plan and proposing the regulatory threshold; d) drafting the regulation of the management of greenhouse gas dedicated personnel and analyzing the benefit and feasibility; e) gathering information regarding the international carbon pricing mechanism; f) drafting regulation of greenhouse gas emissions management fee, and recommending the carbon pricing policy; g) drafting subsidiary regulations of cap-and-trade scheme. "
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210301

eng_title "Taiwan-Japan environmental protection exchange and cooperation"
eng_Subject "In order to strengthen the environmental protection cooperation between Taiwan and Japan, this project assisted in organizing the 9th Taiwan-Japan Environmental Conference. In addition to topics proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (EPAT), we also formulated topic issues by surveying the current key issues propagated by the two nations. The finalized agenda of this conference included the following four issues: Environmental Education, Climate Change Policies, Cross-boundary Air Quality Control, and Expedient Environmental Impact Assessment Process for Wind Turbine. During this event, Japan not only agreed to continue the exchange of the above-mentioned topics, but also committed to further its involvement in the Asia-Pacific Environmental Education Center. It was also preliminarily announced that the 10th Taiwan-Japan Environmental Conference would take place in the first half of 2022. Lastly, after reviewing both Taiwan and Japan’s past bilateral and multilateral environmental collaboration experiences, this project proposed a probable phased collaboration plan for the further development of the environmental exchange between Taiwan and Japan."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Office of Sustainable Development"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210601

eng_title "The promotion of GHG Reduction and Management Act and regulations’ revision project"
eng_Subject "The project aimed to assist EPA to review the GHG Reduction Action Plan, and reflect to the progress of GHG Reduction and Management Act (the Act). The main task included researching the progress of domestic and international greenhouse gas reduction and mitigation policies, investigating the implementation of greenhouse gas reduction management policies, and advising for the draft amendment to the Act. The goal of this project is to eliminate the institutional barrier, and provide EPA with the references to elaborate the progress of promoting GHG reduction actions.Pursuant to Article 9, 10, and 15 of the Act, the project analyzed the review of the National Climate Change Action Guidelines. Secondly, the project propose suggestions on the draft amendment to the Act and the revised proposal for the GHG Emission Control Action Programs. Thirdly, the project assisted in aggregating the execution results of the GHG Control Implementation Plans (the Plans). Furthermore, to submit the consolidation report and suggested improvements. As a final point, the project assisted EPA to review the revision of the Plans, which were proposed by the local government.Furthermore, the project objected to strengthen the public communication and promotions for the Act and the relevant policies and regulations. The project carried out the public communication work by (1)updating the information on the e-platform regularly, (2)building the English version website, (3)analyzing public communication methods from the international experience and provided recommendations, (4)informing the international institutions which have introduced Taiwan’s GHG reduction regulations with the updated information, and (5)publishing the compiling booklet."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191231

eng_title "The Establish cap-and-trade program of greenhouse gas and Regulations"
eng_Subject " With the delegation of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) which promulgated on July 1, 2015, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has since finalized the accounting, verification and registration system of greenhouse gas emissions. This article, along with Article 20 and 21, form the legal basis for further development on allocation, offset, auctioning, sale and trading. This project accordingly assists EPA in the establishment of and the improvement in all of these functions for the purpose of finalizing cap-and-trade system.The project consists of three pivotal tasks: 1) improving the emissions reduction measures of the 3rd chapter of the Act; 2) Reviewing and amending Regulations pertaining to cap-and-trade scheme; 3) Exchanging the best practices with other countries and obtaining international information. Results of the aforementioned tasks include: a) Developing cap setting methodology and plausible scenario; b) Developing benchmark methodologies and quantifying the results of allocation; c) Recommending feasible regulatory measures; d) drafting subsidiary regulations of cap-and-trade scheme; e) Arranging subsidiary measures of registry and emissions trading; f) Obtaining the most updated information on implementation experiences and legalization process of cap-and-trade scheme worldwide; g) Exchanging best practices with German Emissions Trading Authority."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200520

eng_title "Promote municipal governments’ GHG Control Implementation Plans and the harmonize of relevant rules and regulations"
eng_Subject "This project is mainly based on the provisions of Articles 9, 10 and 15 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, to assist in establishing the management platform for the relevant programs for the greenhouse gas reduction, aggregating the implementation results of GHG Emission Control Action Programs of each sector regularly, and to submit the consolidation report and suggested improvements. In addition, the reference of the “GHG Control Implementation Plan” are formulated and revised to assist local governments in the development of implementation plans. And this project also elaborated the standard operating procedures of reviewing the implementation plans.The related work of this project also includes proposing the suggestions of greenhouse gas management legal policies and domestic greenhouse gas reduction cooperation mechanisms. Furthermore, in order to effectively disclose the policies and regulations of the regulations and programs related to greenhouse gas reduction, this project updated the information on the e-platform regularly. In order to strengthen the public communication of the greenhouse gas reduction management and to promote the progress of relevant policies and regulations, this project translated the “Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan” and the summary of “Sectoral GHG Emission Control Action Programs”, and printed related information and compilation books as well."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190306

eng_title "Establish GHG Reduction Action Plan and Analyze the mechanisms of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act"
eng_Subject " Referring to international and national climate change policies, plans and sectoral greenhouse gas reduction measures, this project composes Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan (draft) according to the National Climate Change Action Guideline, and proposes strategies and indicators for six major sectors, eight complementary policies and indicators. This project also provides the framework and revising advices for Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emission Control Action Program. By collecting relevant regulations and measures on central government and local government of European Union and Japan etc., analyzing the regulations, Self-Government Ordinance and Self-Government regulations relevant to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) of central government and local government, proposes the revising advises of the Act for Environmental Protection Agency, and drafts energy-use side to reduce GHGs by using economic incentives of carbon pricing, and also enhances regulatory tools of the Act. In order to effectively disclose the policies and regulations of the Act, the project translates the information of international greenhouse gas reduction regulations, measures and collects the timely domestic information of greenhouse gas emission policies and regulations of relevant sectors, to compose monthly e-journal and English seasonal publication, and also makes corresponding updates on the e-platform."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

eng_title "Emitters Account Management of GHG MRV and Cap-and-Trade"
eng_Subject "Environmental Protection Administration of the Republic of China (EPA) has implemented the bottom-up greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and registration (GHG reporting) as well as independent verification since 2004. Two relevant missions are given to this project. One is to assist EPA’s administrative tasks in accordance with the Article 16 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, following by the previous EPA’s experiences and achievements. The other is to analyze international practices and compare to our domestic circumstances for further suggestions. Through this project, 2015 and 2016 bottom-up GHG emission status and last 3-year emission trends had been analyzed. 2015 results had been compiled into 2015 annual report. More detailed analysis had been accomplished by cross-checking 2015 reported emissions from specific process among the top 10 sectors. Meanwhile, this project also had completed 147 document reviews and 46 on-site inspections for emission sources and accreditation and verification bodies under the annual administration duty of EPA. In addition, this project had updated guidelines, frequently asked questions, work sheets, training materials and GHG Registry as well as edited 4 volumes of digital GHG newspapers and translated 3 regulations in terms of GHG reporting and independent verification into English. Last but not least, in consideration of our domestic circumstances, correspondent with the implementation of cap-and-trade and/or other reduction incentive programs in advance and based on the feedback from 5 international case studies respectively with their cap-and-trade systems, this project had provided further suggestions in regards to regularly optimizing and adjusting emission accounting scheme and independent verification management scheme as well as extended direction for the mandatory GHG reporting."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation & Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "Promoting Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Local Government"
eng_Subject "Cities are on the front lines of climate change impacts. One possible solution to address the impacts is to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). An inventory is usually the first step taken by cities that want to mitigate their GHG emissions. City inventories are essential for identifying major emission sources, tracking emission trends, building mitigation strategies, and assessing progress. In 2011, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has created a protocol called Guideline for Taiwanese City-Scale GHG Inventories, offering guidance and ensuring consistency for city-wide GHG accounting. Furthermore, the Taiwan EPA launched a voluntary reporting platform in 2012 called City-Scale Carbon Disclosure and Registry, providing public access for cities to disclose their GHG emissions. This year we reviewed recent development of global city networks and updates of city GHG inventory methodology, employing these research outcomes to improve the current city GHG inventory mechanism and management practice in Taiwan. Specifically, we completed 2012-2014 city-scale GHG inventories for all 22 cities/ counties in Taiwan this year, assessing emission trends and possible factors affecting emissions. Taiwan’s per capita emissions average about 12 metric tons of CO2e. Yunlin emit more than double the country average per person (>25 MtCO2e), while Kinmen’s per capita emissions are only one-fourth of the country average (<3 MtCO2e). Despite Taiwan’s total electricity use has been increasing, the growth in industrial electricity use for the majority of cities/counties has been slowing during 2012-2014. Furthermore, we developed insights on the content and framework of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act, passed in June 2014, and pointed out its possible concurrences with GHG management at both central and local government levels. This year we evaluated socioeconomic factors affecting emissions, constructed a regression model for simulating and predicting city emissions, and completed emission predictions for Taipei City and Kaohsiung City through 2030. Also, we proposed a city-level climate change disclosure criteria, and compared and ranked climate efforts disclosed by four selected cities using the proposed criteria. Furthermore, we provided maintenance and kept enhancing functions of the City-Scale Carbon Disclosure and Registry Platform.Another solution to fight climate change is adaptation efforts in cities. In 2012, the National Development Council (NDC) developed a guideline called Guide to Climate Change Adaptation in Cities, helping cities carry out routine implementations. A total of 21 cities/counties have completed at least one adaptation plan during 2012-2014. While the NDC guideline provides high-level principles on how to develop a city-scale adaptation plan, it does not address specific materials, methodologies, and tools for each step of the adaptation planning. To address this limitation, this year we employed the TaiCCAT (Taiwan integrated research program on climate change adaptation technology) six-steps, developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, to assist New Taipei City in implementing rolling wave planning, including problems and objectives identification, current and future risk assessment, adaptation option assessment, adaptation pathway planning, as well as monitoring and modification. Two health- and one water resource-related problems were identified. In response, we proposed seven and four strengthen strategies for the identified health and water resource problems, respectively. The strategies were prioritized by multi-criteria analysis to formulate adaptation pathways. Accordingly, we suggested in the short run (2016-2021) New Taipei City adopt early-warning system for health risks and rainwater catchment systems for residential ..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "The plan of greenhouse gas reduction and international conference promoting in 2016"
eng_Subject " The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required for the final report. The 6 major work items and their progress are reported as follows: (1) Collection of greenhouse gas reduction strategies in foreign cities (has completed 2 case studies) for future planning reference; (2) Processing for subsidy to community energy saving lightings renovation(has completed review for 110 community applications), processing for subsidy to school carbon reduction and energy saving facilities renovation(has completed review for 24 school applications), processing for low carbon community evaluation and certification(has assisted 10 communities to participate) ;(3) conduct auditing according to Taichung City Self-Management Plans and Autonomous Regulations (has completed 5 cases); Assist in proposal for calculation method of the city''s tree planting carbon sequestration; Collection of relevant reports of carbon sequestration (has completed 3 case); Handling expert consultation sessions about tree planting carbon sequestration (has completed 2 session); Conduct the field investigation into city tree planting (has completed 10 cases) (4) Review of mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting data from industry as required by EPA law ; Conduct on-site auditing to confirm on reported data(has completed 69 companies), estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for top 200 companies to control the emission status; (5) Complete the investigation of greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the city government(has completed 3 cases). Inventory results will be certified by the third-party inspection institution ; (6) Processing for subsidy to carbon reduction and energy saving facilities renovation according to EPA performance evaluation, application for EPA Carbon Reduction Action Award, sponsored 10 sessions of carbon reduction promotional activities, and monthly update the progress of EPA Green Net. All of the above completed work items would help to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "Establish and Analysis the regulations and mechanisms of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act"
eng_Subject "Referring to action plans or sectoral greenhouse gas reduction measures of United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea and China, this project composes the National Climate Change Action Guideline(draft) in Mandarin and English as well as Greenhouse Gas Reduction Action Plan(draft). By collecting relevant regulations on carbon pricing of European Union, South Korea, State of California and China, this project also proposed three subsidiary regulations to Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) regarding greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program.In order to provide timely information regarding regulations of greenhouse gas management to business entities and the general public, this project not only collects the progress of both domestic and international climate policy and makes corresponding updates on the information platform, but also composes monthly e-journal and English seasonal publication to strengthen the level of exposure of relevant policies.With regards to international cooperation, this project conducts the follow-up corporation with ICF Consulting Services to obtain the first-hand international data related to this project as well as the implementation experiences they obtained via their pervious cooperation with other nations. This project also assigns specialists to attend pivotal international meetings to collect the most updated information on international climate negotiation and the implementation experience of Korean Emission Trading Scheme."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Office of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "The Promotion of Taichung Low Carbon Community Project"
eng_Subject "The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required for the final report. The 6 major work items and their progress are reported as follows: (1) Collection of greenhouse gas reduction strategies in foreign cities (has completed 2 case studies) for future planning reference; (2) Processing for subsidy to community energy saving lightings renovation(has completed review for 255 community applications), processing for low carbon community evaluation and certification(has assisted 19 communities to participate), follow-up of subsidized communities in past years(has completed the follow-up of 50 communities); (3) Proposal for suggested strategies and revisions to “Taichung City Carbon Offset Regulations (draft)”and “Taichung City Government Self-Management Plans Review Committee Organization Protocol (draft)”; (4) Review of mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting data from industry as required by EPA law(has completed review for 6 periodical reporting), on-site auditing of 49 companies to confirm on reported data, estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for top 300 companies to control the emission status; (5) Complete the investigation of greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the city government, and provide consultation to 2018 Floral Exposition on carbon neutral and sustainability management; (6) In compliance to EPA requirement by internal auditing of energy saving program implemented by 50 city government offices, sponsored 6 sessions of carbon reduction promotional activities, and achieved the conduction of carbon neutral meetings. All of the above completed work items would help to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160401

eng_title " A Project of Enhance greenhouse gas accredited, validation and verification of management system in"
eng_Subject "While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represents the accumulation of work ranging from the continual policy development of domestic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accreditation bodies(AB) and validation/verification bodies (V/VBs) management. Thus far, the project has successfully delivered the following outcomes. (1) The project has conducted research on international GHG V/VBs management schemes and has built the foundation of multilateral recognition agreement. The Project has conducted research on international industrial GHG accounting and reporting as well as the benefits from mandatory continuous emission monitoring system. The project has also evaluated the necessity of requiring industries reporting the import and export information. (2) The Project has set up procedures and manuals for AB and V/VBs qualification review and regular/irregular inspection as well as created GHG validation and verification guideline with more detailed requirements for V/VBs. This year, the Project completed 1 AB qualification review, 39 V/VBs qualification reviews and 20 V/VBs permitting. In addition, the Project has completed 8 AB and V/VBs inspection cases as well as performance assessment by established steering committee with 7 experienced experts. Moreover, the Project has updated and teaching materials for validators and verifiers education. (3) The Project has connected the every internal subsystem under the GHG Registry and external air pollutant control system. Besides, the Project has applied Geographical Information System to make spatial data visualization in the GHG Registry for GHG reporting and management."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Office of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150701


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_廢棄物管理
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "事業廢棄物輸出入管理及國際趨勢因應調整計畫"
Chi_Subject "近年來國際廢棄物越境轉移具有加嚴趨勢,如(1)巴塞爾公約廢塑膠修正案正式生效,而歐盟、日本等廢塑膠出口國調整廢塑膠越境轉移規定;(2)中國大陸自2017年宣布禁廢令以來,於2021年起全面禁止廢棄物輸入且頒布多項再生資源國家標準;(3)南韓持續滾動式修正廢棄物越境轉移規定,並提出2021年至2025年之廢棄物禁止輸入期程等。 本計畫借鏡國外管理經驗,完成蒐集巴塞爾公約、歐盟、日本、韓國及東南亞國家之制度調整情形,並研析各國特色作法作為國內參考建議,藉此預作我國管理政策因應之規劃;透過6場次線上訪查,藉此瞭解國內廢金屬渣類之產業用料輸入運用情形,並參酌實務需求與4場次廢棄物輸出入管理專家諮詢會,研提整體廢棄物輸出入管理建議;另藉由3場次廢棄物輸出入法規說明會及環保署巴塞爾公約中英文宣導網站向輸出入者、報關行及環保單位,進行法規宣導,以提升遵法度,並協助辦理有害事業廢棄物輸出(入)案件審查作業。"
proj_year 110
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

chi_title "110年推動塑膠資源循環經濟模式專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "我國塑膠產業發達,回收與再利用推動行之有年,然為因應國際管理趨勢與減少塑膠廢棄與污染問題,機關持續辦理「推動塑膠資源循環經濟模式專案工作計畫」促進我國循環經濟發展與產業轉型。計畫執行期間,參依國際塑膠管理推動措施,檢討與規劃我國塑膠循環經濟推動計畫與策略藍圖,以綠色設計、源頭減量、加強回收、循環再生四大面向訂定重點策略,預計於2030年達到CO2 減排400萬噸、一次性塑膠包裝使用量減少50%、可回收塑膠包裝70%回收、塑膠包裝中再生成分比例至少35%之目標。另調查國內外塑膠原生料與再生料價格趨勢,以配合相關措施推動參考。 為有效管理塑膠資源使用、回收與循環再生情形,本計畫訂定優先應關注項目,以系統性做法評估使用現況並提出推動做法,研提分階再利用管理做法提供產業鏈參考帶動綠色生產。另研擬再生料品質驗證/再生產品查驗機制,並辦理2場次查驗作業試行適用性與完整性,用以確認再生料品質與摻配真實性給予使用端信心。 除推動既有資源循環模式持續運作,為擴大推動範圍,本計畫輔導塑膠與紡織產業導向循環經濟,以零售業塑膠包裝減量與回收計畫與輔導作業、塑膠包裝材區域回收體系、完善消費後聚酯紡織品資源回收體系為推動主軸,協助產業自願性跨域合作建立協議模式突破轉型障礙。本年度已完成2家零售業示範業者之輔導作業、促成高科技產業評估塑膠資源循環模式,以及紡織產業串聯回收再利用之創新做法。另追蹤既有產業聯繫平台辦理成效並持續推動。 依計畫執行成果,建議評估與建立再生料及再生產品之相關管理規範提升使用驅動力;持續盤點掌握國內塑膠資源生產、回收與再利用等基線資料,追蹤策略執行成效;輔導上游產業採取減量或易循環設計之做法減少使用;優先採取分階段做法推動產業使用再生料,未來機制完備後再以法令強制管理;整合跨領域資源協助塑膠與紡織產業依屬性與需求規劃適用做法建立循環模式。期透過計畫執行與推動逐步建全我國塑膠資源管理措施之完整性與適用性,協助機關掌握國內外趨勢及現況,精進與完善未來政策規劃與管理執行方向,達成塑膠資源循環之目標。"
proj_year 110
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

chi_title "109年及110年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫(第2年)"
Chi_Subject "為強化與落實各項事業廢棄物管理工作,以協助各地方環保機關加強清理流向勾稽作業,督促指定事業維持事業廢棄物清理計畫書(以下簡稱廢清書)及清理申報流向申報資訊正確性與合法性,機關規劃辦理「109年及110年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫(第2年)」,透過培訓16位具有相關專業之專任人員協助地方環保機關(除直轄市、金門縣、連江縣及澎湖縣外),提升事業廢棄物流向勾稽管制作業能力,以回饋基線資料庫進行統計分析等決策支援,進而強化產源責任之落實。 計畫執行期間,為確保其填報及審查品質,作為後續流向勾稽作業比對基線與決策支援應用,透過廢清書檢視及現況訪查作業,達到落實依法審查及列管事業應依審核廢清書營運之宣導,以適時匡正相關管理基線資料;配合督考及提升地方環保機關事業廢棄物上網申報率、廢清書檢具送審率及通過率;同時協助制訂「110年事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽計畫」及「事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽作業手冊」,督促地方環保機關執行轄區內事業廢棄物流向管制工作;研析重大或媒體揭露之廢棄物棄置案件,並滾動式檢修現行勾稽報表之管理工具與應用各污染源子系統介接功能,判別應列管未列管事業建立橫向比對模式,及試行整廠流向管理勾稽模式,以達嚇阻措施供地方環保關執行查核前標的確認輔助。 本計畫透過前述檢討與輔導提升作業,以健全事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關對網路申報事業廢棄物流向之相關資料進行勾稽、比對、篩選、統計、稽查及流向追蹤管制。 "
proj_year 110
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220101

chi_title "建置產源廢棄物基線資料自主查核功能及推動廢清書導入循環利用機制專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為達到優化廢清書格式與簡化審查程序、掌握物質流向與推廣循環利用、提升事業協力自主管理效果之目的,透過本計畫「廢清書平台整合」、「資源循環推廣」、「輔助工具運用」、「管理與行政決策支援」等四大面相,將各項事業廢棄物許可或登記證量能資訊整合於廢清書基線、優化廢清書整合管理及格式,並透過現場訪查研析與歸納特定廢棄物或資源物納入循環利用範例,協助廢清書審核機關審核與事業填報有所依循,同時於審核端規劃提升適法性管理工具及事業廢棄物申報資料加值運用;於事業端則強化對產源自身、對廢棄物收受對象之自主管理功能,以達成上下協力管理效果,並配合廢清書有效期限及環保許可整合作業,規劃系統檢核與送件審查管理機制相關管理機制配套,以供審核機關提前因應。"
proj_year 110
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

chi_title "國際廢棄物越境管理因應調整計畫"
Chi_Subject "配合國際資訊蒐集,本計畫追蹤中國大陸禁廢方案後續管理措施變化,及歐盟、日本、韓國及東南亞國家之廢棄物管理制度與近期因應調整情形,考量我國輸出入管理與國際管理趨勢一致,建議先維持現況,但於輸出入許可量審核及海關稅則連結性等議題,仍需關注各國運作情形,以利持續滾動式修正相關管理規定。 研析廢紙、廢塑膠修法後輸入調整情形,修法後兩者總進口量均下降且輸入者轉為工廠為主;另於產業用料輸入業者及產業輸入後運用模式,參酌國際資訊、國內業者訪查情形及實務運作,分別提出三項精進作為(1)維持現狀管理、增設對應稅則以進口報單追蹤、(2)風險分級管理、(3)不合時宜或造成環境污染者宜回歸許可管理;後續可視運作情形進行滾動式修正。 今年巴塞爾公約因新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情影響,調整為2020年9月1日、3日召開線上會議,本計畫已派員完成參與。研析建議包含:因應2021年起巴塞爾公約廢塑膠制度調整生效,美國ISRI及日本皆調整其回收與規範標準;另於電子廢棄物除巴塞爾公約及世界海關組織新增貨品號列8549外,泰國亦禁止輸入428種電子廢棄物,考量我國禁止輸入有害事業廢棄物,已符合國際管理趨勢,建議配合檢視貨品稅則號列與世界海關組織之對應性,並持續關注電子廢棄物調整方向。 有關維護環保署巴塞爾公約中英文宣導網頁部分,已更新調整「Q&A」版面、每月配合檢核網站資訊安全項目,完成「廢棄物輸出入管制判定參考手冊(熱塑型廢塑膠及廢紙)」英文版;並協助辦理34件有害事業廢棄物輸出案件相關審查作業。"
proj_year 109
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210201

chi_title "強化事業廢棄物清理計畫書填報審查管理機制暨輔助工具建置計畫"
Chi_Subject "現行環保機關對事業廢棄物之流向管理措施,除事業廢棄物清理計畫書外,尚包括產出、貯存及聯單申報等。此外,列管事業亦因其取得如事業廢棄物再利用許可、應回收處理業之登記證或處理許可等,致其在產製過程中,有收受事業廢棄物處置之情形,事涉其營運規模及處理量能,且上述資訊雖有其他資訊系統可協助查詢,但資訊零散易致徒增廢清書審核機關審核成本,或轉嫁於事業檢附相關文件影本與騎縫用印,徒增雙方困擾。爰此,透過本計畫執行「整合」核心概念,將各項事業廢棄物許可或登記證量能資訊整合於廢清書基線,並優化廢清書整合管理及格式,以廢清書作為管理資訊整合平台,強化廢清書審查端對事業管理線上審查機制與系統功能開發、事業端自主管理線上功能擴增,逐步健全線上輔助工具。同時透過研析特定廢棄物或資源物納入循環利用範例,提供廢清書審核機關審核與事業填報有所依循,以期達到循環利用之效。"
proj_year 109
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210110

chi_title "109年及110年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "為強化與落實各項事業廢棄物管理工作,以協助各地方環保機關加強清理流向勾稽作業,督促指定事業維持事業廢棄物清理計畫書(以下簡稱廢清書)及清理申報流向申報資訊正確性與合法性,透過本計畫配置具相關專業之專任人員協助地方環保機關(除直轄市、金門縣、連江縣及澎湖縣外),提升事業廢棄物流向勾稽管制作業能力,以回饋基線資料庫進行統計分析等決策支援,進而強化產源責任之落實。 計畫執行期間,為確保其填報及審查品質,作為後續流向勾稽作業比對基線與決策支援應用,透過廢清書檢視及現況訪查作業,達到落實依法審查及列管事業應依審核通過之廢清書營運之宣導,以適時匡正相關管理基線資料;並藉由專任人力協助提升廢清書送審率、通過率及上網申報率,同時協助制訂「109年事業廢棄物清理流向勾稽計畫」,督促地方環保機關執行轄區內事業廢棄物流向管制工作;研析重大或媒體揭露之廢棄物棄置案件,並滾動式檢修現行勾稽報表之管理工具與應用各污染源子系統介接功能,判別應列管未列管事業建立橫向比對模式,及試行整廠流向管理勾稽模式,供地方環保關執行查核前輔助確認標的,以達嚇阻效益。 本計畫經前述檢討與輔導提升作業,以健全事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關對網路申報事業廢棄物流向之相關資料進行勾稽、比對、篩選、統計、稽查及流向追蹤管制。 "
proj_year 109
org_name "環境督察總隊"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210101

chi_title "推動塑膠資源循環經濟模式專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "我國塑膠產業發達,為因應國際管理趨勢、減少塑膠廢棄物,機關持續規劃辦理「推動塑膠資源循環經濟模式專案工作計畫」。計畫執行期間,提出我國塑膠循環經濟推動計畫與策略藍圖,以綠色生產及設計、消費型態改變及市場創造、資源回收再利用、二次料再生循環四大面向,訂定重點策略,預計於2040年達到CO2 減排500萬噸、一次性塑膠包裝使用量減少50%、可回收塑膠包裝100%回收、塑膠包裝中再生成分比例至少35%之目標;為掌握國內塑膠資源循環推動潛能,分析整體塑膠資源質量及流向現況,我國一年投入塑膠資源約為1,273萬噸,以出口為主要流向,另循環利用率約為9.09%。估計推動塑膠循環之環境效益於2040年可達46.12億元;經濟影響部分,則約可帶動16.19億元產值,創造6.85億元之GDP,帶動綠色就業240人次。為落實我國塑膠循環經濟模式,本計畫規劃綠色協議與現場訪視,籌組塑膠包裝膜與塑膠容器循環經濟聯盟。另針對食品容器添加二次料及塑膠二次料驗證制度蒐集國內外作法,做為國內制定相關標準之參考。依計畫執行成果,建議持續檢討法規,強化生產者延伸責任,引導改變消費型態及創造市場;訂定關注項目及其管理措施,持續精進基線資料建置,同時加強宣導。期透過前述研析與推動作業,逐步建全我國塑膠資源循環經濟模式之完整與適用性,協助機關掌握國內外趨勢現況,以利規劃及擬定未來管理政策方向。"
proj_year 108
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200131

chi_title "事業廢棄物申報分級管理規劃及查核效能提升計畫"
Chi_Subject "現今指定公告列管事業達4萬餘家,所檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書及清理流向申報資料甚為龐大繁瑣,且事業具不同行業屬性、規模、產出廢棄物種類及數量也有所不同,卻仍以一樣的管理強度與申報機制進行管理,恐造成環保機關龐大人力負荷,亦造成產業之困擾。爰此,透過本計畫研析,依行業別特性、廢棄物有害性質、單一事業達一定廢棄物產生量等條件,區分「第一類強化產源自主管理」、「第二類維持現行管理」及「第三類政府監督重點式管理」等三類管理策略,對於第一類管理策略,除既有政府監督外,開發產業自主管理檢視勾稽模組等輔助工具,輔以培力訓練,以利優先提供此群組之事業廢棄物清理流向管理,加強產源企業責任之體現;另對部分廢棄物產生性質或製造程序(營運型態)相對單純之事業,可優先適用第三類管理策略,包括考量改以重點廢棄物流向管理,以宣導事業委託清理之相當注意義務認定準則為主軸,如此可透過融合企業與公部門之合作機制,共同監督事業廢棄物妥善處置,並減輕環保單位人力與管理上之負擔。"
proj_year 108
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200201

chi_title "107年及108年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫(第2年)"
Chi_Subject "因應機關於106年至107年陸續公告事業廢棄物清理計畫書(以下簡稱廢清書)及事業廢棄物流向申報相關規範修正,以落實各項事業廢棄物管理工作,協助地方環保機關加強法令宣導,督促所列管事業維持廢清書及清理申報流向資訊正確性與合法性,故辦理本計畫。計畫執行期間透過具有相關專業經驗之人員,如統籌人員協助辦理申報資料勾稽作業及廢清書現場訪視等作業,並將機關各項管理措施規劃中央與地方分工及推動成果統計等;並藉由專任人力協助各地方環保機關(除直轄市、金門縣及連江縣外)辦理輔導作業,以提升廢清書送審率、通過率及上網申報率等量化標的,進而強化產源責任之落實。另為確保廢清書填報及審查品質,以作為後續流向勾稽應用,透過廢清書檢視及現況訪查作業,完善廢清書完整性與合理性,並將疑似異常移請各地方環保機關再行確認及輔導修正,適時匡正相關管理基線資料;同時提升縣市(除直轄市、金門縣及連江縣外)事業廢棄物上網申報率達97%以上、事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢具送審率達97%以上及審查通過率達95%以上。期透過檢討與輔導提升作業,以健全事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關對網路申報事業廢棄物流向之相關資料進行勾稽、比對、篩選、統計、稽查及流向追蹤管制。"
proj_year 108
org_name "環境督察總隊"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200201

chi_title "廢棄物越境管理及國際政策調整因應計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行成果說明如下:(一)配合國際廢棄物管理趨勢與國內實際運用情形,研擬廢棄物輸出入管理法規修正建議;持續關注廢紙、廢塑膠強化管理後之變化,並透過訪查及電訪中國大陸第三批禁廢令對應產業用料種類之廢木材、廢鋼及廢單一金屬(鎢、鎂、鈦)主要輸入者,了解實際運用情形,研提後續管理建議。並辦理五場次專家座談會及三場次法規宣導說明會,以提升利害關係人之參與。(二)研析廢清法第38條修正後,有害廢棄物僅限輸往OECD國家之影響,發現有害事業廢棄物(E類)轉為國內處理,再利用率有所提升。另協助環保署辦理有害事業廢棄物輸出(入)案件相關審查作業。(三)蒐集評析中國大陸禁廢令進展,並研析東南亞各國之調整管制要件及增設限制資格等因應作為,以研提國內管理建議。(四)完成108年5月兩人參與巴塞爾公約第14次締約方大會。主要重點為強化廢塑膠管理,於2021年起僅乾淨且不具環境危害風險之廢塑膠可排除公約管轄範圍;同步蒐集研析電子廢棄物、廢塑膠管理方式、公約附件修正案、巴塞爾禁令修正案、與世界海關組織之合作等相關議題,以供國內後續管理參考。並維護更新巴塞爾公約中英文宣導網頁。"
proj_year 108
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200201

chi_title "事業廢棄物輸出入管理及 國際公約參與計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行成果說明如下:(一)配合廢棄物清理法第38條修正,研提事業廢棄物輸入輸出管理辦法修正草案,並於107年3月31日完成修正發布。全面檢視廢棄物清理法第38條、事業廢棄物輸入輸出管理辦法及廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點並提出修正建議。並協助107年3月31日、10月4日屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物公告修正發布。(二)完成蒐集研析巴塞爾公約、歐盟(含比利時)、OECD、日本、韓國及中國大陸之越境轉移政策法規,與我國管理方式之比對。並研提廢清法第38條限制有害廢棄物輸出接受國之影響;彙整中國大陸洋垃圾禁止進口方案推行措施並分析其對我國之影響;完成辦理五場次專家諮詢會。(三)完成107年8月31日至9月8日巴塞爾公約第11次開放式工作組會議(OEWG 11)三人次參與。蒐研廢舊電子電器廢棄物越境轉移技術準則─區隔廢棄物及非廢棄物、海洋塑膠垃圾及塑膠微粒、2020-2021年開放式工作組工作計畫等議題資訊,並交流廢塑膠及廢紙輸出入管理方式,以借鏡他國治理經驗,提供國內管理參考。另維護更新巴塞爾公約中英文宣導網頁資訊,以供各界參考。(四)透過「環保業務通關簽審單證比對系統」,彙整產業用料報關資料,完成產業用料種類及輸出入機構分析及流向追蹤。並於107年11月辦理三場次廢棄物輸出入法規宣導說明會,以利各界了解法規進展。(五)依據「廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點」規定,協助辦理有害事業廢棄物輸出(入)案件相關審查作業,並檢討申請輸出入許可程序及書件之合理性,提出建議。"
proj_year 107
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190125

chi_title "107年及108年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "行政院環保署辦理「107年及108年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),由派駐各縣市環保局(除直轄市、金門縣及連江縣外) 14位專案工程師,協助辦理輔導事業熟悉「廢棄物清理法」相關貯存、清除、處理(再利用)規範與申報義務,強化產源責任宣導並配合事業廢棄物流向管制工作。 本年度已協助完成「應檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書之事業」及「應以網路傳輸方式申報廢棄物之產出、貯存、清除、處理、再利用、輸出及輸入情形之事業」修正草案內容研修,機關於107年8月24日預告後,已於107年11月27日發布,另研修「事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查參考指引」,透過各縣市環保局審查通過廢清書檢視、審查現況訪查及至事業訪查其依核准事業廢棄物清理計畫書(簡稱廢清書)之營運情形等,以提升事業廢清書填報及審查品質之效能。於健全事業廢棄物申報資料,亦協助研訂「107年事業廢棄物清理查核及勾稽稽查工作計畫」與執行勾稽、訪查作業。 透過計畫推動已達成效益,包括:1.研析及檢討事業廢棄物管理機制,並研修相關管理公告及12冊「特定行業別事業廢棄物清理計畫書填報及審查參考作業手冊」與「事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查費收費標準」(修正草案)因應;2.透過訪查、勾稽作業等,健全事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料庫事業基本資料,以利各級環保機關進行勾稽、比對等流向追蹤管制所用,另計畫相關成果可提供機關管制策略實施成效評估基礎及提供法令修正研析量化參考資料;3.制訂「事業廢棄物清理查核及勾稽稽查計畫」及彙整各環保機關執行成果,完成辦理事業廢棄物申報流向追蹤勾稽作業。 "
proj_year 107
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190101

chi_title "107年推動限制性產品過度包裝專案工作計畫 "
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行期間自107年5月2日起至12月31日止,相關成果包括:(一)參考國際資訊研修「限制性產品過度包裝」(草案),彙整國際物流包裝減量措施,提出國內物流包裝減量管理建議;(二)修正「限制產品過度包裝檢驗收費標準」(草案)及協助相關法制作業,依「規費法」規範,試算結果由原700(新臺幣/件)建議調升為950(新臺幣/件),並辦理研商會議;(三)完成包裝檢驗及市場抽查合計404件(應完成400件),並辦理1場次限制性產品過度包裝減量宣導會;(四)配合相關行政作業,包含提出行政院環境保護署生活廢棄物質資源管理資訊系統(HWMS)限制產品過度包裝檢測資料建檔建議,及完成本計畫404件包裝檢驗及市場抽查資料建置。"
proj_year 107
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

chi_title "精進事業廢棄物清理計畫書制度提升循環經濟成效及強化流向追蹤專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫推動導入資源循環利用概念於事業廢棄物清理計畫書,並輔以GPS流向追蹤機制,期強化主管機關對事業之資源循環利用情形與事業廢棄物流向掌握程度外,更研擬提供產源開放第三方自主查詢清運車輛車行軌跡機制,以及蒐研評估其他車行軌跡管理工具之可行性,除能避免民眾對事業廢棄物遁入資源物質之疑慮,更可透過管理工具共享、引入管理新工具,強化產源事業責任制度。透過事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)資料盤點、資訊蒐集、現場訪視事業12場次及辦理北中南廢清書填報或審核訓練模擬會議共6場次等,建立造紙業、電子零組件製造業資源循環利用模式,以擬定廢清書填報、審核判定基準、廢清書審核機關績效評估方法,分別從事業與主管機關二端切入,共同健全廢清書基線資料與提升審查品質。同時藉由電話訪談、召開研商會議、蒐研國內外車行軌跡管理工具資訊等,評估事業廢棄物清運車輛GPS資訊公開及共享之可行性,以及系統開發提供展示與下載相關功能,以達到產源事業車輛軌跡自主監督機制,並蒐集物聯網技術或國內其他部會機關之車輛管理工具,評估應用於事業廢棄物清運流向追蹤之適用性。"
proj_year 107
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190801

chi_title "事業廢棄物輸入之流向追蹤及整體法規諮詢計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫分為落實事業廢棄物輸入後之流向追蹤、廢棄物輸出(入)管理法規諮詢、促進通關便捷化相關行政措施三部分:(一) 落實事業廢棄物輸入後之流向追蹤:訪查14家輸入處理機構,彙整資源化產品及衍生廢棄物流向,並分析其質量平衡及稼動率等處理情形;另透過「環保業務通關簽審單證比對系統」彙整產業用料輸出入情形,進行疑義案件分析,轉知環保署辦理後續追蹤事宜。(二) 廢棄物輸出(入)管理法規諮詢:配合廢清法第38條修正,協助修法期間之回應意見及研析說明;提出事業廢棄物輸入輸出管理辦法(草案)、廢棄物輸入輸出許可審查作業要點(草案)及屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物種類(草案);因應廢清法新增廢棄物定義,完成142件涉及廢棄物輸出入相關行政函釋逐項檢析;完成廢鋅渣、廢矽晶及廢鎂渣三項事業廢棄物XRF、XRD、全量分析、TCLP分析之採樣及分析。(三) 促進通關便捷化相關行政措施:製作「常見進(出)口廢棄物參考圖冊」,進行三區環境督察大隊針對海關通報疑義案件之彙整研析,並提出主要通關疑義應處方式及區辨之重點事項。"
proj_year 106
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "106年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "行政院環保署本(106)年度委託辦理「事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),培訓15位專案工程師派駐機關及各縣市環保局(除直轄市、金門縣及連江縣外),辦理輔導事業熟悉「廢棄物清理法」相關貯存、清除、處理(再利用)規範與申報義務,強化產源責任宣導並配合事業廢棄物管制工作。計畫執行期間,協助完成研訂「事業廢棄物清理計畫書審查管理辦法」、研修「特定行業別事業廢棄物清理計畫書填報及審查參考手冊」及”醫療院所及長期照護機構、養護機構”、”百貨公司、量販店、超級市場”及”旅館業”填報格式、評析導入技師簽證機制,並透過各縣市環保局審查通過廢清書檢視、審查現況訪查等,以提升事業廢棄物清理計畫書(以下簡稱廢清書)填報及審查品質。於健全事業廢棄物申報資料部分,則協助研訂「106年事業廢棄物清理查核及勾稽稽查工作計畫」及辦理勾稽、訪查作業,以提升清理流向申報率、廢清書送審及通過率,進而研析事業廢棄物資訊整合或揭露應用機制。透過計畫推動已達成效益,包括:1.培訓15位專業專職人員支援,提升各級環保機關辦理事業廢棄物申報流向勾稽管制作業能力;2.健全「事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統(IWR&MS)」資料庫事業基本資料之完整與正確性,以利各級環保機關進行勾稽、比對等流向追蹤管制;3.檢討廢清書填報格式項目內容,精進廢清書審查作業,以落實廢清書管理制度。計畫相關成果可提供機關管制策略實施成效評估基礎及提供法令修正研析量化參考資料。"
proj_year 106
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title " 105年度事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫 "
Chi_Subject " 行政院環保署105年度委託辦理「事業廢棄物申報流向管制工作及清理計畫書制度檢討專案計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),為促使業者依法進行貯存清理行為及申報要求,並落實事業廢棄物管制工作,由15位具執行經驗之專案工程師派駐各縣市(除直轄市、金門縣及連江縣外)環保單位,共同致力為事業廢棄物流向管理,與落實產源妥善清理及掌握出廠後事業廢棄物之流向。 計畫執行期間,藉由回顧過往重要的政策法規與管理歷程,研析檢討目前事業廢棄物產出清理狀況、管理制度及問題,進而規劃未來事業廢棄物管理策略,以健全事業廢棄物申報及管制資訊系統(IWR&MS)基本資料。同時配合研訂「事業廢棄物清理查核及勾稽稽查工作計畫」,移交稽查專案請縣市環保局加強查處,且定期與環保機關召開工作檢討會議。 在事業廢棄物管理制度,探討事業廢棄物清理計畫書之應用,評析目前其於管理所應強化之方法與相關標準;並配合完成檢視前一年度審查機關審核通過之案件,將應辦理變更或異動之事業,移交環保局督促所轄事業進行改善外,亦完成於事業廢棄物清理計畫書中,增加處理機構欄位、納入廢棄物指紋或圖譜之可行性研析等。透過應列管事業清查、現場訪查作業,事業廢棄物清理計畫書管理制度研析及勾稽作業等,更新、維護事業廢棄物申報及管理資訊系統資料庫,藉以提升資料庫之正確性,俾利管制政策研擬參考及我國事業廢棄物產量調查研究統計分析應用。"
proj_year 105
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "事業廢棄物輸入管理檢討計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫目的為強化輸入廢棄物管理制度以及促進廢棄物處理最適化,透過(1)歐盟、日本及中國大陸廢棄物輸入管理法規彙整研析,提出我國可於廢棄物輸入審查作業,增訂財務保證或責任保險擔保金額建議公式;(2) 104年至105年廢棄物輸入聯單與進口報單勾稽比對分析,瞭解事業廢棄物輸入流向,考量自動勾稽尚涉及資料庫界接等部分,建議後續進一步評估可行性後,再予建置;(3)產業用料種類增刪原則(草案)研擬,可提供產業用料新增或刪除依據;辦理產業用料業者座談會、專家座談會及業者訪查,以研擬「屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物種類」公告草案;另透過產業用料廢棄物代碼及貨品稅則號列,以逐步落實輸入管理;(4)檢視國外處理機構之處理流程及空污防制設備,以提出重力沉降室、旋風集塵器、袋式集塵機之設計、操作及維護之最適化空氣污染防制措施建議;(5)研析廢舊電子電器越境轉移技術準則,以強化輸出入管理。"
proj_year 105
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

chi_title "104年度健全事業廢棄物申報資料與流向管制工作專案計畫"
Chi_Subject " 本計畫年度執行成果包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共 16,612 家次(5,984 家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢核事業共計2,339家,共54家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達97.8%、通過率96.6%。 針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約26,042家,專案性勾稽部分共成立51個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合事業廢棄物清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成10大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查參考作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢視作業部分,已完成共計10,285家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。 本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基本資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。"
proj_year 104
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

chi_title "103年度健全事業廢棄物申報資料與流向管制工作專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫年度執行成果包括:輔導未上網申報及未檢具事業廢棄物清理計畫書送審之事業共8,478家次(4,552家)事業之清查工作,完成解除列管檢核事業共計7,700家,共138家變更解除列管條件。透過前述作業,本計畫執行期間上網申報率已達97%,而應檢具清理計畫書之送審率達98%、通過率97%。針對事業廢棄物流向追蹤勾稽部分,共計完成約28,549家,專案性勾稽部分共成立33個勾稽專案提報。爲了統合事業廢棄物清理計畫書之審查作業及提升填報品質,已完成10大類行業別(中類與細類)事業廢棄物清理計畫書參考例、「原物料、產品與廢棄物對應關聯表(含製造流程、單元)」及審查參考作業手冊。而在事業廢棄物清理計畫書檢視作業部分,已完成共計5,274家事業,並移交派駐人員後續追蹤輔導。本計畫推動成效可歸納為:1.有效提昇申報品質及有害事業廢棄物應報而未報之追蹤,並加強區域性之勾稽管理;2.健全事業廢棄物管制系統資料庫之基本資料之完整性及正確性;3.專業專職技術派駐人員,提高縣市環保單位業務執行能量。"
proj_year 103
org_name "廢管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources, open data and formulating a composition standards traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense stick"
eng_Subject "The program is divided into 3 parts : “Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources”, “Proposing a composition standards of traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense sticks and joss paper”, and “Developing a open data platform for stationary sources”. The contents of each part is described as follows: 1. Establishing the deliberation regulation of administrative management for stationary sources In recent years, all sectors have looked forward to dramatically improving air pollutants, and considered that command-and-control policy’s information should be published and stakeholder participated in deliberation. Air Pollution Control Act was amended on Aug. 1, 2018. In Article 24.(stationary sources permit review), Article 28.(fuel use permit), and Article 98.(stationary sources resume work or business), those articles mentioned that before competent authorities making administrative decisions shall post the information on a public website and provide opportunities to public to participate in deliberation, and give opinions. Therefore, the program referred and compared the review procedure for reviewing permit between domestic and international, and the controversial cases of structure in review and management in recent years. According to Air Pollution Control Act Article 97., the controversial cases of Southeast Cement Corporation, Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Taiwan''s (CPC) of the new third naphtha cracking plant and related information, the program formulated and modified “Rule of trial operation and evaluation from Stationary Sources”, and ”The Review Procedure of Administrative Management for Stationary Sources”. In addition, in order to address the revision of Air Pollution Control Act, those articles have required to implement open data to achieve the goal of supervision by public. The program collected and summarized the open data of pollutant emission permits at home and abroad, and referred to “The Freedom of Government Information Law”, “Trade Secrets Act”, “Personal Information Protection Act”, and “The Guideline for Categories, Scopes and Levels of Military Secrets and Defense Secrets”. The program accomplished “Management Regulations for Stationary Pollution Source of Opening Data and Reviewing Trade Secrets (Draft)”. 2. Proposing a composition standards of traditional sacrifice etiquette of burning incense sticks and joss paper In order to balance the needs of faith and environmental expectations, we will consider reducing the harmful components of incense sticks and joss paper. For the purpose of maintaining air quality and health status of populations in an area, the policy that encourage people burning less incense sticks and joss paper turn to encourage people burning high quality incense sticks and joss paper. Most of the incense sticks and joss paper conform to Chinese National Standards on the current market. However, compared with the standard for the limit of components, domestic products were laxer than foreign products. To improve health status of populations and air quality, we should tighten standards for Chinese National Standards. The program collected component analysis, component standards, control specification of incense sticks and joss paper, and review the literature. Collect 30 packs of incense sticks and joss paper on the market, and send them to inspection body for testing. The result shows that Taiwan''s Chinese National Standards is laxer than Chinese GuoBiao Standards. After the program compiling standard value, EPA will follow the process of national standards edition to propose modification of Chinese National Standards. 3. Developing a open data platform for stationary sources As requested by Air Pollution Control Act Article 35., inventoried contents that should be published and planned publicity period of two-year-two-stage..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190628

eng_title "The implementation of greenhouse gas emission registration and verification management project"
eng_Subject "The project is a continuation of the management of greenhouse gas emission registration and verification by third party since 2004 to 2016 implemented by the Environmental Protection Administration pursuant to Article 16 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act to consolidate the policy in such administrative management and implementation, including to provide consultation services to emission sources and local governments regarding the greenhouse gas emission registration related regulations; to periodically compile the report on the status of our national greenhouse gas emission registration; to cooperate with the needs for application of qualification and modification by verification organizations, to assist the review of application, and to assist the auditing management of verification organizations in their verification of emission sources to assure the correctness and completeness of registered emission data.The project also cooperated with the implementation of our national greenhouse gas related policy in the study of international information regarding emission registration in cap-and-trade system as well as the methodology adopted by verification organizations and their experiences in the application of the emission registration data to provide suggestion to reference. The project has studied the feasibility of including the revised version of 14064 and ISO 50001 into our system with feedback from previous years of experiences to bring out suggestions to simplify the supervision of verification organizations so as to increase the quality of emission data. According to the results found from the aforementioned study, the project has made suggestions for the management of emission registration and verification to the Environmental Protection Administration for future policy implementation."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190330

eng_title "Promoting the plan of Kao-Pin total quantity control and pollution reduction plan in non-attainment area"
eng_Subject "According to Air Pollution Control Act, there are two main strategies to regulate stationary sources in non-attainment area: designated reduction and total quantity control. The function of designated reduction in non-attainment area is to drive the rapid technological reduction of major stationary sources. In another hand, total quantity control aims to ensure the total emission quantity in this area would not increase. Thus, air quality can be improved rapidly through both methods. The Kao-Pin Total Quantity Control Plan had been revised in this project this year, meanwhile; refer to the US RECLAIM program implementation experience, the regional emission will reduce through the next phase of Kao-Pin Total Quantity Control Plan. Besides, the designated reduction guidelines for non-attainment area have been formulated, and the technical regulations have been built to control the large pollution emission from power, steel, and cement industries. Other industries may be regulated in different periods and the technical regulations will also be examined individually. The above two tasks, which were based on the pollution prevention technology, set the pollution reduction goals that the industry could achieve. Thus, the targets of the regulations for stationary emissions sources in non-attainment area are very clear right now. Conclusively, this program analyzed inspection of air pollution sources in 715 factories in these 11 years and formulated technical regulation of 25 kinds of manufacture processes and the principle of pollutant reduction, and revision of 6 regulations."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190413

eng_title "Project for the Improvement of Emergency Actions on Preventing Air Quality Deterioration and the Review of Air Quality Standards"
eng_Subject "In response to the problem of seasonal air quality deterioration, this project established reporting system for authorities and related organizations to report their emergency response in accordance with the Emergency Management of Preventing Air Quality Deterioration Regulation and administrative demands. Information platform was also established to assemble data and information relating to emergency response, including real-time air quality information, air quality forecast, data of continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) and electric power generation in order to provide integrated information access for competent authorities to implement emergency control measurements. In accordance with the Suspended Particles Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, this project has amended 3 related administrative directions and 4 related regulations, and has drawn up guidelines for local authorities to plan their regulating projects. Besides solving the seasonal air quality deterioration problems, air quality standards are goals for sketching the air pollution improvement strategies. Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines (AQG) and the trend of international air quality standards, this project gave suggestion on amending air quality standards on the basis of Taiwan’s monitoring data, feasible technologies, and practical situations of Taiwan air quality. The content of this proposal draft included: strengthening the standard on pollutants that have met the current regulations, including PM10, SO2, NO2 and lead. In addition, following the goal of New Southbound Policy and scientific research plans, this project has thrown 1 international conference of air quality management policy, 2 academic conferences and 3 scientific research wrap-up presentation conferences, and has visited governments or research institution of 3 Asian countries. Also, this project has examined the revision of air quality improvement and sustainment website according to the requirements under the rules of “2018 operating performance of government websites”."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190601

eng_title "Project for the Review of Permit from Stationary Source of Pollution, Inspection of Management System and Improvement Program of Quality Performance Implementation from Audit Authority"
eng_Subject "The goals of this project are to strengthen and put the management of stationary sources into practice through pragmatic review of related management systems and rules as well as be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan. Thus, this project divided into 5 major parts in accordance with the emission control strategies planned by Taiwan Clean Air Act. The 5 parts are 1) researched the strategy management of decreasing air pollution and increasing energy efficiency of stationary source, 2) continuous reviewed the permitting management system of stationary source of pollution, 3) supervised local organization to effectively implement permit management of stationary sources and improve review quality of review authorities, 4) reviewed and revised periodic testing management of stationary source, 5) added and expand information system management of stationary source and enhance controlled data quality.To be in concert with Clean Air Action Plan, this project analyzed the fuel use and numbers of stationary source based on the data of air pollution fee at 2015. There were 20,323 stationary sources in Taiwan. The fuel types that stationary source used was oil in 53%, gas in 39%, coal only in 3%, solid waste in 1.9%, liquid and gas waste in 3.5%. Boilers were the most stationary sources and represented 76.2% of total stationary source; however, the 14,988 boilers did not be regulated by any specific emission standards. Therefore, this project promoted the administrative regulation and economic incentives management of commercial and institutional boilers. This project made air pollutants emission standards for boiler including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. As well as, this project released boiler governing subsidies regulation to promote 163 old oil boilers to be modified or replaced to cleaner heating equipment. The emission reduction by the boiler governing subsidies regulation was estimated 85.29 tons/year in sulfur dioxide, 53.22 tons/year in nitrogen oxides and 11.3 tons/year in particulate matter. Otherwise, this project researches the management strategy for optimizing high energy consumption industries in other countries and analyzed the emission condition of boilers in Taiwan. The result of boiler emission condition showed positive trend between the pollutants emission heat-input-based and the years of use of boiler. Thus, this project made extension rule of stationary source permit to strengthen elimination of old boiler.In respect of permit management system, this project review stationary source permits management regulation to integrate emission management systems and complete relative administrative processes for achieving the goal that unify the amount of emission between permit management system and approved emission in total quantity control system. Besides, to unify the affected sources between permit management system and total quantity control system, this project researched in adding the condition of the ninth announcement. Thus, by “unify the amount of emission” and “check the operating condition”, this project made sure to achieve the goal of emission reduction and complete the relative regulation of total quantity control. This project also executed permit performance evaluation to local authorities. The performance evaluation targeted boiler which used high pollutant-exhausted fuel, stationary sources which used hazard air pollutants as raw material, stationary sources which get total quantity control approval at in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung Areas, specific control industries and as well as stationary sources which were not compliant and should be corrected. Then, this project executed 230 times performance evaluation to local authorities and 20 times to authorized offices. The results of performance evaluation showed that the responsibility of compliant problems was alm..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180401

eng_title "Project for the Integration of Air Quality Management, the Promotion of International Cooperation Platform and the Control of Industrial Area"
eng_Subject "As the promotion of air quality protection policies, air quality has been improved in Taiwan. However, the pollution of particulate and ozone do not achieve National Air Quality Standards. For that, it is important to reduce the effect of transported pollution by cross border by controlling domestic pollution sources and promoting international cooperation at the same time. Therefore, the goals of this project implements air quality controlling from the aspect of monitoring management, domestic resource integration and international cooperation. Air quality monitoring data and scientific research are the foundation of air quality management. In consideration of the characteristics of industrial clusters in Taiwan, this project implements specific industrial area management and application. Through collecting data from Environmental Protection Bureau, monthly statistical air quality monitoring results and on-site inspection of five monitoring stations in each specific industrial area, we found that monitoring and reporting processes and system efficiency should be improved. Based on that, we establish a centralized hierarchical management mechanism, revise the transmission specification and expand the functions of report and review six monitoring status spreadsheet in Air Quality Management System. Strengthening management tools and holding training courses, which can improve the effective management of quality and usability of monitoring data from Environmental Protection Bureau. The project also planned the monitoring data application methods in air quality management, includes setting information platform for publics, developing daily baseline management and source tracing analysis processes and considering the impact of human health through domestic and international environmental monitoring comparison values. These methods are planning to applicate in air pollution management in the future. Moreover, in order to support and promote the development of scientific research on air pollution controlling, we review the research of the “Environmental Protection Administration/Ministry of Science and Technology Air Pollution Prevention Research Cooperation Project, hold eight times of expert consultation meetings, hold five times of project discussion forums, grasp the research results of air quality management resources in Taiwan, develop technologies of detection and pollution control and establish localized emission factors, as reference for air quality management policy in response to current environmental issues.The international cooperation is the one way to solve the problem of long range transportation of air pollution. So this project follows new southbound policy and focus on the environmental issues of air quality management. We research and grasp the air quality problems of countries in the Asia-Pacific region mainly for vehicles, industry, open burning and Cross-region haze. In addition, we build a SE Asian Air Quality Management Platform, combine with industries, academics and government, sharing Taiwan''s own environmental protection technologies and experience to Southeast Asian countries. Then we initially establish potential cooperation between 14 countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.) and identify the cooperation who needs in Asia pacific region through investigate the air quality control issues among Asian countries. Moreover, we collected the highlights of air quality control achievements in Taiwan as materials to share with partners to complete the advanced foundation of international environmental cooperation, enhance regional air quality, and export Taiwan’s environmental protection industry. This project also analyzed international trends and held two air quality management exchange workshop including “2017 Taiwan and U.S.A Air Pollution Control Technology Exchange Conference” and “River Fugit..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190301

eng_title "The Taichung Low Carbon City Development Promotion and Evaluation Project"
eng_Subject "The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required for the final report. The 10 major work items and their progress are reported as follows: (1) To collect low carbon city information for analysis and reports (has completed 6 cases of subject reports) for future planning reference; (2) To conduct low carbon projects auditing and implementation report (has established the auditing program and completed the auditing from January to December as well as the fourth season auditing report); (3) To conduct GHG emissions analysis and reduction plans (has compiled GHG emission inventory for Taichung City and built up GHG emission reduction simulation model for the residential and commercial sector ); (4) To hold low carbon projects related meetings and activities (has completed 18low carbon project meetings, 5 visiting activities); (5) To maintain and update the low carbon city webpage (has completed the maintenance and updating through January to December); (6)To hold the low carbon workshop (has conducted 6 low carbon workshops); (7) To hold one international conference (has competed the 2017 UNFCCC NGO Forum); (8) To visit the Kaohsiung 2017 Eco-mobility World Festival (has completed the visiting activities in October); (9) Participation in international conference (has completed planning for ICLEI World Congress 2018, attended relevant meeting and submitted 3 presentations, as well as revised the data on compact of mayors and participated in CDP Cities); (10) To plan for the Shuinan District operation (has completed the collection of information on the current status and submitted the report for future plan). All of the above achieved work items have helped to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan. "
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180410

eng_title "2017-2018 New Taipei City Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution and Inspection & Control Project"
eng_Subject "In order for the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government to continue promoting the operations of permitting, audit controls, and monitoring of the stationary pollution sources for sake of better air quality based on total emission controls, it continued to contract out the execution of the “2017-2018 New Taipei City Permitting of Stationary Sources of Air Pollution and Inspection & Control Project” (hereinafter referred to as “The Project”). The Project, according to the work contents and purposes, can be divided into such five major work areas as the permitting of pollution prevention or reduction management, the industrial process management, the enterprise groups’ total emissions management drive, the fuel management, and project control operations. Their main achievements are further described as follows: (I) In order to achieve the goal of pollution prevention or reduction management, we have assessed the room for improvement in air pollution reduction at the time of review for permit by not only encouraging the air polluters to use low-pollution fuels, but also requiring them to effectively collect and reduce gas, and to extend management on hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). At the locations where people often complain about the air pollution, the concentration monitoring and early warning systems have been set up. In response to the effective review of emission standards, we have integrated the relevant air pollution management regulations such as air quality deterioration, greenhouse gas emissions reporting and the regular inspection and observation on mobile pollution sources. The air pollution emissions have been reduced for this year: Particulate Matter (PM) 9 tons/year, Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 55 tons/year, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) 447 tons/year, and VOCs 43 tons/year. (II) Since the year 2015, we have published the process review principles for six industries, and the process review guidelines for one industry. So far, 165 processes have been improved on pollution emissions. For this year, we added the formulation of the “Guidelines on Review for Permit of Stationary Pollution Sources Using Fuels Other Than Oil and Gas by the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government”. The standards to be included will be the components limit values for feedstock (fuel), the operational conditions for pollution sources and control equipment, the limit values for varied air pollutant emissions, the real-time monitoring of pollution sources and control equipment, etc. (III) In order to effectively curb the growth of air pollution, we helped Nan Ya Plastics Corporation to complete the enterprise group total emission management planning in the first half of this year, and have negotiated with them for stricter control on emission standards and to complete the construction of spare boilers using natural gas in 2019. For this year, state enterprises in similar industry were included as objects for the enterprise group total emission management and the planned PM emission standard value is 15 tons per year maximum for permit. (IV) In order to effectively control the pollution emission of bituminous coal usage, the City announced in 2015 and 2016 respectively the Principles on Review for Permit of Coal-fired Stationary Pollution Sources by the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government” and the “Principles on Review for Permit of Usage of Bituminous Coal by the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government”, which were designed in principle to prevent the increase of total consumption of bituminous coal and its total emission by increasing the frequency of strict inspection for effective control and efficiency certification. The City has issued permits to use bituminous coal 6.53 million tons/year, of which 6 million tons/year are used by the three generating sets ..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190723

eng_title "Review and promote air pollutant total quantity control and reduction program"
eng_Subject "This project included four parts: “Establishing regulations for stationary pollution sources in non-attainment area and conducting industrial emission reduction counseling”, “Reviewing the regulations of the emission management to build the localized emission coefficient”, ”Reviewing the Kao-Ping area total quantity control plan and related regulations with the amendment of air pollution law”, and “Reviewing and expanding existing system functions related to total quantity control”. Main results are listed as follow:1. Establishing regulations for stationary pollution sources in non-attainment area and conducting industrial emission reduction counseling.The available control technologies for stationary pollution sources in 3 different countries, including USA, EU and China, were reviewed. Besides, air quality variation trend in past 4 years were analyzed, and the emission sources in non-attainment area were also investigated. The results shows that the ozone air quality is getting deteriorate, and it’s important to establish control measures for VOCs and NOx. Thus, the draft of “stationary pollution sources emission reduction in non-attainment area” was created. It’s expected to impact 97 factories, and create3,923 thousands emission reduction. In other hands, we conducted VOCs pollution reduction counseling in 10 factories, which belongs to high ozone formation potentials of industrial categories, including marine coating, vehicle coating and metal surface coating. Among them, 3 factories will improve the installation of gas collection equipment and control equipment, 3 factories will reduce VOCs content, 1factory will control spraying quality, 2 factories have already reduced the VOCs content, and 1 company is going to shut down. Total 7 factories could reduce VOCs emission by nearly 432.43 ton. We had already provided the counseling report to each factory, and will follow up the emission reduction results to be as a reference for emission reduction strategy in the future.2. Reviewing the regulation of the emission management to build the localized emission coefficientRefer to U.S. emission factor integration experience, we had already made SOP for establishing SCC Code and designed 3 different kinds of forms (including SIC-SCC code form, emission coefficient comparison form for industrial process, and emissions reporting form for pollution sources). Furthermore, we investigated the emission regulation problems, including emission factor and process definition, in order to propose the blueprint of integrated emission management and time schedules. (1) Short term (1-2 years): we focus on making plans and try to establish coding system.(2) Mid-term (2-4 years): start to establish the localization of emission coefficients.(3) Long term (more than 4 years): integrate the emission management system to become a decision support system as a reference for policy making. 3. Revising the Kao-Ping total quantity control plan and related regulations with the amendment of air pollution lawDue to the amendment of air pollution law and promotion of the second phase total quantity control plan, it’s important to review the first phase of the total quantity control plan. Related regulations were revised, including Kao-Ping total quantity control plan, air pollutant emission quantity authorization regulations for existing stationary pollution sources, emission reduction recognition reserve exchange and transactions, and auction of air pollutant emissions. In addition, 6 regulatory announcement meeting and 3 expert advisory meeting were hold and the final report of effectiveness of 7 years air pollution reduction was compiled. 4. Expanding existing system functions related to total quantity controlIn accordance with the direction of the second phase of the total quantity control plan, the system functions which related to..."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200430

eng_title "Integration project of air quality improvement and total quantity control for Kao-Pin air quality control district"
eng_Subject "This project included three parts, planning of total quantity control institution, building the coordinated sets of measures for total quantity control plan, and assisting to execute the Kao-Pin total quantity control plan. Main results states as follows:1. Modifying associated total quantity control rulesThere are two parts that needed to be reinforced in Kao-Pin total quantity control plan: the reduction of authorized pollutant emission quantity, and making designated reduction quantities actual emission reduction. To make supporting rules of total quantity control plan more adapted to the exact condition nowadays, we modified Pollutant emissions quantity authorization criterion for stationary pollution sources and Banking, offsetting and trading rules of emission reduction credits (ERCs) for stationary pollution sources and their associated guideline document. We also finished negotiation meeting with associated departments and policy report. EPA could finish the following process of rule regulation such as draft notice and public hearing.2. Planning of Kao-Pin total quantity control plan and effect examinationWe established standard operating procedure of stationary pollution sources emission examination, and executed emission examination of 20 stationary pollutions. We used reported emission quantities in year 2016 as the standard to examine whether these factories achieved the pollution reduction goal. After researched associated institution worldwide, we planned to set emission reduction goal in individual factory through air pollution control technique and efficiency in factories.3. Setting supporting regulatory measures for offset of pollutant emissions increasing of new and modified stationary pollution sourcesWe have finished the regulation of offsetting for different kinds air pollutants, and we established three reduction measure methodologies for offsets: shore power, self-sufficient in electricity power through solar panels, and replacement of cleaner fuels of boilers. These would be helpful to the offset of pollutant emissions increasing of new and modified stationary pollution sources that reached the scale threshold.4. Developing the system of air pollutant auction platformBesides learning from international experiences of emission allowance auction system for air pollutant and greenhouse gas, this project also consulted experts from the field of law and finance to develop a reliable air pollutant ERCs auction system with the help of system engineering company, and we also finished the guidebook of auction and system operation.5. Assisting to hold taskforce meetings for total quantity control supervising and tracking committeeTotal quantity control supervising and tracking committee aimed to inspect the policy through negotiation and discussion. We helped collecting information and questions regarding execute of total quantity plan and helped the committee to review the work progress of total quantity control plan, and held at least 4 meetings this year.6. Assessment of feasibility of total quantity control institution in other areaWe conducted area pollutant emissions quantity authorization simulation test in Central area and Yun-Chia-Nan area, and chose stationary sources with higher TSP and VOCs emission quantities as main targets this year. Through this process, factories would be more familiar with total quantity control plan and the application processes of pollutant emissions quantity authorization. We also finished the draft of total quantity control plan in Central area and Yun-Chia-Nan area, and gave advices about air pollution control in these areas."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180401

eng_title "A Project of Greenhouse Gases Voluntary Reduction Scheme and GHG Emission Performance Standard (EPS) Regulatory Policy"
eng_Subject "Taiwan Environment Protection Administration has obligations to promote the Greenhouse Gases Voluntary Reduction Schemes under Article 22 of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (this Act). This project is mainly not only for developing the GHG Emission Performance Standard (EPS) Reward Program but also for implementing and continuously optimizing the GHG Offset Program in accordance with Article 22 of this Act. This project has followed up the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) latest decisions and has a good knowledge of UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), China Certified Emissions Reductions (CCER) and J-Credit scheme. These results are taken as references in drafting GHG EPS Reward Regulations and optimizing the review process of the GHG Offset projects. This project also has reviewed 21 project document designs (PDDs) for registration, 1 case for credit issuance and 11 methodologies for recognition, and completed 5 transcriptions of CDM methodologies and 5 related case studies under the GHG Offset Program. With regard to developing EPS and relevant reward rules, this project has drafted and assisted to promulgate the GHG EPS Reward Regulations as well as drafted 3 EPSs reward methodologies, specifically for ice-storage air-conditioning system of the electronic industries, for the cement industry and for iron and steel industries. As for the reduction credits management, this project has reviewed 2 account applications, 5 changes of account information, 3 cases for credit transfer, 11 cases for credit withdrawal and 4 cases for appointing specific usage. In addition, this project has initiated the emission allowances management planning, specifically for structure, functions and logic operation of management platform, and drafted the emission allowance management platform regulations."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170801

eng_title "Project of Improve the Odor Problems the people concern and Assist In The Implementation of the PM2.5 Reduction"
eng_Subject "The project works in improving fine particulate matters emissions related to living issues and to implement Clean Air Action Plan. The project divided into 5 major parts which are 1) Formulate control strategies about reduce fine particulate matters emissions of commercial cooking, 2) Prevention and reduction the open burning of agricultural wastes ,3) Strengthen the management of refueling vapor recovery, 4) To minimize nuisance complaints related to livestock odor and to formulate the improvement strategies of livestock odor, 5) Folk activities and other coordinated work.Formulate control strategies about reduce fine particulate matters emissions of commercial cooking, the project collected the foreign practices, the status of domestic control, fume control technology, expert suggest to formulate the Management of air pollution control and emission standard for commercial cooking (Draft), and implementation of 50 games field survey works to understand the fume control equipment operation and maintains situation of the commercial cooking. For prevention and reduction the open burning of agricultural wastes, we cooperate with the representatives of Council of Agriculture (COA) this year to propose the strategies to deal with agricultural wastes and to do research on recycling waste straws. For serious open burning after the second crop, we indicated that to offer subsidy for framers via using a microbial reagent around rush-road. We also establish an open burning information system for agricultural waste to strengthen control and data management.For the strengthen the management of refueling vapor recovery, we collected and analyzed the relevant regulations of United States, Canada, European Unit and Singapore. The project accomplished the assessment to promote the Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery System in Taiwan which contains 1) The international development and trend of gas stations, 2) The planned and formulated regulations about gas stations vapor recovery in developed countries, 3) The assessment of benefits and impacts. The project also conducted experiments at gas stations and collected vehicle information to propose suggestion to reduce the gas of oil leakage.The main nuisance complaints of livestock odor occur in summer season in Taiwan. We collected and analyzed the livestock relevant regulations of European Unit, Japan, United States and Australia and suggested certain size (over 4,000 swine, 100,000 chickens and 300 cows) of livestock farms should be controlled by law. And write two technical manuals (Modelling of Safety distance and Pollution Prevention and Control Technology Handbook).For the other coordinated work, the project modified the 「Guideline on air pollution control for large - scale folklore (religious) activities」 and collected the EPB’s effectiveness on commercial cooking, the gas station managements of refueling vapor recovery and the relevant environmental worship statistics regularly. This project also completed 2 expert consultation meetings, 6 seminars and 3 media announcements."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180501

eng_title " "
eng_Subject "Abstract The project has been executed from October 1*'', 2017 to November 30, 2018 and divided into 4 major tasks which are: “Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services”, “Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Business Districts and Scenic Area”, “Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking” and ” Promotion the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking”. The results of this project are summarized as follows: 1. Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services The project provided consulting services to 1,105 commercial cooking (included 1,005 new opened and 100 consecutive grievances) and 555 gas collection efficiency inspections. Among them, the setting rate of air pollution control equipment for new opened and consecutive grievances is 80% and 90% respectively, and air pollution prevention equipment mainly based on EP. 2. Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Shopping Districts and Scenic Area We provided air pollution improving consulting to 13 commercial cooking concentration areas which included 8 night markets, 4 shopping districts and 1 scenic area. Among them, we cooperated with Xingren Night Market and Xizhi Night Market Management Committee to help the vendors to improve air pollution and set the rate of APCD up to 100%. For the first time, the investigation and counseling for the Shenkeng Old Street was conducted. The setting rate of the fume control equipment was 55%. After the counseling, the setting rate of the fume control equipmentwas 100%. 3. Air Pollution Control Education for Commercial Cooking (1) Completion of 20 catering industry/trade unions and business associations, and 16 catering-related association/union traders have cooperated with the issuance of the New Taipei City Catering Industry Pollution Prevention and Control Manual, and also cooperated with the website to help promote the relevant regulations and regulations of the catering industry. (2) Regularly carry out maintenance and update of the catering industry pollution prevention website, add responsive functions and conform to the Accessible Web Development Specification 2.0. (3) Completed 3,500 copies of the air pollution prevention and control brochures and manuals for the catering industry. (4) Completed 3 meetings of the air pollution prevention and control conference for the catering industry and 4 sessions of the auditor''s catering industry inspection practice education. 4. Promotion the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking (1)Establish a new environmental protection review mechanism for the catering industry. A. The air pollution control regulations are marked on the business registration document, which was implemented in November 2017. B. On March 12, 2017, the New Taipei City Residential Area Catering Barbecue Management Conference was held. During the meeting, the Economic Development Bureau, the Works Bureau, the Fire Bureau, the Health Bureau and the Urban and Rural Bureau were invited to participate in the joint research and management. C. Assisted EPD on June 19, 2007 to announce the The Management Guidelines for the New Taipei City Government to Handle Air Pollution Control and Management Operations in the Catering Barriers in Residential Areas. D. Complete the newly established catering industry environmental judgment review form, and establish a new catering industry source management and environmental protection review mechanism. (2) Planning the air pollution education promotion program for the catering industry. A. We organized the catering-related schools and vocational training courses in New Taipei city, and plan the promotion plan for air pollution control education in the catering industry. B. To assist EPD in conducting a questionnaire survey on the catering-related colleges, universities and high schools, and to as..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190723

eng_title "Control Commercial Cooking and Behavior of Air Pollution and Gasoline Station Vapor Recovery Implementation"
eng_Subject "The project works in improving fine particulate matters emissions related to living issues and to implement Clean Air Action Plan. The project divided into 5 major parts which are 1) Formulate control strategies about reduce fine particulate matters emissions of commercial cooking, 2) Prevention and reduction the open burning of agricultural wastes, 3) Promotion and eliminate Hotel Fuel Boilers,4) Strengthen the management of refueling vapor recovery, 5) To minimize nuisance complaints related to livestock odor and to formulate the improvement strategies of livestock odor, 6) Folk activities and other coordinated work.Formulate control strategies about reduce fine particulate matters emissions of commercial cooking, the project formulated the Management of air pollution control facilities for commercial cooking (Draft) and improve the control efficiency of developed small size and low cost oil fume and odor pollution control facility. We analyzed oil fume component, particulate matters and odor test for each 16 points by using this facility. This developed facility of PM and VOC control efficiency in laboratory can reach to 92.8% and 53.1% respectively. In order to reveal the real activities for different kind of restaurants, we also suggested that considering the control factors of stove types and cooking method to improve the calculation of commercial cooking emissions.For prevention and reduction the open burning of agricultural wastes, we held the cross-department meeting and invited the representatives of Council of Agriculture (COA), Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Insert Collection of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Association of Agricultural Education to propose the strategies to deal with agricultural wastes and to do research on recycling waste straws. For serious open burning after the second crop, the Deputy Director of EPA indicated that to offer subsidy for framers via using a microbial reagent around rush-road. We also reviewed the methods in estimating open burning of agricultural wastes and to analyze the approach to improve emission accuracy.For promotion and eliminate Hotel Fuel Boilers, we evaluated possibility to expand subsidy to Hospital and University and formulated 「Accommodation Services, Hospital and University oil-boiler replacement subsidy regulations (Draft)」and 「Accommodation Services, Hospital and University use liquid fuels with sulfur content exceeding 10 ppm belong to air polluting acts (Draft)」. The former one has been announced in advance on December 14. The project also doing online survey the willingness of Accommodation Services, Hospitals and Universities and there are 90 facilities have willingness to choose the low pollution fuel which are located in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Kaohsiung City, Taoyuan City and Hualien County.For the strengthen the management of refueling vapor recovery, we collected and analyzed the relevant regulations of United States, Canada, European Unit and Singapore, and formulated the revised draft of 「Gas Station Gasoline Vapor Recovery Facility Management Regulations」. The project accomplished the assessment to promote the Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery System in Taiwan which contains 1) The VOC emissions, threaten and health risk related to gas stations, 2) The international development and trend of gas stations, 3) The planned and formulated regulations about gas stations vapor recovery in developed countries, 4) The assessment of benefits and impacts. The project also developed the functions of examination and reporting statements in Gas Stations Vapor Recovery Management System.The main nuisance complaints of livestock odor occur in summer season in Taiwan. We collected and analyzed the livestock relevant regulations of European Unit, Japan, United States and Australia and suggested certain size (ove..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "2016 New Taipei City Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution and Inspection & Control Project"
eng_Subject "In order to contribute the air quality control and improve the air quality, the Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government (hereafter referred to as “New Taipei City”) promote the permits and inspections of stationary sources, the audit of air pollutants, and the air quality monitoring and testing consistently, the New Taipei City has commissioned the implementation of this project「2016 New Taipei City Air Pollution Permitting Reviewed, Inspection and Control of Stationary Sources (hereafter referred to as “The project”).」The main five tasks are:the permitting of stationary sources prevention, reduction and management, to tighten the permitting inspection by industry process, cap by industry conglomerate, high-pollution fuel control, and to draft a strategy of significant pollutant controlling plan. All the achievements as follows: (Ⅰ)For the permitting of stationary sources prevention, reduction and management, to evaluate decrement space. To encourage low-emission fuels have used priority, to ask equipped with effective air pollution collection and control equipment, to extend air pollution control for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), and to integrated the relevant air pollution management regulations such as air quality deterioration, greenhouse gas emissions reporting and to call attention to vehicles in-use certification for emissions regulations . The air pollution emission reduction results this year: Particulate Matter (PM) is about 33 tons/year, Sulfur Oxides (SOx) is 80 tons/year, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) is 598 tons/year, and VOCs is 20 tons/year. (Ⅱ ) There are 85 stationary sources permits improved and operated and followed by the permitting inspection principle of 6 industry process announced since February, 2015. The reduction of air pollution emission accumulated: Particulate Matter (PM) is about 106 tons/year, Sulfur Oxides is 38 tons/year, Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) is 567 tons/year, and VOCs is 67 tons/year respectively. (Ⅲ )For inhibit the increasing of air pollutants, the project reviewed and checked the emissions of stationary sources permits of Nan Ya Corporation which located in New Taipei City, to counsel the emission reduction of air pollution for polyurethane coating (PU), polyurethane resin, epoxy resin, dimethyl formamide recycle process (DMF) industrial processes, to consult tightened exhaust emission standards for cogeneration process , change the fuel of spare boiler process to natural gas (to be achieved in 2019), to consult the operating permit reapply after improvements were accomplished, and the improvement emission standards would be registered on the permits in the future. (Ⅵ) To effectively control air pollution emissions from coal-fired, New Taipei City announced「The Principals of Coal-fired Stationary Pollution Sources Permits in New Taipei City」and「The Principals of Coal-Used Permits Reviewed in New Taipei City」in 2015 and 2016 respectively. Under the principals of no increase coal-used and air pollution emissions from coal-fired, New Taipei City increased the frequency of inspections, and asked for effective air pollution control and efficiency verification to control coal-fired emissions completely. On the other hand, New Taipei City amended the coal reporting form and audited the records Inter–County/ City to find that 3 vendors underreport coal sale records, 1 illegal user (without coal-used permit) and 4 users underreport coal-used records in nearly three years. (Ⅴ ) Power industry is the major emissions of Particulate Matter (PM), Sulfur Oxides (SOx)and Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) in New Taipei City. After numerous consultations, the Linkou Taiwan power (Power Unit)and Nan Ya Corporation (Co-generation Unit) are planning to improve the operations process in accordance with the tightened exhaust emission standards and it will support New Taipei City to promote the reduction of air pollution emissions and the improvement of air quality."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190508

eng_title "Project for Air Quality Management Strategies Communication Platform and International Cooperation"
eng_Subject " The formation of air pollutants is related to energy usage, industrial production, transportation, agricultural activities, building construction and other human activities. Also, air quality is affected by cross border long range transported pollution. Thus, the air quality control strategies in Taiwan have been toward to integrated management. This project aims to manage the implementation of the industrial area air quality monitoring regulations, to promote inter-departmental cooperation on air quality management, and to uptake advanced or innovative strategies and at the same time to share Taiwan''s own experiences through international exchange activities. Overall, we expect to improve the regional air quality and effectively enhance the international visibility of Taiwan. To assure the regulation of specific industrial area buffering zone setting and air quality monitoring are well implemented, this project established three corresponding standard operating procedures, developed two automatic notification mechanism, held training course, and offered technical supports with respect to the data transmission disconnected, unusual high level monitoring data clarification and management, and data reporting procedure disunity problems, which efficiently strengthen the management technique of local Environmental Protection and the quality and usability of monitoring data. Overall transmission disconnected rates was lower than 1% and the data validity met the legal norm. Also, this project planned the monitoring data application methods in air quality management, includes set an information open platform for publics to supervision, and developed daily baseline management and source tracing analysis processes. These analysis methods were planned to make the monitoring data effectively applied on future air quality management policy making as reference. On the issue of promoting inter-departmental cooperation in Taiwan, this project assisted to organize at least 10 government departments together to take actions on air quality improvement and to input administrative resources, human resources or funding under the Clean Air Action Plan. Correspond to the goal of reducing PM2.5 unhealthy level, the statistical result showed the reduction is more than 10% in 2016, which is gradually toward to the goal of reducing 20% in 2017. Simultaneously, we reviewed air quality management related projects which were co-subsidized by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology and held three discussion forums in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, to promote and encourage the academic research institutions participate in the development of scientific technique on air pollution control. This project analyzed international trends and held “Air Quality Management Consultation” in the United States to further enhance Taiwanese air quality management technique. Besides, air pollution and cross-border haze impact problems which are caused by the economic development or fire field farming custom of Southeast Asian countries highlights the importance of international cooperation in Asia Pacific region. This project played as role of communication platform. First, we identified the cooperation needs in Asia pacific region through investigating the air quality control issues among Asian countries. Second, we collected the highlights of air quality control achievements in Taiwan as materials to share with partners. Third, we followed the goals of International Environmental Partnership Program to organize the“2016 International Environmental Partnership - Cities Clean Air Partnership and Air pollution Control Strategies Exchange Workshop” which efficiently promoted four Southeast Asian city representatives, six Taiwanese city representatives, experts, and scholars to communicate and exchange opinions on air quality management issues. "
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20171101

eng_title " "
eng_Subject "The project has been executed from July 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2017 and divided into 5 major tasks which are: “Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services”, “Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Business Districts and Scenic Area”, “Formulated the Air Pollution Control Guidance for Commercial Cooking”, ”Collected and Analyzed the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking” and “Propaganda and Training” related to the workshop and targets. The results of this project are summarized as follows: 1. Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services The project first focused on commercial cooking that have received more than three complaints or high frequent complaints in 2015 and the first half of 2016 in Zhonghe, Panchiao, Xinzhuang, Sanchong, Yungho dustriers and the new commercial cooking opened in the first half of 2016. Among these to investigated priority and provide consulting services to 1,521 commercial cooking (included 110 new opened), compliance check (including gas collection efficiency) to 538 commercial cooking. The ratio of air pollution control facilities installed (included pre-treatment and end-treatment) about 84%. We also provided consulting services to 240 high complaints commercial cooking and provided 100 improving planning proposals to whom and reviewed in proceed. In order to cooperate the assessment of Environmental Protection Administration, we use the data which collected from Air Quality and Inspection Section. There are 380 area sources reported on July, 2016 which included the numbers and types of commercial cooking, air pollution of commercial cooking and different types of air pollution control facilities. 2. Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Shopping Districts and Scenic Area We provided air pollution improving consulting to 14 commercial cooking concentration areas which included 11 night markets, 2 shopping districts and 1 scenic area and cooperated EPA to promote air pollution control facilities installed to commercial cooking which located in Sungai shopping district. We also provided assistance to SETN television news to interview Lehua night market on August 12th and broadcasted the program” air pollution crisis, night market fumes containing 10 times PM2.5 ” on August 16th. 3. Formulated the Air Pollution Control Guidance for Commercial Cooking The project collected and accomplished odor control technics for commercial cooking. In order to provide the guidance to new open commercial cooking about air pollution control of stir-fry and deep-fry cooking styles, we analyzed the same cooking style cases related consultant and improvement of air pollution control effectiveness. The project accomplished the guidance for 4 cooking style i.e. stir-fry, deep-fry, grill and steam and invited Dr. Wu provided consulting to establish the practicality of the guidelines who work at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). 4. Collected and Analyzed the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking Collected and analyzed the relevant management strategies of commercial cooking for overseas countries, Taiwan central government and local governments such as the United States, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore; the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior (CPAMI), Ministry of Labor, Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City. In terms of emission standards, odor and particulate matters (PM) emission standards as the main control strategy. The regulation Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards formulated that the general stationary sources air pollution and exhaust gas are prohibit to discharged into the ditch ; in the other hands, the United States, Japan, C..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190723

eng_title "Integration project of air quality improvement and total quantity control for Kao-Pin air quality control district."
eng_Subject "This project included three parts, reinforcing of total quantity control plan, assisting to advance the Kao-Pin total quantity control plan, and building the capacity to execute total quantity control plan in other areas. Main results states as follows:1. Modifying associated total quantity control rulesTo make supporting rules of total quantity control plan more adapted to the exact condition nowadays, we modified banking, offsetting and trading rules of emission reduction credits(ERCs) for stationary pollution sources. This could minimize controversial administrative executions.2. Developing the system of air pollutant auction platformBesides learning from international experiences of emission allowance auction system for air pollutant and greenhouse gas, this project also consulted experts from the field of law and finance to develop a reliable air pollutant ERCs auction system with the help of system engineering company, and we also finished the guidebook of auction and system operation.3. Setting supporting regulatory measures for total quantity control planWe have finished the regulation of offsetting for different kinds air pollutants, reduction commitment guidance, reduction measure methodologies for offsets, and tracking and inspection for emission quantity.4. Assisting to hold taskforce meetings for total quantity control supervising and tracking committeeTotal quantity control supervising and tracking committee aimed to inspect the policy through negotiation and discussion. We helped collecting information and questions regarding execute total quantity plan and helped the committee to review the work progress of total quantity control plan.5. Central area and Yun-Chia-Nan area pollutant emissions quantity authorizationWe chose stationary sources with higher TSP and VOCs emission quantities as main targets this year. Through this process, stationary sources will be more familiar with total quantity control plan and the application processes of pollutant emissions quantity authorization."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "The Taichung Low Carbon City Development Promotion and Evaluation Project "
eng_Subject "The project has been conducted according to schedule and completed 100% of the progress as required for the final report. The 12 major work items and their progress are reported as follows: (1) To Collect foreign low carbon city regulations and case studies (has completed 6 case study reports) for future planning reference; (2) To conduct low carbon projects auditing and implementation report (has established the auditing program and completed the auditing progress from January to December as well as the final report); (3) To hold low carbon project related meetings (has completed 6 low carbon city promotion office meetings, 4 strategic planning meetings and 2 press conferences); (4) To maintain and update the low carbon city webpage (has completed the maintenance and updating through January to December) as well as the redesign of the webpage and the addition of on-line low carbon project reporting system; (5) To conduct low carbon contribution awards activity (has completed and made announcement of the award competition rule as well as held the nominee review meeting and the winner award conference); (6) To invite famous person to deliver low carbon speech (has completed 2 sessions); (7) To hold one session of the low carbon forum (has completed the forum and exhibition); (8) To conduct the revision of the “100 reasons for carbon reduction” (has completed the revision and printing of the book); (9) Participation in international conference (has completed participation in ICLEI Resilient Cities 2016 for both the Asia Pacific Conference at Melaka and the Global Conference at Bonn, register climate actions at cCR, design for posters and brochures, held 7 meetings with visiting groups); (10)To hold the low carbon workshop (has completed cooperation with KCC to hold the workshop); (11) Introduction of PAS 2060 into the Taichung Floral Exposition (has completed the documentation design and educational workshop, writing the evaluation guideline and visiting sites to provide consultation); (12) To plan for the low carbon park operation center preparatory office (has completed the report for preparatory office and draft versions of the autonomous laws). All of the above achieved work items have helped to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "Project of Odorous Nuisance Improvement Related with the open burning and the People’s Livelihood Sources."
eng_Subject ""
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160501

eng_title "A Project of Greenhouse Gas Reduction management system and deliberations"
eng_Subject "While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represents the accumulation of work ranging from the continual policy development of domestic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reductions for industries. Thus far, the project has successfully delivered the following outcomes: (1)To analyze the trend of GHG policy and scheme, including aggregating weekly news, researching international reduction recognition schemes and domestic voluntary reduction program promoted by Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau and 20 reduction projects. (2) To create three legislative drafts for “GHG Offset Projects Regulations”, ”Reduction Credit Accounts Regulations” and “Directions for Reduction Recognition Committee” and to determine main factors for setting GHG emission performance standards and relevant reward scheme, in accordance with Article 17 and Article 22 of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act. (3)To review 60 GHG Offset Projects and methodologies and hold 30 initial review meetings and 3 reduction recognition meetings. (4)To review 5 applications of reduction credit accounts and credit usage as well as provide seasonal reports to the central competent authority, EPA, for credit track. (5) To maintain the National GHG Registry in response to the domestic GHG policies and management as well as regularly conduct system security test on a weekly basis and half-year basis."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Office of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160801

eng_title "2015 New Taipei City Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution and Inspection & Control Project"
eng_Subject "The Environmental Protection Department, New Taipei City Government(hereafter referred to as “The Government”) wants to get the permitting ofstationary sources inspection, the air pollution audit, and the pollutantstesting tasks could be well control. To improve the air quality for settle thebase of total quantity control efficiency, The Government has commissioned theimplementation of this project 「2015 New Taipei City Permitting ofstationary sources of air pollution and Inspection & Control Project(hereafter referred to as “The project”).」The main works are:the permittingof stationary sources inspection and management, to tighten the permittinginspection of significant industries, and to draft a strategy of significantpollutant controlling plan. All the achievements are: (Ⅰ)For the controllingtendency of volatile air pollutants(VOCs) and hazardous airpollutants(HAPs), the project has priority to subsume the VOCs、HAPscontents of the printing and panting business. (Ⅱ)To make sure the airpollutant reducing equipment could be well operated, and to improve theinspection feasibility, the project ask for the reducing equipment operatingparameter must be auto recorded, and should take the video during the activecarbon changing time. ( Ⅲ )To intensify the permitting application parameterdetecting test, the project either supervise the detecting tasks, but also gettingthe whole testing record. To ask the dealer bring up the material, fuel, andreducing equipment operating parameter when the dealer inform the detectingdate for 5 days before. (Ⅳ)For the permitting emissions reducing works, therecovering quantity of particle air pollutants (Par) is about 26 tons/year,oxysulfide (SOx) is 31 tons/year, nitrogen oxide(NOx) is 24 tons/year, andVOCs is 131 tons/year. (Ⅴ)The Government take the leads of the NorthernAir Quality Area, to publish the permitting inspection principle for 4industry on February, 2015. And this year, on July, 2016, published 2 moreinspection principle for asphalt and coal using business. (Ⅵ)The contentabout the asphalt tighten inspection principle are, (1)Peculiar smell control,(2)Urge the dealer using the low pollutant fuel, (3)The air pollutant reducingequipment should sending the data such as wind direction, wind speed, andthe operating parameter immediately, (4)To monitor the pollutants(Par, SOx,NOx)emission intensity in the end of the air pollution pipeline. About 4asphalt dealer might complete the data immediate connecting through thecounselling on December, 2015. (Ⅶ)The content about the coal using tighteninspection principle are, (1)The largest quantity of material and fuel for theexistential processing should be permitted under 1.2 fold of the realityquantity, and the permitting quantity can’t over the permitting certificate asbefore. (2)Also the permitting emissions can’t be raised for the continuingcertificate, and the new processing should adopt the Best available controltechnology (BACT). By the inspection principle, the permitting quantity ofthe coal using could be returned about 23,000 ton/year, the emissions of Par.could be reduced about 87 ton/year, for the particulate matter (PM2.5) is 17ton/year, for the SOx is 338 ton/year, and for the NOx is 647 ton/year.(Ⅷ )For inhibit the increasing of the pollutants, The project has a totalquantity control conference for the industry association within the city.Because the industry of Taipower Linkou are still in the extending task, so itproceed to has a conference to stipulate the permitting quantity limitation forNAN YA industry association at first, the emissions of NOx could bereduced about 675 ton/year, and for the VOCs is 142 ton/year."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20171001

eng_title "Integration project of air quality improvement for Kao-Pin air quality district (The Second Year)."
eng_Subject "Kao-Pin area total quantity control plan was promulgated in 2015/6/30, and a public hearing for the revisions was held by this project. Expand the pollutant emissions quantity application testing from Central area to Yun-Chia-Nan area, and study the possibility to reducing air pollution. Modified for Air pollutant emission reduction credits registry(ERCs Registry). The main results states as follows.1. Assist and accomplish the amendment and promulgation of Kao-Pin area total quantity control planAssist and accomplish the amendment and promulgation of total quantity control plans, organize total quantity control supervising and monotoring team, cooperate with inter-governmental and organize air polluction reducing and supervising action team, draft a proposal for Central and Yun-Chia-Nan area’s total quantity control plans (Draft).2. Based on the recent project results, reinforce the review process of emission quantity recognition, as well as the draft document of Kao-Pin area air pollutants total quality control plan.Regarding corresponding works above including:(1) Based on first year experience, evaluate whether the new entry stationary sources could find enough emission reduction credits(ERCs) by predict of Central and Yun-Chia-Nan area’s potential increment from stationary sources within three years from now and estimate ERCs created from various sources. (2) Study and suggest the priority of Taichung and Yun-Chia-Nan area’s PM2.5 control strategies based on Kao-Pin PM2.5 pollution characteristics.(3) Continuation of last year''s the ERCs methodology from moil sources and fugitive sources, study the counting of emission reducing and build the guideline of auditting process.(4) Study and analyze the economic incentives of emissions reduction after the total quantity control system initiate.3. Reinforce the capacity building of total quantity control for Kao-Pin local authorities, and expand the pollutant emissions quantity application testing from Central area to Yun-Chia-Nan areaBesides analyzing the trends of Kao-Pin air quality and PM2.5 monitoring data, In order to fulfill the implementation of the total quantity control, this project established pollutant emissions quantity application review procedure by reexamine the 30 application cases from the top 30 of Kao-Pin areas.Last year the project promote the pollutant emissions quantity application testing in Central area, this year expanding to Yun-Chia-Nan area.By the experience reviewing procedure and testing the pollutant emissions quantity application, feeback and correct the guideline pollutant emissions quantity application.4. Maintenance and functions modified for Air pollutant emission reduction credits registry(ERCs Registry).Other than routinely update the status of pollutant emissions quantity application, news regarding Taiwan’ air pollutants cap and trade sheme, within ERCs Registry has been performed and established two subsystems in ERCs Registry."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160401

eng_title "Promotion Plan to Maintain, Operate, Certify and Classify for Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project"
eng_Subject "In order to promote the Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C (EPAT) had started implementing the “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Pilot Project” since July 1st, 2014 and officially running the program since year 2015. With the competing-with-yourself spirit, this pilot project is implemented with both bottom-up and top-down mechanism, trying to engaging in all the communities, villages, districts and cities/counties.This project focuses on keeping the operation of the program smoothly by maintaining the function of all the relevant organizations, including local governments, academics and the related non-profit organizations, and strengthening the communication and the interaction among these organizations. In addition, the administrative affairs related to low carbon and sustainable certification have been completed, including holding the information meetings, verifying the registration document for the certification, examining local government level participants’ performance of the certification. Moreover, “2015 Selective Site Visits Guideline for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification” was established to make sure the performance of the certified participants by on-site checking with a certain selective checking ratio.On the other hand, the training courses for the related employees working in the local governments and the volunteers in the communities are developed and held for building the low-carbon and sustainable related capacity. The experts who have the experiences on community building are invited to give the lectures and two villages are selected for the field diagnosis of low carbon and sustainable related measures, helping these employees and volunteers to learn more about how to implement the action plans.Last but not least, the performances on low carbon and sustainable related action plans of each local government are also complied to analyze the achievement of the “Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program.” And based on these analyses, the future steps are modified in order to keep operating this program."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Solution integration office"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title "Local Government Greenhouse Gases Inventory and Reduction Consultancy Project"
eng_Subject "This project has comprehensively reviewed the recent development of global city networks and concentrated on the updates of city GHG inventory methodology. The project has contributed the research outcome to the local city GHG inventory mechanism and GHG management practice in Taiwan. In order to amending Taiwanese City GHG Inventory Guidelines(EPA Taiwan, 2011) and build up practical framework, the project has complete 2013 city-scale GHG inventory for all 22 cities/ counties in Taiwan this year. To be in accordance with international city inventory methodology, the project has comprehensively revised Taiwanese City GHG Inventory Guidelines (EPA Taiwan, 2011) based on the knowledge and experiences gained through empirical practices and scientific research. To further develop verification methodology and mechanism for city-level GHG inventory, the project team has carried out verification process for 5 cities/counties in Taiwan together with an independent verifier. The project has developed deep insights in the content and framework of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act that passed in June 2014 and pointed out the possible concurrences about central and local governments in GHG management issues. The project team also has provided good maintenance and kept enhancing functions of the City-level Carbon Disclosure Service Platform system ( since 2012. The project team has provided more than 14 training courses and 56 briefing sessions for local government employees and city GHG inventory practitioners around Taiwan since 2012. Moreover, the project team has hosted several forums and excursion to create phenomena for local government employees and city GHG inventory practitioners to exchange their knowledge and experiences. The project team expects our contribution could form a firm basis for implementing city GHG inventory and management in local governments around Taiwan."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Solution integration office"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title "Project for Stationary Source Integrated Permit Managememt System strengthen, and Development and Enhancement of Database Application System"
eng_Subject "The goals of this project are to strengthen and put the stationary sources management into practice through pragmatic review of related management system, norms and rules. Thus, this project divided into 4 major parts in accordance with the emission control strategies planned by Taiwan Clean Air Act. The 4 parts are 1) Permitting policy strengthened and integrated management of Total Quantity Control Plan, 2) prevention pollution management and emission reduction, 3) supervision and enforcement, 4) improvement of data quality and upgrade management system. In the part of permitting policy strengthened and integrated management of Total Quantity Control Plan, this project set emission integrated management as main axis to reinforce the permit system. Three steps were planned for incorporate the emission quantity limitation regulated under Total Quantity Control Plan into permit system. Firstly, integrate administrative procedures and emission calculation methods; secondly, research the feasibility of emission calculation scopes integration and frame the new generation permitting policy; thirdly, integrate emission management process and to fulfill the control target in Total Quantity Control Plan. Accordingly, several principle amendments of 「Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution」were accomplished this year, including revised the threshold emission of permit significant modification and emission calculation methods, and add the provision of improper operation and malicious emission during the period of stationary sources test run. Besides, The project also accomplished the amendment of 「The Air Pollution Emission scale of new large stationary sources construction or existing stationary sources major modification」, which estimate to increase 91% of controlled facilities in the near future.For pollution prevention management and emission reduction, we carried out the amendment of「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」, 「Best available control technology」,「volatile organic air pollution control policy and emission standard of Polyurethane synthetic leather industry」, and「control policy of voluntary or entrusting testing and reporting of stationary sources」regulations. About the management of fuel usage and pollution prevention, this project accomplished to inspect 44 petroleum coke importers based on the information provided by the Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance and to clarify the concerns of Congress. New constructed coal boilers have decreased 17% while nature gas boilers have increased 11% in amount since the Permit Review Principle of High Pollution Fuel Boilers issued in 2013. However, there are 17 waste combustion boilers new constructed this year to solve the waste problem which on the other hand may cause the air pollution. Besides, this project drafted the instituting and management policy of environmental dedicated units or personnel and penalty policy for their violation of air pollution control law based on the results of environmental dedicated units or personnel interviews.To supervise stationary sources management of local component authorities, we performed permit field inspections for 154 stationary sources and then update the permit review staff training textbook according to the results of field inspections. Besides, we assisted Environmental Professionals Training Institute to hold two training sessions to improve the permit review ability of local component authorities'' staffs. Compares to 2014, there are 558 inspection cases increased implemented by local component authorities and overall discrepancy rate rise to 13.3% this year. In addition, this project also focus on developing countermeasures for farmland adjacent to the air pollution sources, including drafted related permit review principle, building inspection and audit standard operating mechanism and p..."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160501

eng_title "Pilot Project to Intergrate, Promote, Certify and Classify the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland"
eng_Subject "Promoting low-carbon and sustainable society has become a global trend. In order to ensure that low-carbon construction and sustainable development would be taken into consideration when forming future policies to assist each ministry to achieve its carbon reduction goal and promote green economy transformation, this project devised the master plan, and by operating the Certification and Evaluation system, cities\counties, districts(townships), communities and villages were encouraged to develop the low-carbon and sustainable measures.On the other hand, in order to follow the global trend, this project not only facilitated the experiences exchange with other advanced countries, assisting senior executive personnel to enhance their knowledge and planning skills, but helped local governments and general volunteers to build up their abilities to construct Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland.Last but not least, to integrate the performance and achievement of each low carbon and sustainable measures conducted by each local government, the evaluation and achievement of the related project grants were also be collected and performed in this project in accord with the request of Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency. In the future, it is recommended the related measures should keep improving and working to highlight the local characteristics, develop “Cross-Field Value-Adding” and advance industry professionals. Moreover private resources should be introduced to extent the development of Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland to fulfill the goal and vision."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Solution integration office"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

eng_title "Project for Air Quality Management Strategies Communication Platform and International Cooperation"
eng_Subject "The industries are dense-located in Taiwan. The influence of industrial area air pollutant emissions to regional air quality and sensitive acceptors around the neighborhood have been paid close attention by publics. The “Standards for Buffer Zone and Air Quality Monitoring Facilities Installation in Specific Industrial Area” have been announced to regulate industrial areas that contain petroleum, steel, and high-tech industries to monitoring their air quality and set buffering zone. On the other hand, co-benefit measures that combined energy efficiency improvement and air pollution control have become international trend recently. Therefore, it is important to absorb international experiences on controlling PM2.5 by sustainable energy policy or plan through international communication and cooperation. Based on the above instructions, the main contents of this project is divided into three parts:1) Monitoring data analysis and data system maintenance of industrial area, 2) Research the relation between energy policy and air pollution control, and 3) International exchanging and cooperation on environmental issues.In the part of industrial area monitoring data analysis and data system maintenance, this project collected the UK''s and the USA''s air quality monitoring information and compared them with Taiwan''s specific industrial area monitoring standard for future policies making''s reference. And this project supervised and assisted local environmental protect agency to implement 5 specific industrial areas and 34 monitoring sites regulations and assisted Tainan City and Kaohsiung City in monitoring system linking. Also, this project planned the monitoring data analysis processes through the temporal and spatial changes of pollutants analysis and wind direction analysis to estimate pollution source, and index pollutants ratios to quantify contribution of pollutant sources. These analysis methods were planned to fulfill the policy goals of establishing air quality background data, proving the impact of industry development to air quality, appraisal of pollutant sources, and to draft control policy and management.International air quality management has been promoted Multi-Pollutant Emission Reduction Strategies (MERS), estimating co-benefit of single control measures. The control of fuel or energy efficiency could be one of main strategies to accomplish reduction of energy consumption, greenhouse gas, PM2.5 or other air pollutants at the same time. To research and analyze the relation of energy policy and air pollution control policy and to offer as decision supporting tools, this project collected energy policies and PM2.5 control strategies in EU, USA, Japan, Singapore, and China, and focused on utilization of two energy and air pollution integrated assessment models, Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) and Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) to estimate the feasibility of setting them as assistant tools to air quality management in Taiwan.On the work of international experience exchanging and cooperation among environment partners, this project tried to exchange experiences on air quality control techniques with Japan, Korea, and the USA. The project have accomplished to hold technique exchange symposium with Japan and Korea, the 21st International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, to visit South Coast Air Quality Management District in California, USA and to assist attending 2014 Better Air Quality Conference. Also, this project provided logistic assistance for Cities Clean Air Partnership Plan (CCAP) to cultivate international cooperation and enhanced visibility of Taiwan in the field of environment. At last, the system of air pollution fee has been operated for 20 years. This project compiled and recorded the 20-year milestone and achievements of air quality protection work from the stage of system establishment to the stage of regulation practice."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20151201

eng_title "the legal, economic and fiscal tools of complement the low-carbon sustainable homes"
eng_Subject "This project is prepared to complement the low-carbon sustainable homes rating system certification. For each of 10 operational functions, there have two actions plan in which will be analyzed to the legal, economic and fiscal tools while it will be promoted to build the low carbon homeland. Otherwise, this project will modified the action plan which has been proposed in 2013 to compliance with EPA low carbon sustainable homeland login specifications and toward to the practical feasibility. Each of corrected action plan will be posted on EPA low carbon sustainable homeland network for information provided."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "To Inventory and Reduce Greenhouse Gases in Local Government"
eng_Subject "This project has comprehensively reviewed the recent development of global citynetworks and concentrated on the updates of city GHG inventory methodology. Theproject has contributed the research outcome to the local city GHG inventorymechanism and GHG management practice in Taiwan. In order to amendingTaiwanese City GHG Inventory Guidelines(EPA Taiwan, 2011) and build up practicalframework, the project has completed city GHG inventory reports for Taichung City,Ilan County, Kinmen County, Keelong City, Hsinchu County and Pingtung Countyand assisted other 10 local governments conducting city GHG inventory. Based on theknowledge and experience gained through empirical practice, the project team hasprovided concrete suggestions to the Taiwanese City GHG Inventory Guidelines (EPATaiwan, 2011) for future revision. The project team has suggested an evaluation mechanism for city-level GHG registry and disclosure based for local authorities andcompetent authorities in central government in Taiwan based on the research aboutinternational city GHG disclosure evaluation methodology and empirical practice inTaiwan. The project team also provides good maintenance and keeps enhancingfunctions of the carbon disclosure service platform system for Taiwanese localgovernments established since 2012. The project team has provided more than 12training courses and 39 briefing sessions for local government employees and cityGHG professionals around Taiwan since 2012. Moreover, the project team has hostedseveral forums and excursion to create phenomena for local government employeesand city GHG inventory professionals to exchange their knowledge and experiences.The project team expects our contribution could form a firm basis for implementingcity GHG inventory and management in local governments around Taiwan. "
proj_year 2014
org_name "Solution integration office"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

eng_title "Project for Stationary Source Permit management Integrated ,reviewing regulations and updating"
eng_Subject "This project collected and analyzed the South Coast stationary sources regulations in America. The project also accomplished the amendment of 「Permitting of stationary sources of air pollution」in accordance with the comparison of stationary sources regulations between South Coast and Taiwan. There are five amendments. To review the 1st to 8th batch of permitting facilities. For the amendment of 「air pollution control policy of coal, coke and other fuels」, there are five principal amendments to establish relevant management in order to complete the tracking system of coal, coke and other fuels. For pollution prevention management and emission reduction, carried out「air pollution control and emission standard of Semiconductors」 of 3 industrial emission standards,「Best available control technology」and「control policy of voluntary or entrusting testing and reporting of stationary sources」. The testing costs would be reduced substantially when finished comparing with dimethyl formamide detection methods.To amend the instituting and management policy of environmental dedicated units or personnel to meet the environmental analysis laboratories, to increased (amend) the penalty policy for violation of the instituting and management policy of environmental dedicated units or personnel, the penalty policy of violation of air pollution control law. This project held in 1 demonstrations on results of examination for 127 stationary source facilities, 21 permits issued by entrusted authorities. To inspect and detect the factory without warning verified the removal efficiency of 68 points pollutant control equipment, the most steam boilers use cyclone, bag filter and scrubber in series to remove particulate matter, and the removal efficiency are more than 90% generally. Furthermore, the results of VOCs emissions detection after the activated carbon adsorption, scrubbers an regenerative incineration facilities show the most removal efficiency about 75% to meet the permit and emission concentration meet emission standard. To enhance the quality and upgrade management system, the project accomplished 6 system updating and online work that include the permitting application online system, integrated inquire system, updating, expansion and maintenance. The database effectiveness increase 82% and the web performance increase 93.6% after system testing. To ensure that users'' interests and control information, to increase data currency rate to 90% by reviewing 21,554 factories about 320 thousands database until December 2014."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Air Quality Protection &amp; Noise Control"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150401

eng_title "The Promotion of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Regulations and Management of Related Administrat"
eng_Subject "This project aims to promote greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction regulations in Taiwan through conducting international case studies related to GHG reduction policies, assisting the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in advancing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) and engaging stakeholders, assessing the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act, proposing approaches to adopt the UNFCCC agreements into Taiwan’s legal system, and pursuing international exchange opportunities. The project team will conduct extensive research on the development of GHG reduction policies as well as cap-and-trade mechanisms in specific countries. These case studies would enable the project team to publish monthly newsletters on the international development of GHG reduction policies, as well as quarterly policy analysis papers for the Taiwan EPA. The project team will also help push forth the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft) by assisting the Taiwan EPA in preparing for the hearings of the Bill, maintaining the Bill’s Chinese and English websites, publishing quarterly newsletters on the development of Taiwan’s GHG reduction efforts, and strategizing the Bill’s stakeholder engagement mechanisms. In addition to compiling best practices in GHG reduction policies and cap-and-trade systems, and mobilizing the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Bill (Draft), the project team will also assess the feasibility of regulating GHG emissions with the existing Air Pollution Control Act in Taiwan. The project team will specifically evaluate different emission allowance allocation schemes that could be implemented by the Act, as well as addendums needed for the Act to legally regulate GHG emissions. Furthermore, the project team will advise approaches to adopt UNFCCC agreements into the domestic legal system based on past experiences of adopting international agreements, including drafting corresponding domestic regulations and proposing implementing agencies. Finally, in terms of international exchange, the project team will work with Ecofys Consultancy to publish a joint analysis paper on the subject of carbon leakage and its impact on Taiwan’s proposed GHG management mechanisms. The Taiwan EPA also plans to invite experts from Ecofys to Taiwan to further discuss Ecofys’ analysis and recommendations and to build partnerships. The project team will also be attending COP19 and other key climate change conferences in Asia with the Taiwan EPA to better understand other countries’ GHG reduction strategy, as well as the latest trends and development with regards to international dialogues on climate change."
proj_year 2013
org_name "Office of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150101

eng_title "Project for Establishing Cities'' Carbon Inventory, Registration and Disclosure Service Platform Syst"
eng_Subject "In order to promote city GHG inventory aggressively, this project will plan for the building of city GHG inventory and carbon disclosure platform with the databank for all cities in our country. At the same time, the project will select 2 cities to conduct their inventory operation by providing them on-site assistance and consultation to register at the city GHG inventory and carbon disclosure platform to show their willingness to reduce carbon. In order to have more cities join the program, the project will also conduct educational trainings and workshops to promote the importance of city GHG inventory and carbon disclosure, as well as through the step-by-step city GHG inventory that creates our low carbon homeland to explore our low carbon international diplomacy. "
proj_year 2012
org_name "Solution integration office"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160831

eng_title "Control of Stationary Sources of Air Pollutions and Overall Policy Planning Project II"
eng_Subject "The project is divided into four key areas: 1. development of stationary pollution control strategies; 2. promote clean manufacturing; 3.establishment of non-odor environment; 4. low risk pre-phase management. The project summarized stationary sources air pollution control and prevention accomplishments in recent years, integrated different stages of progress effectiveness, draw up air pollution control plan progress to scheme strategies continuously, and also modified stationary sources control priorities and aspects to achieve the control goals. The project compiled EPA control directions for the future, helped plan to reduce VOCs emissions from stationary sources, VOCs investigations and guidance of printing trades, and recommendations for stationary sources pollution control in 2011 to 2016. Clean manufacturing, included 1.accuratly collecting air pollution control fee: reporting rate increased from 79% to 100%, and reporting rate through the internet increased from 35% to 100%; total traced back almost 20 million dollars of pollution control fee by going through 2,413 cases review and 1,837 on-site investigations; 2.strengthening VOCs fugitive management: performed reproduction and PID verifications on equipments located at petroleum facilities; assisted semiconductor sector to improveairtight gas collection; performed gas collection efficiency test at tape and PU facilities. Establishment of non-odor environment by targeting on public awareness, included 1. gas station nozzle qualification increased from 86% in 2007 to 92%, complain reporting rate decreased from 11% to 2.1%; 2.302 restaurants which were complained frequently by neighbors had the priority to be examined and assisted, and investigated gas collection performance of 152 restaurants. The action decreased restaurants of 2009 were complained frequently from 162 to 45; also established the joint management mechanism across bureaus of catering industries. Low risk pre-phase management, included 1. high risk sectoral control: examined and consulted dioxins and heavy metals declaration objects, had 16 categories of hazards emissions restrained in stationary source system at the present stage in control, assisted electric industries to strengthen standards and emission reduction negotiations; reviewed and discussed the manufacturing process with Nan Ya Corporation to control 60~80% of Sox and NOx emissions effectively. 2. potential pollution investigation: performed investigations at 1,510 facilities with 115 facilities found with pollutions. Extended inventory and added additional 50 facilities into database."
proj_year 2011
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taipei County"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160701


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_WaterQualityProtection
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title " Enhanced Business and Sewage Sewer Systems Permit and Reporting Management Program"
eng_Subject "The project has been completed and the results are provided. Regarding the improvement of the management of bypass discharge, we propose the key measures such as Provisional Storage and Recycling Management and Concealed Pipe Inspection and Prevention of Recurrence Management. It also reviewed current practice management issues. We drafted 4 regulatory revisions to the permit management regulations, water measures management regulations, by-laws, and penalty criteria, and proposed amendments to the permit (document) application form. We completed checklist filtering and 1 exchange session. We complete the analysis of differences in environmental permit requirements for air, water, waste, and toxics. Establish the framework of environmental permit application review management methods, integration of the application conditions, application for delivery and receipt, documents and procedures, validity period, review principles, methods and periods, correction period, registration matters, issuance of permits, revocation or revocation and permit issuance and extension of the validity period and other provisions proposed draft articles. Completed the study and drafting of the Operating Principles for Integrated Consultation and Review Procedures for Environmental Protection Permits and assisted in the implementation of subsequent supporting operations, including the establishment of a single window and consultation and review mechanism for the issuing authority and related question and answer sets, and consultation services to study and assist in the promotion of single-window permit processing and consultation and review operation processes. Furthermore, we continue to support the EPA in the integration of air, water, waste, and toxics permit records, adjusting the functions of the system, as well as interfacing with industrial management units to track and control unregistered factories and provide tracking results at the beginning of each month. To complete the planning of the 2021 abnormality analysis and diagnosis check project, the proposed list of abnormality analysis and diagnosis check projects and the proposed check order for the consideration of the environmental protection authorities in each county and city. Complete the online operation of the control data management system and the tracking mechanism for the verification of compliance with regulations. Cooperate with the system revision operation for related support; continuously strengthen the information security operation and cooperate with the Supervisory Information Office to maintain the host settings. Meanwhile, the project implementation team has cooperated with the EPA to discuss and assist in administrative matters regarding the various tasks of the project and to analyze data and provide statistical reports monthly for each control project. Finally, we completed the compilation of the 2020 Green National Income Account, 5 bi-monthly e-newsletters, established the Water Pollution Regulation Knowledge Plus LINE community, 3 promotional postings, and a sample guidebook on important water pollution prevention regulations for industries, and held a water pollution prevention workshop."
proj_year 2021
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220115

eng_title " Strengthen Sewage Sewer System Management and Continuous Water Monitoring System’s (CWMS) Transmission Quality Project"
eng_Subject "This is an administrative assisting project with the following goals: 1.To enforce water pollution prevention and effluent control of the industrial parks sewerage systems. 2.To improve the quality of data transmission and control strategy of the continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS). 3.To maintain and better service quality of CWMS’s data transmission system. During the implementation period of this project, we had assisted and planned relevant administrative control tasks, including:(1)finishing relevant control data of the industrial parks sewerage systems for the past 3 years, control measures of the industrial parks sewerage systems refer to 110-year effluent standards, making inventory of self-discharging facilities in the industrial parks and put forward control recommendations , making 5 on-site inspections in the industrial parks, investigating the list of industrial parks without sewage system and exploring feasible alternatives, discussing the division of powers and responsibilities between the industrial parks and the agent operators and make suggestions, drafting industrial parks’ water pollution prevention and control plans and consolidating implementation results.(2)making the facility inventory which should be connected to the EPB and proposing problems and make suggestions, implementing 20 systemic and functional inspections and 10 parallel comparisons inspections of CWMS’s facilities, generalizing the control results of the CWMS’s facilities over the years and modify the CWMS’s systemic and functional inspection table, drafting CWMS’s facility data acquiring and handling system(DAHS) verification system and AI analysis plan(3)upgrading service quality of the CWMS’s data transmission system, waste (sewage) water automatic monitoring facility measure instruction and confirmation report log-in system, establishing transmission data distribution mechanism, connecting relevant systems, assisting in confirming abnormal problems and troubleshooting, supporting technical consultation of CWMS’s connected facilities, maintaining relevant systems, (4)tracking the regulated facilities’ CWMS installing progress, holding 3 education trainings and 1 workshop conference, analyzing the change trend of heavy metal emissions in the industrial parks over the past five years, auditing permit/DMR of the industrial parks sewerage systems and collecting the tracking outcomes by the EPB, statistics the commissioned agency to review the implementation results of the water pollution prevention and control measures plan, cooperating with the Open Data connection of relevant systems, and producing 8 related publicity posts and propaganda. "
proj_year 2021
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

eng_title " In response to climate change, drinking water management and adaptation, regulation and policy reinforcement, and green living promotion program 2021"
eng_Subject "To adjust the drinking water management policies in response to climate change, the aim of this project is to review the drinking water regulations, promote green living and the use of water dispensers on offshore islands, and optimize the Global Drinking Water Website. In order to improve the various management measures of drinking water safety and to promote the public awareness of drinking water green life, this project has collected a series of drinking water management information, and strengthened the dissemination and application of these information. The results of the project implementation are as follows, (1) Research and analyze the foreign country’s drinking water quality management strategies and policies, including (a) division of management power and responsibilities; (b) water quality standard; (c) water quality monitoring and sampling regulations; (d) penalties for exceeding water quality standards. (2) Review the “Drinking Water Management Act” ,such as (a) revise drinking water quality standards in response to natural disasters; (b) management of chemical agents used for drinking water quality treatment; (c) management of stationary continuous water supply equipment for public drinking; (d) information to the public; (e) monitoring and management of emerging contaminants in drinking water. (3) Strengthen the adaption ability and strategy of drinking water risk management, such as (a) establishing “Risk Template” to analyze the impact of drought events on the quality of public water supply; (b) establishing Impact Dashboard and Data Source Table; (c) studying on the countermeasures of volcanic disasters affecting the safety of drinking water; (d) researching on countermeasures against floods and droughts including desalination. (4) Designing the propaganda materials of drinking water green living, and combined with the existing platform resources of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to promote the use of drinking fountains in outlying islands and enhance people’s awareness of green life. (5) Provide the high-quality drinking water and reducing the use of plastic bottles by (a) beautify drinking fountains in Kinmen; (b) set up guiding signs and install counters with Internet of Things (IoT) function; (c) establish drinking water map; (d) host events and activities to promote the use of drinking fountains. (6) Make an animation which topic is Drinking Water and Green Tourism and compile the propaganda materials of drinking water safety. (7) Optimize the website ”Global Drinking Water Website” to improve website visitors experience, which includes (a) collect the latest domestic and foreign information; (b) Responsive Web Design (RWD); (c) Accessible Web development with conformance level AA; (d) display the animations and the propaganda materials; (e) regular inspection of website security, etc. "
proj_year 2021
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

eng_title "Assessing the impact of climate change on drinking water quality and coping strategies 2020"
eng_Subject "The aim of this project is to review the topics of reinforcing drinking-water regulation and policy, and response to the impact of climate change. By assessing the impact of climate change on drinking water quality, we formulated climate change adaptive strategies and conducted the Xiaoliuqiu low-Carbon Island Demonstration Project, improving the utilization of drinking water equipment. Furthermore, this project has raised the awareness of environmental protection and promoted drinking water safety by updating and maintaining the website Global Drinking Water Website. The result of the project implementation are as follows, (1) Examining relevant regulations and policies in the fields of underground water protection, campground-setting, registration and mandatory reporting for public water dispensers. Conclusion and advice were proposed upon receiving feedback for the project presentation from the consulting committee. (2) Analyzing potential impact of climate change manifestation on drinking water quality, which includes temperature and sea-level rising, and floods or droughts that could lead to change in the characteristics and concentration of dissolved organic matter (DOM) or increase the concentration of bromide ions in the water in case of seawater intrusion. (3) Establishing climate change impact assessment, adaptation strategy and risk models using the climate adaptation algorithm, analyzing the impact of threshold- exceeding turbidity caused by heavy rain on water quality in three water-purification plants located in northern and central Taiwan, and proposing adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability, avoid hazards, and reduce exposure, etc. for the preservation object water purification plants. (4) The research and analysis of foreign drought strategies in response to climate change have pointed towards systematic management methods, such as implementing water source distribution, finding alternative water sources, strengthening rainwater collection, improving water efficiency, and increasing water storage capacity. (5) The plastic-free and low-carbon island demonstration project: a. Subsiding the installation of drinking dispensers in Xiaoliuqiu and Penghu areas b. Created a clean, safe and convenient drinking water environment and reduced plastic water bottle wasting by creating drinking water maps, applying colorful adhesive film with slogans on water dispensers , setting up signs and guiding public slogans, installing drinking dispenser counters and Internet of Things, and holding activities to promote various drinking dispensers. (6) Optimizing the website ”Global Drinking Water Website.”, which includes adopting graphic layout, responsive function, setting up keywords to automatically search and display the latest domestic and foreign information, etc., and including animations and promotional cards to improve online visitors experience."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210201

eng_title "The Project of Management of Control Measures Application and Declaration in Wastewater Prevention for Business and Sewage Sewer Systems"
eng_Subject "The primary work and achievement of this project focused on the amendments of regulations for industrial wastewater and sewage sewer system. This project was aimed at probing the practical problems and potential risks that the industries discharged untreated wastewater into surface water, and reviewing the current strategies in wastewater management. Accordingly, five regulations and one application form were amended which included Water Pollution Control Measures and Permit Application Management Regulations (Draft), Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations (Draft), Water Pollution Control Act (Draft), Regulations of Fines and Determination for Water Pollution Control Act (Draft), Water Pollution Control Act Enforcement Rules (Draft) and application form of Water Pollution Permit. Also, this project promoted checking the items approved by technicians, assisting to screen out the cases authenticated by technicians, holding the communication meetings and proposing the procedure of applying specific-factory permit for temporary-registered factories as well as existing-unregistered factories. As for application of Water System, with the early-warning function of pollution management data from Water System, the possible abnormal objects with high-risk factors, declaration data and license registration data (e.g. water quality, water volume, sludge production) were rationally checked and screened out. Base on the abnormal objects mentioned above, this project further assisted to formulate on-site inspection procedures. Moreover, two functions of Water System, the application, examination and inquiry of test-free water quality items and file management of unregistered factories, had been built. In order to cooperate with Taiwan EPA’s integrated operations of air pollution, sewage, waste and toxic chemical substances in factories control, this project assisted to enhance the function of information management system. Lastly, the associated administrative affairs were accomplished, which comprised conducting the water pollution assessment, holding the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, replying the public inquire or request by emails and compiling related regulations, online-learning teaching materials and the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210104

eng_title " Industrial Sewerage System Water Pollution Control and Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) Management Project"
eng_Subject "This is a one year administrative assisting project and with the following goals: 1.To improve the industrial parks sewerage systems water pollution control strategy and effluent. 2.To better the management of the continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS) and enhance function of the CWMS information management system. 3.To supervise the reduction and control measures of the industrial parks sewerage systems ammonia nitrogen. In order to achieve the above three goals, this project’s four main tasks including: (1)improving the industrial parks sewerage systems water pollution control strategy and effluent (2)bettering the management of the CWMS and enhance function of the CWMS information management system(3)promoting the industrial parks sewerage systems ammonia nitrogen reduction and control measures(4)other administrative assisting works. During the implementation period of this project, we carry out the related assisting and planning of administrative control tasks, including:(1)aggregating relevant control data of industrial park sewerage systems of recent 3 years and control measures refer to 110-year effluent standards, proposing self-evaluation report and EPB’s management project of the next year (2)analyzing the difference between the inspection data and the CWMS’s data of recent 3 years and proposing the suggestions for improve the control efficiency, exploring the difference of the CWMS’s data and DMR data of the wastewater pollution fee collection object, completing the CWMS systematic and functional inspections, adding 4 new functions of the CWMS information management system(3)collecting control measures of the industrial parks ammonia nitrogen and holding 5 sites survey and 1 discussing meeting with industrial development bureau, ministry of economic affairs(4)assisting related administrative works, including: CWMS technical consulting, 2 regulation trainings about CWMS, permit and DMR auditing and tracking improvement results, the implementation results of Water Pollution Control Measures Plan of entrusted by the authorities, and assisting Open Data of CWMS to public."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210228

eng_title "Strengthening Pollution prevention and Emission Management Plans for Business and Sewage Sewer Systems"
eng_Subject "The primary work and achievement of this project focused mainly on the amendments of industrial wastewater and sewage sewer system regulations, which was consistent with Taiwan EPA’s current and principal strategies. Accordingly, several involved regulations were amended. The clauses contained Water Pollution Control Act (Draft) and Regulations of Fines and Determination for Water Pollution Control Act (Draft).With regard to reviewing the registration items of permit, the two schemes of presentation were proposed, which were adding a main registration item list in the permit and adding an auxiliary check item list in regulations. Due to potential adjustments of the permit, the amendment of Water Pollution Control Measures and Permit Application Management Regulations (Draft) were also suggested. As for promotion of checking the certifications of technicians, this project assisted to screen out the cases certificated by technicians, hold the communication meetings and complete interfacing the check database with Department of Supervision Evaluation and Dispute Resolution.In addition, researching and analyzing the measures of management, 13 verification mechanisms was established in the managing system for Water Pollution. The verification mechanisms were designed for checking the implement of amended laws and regulations. The function of official report was maintained and revised in management system of Water Pollution. The development of network-operated function for annual report and responsive web page for information disclosure of water pollution were completed as well.Last but not least, in order to cooperate with Taiwan EPA’s integrated operations of air pollution, sewage, waste and toxic chemical substances in factories control, this project assisted to enhance the function of information management system. The associated administrative affairs were accomplished, which comprised conducting the water pollution assessment, holding the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, replying the public inquire or request by emails and compiling related regulations, online-learning teaching materials and the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200131

eng_title "Drinking water safety promotion and Xiao Liuqiu demonstration project of 2019"
eng_Subject "In order to implement its important policy for drinking water management to ensure drinking water safety, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA) has revised and updated its Global Drinking Water Website to provide the public with convenient search for drinking water safety information, as well as held different types of environmental education meetings and activities to strengthen the promotion for public awareness of drinking water safety. In addition, TEPA has also conducted all kinds of promotional activities according to the Xiao Liuqiu Plastic Free and Low Carbon Island Demonstration Plan to facilitate effective uses of drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, to make the island an environmental friendly and plastic free low carbon sustainable development demonstration area. The project has achieved results including: (1) the revision and updating of the “Global Drinking Water Website” with optimized function that incorporates Responsive Web Design to protect the information system’s safety, and the use of watery colors to highlight the webpage’s visual beauty; (2) conduct related promotional activities to facilitate the uses of drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, such as the painting to beautify drinking water fountains at Xiao Liuqiu, the installation of internet of things (IOT) for drinking water fountains to transmit real-time information back, the production of cartoons to promote the use of drinking water fountains on the island, to hold drinking water fountains experience of use activities, flash activities, lucky draws, press conferences, etc. to enhance the effectiveness of using drinking water fountains; (3) the edition of 3 articles of knowledge regarding pollutants often seen in drinking water, including E Coli, Aluminum and Trihalomethanes, to consolidate the promotion of drinking water safety education; (4) the study and analysis of drinking water management related laws and regulations to provide suggestions, such as current status of drinking water management regulations and systems in foreign countries, drinking water quality and safety management for areas with no drinking water supply; (5) to hold drinking water safety and risk communication seminars, exchange activities with international scholars, experts consultation meetings ect.; to complete the work for drinking water safety and environmental education. "
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200103

eng_title "Industrial Sewerage System Water Pollution Control and Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) Management Project"
eng_Subject "This is one year administrative assisting project and with goals as follows: 1. To improve the wastewater pollution control strategy of industrial park sewage systems. 2. To enhance the management strategy of continuous wastewater monitoring system (hereafter refer as CWMS) . 3. To maintain and upgrade the information system of CWMS. In order to achieve the three goals mentioned above, this project’s main four tasks includes:(1)improving the wastewater pollution control strategy of industrial park sewage systems (2)enhancing the management strategy of CWMS(3)maintaining and upgrading the information system of CWMS (4)other administrative assisting works. During the implementation period of this project, we conduct the related assisting and planning of administrative control tasks, includes:(1)analyzing industrial park sewage systems control information of recent years, reviewing the relation of industrial park sewage systems effluent and downstream water quality monitoring stations water quality, consolidation the impact and response about the industrial park sewage systems strict effluent standards, conducting six on-site inspections to find questions and offer improving suggestions (2)executing fifteen CWMS system and performance inspections, planning the monthly report system of CWMS, establishing monitoring data quality review method, consolidating relevant QA/QC regulations about heavy metals CWMS abroad(3)analyzing the CWMS auto-sampling scheme overseas ,assisting the competent authority to trouble-shooting the CWMS deviant data, checking the CWMS hardware and offering upgrading suggestions of the competent authority and giving suggestions about enhancing CWMS data-transport monitoring efficiency(3)providing system optimization proposal in 2019, assisting the local authorities CWMS trouble-shooting 10 times, supporting the maintenance of water pollution control systems(4)assisting relevant administrative control tasks, includes: providing technical inquiry service to the CWMS facility which should be set and installation progress rate to TEPA, holding four times CWMS education training, auditing permit/DMR quarterly, summarizing the consequent of the water-pollution prevention measures projects, and assisting open-data and relevant meetings, etc."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200201

eng_title "Industrail Sewerage System Water Pollution Control and Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) Management Project"
eng_Subject "This is a one-year administrative assisting project, and with three goals as follows:1. To Enhanced the sewerage system pollution control strategy. 2. To improve the recodes transferred by the CWMS. 3. Expand CWMS and report login system functions."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

eng_title "The Industrial Wastewater Permit Application and Database Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "The main work and achievement of this project focus mainly on industrial wastewater regulations amendments, which is in line with Taiwan EPA’s six main strategies on regulation amendments. Several related regulations have been amended accordingly this year, including Water Pollution Control Plans and Permit Applications Review Procedures (Draft), Provide Business Type, Range, Scale For Water Pollution Control Plans Announcement (Draft), Use Online Transmission For Water Pollution Control Plans Permit Application, Change, or Extension, And Law Implementation Guideline Announcement Target and Operation Announcement (Draft), and Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations (Draft). Changes were also made to related application forms for Application, Change, Extension, and Periodic Inspection.About the achievement for the application of wastewater information database system, input spaces of permit application system were modified, livestock wastewater (sewage) plan management system were set up, along with connecting databases of responsible personnel live information. Lastly, the associated administrative affairs are also completed, including conducting the water pollution assessment, hosting the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, compiling the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management and replying the public inquire or request by email."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "Industrial Sewerage System Water Pollution Control and Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) Management Project"
eng_Subject "This is a one-year administrative assisting project, and with three goals as follows:1. To draft the sewerage systems’ pollution control strategy.2. To improve the records transferred by the CWMS.3. To establish the data management center of CWMS."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "The achievement of this project focuses mainly on three areas, including wastewater regulations amendments, industrial wastewater management, and application of wastewater information database systems. About the achievement for wastewater regulations amendments, in response to Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (WPCA Amendments) of this year (2016), several related regulations have been amended accordingly, including Regulations Governing the Establishment and Management of Dedicated Wastewater (Sewage) Treatment Units or Personnel, Regulations Governing the Amount of Penalty Fines for Wastewater (Sewage) Treatment Specialist Staff in Violation of Water Pollution Control Act, Water Pollution Control Law Implementation Guideline, Water Pollution Control Plans and Permit Applications Review Procedures, and The Regulation for total Amount Control of Total Phosphorus in Reservoir and Prohibition of Behaviors Caused Water Pollution (Draft). About the achievement for industrial wastewater management, not only recycling and reusing of the livestock excreta was investigated, the requirement for the industry to install the continuous water monitoring system was amended to expand the scale of the candidate industries that need to install the system, but also the test for wastewater treatment technologies and the flexibility of treatment facility operation were permitted. In addition, the relevant permits and DMR are amended in response to WPCA Amendments and the propaganda materials and the relevant reference manual for promoting these amendments were also established and complied. About the achievement for the application of wastewater information database system, the systematic tool for calculating the benefits from violating the related regulations is created to lower the risk of miscalculating by human. In order to help Taiwan EPA to integrate the data of air pollution, water pollution, waste disposal and toxic materials into a big database, the function in the Environment Management System (EMS) is enhanced. In addition, due to the information disclosure regulation, five public hears for candidate industries were held before the water pollution disclosure platform was fully opened to the public, letting the public to search the related information.Last but not least, the associated administrative affairs are also completed, including conducting the water pollution assessment, hosting the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, compiling the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management and replying the public inquire or request by email."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "Proceeding Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS) and Sewerage System Management Project"
eng_Subject " This project is a administration assisting and regulatory plan for sewerage systems. The major tasks of this project includes four kinds of works, includes: drafting sewerage systems’ total pollution load control strategy; performing Open Data of Continuous Water Monitoring System (hereafter refer as CWMS) to the public; expanding the regulated effluent range of industries, sewerage systems and major offenders that need to install CWMS; promoting the data accuracy of CWMS. This project has accomplished the following outcomes : (1)proposing total pollution load control strategy of sewerage systems(including control suggestions to public sewerage systems and industrial parks’ sewerage systems, and related administrative assisting tasks); (2)performing Open Data of CWMS(including checking mechanism of transmission data; establishing 3 kinds of CWMS’ s data analysis suggestions; planning the availability of CWMS of Big Data and Internet of Things in the future); (3)expanding the regulated effluent range of industries, sewerage systems and major offenders that need to install CWMS(including suggestions about regulation’ s revision; establishing 7 new functions of CWMS; building data exchanging mechanism of CWMS and the managing system for water pollution; and holding 2 training courses); (4)offering suggestions about how to promote data accuracy of CWMS(including checking CWMS’ s data transmission condition once a month; proposing suggestions about how to promote the data accuracy of CWMS; and establishing control system to avoid counterfeit data of CWMS)."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject " The achievement of this project focuses mainly on three areas, including wastewater regulations amendments, industrial wastewater management, and application of wastewater information database systems. About the achievement for wastewater regulations amendments, in response to Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (WPCA Amendments) of this year (2015), several related regulations have been amended accordingly, including water pollution control law implementation guideline, water pollution control plans and permit applications review procedures, permit application fee collection standards, discharge monitoring report (DMR) management regulation, fines executing per violation, notice of the deadline for improvement or correction for violating of “Water Pollution Control Act” and violated fines calculating. About the achievement for industrial wastewater management, the requirement for the industry to install the continuous water monitoring system is amended, aiming to expand the scale of the candidate industry that needs to install the system. In addition, the relevant permits and DMR are amended in response to WPCA Amendments and the propaganda materials for promoting these amendments and the frequently asked questions about implementing these regulations are also established and complied. Moreover, the unexpected data from DMR are picked up and double checked with the authority concerned as well. Based on the check reports provided from these authorities, the intelligent early warning review mechanism is developed. About the achievement for the application of wastewater information database system, the tool for calculating the benefits from violating the related regulations is created and the regular reporting review process is also developed in this database system. In order to help Taiwan EPA to integrate the data of air pollution, water pollution, waste disposal and toxic materials into a big database, the function in the Environment Management System (EMS) is enhanced. In addition, due to the information disclosure regulation, the water pollution disclosure platform is developed for the public to search the related information. Last but not least, the associated administrative affairs are also completed, including conducting the water pollution assessment, hosting the information meetings for promoting each amended regulations, compiling the E-Newsletter for industrial wastewater management and replying the public inquire or request by email."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title "Enhancing Sewerage System Management and Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) Project"
eng_Subject "  This project is an administration assisting and regulatory plan for sewerage systems. The major tasks of this project includes five kinds of works, includes: conducting spot-checking about transmission data’s accuracy of the CWMS and proposing improvement suggestions; assessing the feasibility to enlarge regulated effluent scale to install CWMS, and proposing implement suggestions; providing suggestions for amending CWMS’s regulations; assisting to supervise sewerage systems, and other administrative assistance works.  This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)completing spot-checking of the transmission data of the CWMS’s (including; 20 tests of RATA; Standard Operation Procedure for auditing of transmission data ; and 5 tests of parallel comparing of transmission data (2)completing to assess the feasibility about to what effluent scale of the regulated industries and industrial parks that need to install CWMS and proposing proposals about implemental suggestions(including revision of documentation of CWMS; relevant regulations suggestion; and DMR system’s planning for CWMS)(3)improving and maintaining the CWMS’s systems(including to expand the new function of system of CWMS; holding training course; and offering inquiry service for CWMS)(4)assisting TEPA to supervise the sewerage system(5)completing five different kinds of other administrative assistance works."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

eng_title "Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) and Sewerage System Management Project"
eng_Subject "This project is a master administration assisting and regulatory plan for industrial park and public sewage systems. The major tasks of this project includes five kinds of works, includes: assisting to establish the supporting measures of the Continuous Water Monitoring System(CWMS); upgrading the CWMS data system; offering the administrative technical support of the CWMS and data transmission for TEPB; reviewing the current control status, correlation about the permit and DMR, data consistency analysis, and building management indicators of sewage systems; and other administrative assistance works.This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)establishing the CWMS supporting measures of industrial parks(including regulatory and data transmission’s technical consultation; technical support in situ; 10 tests of RATA; application and Examination manual; and holding training courses (2)upgrading the CWMS data system(including data transmission system from TEPB to TEPA; RATA login and inquiry system; and data base for CWMS’s setting up and application review)(3)offering administrative and technical consultation of the CWMS’s install and monitoring data transmission for the TEPB(4)checking of the current control status, correlation analysis between the permit & DMR, and data consistency analysis of the industrial parks and public sewage system(5)completing five different kinds of other administrative assistance works."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project"
eng_Subject "The aim of this project is to amend wastewater regulations system, which includes review and draft “Water Pollution Control Act”. In order to response to additional articles, this project review and plan the accounting of illegal gains, revenue and expenditure of water pollution fund and violation fines calculating. Moreover, in order to integrate the regulations of training the technical personnel, the project develop the management regulation for wastewater exclusive personnel and agents management measure for application of wastewater pollution permit and testing report.In the part of industrial wastewater management, this project assists to review the revision guidelines of water pollution control measures plan and permit application, also guide the violation businesses to setting CWMS. Moreover, the project screening the abnormal data from sludge report and check with local government, analyze the data from commissioned operator to provide the warning report, and add the management system for port water pollution prevention and pollutant reduction plan.For application of wastewater information database systems, this project has strengthened the functions of abnormal data analysis and improve the function of information management system with EPA’s integration work of air, water, wastes and toxics management system. Moreover, in order to enhance the function of systems, the project provide composite search function and management function for subsequent processing of punishment data. Finally, the project also helps EPA to publicize water pollution control policy and regulations, conduct the water pollution examination and explanation conferences, compile industrial wastewater management E-newsletter and reply public inquire or request by email."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "Public Sewage System Management and Counseling Program"
eng_Subject "  This project is a master administration assisting and regulatory one-year plan for public sewage systems, the main tasks of the project includes: improving the management of permitted public sewage systems, establishing the performance evaluation indicators for assess the efficiency of operation of public sewage systems, drawing up the effluent standards for nutrients in public sewage systems, analyzing feasibility about adoption of CWMS into public sewage systems, and other administrative assisting works including four different kinds of works.  This project has accomplished the following outcomes:(1)establishing eight performance evaluation indicators in three different kinds of categories about regulation, practice, and management for public sewage systems, and carrying out the assessment about the operational performance evaluation of 67 permitted public sewage systems by the data in 2012 (2)drawing up the draft of effluent standards for nutrients in public sewage systems, and conducting analysis in the impact of the enforcement of such draft (3)completing the regulations about the regulated targets of two stage and seven kinds of monitor items about CWMS of public sewage systems(4)carrying out five different kinds of other administrative assistance works."
proj_year 2013
org_name "Department of Water Quality Protection"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20141031


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_RegionalEnvironmentalManagement
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Promotion Plan to Construct Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project 2018"
eng_Subject "Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C (EPAT) had started implementing the “Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Pilot Project” since July 1st, 2014. By the method of encouraging all public to join the program, EPTA can deliver the concept of low carbon and sustainable to public and bring up low carbon lifestyle. Thus, the concept can be transformed into real action, and then construct the low-carbon society. With the essence of competing-with-yourself, this pilot project is implemented with both bottom-up and top-down mechanism, trying to engaging in all the communities, villages, districts and cities/counties. This project also focuses on keeping the program smoothly operating by maintaining the function of all the relevant organization, reviewing the grants programs, oversight and evaluation the effectiveness of the implementation and holding training courses for the related employees. Moreover, this project has designed a reward method for outstanding units in carbon reduction achievement such as providing a carbon reduction improvement as an encouragement. Meanwhile, by integration the achievements and publicity on the internet, the public participation status and low carbon literacy can be strengthened. "
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190301

AU 類自動化技術服務機構登錄合格名單

2014年至2017年通過工業局審查之AU 類自動化服務機構登錄合格業者
來源 : 經濟部工業局-AU 類自動化技術服務機構登錄合格名單
欄位 : 項目、登錄服務項目、廠商名稱、證書號碼、登錄效期、登錄項目明細

項目 57
登錄服務項目 SD-1
廠商名稱 環科工程顧問股份有限公司
證書號碼 104-SD-1-27718879-0168
登錄效期 2017/12/1 00:00
登錄項目明細 SD102溫室氣體盤查、確證、查證與減量服務|SD107產品環境資訊揭露服務|SD108能源管理系統建制及持續改善服務


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalEducation
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2020 Taiwan-US and New Southbound Policy Environmental Education Collaboration Project"
eng_Subject "This project assisted the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in following up the work from 2019 on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program and the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). Moreover, below mentioned tasks are included, the 1st environmental youth leader selection, international environmental issues and education workshop and propose a program in response to the bilingual nation project. Continuous work on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program includes guiding and assisting eco-campuses in certification application and reviewing the green flag level application process. On August 19, 2020, we hold the “2020 US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Workshop” to improve the interaction and skills of eco-campus participatory. We assisted 11 schools reached a silver level, and 15 schools reached a bronze level, there are 5 schools applying for the green flag in 2020. Until February 28, 2021, 52 schools were assisted by e-mail or call-meeting. Cybersecurity of the Taiwan-US Eco-Campus website has also been upgraded, meanwhile, the new webpage is constructed. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the 2020 Global Environmental Education Partnership advisory group meeting was be held on Aug 4th, 2020, and Aug 6th, 2020 by video. The 2020 North American Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference and Symposium was also held by video. In December 2020, the International environmental issues and education workshop was be held in Taiwan, with 30 international students from 15 countries in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. In the meantime, we also completed the First Environmental Youth Leadership selection and ceremony. We selected 5 excellent young people under the age of 30 and completed a youth leadership training workshop in Yilan in January 2021. We will help 5 of them to participate in the global 2021 EE 30 Under 30 competition. Based on the bilingual national policy of the Executive Yuan, we have completed two sessions of English presentation training for simulated participation in international conferences or business seminars, which helps to enhance the international business execution ability of EPA staff. Finally, to support the promotion of environmental education in Taiwan, we have published a folder of environmental education in Taiwan. We hope that environmental education will become a force for change."
proj_year 2020
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210701

eng_title "2019 Taiwan-US and New Southbound Policy Environmental Education Collaboration Project"
eng_Subject "This project assisted the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration in following up the work from 2014 to 2018 on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program and the Global Environmental Education Partnership, pioneering the Taiwan-Vietnam Environmental Education Exchange program, and holding a EU-TW Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar. Continuous work on the US-Taiwan Eco-Campus program includes guiding and assisting eco-campuses in certification application and reviewing the green flag level application process. We assisted 3 schools to apply and obtain the green flag certificate, 13 schools reached silver level, and 23 schools reached bronze level. The US Environmental Protection Agency and the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) also attended the “2019 Taiwan-US Eco-Campus Partnership Program Award Ceremony.” Further, in order to expand the 4 Regional Counseling Groups, we held a workshop training new counselors, aiming to have at least one direct support in each county or city. Cyber security of the Taiwan-US Eco-Campus website has also been upgraded. In collaboration with Vietnam, we assisted in organizing the first environmental education exchange on selected topics. 12 Taiwanese youth under the age of 30 were selected and led by the EPA and 3 advisors to represent Taiwan in the expedition to Vietnam. To support national energy policy and improve effectiveness of environmental impact assessment (EIA) review of offshore wind power through learning from experience and practices of the European Union, we held the “EU-TW Environmental Impact Assessment Seminar.” Aligning with Taiwan EPA’s goal to strengthen cooperation of environmental education in the Asia-Pacific region, this project assisted Taiwan EPA in the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP). This partnership shares global environmental education experience, including Taiwan’s environmental education achievements. "
proj_year 2019
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200520

eng_title "2018 Promoting “Agreement between the US and Taiwan for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection” Environmental Education Program"
eng_Subject "This project assisted Taiwan EPA to follow up the work that had been done during the past three years (year of 2014, 2015 and 2016), and kept guiding and assisting all the registered eco-campuses in Taiwan to apply for the certificate and helped schools, which had paired American counterparts, to communicate with their sister schools if necessary. In addition, 4 Environmental Education and Counseling Groups continue to help schools located in the northern, central, southern and eastern regions of Taiwan locally, the main focus is to promote the core values of eco-campus, as well as encourage more schools who deem the values to be important to also join the eco-campus certification. This year, the educators exchange was temporarily put on hold, however, the 85-paired schools continue to exchange news and updates with each other. The Eco-Campus website in both Chinese and English language, is also being updated periodically, for everyone to read the latest affairs. The website is also a platform for certification application, achievements upload, news releases and relevant matters.Last but not least, in order to assist Taiwan EPA to cooperate with the US EPA to facilitate the Environmental Education Cooperation Program for the Partner Nations around the Pacific Rim, this project also worked on promoting the Global Environmental Education Partnership Program (GEEP), as well as connecting Taiwan to the world."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190228

eng_title "2017 Promoting “Agreement between the US and Taiwan for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection” Environmental Education Program"
eng_Subject "This project assisted Taiwan EPA to follow up the work that had been done during the past three years (year of 2014, 2015 and 2016), and kept guiding and assisting all the registered eco-campuses in Taiwan to apply for the certificate and helped schools, which had paired American counterparts, to communicate with their sister schools if necessary. In addition, 4 Environmental Education and Counseling Groups continue to help schools located in the northern, central, southern and eastern regions of Taiwan locally, the main focus is to promote the core values of eco-campus, as well as encourage more schools who deem the values to be important to also join the eco-campus certification. This year, the educators exchange was temporarily put on hold, however, the 85-paired schools continue to exchange news and updates with each other. The Eco-Campus website in both Chinese and English language, is also being updated periodically, for everyone to read the latest affairs. The website is also a platform for certification application, achievements upload, news releases and relevant matters.Last but not least, in order to assist Taiwan EPA to cooperate with the US EPA to facilitate the Environmental Education Cooperation Program for the Partner Nations around the Pacific Rim, this project also worked on promoting the Global Environmental Education Partnership Program (GEEP), as well as connecting Taiwan to the world."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190131

eng_title "2016 Promoting “Agreement between the US and Taiwan for Technical Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection” Environmental Education Program"
eng_Subject "This project assisted Taiwan EPA to follow up the work that had been done during the past two years (year of 2014 and 2015), and kept guiding and assisting all the registered eco-campuses in Taiwan to apply for the certificate and helped schools, which had paired American counterparts, to communicate with their sister schools if necessary. Moreover, there were 85 Taiwanese schools which were successfully paired with the American eco schools this year (year of 2016). In addition, 4 Environmental Education and Counseling Groups were established, in charge of counseling schools located at the northern, central, southern and eastern regions of Taiwan locally, to help more schools to know this project and become an eco-campus. On the other hand, in order to keep the connection between Taiwanese and American schools, this project not only facilitated Taiwan and American educators exchange activities (the activities of the US delegation visiting Taiwan and Taiwan delegation visiting the states), but kept maintaining the “US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Platform (Chinese version and English version), “ providing a space for all the Taiwanese eco-campuses uploading the related document for certification eco-campus related news, events and having the opportunity to get in touch with the American counterparts. Last but not least, in order to assist Taiwan EPA to cooperate with the US EPA to facilitate the Environmental Education Cooperation Program for the Partner Nations around the Pacific Rim, this project also worked on promoting the Global Environmental Education Partnership Program (GEEP) and the International Kids Making Sense event in Thailand, sharing the achievements and performances of GEEP members’ environmental education projects or programs, as well as connecting Taiwan to the world."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "Promoting “Agreement between the US and Taiwan for Technical Cooperation EE Program "
eng_Subject "Eco-School is an environmental management, certification and sustainable development program for all levels of school (excludes University), and in order to meet the spirit of the UN education for sustainable development, Eco-School also provides the educators the opportunity for integrating the basic principles of promoting sustainability and environmental education elements into school management and the related curriculum. The purpose of promoting Eco-School is to help students to raise their interests towards environmental protection and the knowledge for sustainable development via learning happily and the action-oriented learning method. Based on the statements mentioned above, this project assisted Taiwan EPA to follow up the work that had been done last year (year of 2014), and kept guiding and assisting all the registered Taiwan eco-campuses (Eco-School is the term for the global certification created by Foundation of Environmental Education, but in Taiwan, the term is changed to eco-campus in order to make a difference) to apply for the certificate and helped schools, which had paired American counterparts, to communicate with their sister schools in American if necessary. Moreover, there were 60 schools which were successfully paired with the American eco schools this year (year of 2015). On the other hand, in order to connect the world, this project not only facilitated the bi-lateral experiences exchange activities (the activities of the US delegation visiting Taiwan and Taiwan delegation visiting the states), but established the “US-Taiwan Eco-Campus Partnership Platform,“ providing an online platform for all the Taiwan eco-campuses for uploading the related document for certification and eco-campus related news and events.Last but not least, in order to assist Taiwan EPA to cooperate with the US EPA to facilitate the Environmental Education Cooperation Program for the Partner Nations around the Pacific Rim, this project also assisted Taiwan EPA to keep promoting Global Environmental Education Partnership Program (GEEP), inviting the environmental education experts, representatives for the governments of all GEEP member countries to share the achievement and performance of their environmental education projects or programs, and took these experiences into consideration for the future work of global environmental education related policies and plans."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Comprehensive Planning"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_水質保護
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "強化污水下水道系統管理與廢污水自動監測連線傳輸品質計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為一行政管制協助計畫,計畫目標包括:1.加強工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治及放流水管制。2.精進自動監測(視)設施管制策略。3.維運自動監測連線傳輸系統,並提升系統服務品質。 本計畫執行期間完成相關行政管制工作之協助與規劃,包括:(1)完成工業區歷年管制資料分析、彙整因應新增加嚴標準之工業區作為、盤點工業區內自排事業資料並提出管制建議、辦理5場工業區現場查核、盤點無污水場工業區名單及探討可行方案、探討工業區與代操業者權責分工並提出建議、研擬與彙整工業區水污染防治計畫與成果(2)盤點應連線對象設置狀況並提出問題與建議、辦理20家自動監測設施系統性及功能性查核與10場平行比對、彙整自動監測設施歷年管制成果與研修自動監測查核表、規劃自動監測設施即資料蒐集處理系統驗證制度草案與AI分析方案(3)提升自動監測連線傳輸系統服務品質、廢(污)水自動監測設施措施說明書與確認報告書登錄系統、建置資料分流機制、辦理相關系統界接、協助確認異常問題與排除、支援連線對象技術諮詢、維運相關系統(4)協助應設置自動監測設施對象之設置進度追蹤、辦理3場教育訓練與1場研商會、分析工業區近五年重金屬排放變化趨勢、許可與定檢異常勾稽即地方環保局複查追蹤成果彙整、統計受委託機關審查水污染防治措施計畫執行成果、配合辦理自動監測數據資料公開界接事宜,以及製作8份相關宣導貼文或文宣。 "
proj_year 110
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

chi_title "110年因應氣候變遷飲用水管理調適、法規檢討及綠生活推廣計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫目標為檢討飲用水相關法規,以及推廣綠生活、離島飲水機使用,並同步優化「飲用水全球資訊網」,以因應氣候變遷調適飲用水管理策略。為完善飲用水安全各項管理措施、提升民眾飲用水綠生活意識,本計畫已蒐研飲用水管理制度相關資料,並強化資訊的宣傳及應用。 本計畫執行成果,包括:(一)研析國內外飲用水水質管理制度,如管理權責分工、水質標準規定、水質抽驗規定、違反水質標準有關罰則等進行比較分析;(二)檢討我國飲用水管理條例,如因應天災飲用水水質標準修訂、水質處理藥劑管理、公私場所公眾飲水設備管理、資訊公開、新興污染物監測管理等;(三)探討及強化飲用水風險管理之調適能力及因應策略,包括建立風險模板分析乾旱事件影響公共用水供給品質、建立「衝擊儀錶板」及「資料來源表」、研析火山災害影響飲用水安全之因應對策、研析澇旱水源不均及擴展海淡水水源;(四)透過設計飲用水綠生活運動主視覺圖卡,結合環保署既有平台資源,實際運用於離島地區飲水機設備推廣,以提升國人綠生活意識;(五)更新美化金門地區飲水機彩繪包膜、設置指示牌及物聯網計數器,並建立飲水地圖、辦理各式推廣活動,以提供優質飲水環境和減少瓶裝水之使用;(六)編撰飲用水文宣資料,如飲用水科普小知識、飲水安全宣導推廣圖卡、製作「飲用水綠生活旅遊」為主題之宣傳動畫片;(七)優化「飲用水全球資訊網」,包括規劃設計最新活動資訊功能、響應式網頁、無障礙網頁開發設計等,並納入最新影音、文宣圖卡等內容、網站資安定期檢核等,提升資訊網服務品質。 "
proj_year 110
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220201

chi_title "精進廢污水自動監測連線傳輸品質與污水下水道系統管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為一年期之行政協助施政計畫,計畫目標包括: 一、強化工業區專用污水下水道系統水污染管制策略及排放管制 二、精進水質水量自動監測(視)設施管理,並提升系統服務功能 三、推動污水下水道系統氨氮削減及管制作為 為達上述三項目標,本年度之工作內容包括:(1)強化工業區專用污水下水道水污染管制策略及排放管制(2)精進水質水量自動監測(視)設施管理,並提升系統服務功能(3)推動污水下水道系統氨氮削減及管制作為(4)其他行政協助事項等四類工作。 本計畫執行期間完成相關行政管制工作之協助與規劃,包括:(1)彙整工業區歷年管制資料及針對110年放流水標準之因應作為、研提自評報告格式及年度管理計畫(2)分析近3年稽查與自動監測數值差異及研提管制效益提升建議、探討水污費徵收對象之定檢申報自動監測數據差異、完成15場自動監測系統性及功能性查核、新增自動監測系統服務4項功能(3)蒐集工業區氨氮削減改善作為及辦理5場次工業區氨氮查核與1場研商會議(4)協助推動相關行政管制工作,包含:自動監測技術諮詢、2場自動監測法令教育訓練、許可與定檢異常分析、受委託機關審理水污染防治措施計畫執行成果及配合辦理自動監測資料公開界接事宜。 "
proj_year 109
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210228

chi_title "109年氣候變遷對飲用水水質衝擊評估及因應策略研析"
Chi_Subject "本計畫關鍵課題為檢討飲用水管理制度研析精進策略,並因應氣候變遷之衝擊,藉由評估氣候變遷對飲用水水質生成之影響,規劃我國飲用水調適因應策略,配合小琉球無塑低碳島示範計畫,提升飲水設備的使用效益,優化「飲用水全球資訊網」,並更新相關資訊,提升民眾環保意識及建立國人正確飲用水安全觀念。 本計畫執行成果,包括:(一)檢討飲用水管理法規制度有關之地下水保護區、露營場設置、供公眾飲用之飲水機申請登記等管理措施,並藉由辦理專諮會綜整修正後提出精進策略;(二)針對溫度升高、降雨多寡所導致之水災及旱災、海平面上升等氣候變遷因子,可能會改變水中溶解性有機物質(DOM)之特性及濃度,海水入侵會造成水中溴離子濃度增加等,分析對飲用水水質生成之影響;(三)依循氣候調適演算法建立氣候變遷衝擊評估與調適策略方法及風險模板,分析暴雨造成高濁度超過門檻值對國內北部及中部三處淨水場之水質危害影響,並針對該淨水場保全對象,從降低脆弱度、避免危害、減少暴露等風險面向,提出調適因應策略;(四)研析國外因應氣候變遷調適之乾旱策略,大都朝向系統性的管理方式,如實施水源的調度、尋找替代水源、強化收集雨水、提升用水效率、提升儲水量等方式加以因應;(五)依循無塑低碳島示範計畫,於小琉球、澎湖地區補助設置飲水機,透過建立飲水地圖、飲水機彩繪包膜、設立指示牌及導引公共標語、建立飲水機計數器與物聯網、辦理各式飲水機宣傳推廣活動,以提供乾淨安全且便利之飲水環境,並減少瓶裝水之使用;(六)優化「飲用水全球資訊網」,如圖像式版面、響應式網頁、設定關鍵字自動截取國內外最新資訊等,並納入本計畫所編撰之動畫片影音、文宣圖卡等豐富內容,提升民眾上網查詢之服務品質。"
proj_year 109
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210201

chi_title "事業及污水下水道廢(污)水污染防治措施申請及申報管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水及污水下水道系統法制面之研修,針對現行實務發現繞流風險問題進行深入探討,並同步檢討現行實務管理疑義,提出裁罰準則、水措管理辦法、許可管理辦法、水污法及施行細則等5項法規及許可證(文件)申請表修正欄位。另推動技師簽證查核,協助辦理技師簽證查核案件篩選及辦理查核交流會議,以及研議臨時登記工廠及既有未登記工廠申請特定工廠許可程序。 除行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,配合水污染源管理資料預警功能,對於具有高風險因子者及水系統申報數據與許可登記資料(如水質、水量、污泥產生量等)進行合理性勾稽篩選可能異常對象,進而協助訂定強化現地稽查作業流程,並完成建置水系統免檢測水質項目之申請、審查、查詢及未登記工廠建檔管理2項功能。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。最後並協助完成各項行政作業推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製線上互動教材、水質保護電子報與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 109
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210104

chi_title "強化事業及污水下水道系統污染防治及排放管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水及污水下水道系統法制面之研修,因應環保署本年度修法策略,協助研修「水污染防治法」(草案)及「違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則」(草案)等法令修正作業,並檢討許可登記事項規劃新增許可表單「主要登記事項表」或新增許可辦法附件「輔助查核事項表」等2呈現方案,提出「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法」(草案)修正。另推動技師簽證查核,協助辦理技師簽證查核案件篩選及辦理查核交流會議,並完成與管考處查核資料介接。除行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,配合法令修正完成13項法規落實檢核之系統建置,並維護修正水污資料管理系統公務報表功能,完成年報網路作業功能開發及開發水污染相關資訊公開平台響應式網頁。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。最後並協助完成各項行政作業推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製法規彙編、線上互動教材、事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 108
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200131

chi_title "108年飲用水安全推廣暨小琉球示範計畫"
Chi_Subject "環保署為落實飲用水管理,確保民眾飲用水安全作為施政重點,因此本年度執行飲用水全球資訊網改版更新,方便民眾查詢飲用水安全資訊、辦理不同類型的環境教育會議及活動,強化宣傳民眾重視飲用水安全;另,依據小琉球無塑低碳島示範計畫,辦理各項推廣活動,以提升小琉球飲水機使用效益,並作為環境友善以及無塑低碳永續發展的示範地區。 本計畫執行成果,包括:(一)「飲用水全球資訊網」改版更新及功能優化,以水元素為主要色系,提升視覺美感,功能上符合響應式網頁設計,維護資訊管理系統安全性;(二)辦理提升小琉球飲水機使用相關推廣活動,如美化小琉球飲水機、建置小琉球飲水機物聯網即時回傳使用資訊、製作動畫片加強宣傳島上飲水機使用、辦理飲水機使用之體驗活動、快閃活動、抽獎活動、記者會等,強化小琉球飲水機使用效益;(三)編撰3篇飲用水中常見污染物知識,包括飲用水中的大腸桿菌群、鋁、總三鹵甲烷等,落實推廣飲用水安全教育;(四)研析飲用水管理相關法令,如國外飲用水管理法規制度推動現況、非自來水地區飲用水水質安全管理等,並提出建議;(五)辦理飲用水安全風險溝通研習會議、國外專家學者交流活動、專家諮詢會議等,完善飲用水安全之環境教育工作。 "
proj_year 108
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200103

chi_title "提升廢污水自動監測連線傳輸品質與污水下水道系統管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為一年期之行政協助施政計畫,計畫目標包括: 一、精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染防治管理 二、強化自動監測(視)設施管理策略 三、廢(污)水自動監測(視)資訊維運及功能提升 為達上述三項目標,本年度之工作內容包括:(1)精進工業區污水下水道系統水污染管理(2)強化自動監測(視)設施管制策略(3)廢(污)水自動監測(視)資訊系統維運及功能提升(4)其他行政協助事項等四類工作。 本計畫執行期間完成相關行政管制工作之協助與規劃,包括:(1)分析工業區專用污水下水道系統歷年管制資料、檢視放流口下游水質測站水質之關係、彙整加嚴放流水標準之影響與因應作為、完成6場現場查核作業,並提出問題與改善建議(2)辦理15場系統性及功能性查核、規劃月報機制、建立連線數據品質檢核方式、彙整各國重金屬自動監測數值品保品管相關規定、研析各國水質自動採樣方案、協助機關進行連線資料異常原因確認予排除、盤點地方主管機關連線主機並提出軟硬體更新建議,並提出提升連線傳輸監控效率建議(3)提出108年系統優化建議書、支援地方主管機關自動監測問題排除10場次、協助維運相關水污染管制系統(4)協助推動相關行政管制工作,包含:提供自動監測應設置對象設置進度追蹤及技術諮詢、辦理4場自動監測教育訓練、許可定檢每季異常勾稽、受委託審理水污染防治措施計畫成果統計、協助資訊公開及辦理相關會議等成果。"
proj_year 108
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200201

chi_title "精進廢污水自動監測連線傳輸與強化污水下水道系統管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本 計畫為下水道系統之行政協助管理計畫, 主要工作內容包 括: 制訂污水下水道系統管制推動方案、精進自動監測紀錄值傳輸 作業、完成廢( 污) 水自動監測傳輸紀錄值管制中心、其他行政協 助事項等四類工作。 本 計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下: (一)完成國外管制資料蒐集 及10 場工業區現勘查核並提出管制策略建議(二)完成自動監測系統 性與功能性查核表、提出攝錄影監視設施傳輸精進及修法建議及提 升廢( 污) 水自動監測管理資訊系統功能(三)完成廢( 污) 水自動 監測傳輸水質資訊中心, 並辦理本年度新增統功能之教育訓練(四) 協助推動相關行政管制工作。"
proj_year 107
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

chi_title "工業區水污染與廢(污)水自動監測連線傳輸設施管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為一年期之行政協助施政計畫,計畫目標包括:一、制訂污水下水道系統管制推動方案。二、精進自動監測紀錄值傳輸作業。三、建構廢(污)水自動監測傳輸紀錄值管制中心。"
proj_year 106
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "事業廢水許可申報與資料庫運用管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,因應環保署本年度6大修法策略,協助研修「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法」、「應先檢具水污染防治措施計畫之事業種類、範圍及規模」公告、「應以網路傳輸方式辦理水污染防治措施計畫與許可證(文件)之申請、變更或展延,及檢測申報之對象與作業方式」公告、「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」等法令修正作業,並一併修改相關申請、變更、展延及定檢申報表單。除行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,完成許可表單系統欄位之修正與建置畜牧業廢(污)水管理計畫之系統欄位,及專責人員動態系統資料介接。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。最後並協助完成各項行政作業推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 106
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "事業廢水污染防治措施與資料運用管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,因應水污染防治法之修正,協助研修(訂)「廢(污)水處理專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法」、「廢(污)水處理專責人員違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則」、「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」、「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查管理辦法」、「水庫總磷總量管制區管制方式及禁止足使水污染之行為(草案)」。在事業廢水管理部分,協助研擬畜牧糞尿資源化及應設置自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施對象規模之擴大、開放廢(污)水處理技術試驗及處理設施操作彈性,並配合本年度修正之法規,研修相關許可、申報文件,及建立法規修正宣導教材、編製相關作業參考手冊。除了行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,完成罰鍰額度裁罰準則附表試算系統化作業,降低人為計算造成錯誤之可能性。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。另協助5梯次管制對象進行資訊公開,完成「水污染源資料公開查詢平台」優化。最後並協助完成各項行政作業推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 105
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

chi_title "推動擴大廢(污)水自動監測連線傳輸與污水下水道系統管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫為下水道系統之行政協助管理計畫,主要工作內容包括:訂定污水下水道系統總量管制推動執行方式、辦理廢(污)水自動監測連線傳輸數據資訊公開事宜、推動擴大水質水量自動監測連線傳輸對象與情節重大者建置作業,與提升水質水量自動監測傳輸數據準確性等四類工作。  本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成污水下水道總量管制推動建議(含公共污水下水道及工業區專用污水下水道系統管制建議與相關行政作業協助)(二)完成廢(污)水自動監測(視)資料資訊公開作業(含建置自動監測傳輸資料異常檢核機制、提出3種分析建議、規劃大數據及物聯網未來方向等)(三)完成擴大自動監測連線傳輸對象與情節重大建置作業(含法規修正協助、新增自動監測系統7種功能、建立自動監測系統與水污染源管制資料管理系統資料交換機制,與辦理2場教育訓練等)(四)完成提升水質水量自動監測傳輸數據準確度建議(含每月定期檢視連線狀況、提出相對誤差測試查核準確性精進機制,與建構管理機制度免數據造假等)。"
proj_year 105
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫"
Chi_Subject " 本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,因應水污染防治法之修正,協助研修(訂)「水污染防治法施行細則」、「水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請審查辦法」、「水污染防治各項許可申請收費標準」、「水污染防治措施及檢測申報管理辦法」、「違反水污染防治法按次處罰通知限期改善或補正執行準則」、「違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則」、「違反水污染防治法義務所得利益核算及推估辦法」。 在事業廢水管理部分,協助研擬擴大應設置自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施對象之規模,並配合本年度修正之法規,研修相關許可、申報文件,及建立法規修正宣導教材、編製相關執行問答集。另辦理定期申報勾稽異常名單篩選與彙整地方主管機關確認回報情形,並依回報查核結果完成智慧型預警審查機制開發。 除了行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用,建立不法利得核算推估之支援配套工具,並新增定期申報審查流程管理功能。配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。另因應資訊公開作業規定,完成「水污染源資料公開查詢平台」開發。最後並協助完成各項行政作業之推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 104
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "提升污水下水道系統管理與水質水量自動監測(視)計畫"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫為下水道系統之行政協助管理計畫,主要工作內容包括:抽查連線數據準確度與提出改善建議、研析擴大廢(污)水自動監測(視)及連線傳輸對象之可行性與提出規劃建議、辦理自動監測(視)連線傳輸法制作業事宜、辦理污水下水道系統管制作業,與其他行政協助工作等五類工作。  本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成連線數據準確度抽查予提出改善建議(含20場相對誤差測試、完成數據查核作業程序、執行5場平行比對等)(二)完成研議擴大廢(污)水自動監測(視)及連線傳輸對象之可行性及規劃實施方案(含水質水量自動監測文件修正、相關法規研析及提出修正建議、定檢系統規劃等)(三)強化及維護水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸系統(含水質水量自動監測系統功能建置、說明會辦理、連線技術諮詢等) (四)協助執行污水下水道管理(五)完成5項其他行政協助工作。"
proj_year 104
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

chi_title "自動監測(視)連線傳輸及污水下水道系統綜合管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為工業區及公共下水道之行政協助管理計畫,主要工作內容包括:協助推動自動監測(視)及連線傳輸作業、廢(污)水自動連續監測(視)及連線傳輸系統功能升級、支援地方主管機關辦理自動監測(視)及連線傳輸及提供行政技術諮詢、辦理污水下水道系統管制現況檢核、許可及定檢資料關聯性分析、異常資料分析及建立管理指標,與其他行政協助工作等五類工作。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成協助推動自動監測視相關配套措施(含提供法規、連線技術諮詢與現場技術支援、10場相對誤差測試查核、申請審查手冊,及教育訓練等) (二)完成自動監測(視)系統功能升級(含資料轉入系統、相對誤差測試登錄查詢介面,及設置審查資料庫等)(三)提供地方主管機關辦理自動監測(視)及連線傳輸之行政及技術諮詢(四)辦理污水下水道系統管制現況檢核、許可及定檢資料關聯性分析、異常資料分析及建立管理指標(五)完成5項其他行政協助工作。"
proj_year 103
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

chi_title "事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,除針對「水污染防治法」進行草案條文研擬外,並因應增(修)規定,檢討規劃不法利得核算及推估、水污基金收支、保管及運用方式、違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則等配套重點。另配合環保專責(技術)人員訓練法令之整合,研擬廢(污)水專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法草案,並研析水污染許可及定檢申報代理申請(報)之管理機制。在事業廢水管理部分,本計畫協助檢討水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請文件審查指引,並輔導重大違規對象完成自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施設置。另辦理2批次污泥申報異常名單篩選與彙整地方主管機關確認回報情形,並完成委託代操作資料勾稽預警報表,及新增港口區域污染預防及削減計畫管理系統。除了行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用面,加強系統內部資料庫異常分析比對,並配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。另為提升系統應用功能,完成複合查詢運用介面友善度提昇之改版作業,並配合EEMS系統增修處分後續處理資料管理運用功能。最後並協助完成各項行政作業之推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。"
proj_year 103
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

chi_title "強化事業及污水下水道許可申報管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫已完成主要工作內容及專案成果,在法制面部分,有關繞流排放精進管理對策,提出「假貯留假回收管理」及「暗管稽查與預防再犯管理」等重點對策,並同步檢討現行實務管理疑義,研擬許可管理辦法、水措管理辦法、細則及裁罰準則等4項法規修正條文,並提出許可證(文件)申請表修正欄位建議;技簽查核完成查核名單篩選及1場交流會議。 完成空、水、廢、毒等環保許可規定差異分析。建立環保許可申請審查管理辦法架構,整合申請對象條件、申請送收件、文件及程序、有效期限、審查原則、方式及期間、補正期間、登記事項、核發領證、撤銷或廢止及許可核發有效期限與展延等規定提出條文草案;完成「環保許可整合諮詢會審程序作業原則」之研擬及下達,並協助執行後續配套作業,包括核發機關成立單一窗口及諮詢會審機制之相關問答集,與諮詢服務研議及協助推動許可單一窗口受理及會審諮詢作業流程。 除行政管制措施之研析外,在資訊系統與行政配合作業上,主要持續配合環保署統一推動空水廢毒許可資料整合,進行系統相關測試及功能調整,並與工業管理單位之管理資料介接,持續追蹤管制污染未登記工廠,於每月月初提供追蹤結果;完成辧理110年度執行異常分析診斷查核專案作業事項規劃,產出事業異常分析診斷查核專案建議名單與建議查核順序,以供各縣市環保機關參酌;完成管制資料管理系統之上線作業及法規落實檢核之追蹤機制;配合系統改版作業辦理相關支援;持續加強資安作業並配合監資處公告維護主機設定。同時,計畫執行迄今,期間均已配合環保署針對計畫各項工作內容進行討論及協助相關行政事宜,並針對各項管制專案之相關數據統計即時進行資料分析並按月提供統計報表資訊;完成編製109年綠色國民所得帳、5期電子雙月報、創建「水污染法規知識+」LINE社群、3則宣導貼文及行業重要水污染防治規定之指引手冊範本;辦理水污染防治分享研習會等。"
proj_year 110
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220115

chi_title "公共污水下水道系統管理及輔導計畫"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫為ㄧ年期程之公共污水下水道系統行政協助管理計畫,主要工作內容包括:加強列管公共污水廠管理,訂定績效評估指標,評析操作功效、研訂公共污水處理廠營養鹽放流水標準、分析公共污水處理廠納入自動監測(視)及連線傳輸可行性、與其他相關行政支援等四類工作。  本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)完成公共污水處理廠法令面、實務面及管理面三大面向共計8項績效評估指標之訂定,並完成101年度67處公共污水處理廠操作績效評析作業(二)完成公共污水下水道系統營養鹽放流水標準(草案)之研訂,並提出標準(草案)實施後所造成之衝擊與評估(三)完成公共污水下水道系統納入自動監測(視)及連線傳輸兩階段管制對象與7項監測項目之擬訂,並完成條文草案之撰寫(四)完成5項其他行政協助工作。"
proj_year 102
org_name "水保處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20141031


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalHealth
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "A inspect management Project of Greenhouse gas emissions reporting and accreditation, Validation ,Verification agency"
eng_Subject "Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has implemented bottom-up greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and registration as well as independent verification since 2009. After over 10-year efforts, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act (the Act) was proclaimed as effective legislation since July 1st 2015. According to the Act, national reduction target is 50% reduction of 1995 levels by 2050, which rely on continuously building-up emissions baseline, emission control and reduction induced. Through the Project, “GHG Accounting and Registration Regulations” and “Accreditation Body and Verification Bodies Regulations”(the Regulations) are made in accordance with Article 16 of the Act. The past mandatory GHG accounting, reporting and verification programs are integrated under the Regulations. 2014 GHG inventories are sampled and double-checked under the Regulations-authorized supervision of GHG emission reporters, accreditation body and verification bodies. Existed accounting and verification tools and guidelines are sophisticated and optimized in accordance of the Regulations as well as by tracking and compiling international methodologies, rules and strategies. Toward the future of Cap-and-Trade scheme under the Act, domestic emission allowance strategic proposal has completed, which is the suggestions by comprehensively analyzing international practices and domestic circumstances."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Office of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "The project of drinking water safety education 2017"
eng_Subject "In order to enhance public awareness and knowledge of drinking water safety, the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan has continuously edited drinking water safety education materials, which included video clips, e-books and brochures for the public to download. Following last year’s achievements, this project has made a children’s book for primary school students in fifth and sixth grades. As for the public, brochures were made, which both were to promote the correct knowledge for drinking water safety, and also to boost people’s confidence in public drinking fountains. Moreover, through the promotional activities and presentations, the target audience takes the right information back to the family, where daily environmental protection measures were informed and executed."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

eng_title "The project of Drinking water safety education 2018"
eng_Subject "The project has carried out promotional activities regarding drinking water safety under the Environmental Protection Administration’s drinking water safety education policy to consolidate the Drinking Water Management Act and its related rules with the following achievements: (1) publication of the annual drinking water management report to demonstrate good results achieved through the implementation of the policy, as well as to provide as drinking water safety education material; (2) compilation of 6 articles that provide updated knowledge in newly discovered drinking water pollutants to promote drinking water safety education; (3) investigation of people’s habit in drinking water at public places to help planning to increase the utilization of public drinking fountain; (4) conduct promotional activities in drinking water safety in coordination with the government policy; (5) conduct 4 sessions of drinking water safety workshop to the silver medalist awarded communities selected from the north part Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Program; (6) conduct 1 session of seminar meeting in drinking water safety risk and communication with invited specialists; (7) conduct 2 sessions of consultation meetings with scholars for their valuable opinions. Therefore, the project has completed its tasks through publication of drinking water safety education materials and conductance of promotional activities to assure the implementation of drinking water safety education program."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Department of Environmental Sanitation &amp; Toxic Substance Management"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "109年推動臺灣永續發展目標專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫旨為協助環保署兼辦國家永續發展委員會秘書處業務,希冀結合部會(行政院所屬二級機關)與地方政府共同檢視永續發展推動成果,供作2022年國家自願檢視報告(Voluntary National Review, VNR)編撰之基礎。 為啟動政府機關推動臺灣永續發展目標(Taiwan’s Sustainable Development Goals,T-SDGs)工作,採架設方法與工具出發,過程中透過辦理兩場次專家諮詢會議及兩場次部會研商會議進行意見蒐整,並回饋以完成政府機關推動T-SDGs執行方案及撰寫指引;且針對部會及地方政府辦理各一場次「臺灣永續發展目標能力建構研討會」,提升政府機關識能,以利其於組織內部展開推動工作;此外,本計畫蒐整國內外永續發展目標相關資訊,完成政府永續發展現況分析報告、三式推動教材及一式教學影片;且協助環保署透過110年度績效考核計畫輔導,掌握地方政府T-SDGs推動情形,並研提111年度考核計畫草案,供環保署下年度推動地方政府管考之參據。"
proj_year 109
org_name "永續發展室"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210930

chi_title "108年度低碳永續家園評等精進計畫"
Chi_Subject "為提升全民氣候變遷認知,動員全民共同參與低碳永續家園工作,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)自104年推動「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」,透過自主參與機制,動員村里社區執行低碳永續行動項目;地方政府亦在政策推動下,形成運作良好的專責推動組織,並串聯中央政府、村里社區、企業、非政府組織等資源,長期經營低碳永續行動項目與教育宣導,引導民眾從日常生活中積極實踐低碳行動。 為精進低碳永續家園評等制度並擴大民間組織及企業等單位共同參與低碳行動,本計畫研析建立企業參與之誘因,評估能源服務業及社區規劃師在適度的技術資訊交流後,對於推動我國低碳社區運作可具影響力,及提出調整及增加部分與城市降溫與建築綠化相關之行動項目,可為後續精進方向。透過維運低碳永續家園評等制度、相關地方補助計畫審核與管考工作、辦理人員能力培訓課程或研商會議、辦理頒獎典禮、整合推動成果於低碳永續家園網頁宣傳等方式,整合低碳永續家園評等制度之成果及強化地方政府之推動量能。 "
proj_year 108
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200831

chi_title "109年低碳家園策進與示範推廣計畫"
Chi_Subject "為提升全民氣候變遷認知,動員全民共同參與低碳永續家園工作,行政院環境保護署自104年推動「低碳永續家園評等推動計畫」,透過自主參與機制,動員村里社區執行低碳永續行動項目;地方政府亦在政策推動下,形成運作良好的專責推動組織,並串聯中央政府、村里社區、企業、非政府組織等資源,長期經營低碳永續行動項目與教育宣導,引導民眾從日常生活中積極實踐低碳行動。 本計畫為提升我國因應氣候變遷推動策略,研析國際城市或社區因應氣候變遷創新作法與發展趨勢,據以研提低碳家園評等推動之新作為及新行動項目,同時鼓勵績優單位依據在地之氣候問題提出因地制宜解決方案,並研析國際低碳家園國際相關獎項,研擬我國績優單位參賽方式。本計畫持續透過維運低碳永續家園推動體系、評等制度、研商會議、補助計畫與管考工作,強化低碳永續家園建構,同時也透過頒獎典禮、創意行動競賽及推動成果網頁公開宣傳方式,具體提升全民參與程度與民眾低碳素養。 "
proj_year 109
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210301


由宜蘭縣政府環境保護局提供宜蘭縣環保局環保大事記(CSV, XML, JSON格式資料)
來源 : 宜蘭縣政府-宜蘭縣環保局環保大事記
欄位 : 事件日期、承辦科室、事件內容摘要

事件日期 20180419
承辦科室 水污染防治科
事件內容摘要 於宜蘭縣教師研習中心3樓電腦教室辦理107年度辦理畜牧業廢(污)水排放許可證文件操作說明會,邀請對象為本縣畜牧業者約60人,邀請環科工程顧問股份有限公司林凡如工程師擔任講師,講習內容為許可電腦上機教學及畜牧業定檢申報注意事項等。


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_國際性議題
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "「溫室氣體相關方案檢修精進」專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫主要係協助環保署進行溫室氣體相關方案之檢修精進工作,蒐研國內外氣候變遷政策法規與溫室氣體減量計畫,研提溫室氣體排放管制行動方案減量策略與評量指標之精進建議,並掌握地方政府溫室氣體管制執行方案,研提修訂建議及後續因應作法,供環保署參考。   依溫室氣體減量管理法第九條、第十條及第十五條規定,協助彙析行動方案與執行方案之達成情形,提出未達成項目之因應作法或精進建議,以撰擬成效報告。   相關工作包含定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站、協助強化宣導溫管法與相關方案之執行成效、擴充溫管法相關方案成果管理平台系統功能,以促進溫室氣體減量及管理法之公眾溝通及宣傳相關政策與法規進展。"
proj_year 109
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210115

chi_title "溫室氣體減量及管理制度檢討研修計畫"
Chi_Subject "  「溫室氣體減量與管理法」自民國104年7月1日經總統令公布施行後,以減量目標為核心,結合中央與地方政府所擬定各項方案、產業進行溫室氣體盤查及減量工作、民眾參與低碳家園推動減量措施,並輔以調適行動方案,架構我國因應氣候變遷整體策略。   有鑑於近年氣候變遷問題愈趨嚴重,導致國際間減碳訴求聲浪愈趨緊急,我國亦展開溫室氣體減量及管理法修法工作,檢討既有減量與管理制度。   本計畫今年工作主軸分為「檢討我國溫室氣體減量與管理制度」、「研議推動溫室氣體排放源許可及設立專責人員制度」、及「研議建置推動溫室氣體減量經濟誘因制度及完備政策工具」等三大項目。各項目執行成果包含(一)蒐研國際間溫室氣體減量政策及法令;(二)研提溫室氣體減量及管理法修正草案,並進行衝擊評估及擬具說帖;(三)研提溫室氣體排放管理計畫審查辦法及管制對象草案;(四)研提溫室氣體管理專責人員草案,並評析其效益及可行性;(五)蒐研國際間碳定價制度相關資訊;(六)研提溫室氣體排放管理費徵收草案並提出我國碳定價政策管制作為建議;(七)完備總量管制及排放交易制度配套子法等項目。 "
proj_year 109
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210301

chi_title "109年臺日環境保護交流與合作專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "為強化臺灣與日本之環境保護交流合作,本計畫協助辦理第九屆臺日環境會議。此次會議交流議題除參考環保署各提案內容,也透過本計畫蒐集日本與我國當前之政策執行重點。本屆交流定案內容包括「環境教育」、「氣候變遷相關推動政策」、「跨境空氣品質管制」,以及「風機環境影響評估流程簡化」等四項議題。會議中日本除承諾持續針對本次議題交流合作,也將積極參與亞太環境教育中心相關事務,並預定下一屆臺日環境會議於2022年上半年舉行。最後,本計畫針對臺日歷屆環境交流情形,以及兩國對外之雙邊與多邊合作內容提出未來可施行之階段性合作規劃。"
proj_year 109
org_name "永續發展室"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210601

chi_title "溫管法暨相關方案檢討修訂推動專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要係協助環保署落實溫室氣體減量推動方案之檢討修正溫室氣體減量相關法規之推動工作,蒐研國內外溫室氣體減量相關法規,檢視溫室氣體減量管理法及相關政策制度實施情形,研提修正草案建議與法制化作法,協助排除制度障礙以擴大溫室氣體減量推動作為,供環保署參考。  依溫室氣體減量管理法第九條、第十條及第十五條規定,協助研提國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領之檢討分析、溫室氣體減量推動方案修正草案及溫室氣體排放管制行動方案修訂建議,彙整執行排放管制成果報告重點,並協助環保署審查與彙整地方政府訂修之溫室氣體管制執行方案。  相關工作包含定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站、建置英文版法規資訊網站、研析國際公眾溝通作法提出建議、協助更新國際間介紹我國溫室氣減量管理相關資訊之網站內容、印製相關彙編書冊,以強化溫室氣體減量及管理法之公眾溝通及宣傳相關政策與法規進展。"
proj_year 108
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191231

chi_title "溫室氣體管制執行方案與法制整合推動專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要係依溫室氣體減量管理法第9條、第10條及第15條規定,協助環保署建置前述條文所指相關方案成果管理平台、彙整各部門行動方案推動成果,製作成果報告及建議改善事項。此外,製作訂修溫室氣體管制執行方案撰擬參考資料,供地方政府參考,並研擬執行方案之審核標準作業程序。相關工作尚包括協助盤點溫室氣體減量管理相關法規,研提溫室氣體管理法制政策建議及研擬國內溫室氣體減量協力合作機制,提供環保署參考;定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站,編譯溫室氣體減量推動方案及摘譯部門溫室氣體排放管制行動方案英文版,印製相關資料與彙編書冊,以強化溫室氣體減量及管理法之公眾溝通及宣傳相關政策與法規進展。"
proj_year 107
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190306

chi_title "溫室氣體減量推動方案及配套法規制度建置研析"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫參酌國際間部門別短中程溫室氣體減緩政策作法,整理國內部門別減量策略現況,依據國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領政策內涵,協助訂修溫室氣體減量推動方案(草案),提出六大部門減量策略、八大政策配套及其對應評量指標,並研提部門別行動方案架構與推動措施建議。  另蒐研歐盟及日本等國家中央與地方政府層級之減緩措施分層管理作法;盤點國內中央部會及地方政府與溫室氣體管理相關之法規、自治條例與自治規則,研提溫室氣體管理法制政策建議及研擬後續因應作法,供環保署參考;除研擬利用訂定碳定價方式促進能源使用端之溫室氣體減量經濟誘因,並強化溫管法之管制工具。  為強化宣傳溫管法相關政策與法規進展,除彙整摘譯國際溫室氣體減量法規措施資訊,亦蒐集國內相關部會溫室氣體減量相關政策及法制最新訊息,雙月製作溫室氣體法規動態新聞電子報導,每季發行溫室氣體減量政策推動英文,並定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網站。"
proj_year 106
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

chi_title "建構總量管制下溫室氣體排放源之盤查登錄及查驗規範"
Chi_Subject "本計畫依循溫室氣體減量及管理法第16條規定,基於過往行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)自民國93年推動由下而上之溫室氣體排放量盤查登錄及第三者獨立查驗管理機制經驗及成果,協助執行民國106年度相關依法行政工作。此外,本計畫亦綜整國際作法與國內現況,研提後續政策推動建議。   本計畫已綜整分析民國104年度及105年度依法盤查納管情形,分析近3年排放趨勢,完成彙編民國104年度報告,並針對民國104年度前10大納管業別登錄資料,跨業別進行製程排放勾稽。同時,協助環保署執行排放源查核相關監管與認證機構及查驗機構資格審查及稽查監督作業,合計執行147件書面審查及46場次現場作業。另協助維護盤查登錄、查驗與查核工具(包含指引、答客問、工作表單及訓練教材內容)、更新及維護國家溫室氣體盤查登錄平台系統功能、編撰4期溫室氣體電子報及英譯依溫管法第16條規定所訂定之3項法規公告。最終採參考歐盟、美國、中國、日本、韓國等5個國際因應總量管制之盤查登錄與查驗規範作法之蒐研回饋,結合我國現況,研析我國盤查登錄與查驗機制階段精進建議,包含增修管理辦法、擴增盤查資料填報欄位、設計簡易盤查及查證作法、查驗指引內容列入查驗機構評比項目,強化查驗機構評比結果應用性等滾動式優化方向,以能源消費排放與減量責任為考量之擴大納管方向與配套建議,及配合我國總量管制及減量獎勵政策與再生能源憑證制度推動之因應建議。"
proj_year 106
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "推動地方政府溫室氣體盤查與因應氣候變遷調適策略專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫5年來彙整國際城市氣候管理資訊,回饋建立國內盤查機制並輔導縣市參與國際事務。延續民國101到103年輔導經驗,104年首度全面推動22縣市盤查作業;105年延續中央地方合作執行機制,積極協助地方政府掌握排放源,完成101至103年行政轄區溫室氣體盤查與平台登錄,並分析縣市盤查結果,掌握縣市排放變化趨勢與影響因素。本計畫研析結果顯示,全臺人均排放量約為12公噸CO2e,雲林縣(>25公噸CO2e)與金門縣(<3公噸CO2e)分別為全臺人均排放最高與最低。再者,雖全臺縣市電力使用量普遍仍為增加,但多數縣市工業電力用量上升幅度逐年趨緩。本計畫釐清縣市各部門排放活動相關之社經因子,以迴歸模型建構我國縣市行政轄區排放量推估預測工具,並完成臺北市及高雄市2030年排放量推估預測。本計畫參考國際城市氣候揭露計畫作法並考量我國溫室氣體減量及管理法對地方管制執行方案內容規範,初擬我國地方政府氣候變遷資訊揭露考核準則,並完成國內外4座城市試評作業。有鑑於國際城市氣候治理減緩與調適並重之趨勢,本計畫彙整國內外城市調適規劃執行現況,並輔導新北市參考科技部「氣候變遷調適科技整合研究計畫」(TaiCCAT)六步驟,以強化風險評估、行動規劃與調適策略方案評估結果。依據今年度新北市界定之健康及水資源關鍵議題,本計畫研提7項健康及4項水資源強化方案及最適路徑,建議短(民105-110年)期內分別優先建置風險預警系統及雨水儲集系統。本計畫延續101至104年度成果,105年配合全面推動縣市盤查作業,大幅精進城市碳揭露平台登錄頁面功能,完成22縣市登錄至少4年度行政轄區盤查數據。101至104年間共辦理14場次平台操作訓練會及41場次縣市盤查說明會,超過3,600人次參與;105年完成辦理2場次平台登錄訓練課程,另協助2縣市辦理盤查教育訓練共3場,累計與會人員約680人,充分宣導城市溫室氣體盤查概念。105年12月辦理成果交流會,邀集各縣市環保局業務承辦人員,說明本年度計畫執行成果,並邀請縣市分享推動經驗與意見回饋。"
proj_year 105
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

chi_title "溫室氣體總量管制制度建置計畫(第2年)"
Chi_Subject "溫室氣體減量及管理法(簡稱溫管法)自104年7月1日通過實施,行政院環保署依據溫管法授權,陸續完備溫管法第18條第2項啟動總量管制需建置之要項,包含盤查、查證、登錄制度。本計畫依該項與第20條、第21條授權,持續協助環保署建立核配額、抵換、拍賣、配售及交易制度相關配套子法,以完成我國總量管制及排放交易制度建置,並研提減量對策之精進做法。  本計畫今年工作主軸分為「研提溫管法第三章減量策略精進作法」、「檢討修訂總量管制與排放交易相關子法」及「國際交流與資訊蒐研」等三大項目。各項目執行成果包含(一)研提溫室氣體總量管制目標設定方式及目標情境;(二)研析標竿值並量化分析核配結果;(三)研提可增列之管制策略建議;(四)完備總量管制與排放交易制度相關子法草案;(五)研擬排放源帳戶管理及交易配套;(六)蒐研彙整國際間溫室氣體總量管制與排放交易相關法制制度;(七)與德國進行排放交易制度建構技術交流等項目。"
proj_year 108
org_name "環管處"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200520

chi_title "105年臺中市溫室氣體減量暨國際交流會議推動計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫已依合約規定期程完成各工作項目之執行,期末報告進度 已達 100%,區分為六項重點工作成果,包括:(一)蒐集國外推動溫 室氣體減量之發展策略(已完成 2 式),作為後續推動相關策略參考; (二)辦理公寓大廈省電照明補助作業(已完成 110 處審查)、辦理市立 學校節能減碳設施設置補助作業(已完成 24 件審查)、辦理低碳社區認 證作業(已完成 10 處輔導);(三)配合本市自治條例辦理臺中市政府自 主管理計畫審查作業(已完成 5 場次)、協助本市擬訂植樹碳匯量計算 方法,完成蒐集及評估碳匯相關研究報告(已完成 3 式)、辦理植林碳 匯專家諮詢會議(已完成 2 場次)、辦理本市植樹場域調查(已完成 10 處);(四)依照環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」,辦理本市公 私場所溫室氣體定期申報審查作業、現場抽查公私場所排放資料正確 性確認(已完成 69 處)、推估前 200 大溫室氣體排放量等,以掌握產業 排放現況;(五)彙整本市城市層級之轄區地理邊界溫室氣體排放現況 (已完成 3 式),盤查結果由第三者查驗機構進行認證;(六)配合環保 署績效考評作業,辦理節能減碳推動計畫之補助作業、環保署減碳行 動獎申請、節能減碳宣導活動(已完成 10 場次)、每月更新環保署綠網 推廣作業等,前述各溫室氣體減量管理作為已於臺中市紮根,並逐步 朝向未來中部「低碳生活圈」之綠色願景。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

chi_title "104年臺中市低碳社區推動計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫已依合約規定期程完成各工作項目之執行,期末報告進度已達100%,區分為六項重點工作成果,包括:(一)蒐集國外推動溫室氣體減量之發展策略(完成2式),作為後續推動相關策略參考;(二)辦理公寓大廈省電照明補助作業(完成255處審查)、辦理低碳社區認證評比作業(完成19處)、追蹤歷年輔導對象改善情形(完成50處)、辦理公商業部門輔導作業(完成10處);(三)針對「臺中市碳抵換辦法(草案)」、「臺中市政府自主管理計畫審查委員會組織規程(草案)」等,提出相關之策略擬定及修法建議;(四)依照環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」,辦理本市公私場所溫室氣體定期申報審查作業(完成6式)、現場抽查49處公私場所排放資料正確性確認、推估前300大溫室氣體排放量等,以掌握產業排放現況;(五)完成本市政府機關組織邊界之溫室氣體排放現況調查,以及彙整本市城市層級溫室氣體排放資料、輔導2018花博活動永續管理及碳中和;(六)配合環保署考核及節能減碳績效評比作業,輔導及追蹤本府50處機關辦理十大無悔措施成效、辦理6場次節能減碳宣導活動、執行會議碳中和作業等,前述各溫室氣體減量管理作為已於臺中市紮根,並逐步朝向未來中部「低碳生活圈」之綠色願景。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160401

chi_title "103年臺中市溫室氣體減量暨低碳社區推動計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫係屬延續性計畫,透過減碳策略研擬,減碳行動的執行、減碳宣導等,協助打造低碳社區,建構臺中市成為低碳城市。今年度計畫所執行的相關工作分為五大重點,第一、蒐集及調查國際間各城市之溫室氣體減量發展策略資料,提供最新資訊與建議;第二、辦理低碳社區改造作業及及低碳城市推動策略與管考項目,落實節能減碳成效;第三、辦理本市溫室氣體管制及工業部門盤查,掌握列管公私場所溫室氣體排放量;第四、配合環保署節能減碳績效評比作業,查核十大無悔措施、配合永續家園推動;第五、辦理會議、教育宣導活動及媒體宣導,辦理相關宣導活動、夏令營、廣播託播等,以協助環保局順利執行溫室氣體減量及推動低碳社區。一、蒐集及調查國際間各城市之溫室氣體減量發展策略資料完成蒐集國內五都及國際氣候變遷議題之相關資訊,提供環保局相關因應措施建議。完成臺北市、新北市、桃園市、臺南市及高雄市之推動溫室氣體減量之亮點政策,以及碳預算、調適策略研究─哥本哈根、城市運輸系統能源效率改善策略、建築物之溫室氣體管制、城市溫室氣體管理及減量策略等議題分析,最後則彙整提出對臺中市綜合意見概述。二、辦理低碳社區改造作業及及低碳城市推動策略與管考項目完成辦理低碳社區補助改造作業及建立本市社區評比競賽機制(包括修正「臺中市低碳社區改造」補助計畫、辦理低碳社區改造補助作業、建立社區評比競賽機制事項)、辦理公/商業部門輔導作業及彙算歷年受輔導單位減碳成果(包括針對商圈商店或其它環保局指定場所進行盤查整體能源使用評估、協助綠行動商店之減碳量量化公式撰擬及機制建立)、辦理歷年執行之社區、機關、學校或商圈商店等之節能改善追蹤成果(包括追蹤102年度住宅社區及住商部門輔導執行對象改善情形、追蹤102年度認證之低碳社區與低碳超商之現況)、彙整臺中市城市層級、政府機關之溫室氣體排放資料及彙整本局各科推動低碳城市計畫進度追蹤(包括整合臺中市102年度各部門別溫室氣體排放資料、彙整政府機關組織邊界溫室氣體排放現況、彙整及評析最新本市與國內外城市之溫室氣體排放量及人均排放量之變化趨勢比較、配合低碳辦公室管考提供相關管考資料)等,並配合低碳辦公室管考作業,進行逐年檢討並修正,力求完善。三、辦理本市溫室氣體管制及工業部門盤查完成辦理本市溫室氣體管制之策略擬定及配合自治條例之管制相關業務(包括研擬本市低碳發展相關管制策略、規劃低碳城市專章送審案件標準作業流程及查核/檢點表、辦理能源管理系統教育訓練)、輔導公私場所申請環保署抵換專案作業、辦理工業部門源溫室氣體盤查(包括進行臺中市固定污染源資料推估102年溫室氣體排放量前500大公私場所、進行現場抽查51家範疇一直接排放源及範疇二電力排放源之固定能源排放量正確性、進行本市納管第一、二批公告名單之申報審核作業、辦理3場次企(產)業溫室氣體盤查相關說明會議、辦理ISO50001能源管理系列及ISO 14064溫室氣體確/查證服務系列培訓課程)等,用以建立本市溫室氣體管制有關策略,並確實掌握本市溫室氣體排放量等資料。四、配合環保署節能減碳績效評比作業配合環保署節能減碳績效評比作業,辦理追蹤彙整十大無悔措施具體落實績效、推廣宣導民眾參與綠網登錄、配合環保署辦理節能減碳宣導活動、配合環保署執行十大永續家園推動方案、配合環保署「節能減碳行動標章」活動申請辦法相關作業、辦理節能減碳其他相關作業、協助辦理環保署經費補助及核銷作業、協助本年度低碳區里申請案件之補助及核銷作業、配合環保局空污計畫考核工作等,以落實節能減碳之宣導工作。五、辦理會議、教育宣導活動及媒體宣導完成辦理有關之會議、教育宣導活動及媒體宣導等業務等,執行成果包含辦理節能減碳相關宣導活動、製作宣導立板及旗幟、辦理媒體宣導作業、配合蒐集國際相關活動最新資料與接洽國際事務等,並依工作進度逐項完成執行。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150401

chi_title "提升我國溫室氣體認證及查驗管理制度專案工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要延續過去執行績效,遵循今年甄選須知所規範目標,於現行「溫室氣體檢驗測定及查驗機構管理辦法」(以下簡稱管理辦法)法制管理架構及認證與查驗管理制度基礎上,掌握國際查驗管理機制及關鍵策略。同時考量我國認證及查驗推動目標,持續強化我國溫室氣體查驗管理制度,提升查驗品質,以支援環保署及整體國家未來政策之推行。本計畫主要重點工作如下:(一)蒐研國際認證及查驗管理最新發展趨勢,建立雙邊交流及多邊交流可行性及管道基礎,並蒐研國際產業盤查及監檢測規範現況與效益,評估我國產業增列內外產銷之必要性,提供環保署未來推動相關規範政策之決策參考。(二)建置認證及查驗管理相關配套作業程序及文件手冊,同時研訂查核指引,並協助更新查驗人員訓練班教材,辦理認證機構資格及查驗機構資格申請案審查及20件許可證核換發作業。此外,協助成立7名專家之技術小組,辦理8場次認證機構及查驗機構稽查作業,並完成查驗機構評比指標研擬、模擬及評比報告,據以檢討認證及查驗管理機制。(三)完成國家登錄平台子系統各功能及列管污染源系統資料庫之連結與整合,並擴增溫室氣體排放量申報之地理資訊應用系統及申報管理功能。"
proj_year 103
org_name "溫室氣體減量管理辦公室(停用)"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150701

chi_title "建置溫室氣體減量及管理專法配套制度與效益評析"
Chi_Subject "本計畫參酌英國、德國、法國、日本、南韓及中國大陸等各國之氣候變遷政策推動計畫或部門別溫室氣體減緩政策進展,研提國家因應氣候變遷行動綱領中、英文版(草案)與溫室氣體減量推動方案(草案);蒐研歐盟、南韓、美國加州及中國大陸等各國或區域施行碳定價之相關法令內涵及推動經驗,研擬三項總量管制及排放交易制度之子法草案,並作為未來推動溫室氣體總量管制及排放交易機制之參考。為即時提供企業及民眾有關溫室氣體減量及管理法規最新進展,除蒐研國內外氣候變遷相關資訊定期更新國家溫室氣體減量法規資訊網外,亦彙整國內外相關法規與政策進展,每月製作溫室氣體法規動態新聞電子報導,每季發行溫室氣體減量政策推動英文電子季刊,以強化宣傳相關法規與政策。國際交流合作方面,本計畫與國際智庫ICF Consulting Services合作進行專題合作,藉此獲得國際間與本計畫相關議題研究上之最新資訊以及該單位協助其他國家之推動經驗,並藉由參與國際重要會議,掌握國際氣候談判最新進展與南韓推動排放交易制度之經驗,以供國內相關子法與制度研擬之參考。"
proj_year 105
org_name "溫室氣體減量管理辦公室(停用)"
exe_unit "環科工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

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